Venezuela’s State-Run ‘Defi’ Crypto Exchange Goes Live After Maduro’s Anti-Blockade Speech


Decentralized finance (defi) is allegedly coming to Venezuela after a recent decree from Venezuelan President, Nicolás Maduro and the United Socialist Party of Venezuela.The government recently introduced a defi platform called BDVE that purportedly provides Venezuelan citizens with the means to swap ERC20 tokens in a noncustodial manner. For quite some time now Venezuela has…

Indictments issued for BitMEX senior team are a signal to all


At the morning of Oct.1, america govt government in New York issued indictments for 4 of the senior staff of BitMEX, the famed “wild card” alternate based totally in Hong Kong.In spite of that, the crypto alternate nonetheless continues to perform its services and products. BitMEX is among the international’s biggest crypto exchanges and has…

Coronavirus Has Made Akon’s $6 Billion Crypto-Powered, ‘Real-Life Wakanda’ In Senegal ‘More Necessary’


The coronavirus pandemic has fundamentally changed the way the world works, disrupting the status quo and greatly accelerating emerging trends . Cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin, are being looked to by some high-profile investors in the aftermath of unprecedented government spending this year—designed to offset the economic damage wrought by the coronavirus pandemic. Meanwhile, Grammy-nominated R&B singer…

Ex-Russian Oligarch to Fund Encompassing DeFi Project


Decentralized finance (DeFi) is getting even more of a boost as foreign nationals have begun looking into making investments.This week, Russian news source RBC reported that Aleksandr Lebedev, a former local oligarch, and bank owner, is set to provide funding for a new DeFi project.Combining Several Features Into One Platform Lebedev is known as one…

Kyber Network Price Reaches $0.90 on Exchanges (KNC)


Kyber Network (CURRENCY:KNC) traded 6.6% lower against the U.S.dollar during the 24-hour period ending at 17:00 PM E.T.on October 2nd.During the last week, Kyber Network has traded 10.2% lower against the U.S.dollar.Kyber Network has a total market capitalization of $178.92 million and approximately $73.26 million worth of Kyber Network was traded on exchanges in the…

Fulldive VR – Virtual Reality (Daydream)


Dear Fulldive VR users, our last update complies with Google’s new policy which requires app upgrade from 32bit to 64bit.Crashes & lags are well-known issues and we are working hard to fix it. You can download the previous stable version here: Android: Daydream: Fulldive Virtual Reality is a social VR platform where you…

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