Samsung Electronics Announces First Quarter 2018 Results


WhatsApp Samsung Electronics posted KRW 60.56 trillion in consolidated revenue and KRW 15.64 trillion in operating profit for the first quarter of 2018. First quarter revenue was primarily led by Samsung’s Memory Business and increased sales of its flagship mobile products, including the Galaxy S9. Total revenue grew approximately 20 percent YoY to KRW…

Let’s destroy Bitcoin


In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto served the world an entirely new kind of currency. It was one that people could move over the internet instantaneously and nearly free of charge. Issued and distributed not by a central bank but by its own users, it drew the drapes of privacy around financial transactions while making forgery—in theory,…

Cryptocurrency Is Not Just a Boys’ Club


Twitter When dinner conversations turn to cryptocurrency, as they often do these days, I brace for a grilling, because I’ve been a reporter covering the topic for six years. “Do you own any?” “Is it too late to get rich?” “What’s the next big coin?” The answer is always the same: I’m neither an investor…

Civic Tops 1-Day Volume of $11.19 Million


Posted by David Glaser on Apr 23rd, 2018 // No Comments Civic (CURRENCY:CVC) traded 14% higher against the US dollar during the one day period ending at 0:00 AM ET on April 22nd. In the last seven days, Civic has traded up 21.5% against the US dollar. Civic has a total market capitalization of $144.53…

Turkey is succumbing to collective insanity


DemocracyPost Opinion Opinion Interpretation of the news based on evidence, including data, as well as anticipating how events might unfold based on past events Turkey is succumbing to collective insanity by Asli Aydintasbas by Asli Aydintasbas April 23 at 5:28 PM Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan poses with students on Monday at the Presidential Palace…

The Ancient History of Bitcoin


Finance The Ancient History of Bitcoin Cryptocurrencies may seem brand-new and disruptive, but look to the past and it’s clear they can be regulated. By @petercoy More stories by Peter Coy Illustration: Dorothy Gambrell for Bloomberg Businessweek In the 1920s a Florida citrus grower named William Howey hit on a way to raise money from…

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