Bitcoin Trading 1.1% Higher This Week (BTC)


Bitcoin Trading 1.1% Higher This Week (BTC) Posted by Paula Ricardo | Feb 22nd, 2018 Bitcoin (CURRENCY:BTC) traded down 8% against the US dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 9:00 AM ET on February 15th. Bitcoin has a market cap of $168.92 billion and $8.50 billion worth of Bitcoin was traded on exchanges…

Counterparty Hits Market Cap of $63.23 Million (XCP)


Tweet Counterparty (CURRENCY:XCP) traded 10.1% lower against the U.S. dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 11:00 AM ET on February 22nd. One Counterparty coin can currently be purchased for $24.16 or 0.00241534 BTC on popular cryptocurrency exchanges including Poloniex, Zaif, Counterparty DEX and Tux Exchange. During the last week, Counterparty has traded down…

Steem (STEEM) Price Tops $3.85


Steem (CURRENCY:STEEM) traded down 11% against the dollar during the one day period ending at 16:00 PM ET on February 21st. Steem has a market cap of $961.11 million and $11.98 million worth of Steem was traded on exchanges in the last day. One Steem coin can currently be purchased for about $3.85 or 0.00036914…

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