Bitcoin Surpasses $10,000 Mark in Strong Crypto Market Rebound: Week in Review Feb. 20 | BTCMANAGER


7 Malaysian Central Bank: Cryptocurrency Belongs to the People, They Must Regulate it Themselves Sponsored Links Since the doom and gloom sentiment has seemingly passed, bitcoin – and with the altcoin market – are back on an upward trajectory as optimism has returned back in the digital asset markets. Bitcoin (BTC) gained 28 percent week-on-week,…

ClearPoll (POLL) Trading Down 28.3% Over Last 7 Days


Tweet ClearPoll (CURRENCY:POLL) traded down 6.9% against the dollar during the 1 day period ending at 18:00 PM ET on March 16th. In the last week, ClearPoll has traded down 28.3% against the dollar. One ClearPoll token can now be bought for $0.78 or 0.00009203 BTC on exchanges including EtherDelta, Cryptopia, HitBTC and Kucoin. ClearPoll…

Top Cryptocurrencies for the Week of Feb. 19, 2018 (LSK, VEN, ZCL, ETC, GAS, LTC, PRL) | BTCMANAGER


by JaketheCryptoKing Top cryptocurrencies for the week can be fairly easily selected by analyzing the future calendar for the upcoming week. Events that trigger significant publicity or major changes to a coin’s structure have a tendency to greatly increase or decrease the cryptocurrency’s value. The question is which specific events will positively or negatively impact…

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