Jibrel Network (JNT) 1-Day Volume Hits $72,511.00


Jibrel Network (JNT) 1-Day Volume Hits $72,511.00 Jibrel Network (CURRENCY:JNT) traded up 2.6% against the US dollar during the 1-day period ending at 12:00 PM Eastern on February 2nd.Jibrel Network has a market capitalization of $5.31 million and approximately $72,511.00 worth of Jibrel Network was traded on exchanges in the last day.One Jibrel Network token…

imageJibrel Network (JNT) 1-Day Volume Hits $72,511.00
Jibrel Network (CURRENCY:JNT) traded up 2.6% against the US dollar during the 1-day period ending at 12:00 PM Eastern on February 2nd.Jibrel Network has a market capitalization of $5.31 million and approximately $72,511.00 worth of Jibrel Network was traded on exchanges in the last day.One Jibrel Network token can now be bought for about $0.0313 or 0.90 BTC on cryptocurrency exchanges.In the last week, Jibrel Network has traded 14.1% lower against the US dollar.
Here’s how related cryptocurrencies have performed in the last day: Get Jibrel Network alerts: Chainlink (LINK) traded 3.5% higher against the dollar and now trades at $22.87 or 0.00065621 BTC.Aave (AAVE) traded 1% lower against the dollar and now trades at $285.37 or 0.00818774 BTC.THETA (THETA) traded up 5.7% against the dollar and now trades at $2.09 or 0.00006004 BTC.

Synthetix (SNX) traded 3.3% lower against the dollar and now trades at $16.56 or 0.00047500 BTC.Maker (MKR) traded up 16.8% against the dollar and now trades at $1,703.89 or 0.04888746 BTC.Dai (DAI) traded up 0.1% against the dollar and now trades at $1.00 or 0.00002873 BTC.SushiSwap (SUSHI) traded up 6.6% against the dollar and now trades at $12.81 or 0.00036763 BTC.Binance USD (BUSD) traded up 0% against the dollar and now trades at $1.00 or 0.00002869 BTC.

Crypto.com Coin (CRO) traded 2.9% higher against the dollar and now trades at $0.0617 or 0.177 BTC.Solana (SOL) traded 21.6% higher against the dollar and now trades at $5.16 or 0.00014801 BTC.
Jibrel Network Token Profile Jibrel Network (JNT) is a token.It launched on January 26th, 2018.

Jibrel Network’s total supply is 200,000,000 tokens and its circulating supply is 169,843,069 tokens.The official website for Jibrel Network is jibrel.network .Jibrel Network’s official Twitter account is @www.twitter.com/jibrelnetwork/ .The Reddit community for Jibrel Network is /r/jibrelnetwork and the currency’s Github account can be viewed here .The official message board for Jibrel Network is medium.com/@jibrelnetwork .
According to CryptoCompare, “Jibrel Network provides currencies, equities, commodities, and other financial assets and money instruments as standard ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.In the medium to long-term, Jibrel will focus on tokenizing debt instruments and their derivatives- thereby streamlining large portions of retail investment and investment banking operations.Jibrel is the first protocol to allow anyone to put traditional assets such as currencies, bonds, and other financial instruments on the blockchain in a form of Crypto Depository Receipts (CryDRs).Our CryDRs have smart regulation built in; real-world rules and regulations are translated into solidity code to ensure that while decentralized, tokenized financial assets always follow real-world rules and regulations.

Buying and Selling Jibrel Network
Jibrel Network can be purchased on the following cryptocurrency exchanges: .It is usually not possible to purchase alternative cryptocurrencies such as Jibrel Network directly using US dollars.Investors seeking to acquire Jibrel Network should first purchase Bitcoin or Ethereum using an exchange that deals in US dollars such as GDAX, Gemini or Coinbase .Investors can then use their newly-acquired Bitcoin or Ethereum to purchase Jibrel Network using one of the exchanges listed above.Receive News & Updates for Jibrel Network Daily – Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and updates for Jibrel Network and related cryptocurrencies with MarketBeat.com’s FREE CryptoBeat newsletter ..

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