BTC Is a Fork of Bitcoin Cash, Says US Govt Standards Agency NIST » Into Crypto News –


75 Copyright on text and image: “Technically, Bitcoin is a fork and Bitcoin Cash is the original blockchain,” according to a draft report on blockchain technology by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The wording is bound to see feathers ruffled and teeth bared in Bitcoin’s ongoing Scaling War. Government Agency Attempts…

Ripple (XRP) Price Tops $0.91


Ripple (XRP) Price Tops $0.91 Posted by Stephan Jacobs | Feb 22nd, 2018 Ripple (CURRENCY:XRP) traded down 11.4% against the US dollar during the one day period ending at 21:00 PM E.T. on January 31st. Ripple has a market capitalization of $35.33 billion and approximately $896.52 million worth of Ripple was traded on exchanges in…

SingularDTV Price Down 23.7% This Week (SNGLS)


SingularDTV (CURRENCY:SNGLS) traded 13.7% lower against the dollar during the one day period ending at 20:00 PM E.T. on February 22nd. One SingularDTV token can currently be bought for approximately $0.10 or 0.00001086 BTC on exchanges including OKEx, Braziliex, EtherDelta and CryptoDerivatives. SingularDTV has a total market cap of $62.99 million and approximately $3.20 million…

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