DragonVein Price Reaches $0.0081 on Exchanges (DVC) – American Banking News


DragonVein (CURRENCY:DVC) traded 15.1% lower against the dollar during the 24 hour period ending at 9:00 AM E.T.on June 30th.One DragonVein coin can now be purchased for $0.0081 or 0.23 BTC on cryptocurrency exchanges.DragonVein has a market capitalization of $4.91 million and $4.52 million worth of DragonVein was traded on exchanges in the last 24…

DragonVein (CURRENCY:DVC) traded 15.1% lower against the dollar during the 24 hour period ending at 9:00 AM E.T.on June 30th.One DragonVein coin can now be purchased for $0.0081 or 0.23 BTC on cryptocurrency exchanges.DragonVein has a market capitalization of $4.91 million and $4.52 million worth of DragonVein was traded on exchanges in the last 24 hours.Over the last seven days, DragonVein has traded 152% higher against the dollar.

Here’s how related cryptocurrencies have performed over the last 24 hours: – Bitcoin (BTC) traded 2.3% lower against the dollar and now trades at $34,748.55 or 1.BTC.

– Bitcoin Cash (BCH) traded 6% lower against the dollar and now trades at $510.10 or 0.01467961 BTC.- Bitcoin SV (BSV) traded 8.4% lower against the dollar and now trades at $147.87 or 0.00425553 BTC.- Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCHA) traded 2.9% lower against the dollar and now trades at $32.21 or 0.00092708 BTC.- Steem (STEEM) traded 25.7% higher against the dollar and now trades at $0.38 or 0.00001085 BTC.

– Namecoin (NMC) traded 6% lower against the dollar and now trades at $1.33 or 0.00003823 BTC.- PIXEL (PXL) traded down 82.2% against the dollar and now trades at $0.0042 or 0.12 BTC.

– Crown (CRW) traded down 4.1% against the dollar and now trades at $0.0584 or 0.

168 BTC.- Terracoin (TRC) traded down 36.5% against the dollar and now trades at $0.0214 or 0.61 BTC.- DAOBet (BET) traded 1.9% higher against the dollar and now trades at $0.0027 or 0.8 BTC.DragonVein Coin Profile [DragonVein] is a proof-of-work (PoW) coin that uses the SHA-256 hashing algorithm.It was first traded on August 5th, 2011.DragonVein’s total supply is 10,000,000,000 coins and its circulating supply is 605,026,614 coins.

DragonVein’s official Twitter account is [@Devtome] and its Facebook page is accessible [here] .The official website for DragonVein is [www.dragonvein.io] .According to CryptoCompare, “Devcoin is an ethically inspired project based on the BitCoin crypto-currency and created to help fund open source projects created by programmers, hardware developers, writers, musicians, painters, graphic artists and filmmakers.Participants in the DevCoin economy earn DevCoins in proportion to their project development.

Writers earn devcoins by writing, developers earn Devcoins by developing, artists earn DevCoin by creating, and the same follow for every other category including Administrators who apply their time and effort to help organize the DevCoin project and Marketers who earn Devcoins by Marketing.There are 50,000 coins per block, of which 90% goes to funding open source projects.

5,000 are given to miners, 45,000 are given to the people distributing Devcoins to artists and contributors.“ DragonVein Coin Trading It is usually not currently possible to buy alternative cryptocurrencies such as DragonVein directly using US dollars.Investors seeking to trade DragonVein should first buy Bitcoin or Ethereum using an exchange that deals in US dollars such as GDAX, Changelly or Gemini.Investors can then use their newly-acquired Bitcoin or Ethereum to buy DragonVein using one of the exchanges listed above.Receive News & Updates for DragonVein Daily – Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and updates for DragonVein and related cryptocurrencies with [MarketBeat.com’s FREE CryptoBeat newsletter](/daily-email-updates-basic/?symbol=CURRENCY:dragonvein&c=DragonVein) ..

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