Bitcoin’s Volatility Raises Questions that Gold Answers


Is Bitcoin losing its luster? Prices for the cryptocurrency have slid from a high of over $64,000 on April 14th to under $48,000 in trading this past weekend.The 25% sell-off would be akin to a crash in the S&P 500.But for crypto markets, that kind of volatility is fairly routine.Bitcoin is still substantially higher for…

Trust Wallet Token Price Tops $0.66 on Top Exchanges (TWT)


Trust Wallet Token Price Tops $0.66 on Top Exchanges (TWT) Posted by Michael Baxter Trust Wallet Token (CURRENCY:TWT) traded 2.3% higher against the U.S.dollar during the 24-hour period ending at 15:00 PM ET on April 27th.One Trust Wallet Token coin can currently be purchased for $0.66 or 0.00001205 BTC on cryptocurrency exchanges.Over the last seven…

BitGuild PLAT Price Down 10% This Week (PLAT)


BitGuild PLAT Price Down 10% This Week (PLAT) BitGuild PLAT (CURRENCY:PLAT) traded 1.7% lower against the dollar during the one day period ending at 18:00 PM E.T.on April 27th.One BitGuild PLAT coin can currently be bought for approximately $0.0014 or 0.2 BTC on exchanges.BitGuild PLAT has a total market cap of $80,428.45 and approximately $39,884.00…

BitGuild PLAT Price Down 10% This Week (PLAT) – Watch List News


BitGuild PLAT (CURRENCY:PLAT) traded 1.7% lower against the dollar during the one day period ending at 18:00 PM E.T.on April 27th.One BitGuild PLAT coin can currently be bought for approximately $0.0014 or 0.2 BTC on exchanges.BitGuild PLAT has a total market cap of $80,428.45 and approximately $39,884.00 worth of BitGuild PLAT was traded on exchanges…

Rust programming language: We want to take it into the mainstream, says Facebook | ZDNet


Facebook has joined the Rust Foundation, the organization driving the Rust programming language, alongside Amazon Web Services, Google, Huawei, Microsoft, and Mozilla. Facebook is the latest tech giant to ramp up its adoption of Rust , a language initially developed by Mozilla that’s become popular for systems programming because of its memory safety guarantees compared…

Revain (REV) Price Tops $0.0129


Revain (REV) Price Tops $0.0129 Posted by Alphonse Anthony Revain (CURRENCY:REV) traded 0.1% higher against the US dollar during the 1-day period ending at 16:00 PM E.T.on April 27th.During the last seven days, Revain has traded up 0.3% against the US dollar.Revain has a total market capitalization of $1.10 billion and $5.62 million worth of…

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