Market Update Report Jan.3


5 Ethereum Classic Sponsored Links Despite the market volatility, the trend seems to be positive. An increase of the bitcoin leads to a correction, but these are short and healthy corrections, and cannot stop the ongoing Altcoins rally. In addition, it is impossible to ignore the rise in Ripple’s currency, the XRP, whose market cap…

Counterparty (XCP) Trading Up 1% This Week


Counterparty (CURRENCY:XCP) traded up 11.9% against the US dollar during the one day period ending at 21:00 PM E.T. on January 27th. During the last seven days, Counterparty has traded 1% higher against the US dollar. One Counterparty coin can currently be bought for $56.05 or 0.00492441 BTC on major exchanges including Bittrex, Poloniex, Zaif…

Peercoin (PPC) Tops 24 Hour Volume of $793,552.00


Peercoin (CURRENCY:PPC) traded up 0.6% against the US dollar during the 24 hour period ending at 22:00 PM ET on January 27th. One Peercoin coin can now be purchased for approximately $5.08 or 0.00044483 BTC on exchanges including Bittylicious, Bittrex, Livecoin and BX Thailand. Over the last seven days, Peercoin has traded 14.1% lower against…

Counterparty (XCP) Trading Up 1% This Week


Tweet Counterparty (CURRENCY:XCP) traded up 11.9% against the dollar during the 1 day period ending at 21:00 PM ET on January 27th. During the last seven days, Counterparty has traded up 1% against the dollar. One Counterparty coin can now be purchased for approximately $56.05 or 0.00492441 BTC on major cryptocurrency exchanges including Bittrex, Counterparty…

UPDATE: CryptoWatch: Bitcoin’s dominance may face its most severe challenge in 2018


By Mark DeCambre, MarketWatch The 3 biggest challengers to bitcoin’s crown As the broader digital-currency market garners wider attention, the most popular of the cohort, bitcoin, is facing its fiercest challenge for cryptocurrency supremacy in its brief history. The No. 1 cyber asset was trading at around $15,000, but down from its mid-December peak near…

UPDATE: CryptoWatch: Bitcoin’s dominance may face its most severe challenge in 2018


By Mark DeCambre, MarketWatch The 3 biggest challengers to bitcoin’s crown As the broader digital-currency market garners wider attention, the most popular of the cohort, bitcoin, is facing its fiercest challenge for cryptocurrency supremacy in its brief history. The No. 1 cyber asset was trading at around $15,000, but down from its mid-December peak near…

UPDATE: CryptoWatch: Bitcoin’s dominance may face its most severe challenge in 2018


By Mark DeCambre, MarketWatch The 3 biggest challengers to bitcoin’s crown As the broader digital-currency market garners wider attention, the most popular of the cohort, bitcoin, is facing its fiercest challenge for cryptocurrency supremacy in its brief history. The No. 1 cyber asset was trading at around $15,000, but down from its mid-December peak near…

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