Elizabeth Warren Floats $31.5 Billion Plan to Pursue Tax Cheats


Senator Elizabeth Warren is proposing to nearly triple the Internal Revenue Service’s budget to help identify wealthy individuals who are cheating on their taxes. The Massachusetts Democrat is proposing to give the IRS a mandatory annual budget of $31.5 billion, up from the $11.9 billion the agency received from Congress for fiscal year 2021.Warren’s legislation…

Iran bans bitcoin mining as its cities suffer blackouts


Iran bans bitcoin mining as its cities suffer blackouts and power shortages – The Iranian capital of Tehran and several other large cities have faced daily power outages, and officials are blaming it in part on bitcoin mining.- A majority of the energy consumption from the bitcoin mining is coming from illegal miners, or those…

Bitcoin Private (BTCP) Trading 147.3% Higher This Week


Bitcoin Private (BTCP) Trading 147.3% Higher This Week Posted by Tammy Falkenburg Bitcoin Private (CURRENCY:BTCP) traded 20.1% lower against the U.S.dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 12:00 PM ET on April 28th.One Bitcoin Private coin can currently be purchased for $2.02 or 0.00003719 BTC on popular cryptocurrency exchanges.During the last week, Bitcoin Private…

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