Ormeus Cash Trading Up 29.9% Over Last Week (OMC)


Ormeus Cash Trading Up 29.9% Over Last Week (OMC) Posted by David Hasegawa on Apr 19th, 2021 Ormeus Cash (CURRENCY:OMC) traded 15.3% higher against the US dollar during the 24-hour period ending at 8:00 AM ET on April 19th.Over the last week, Ormeus Cash has traded up 29.9% against the US dollar.Ormeus Cash has a…

imageOrmeus Cash Trading Up 29.9% Over Last Week (OMC) Posted by David Hasegawa on Apr 19th, 2021
Ormeus Cash (CURRENCY:OMC) traded 15.3% higher against the US dollar during the 24-hour period ending at 8:00 AM ET on April 19th.Over the last week, Ormeus Cash has traded up 29.9% against the US dollar.Ormeus Cash has a market capitalization of $1.30 million and $118,233.00 worth of Ormeus Cash was traded on exchanges in the last 24 hours.One Ormeus Cash coin can now be bought for approximately $0.0068 or 0.12 BTC on exchanges.
Here’s how related cryptocurrencies have performed over the last 24 hours: Get Ormeus Cash alerts: Dogecoin (DOGE) traded 35.6% higher against the dollar and now trades at $0.40 or 0.704 BTC.Litecoin (LTC) traded up 7.4% against the dollar and now trades at $270.77 or 0.00476847 BTC.

UNUS SED LEO (LEO) traded up 4.1% against the dollar and now trades at $2.24 or 0.00003942 BTC.

Verge (XVG) traded 28.3% higher against the dollar and now trades at $0.0625 or 0.110 BTC.

Bytom (BTM) traded 14.7% higher against the dollar and now trades at $0.23 or 0.404 BTC.Lotto (LOTTO) traded 10.7% lower against the dollar and now trades at $0.15 or 0.262 BTC.Syscoin (SYS) traded up 16.8% against the dollar and now trades at $0.43 or 0.

753 BTC.Polymath (POLY) traded up 11.9% against the dollar and now trades at $0.39 or 0.692 BTC.Hellenic Coin (HNC) traded 5.6% higher against the dollar and now trades at $3.12 or 0.00005493 BTC.XeniosCoin (XNC) traded up 9.6% against the dollar and now trades at $1.38 or 0.00002437 BTC.
About Ormeus Cash Ormeus Cash (CRYPTO:OMC) is a proof-of-work (PoW) coin that uses the Scrypt hashing algorithm.

Its launch date was March 29th, 2014.Ormeus Cash’s total supply is 300,500,150 coins and its circulating supply is 190,398,627 coins.Ormeus Cash’s official Twitter account is @gladimorcrypto and its Facebook page is accessible here .The Reddit community for Ormeus Cash is https://reddit.com/r/OrmeusEcosystem .

Ormeus Cash’s official website is ormeuscash.com .The official message board for Ormeus Cash is medium.com/ormeus .
According to CryptoCompare, “Omicron (OMC) is a digital blockchain-based asset that accrues interest through two mechanisms: minting and BTC dividends.It is the first step towards having an unbanked investment world where an independent digital currency asset yields returns in an alternate medium of exchange.OMC plans to be a major inflation and investment vehicle for the cryptocurrency community as well as various brick-and-mortar entities.Taking the first step towards an unbanked societyThe core principle of Omicron’s investment platform is to allow investors to own a digital asset that adds value to itself- just like shares in a dividend-issuing company.Easily transferable for a quick turnover without the need of intermediary brokers, the OMC asset will be the choice dividend vehicle for investors around the globe.Biweekly dividends ensure that no matter the price of the asset, the asset owner always will receive a 0.00001% share of the dividend pool, per Omicron, every 2 weeks.How are BTC dividend-yields accrued and issued?BTC dividends will be funded every 2 weeks through trading on the volatile altcoin market as well as lending capital for margin-trading exchanges (stable interest).The loan interest guarantees a biweekly issuance of dividends, while the altcoin trading revenue is a major bonus, many times greater than loan yields.

The trading yields aren’t guaranteed biweekly as there may be an occurrence where there is a net loss during the timeframe.A minimum balance of 10,000 OMC in an address will be required to qualify for dividend yields.A BTC address must be associated with the OMC address, which will be done through the main website, and soon through the Omicron client itself.

Buying and Selling Ormeus Cash
It is usually not currently possible to purchase alternative cryptocurrencies such as Ormeus Cash directly using U.S.dollars.Investors seeking to acquire Ormeus Cash should first purchase Bitcoin or Ethereum using an exchange that deals in U.S.dollars such as Changelly, Gemini or GDAX.Investors can then use their newly-acquired Bitcoin or Ethereum to purchase Ormeus Cash using one of the exchanges listed above.

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