Mastercard Launches Digital Currency Testing Platform for Central Banks


Home / Mastercard Launches Digital Currency Testing Platform for Central Banks Technology September 10, 2020 Mastercard Launches Digital Currency Testing Platform for Central Banks Mastercard has launched a digital currency testing platform aimed at helping central banks test their digital currencies.The system will also demonstrate how consumers can use central bank digital currencies to pay…

Pascal (PASC) Trading 2.7% Higher Over Last 7 Days – TheOlympiaReport


Pascal (CURRENCY:PASC) traded 3.4% higher against the U.S.dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 17:00 PM Eastern on September 10th.One Pascal coin can currently be purchased for approximately $0.0444 or 0.431 BTC on major cryptocurrency exchanges including CHAOEX, Poloniex and TOKOK.In the last seven days, Pascal has traded 2.7% higher against the U.S.dollar.Pascal has…

French Central Bank Chief Eyes Public-Private Partnership for Possible Digital Euro


Submit Blog Home » Cryptocurrency News » Cryptocurrency News » French Central Bank Chief Eyes Public-Private Partnership for Possible Digital Euro French Central Bank Chief Eyes Public-Private Partnership for Possible Digital Euro September 11, 2020 Sep 11, 2020 at 12:18 UTC Banque de France governor Francois Villeroy de Galhau (The Jacques Delors Institute/CC BY/Wikimedia Commons)…

Should we expect a Bitcoin bull run in 2020?


© SKapl / iStock Bitcoin currency Bitcoin is predicted to have a big bull run in 2020 — but is that just wishful thinking? Although it had a bull run in 2019 and has recovered from its low below $4000 in December 2018 to its price, as of this article’s publishing, to above $9000, investors…

Top 17 Swiss Fintech Startups 2020


The 10th-anniversary edition of Venturelab’s Top 100 Swiss Startup Award has been released where the award show was live-streamed for the first time. The 100 most innovative and promising Swiss startups are picked by a panel of 100 leading investors and startup experts.Each one nominates 10 Swiss startups that are less than five years old…

Bitcoin Technology Market: Global Industry Analysis, Trends, Market Size, and Forecasts up to 2025


Bitcoin Technology Market: Global Industry Analysis, Trends, Market Size, and Forecasts up to 2025 Thursday, September 10th, 2020 – WISEGUY RESEARCH CONSULTANTS PVT LTD Market Overview Bitcoin is basically a consensus market that enables a digital payment system.Also referred as digital money, the bitcoin technology offers first-ever decentralized and peer-to-peer payment network that’s powered by…

Weird Sightings of Giant Flying Insects


Google+ Cryptozoology covers a wide range of a menagerie of all manner of mysterious beasts.Some of the more prominent and popular of these are the various hairy wildmen and lake monsters of the world, but it goes well beyond this, and sometimes flies right off the fringe to land squarely in the totally bizarre.One area…



Christoph Schlechter Ethos Ambassador – Germany Christoph has been an active Ethos community member since the ICO and part of the moderator team since January 2018.Although not his main field of work, crypto and its potential to reshape society quickly caught his attention in early 2017.Therefore, he is looking forward to foster the Ethos Ambassador…

Fidelity Investments applies its proven Peter Jubber to its unproven bitcoin unit and its launch of Fidelity Digital Funds signals it’s all in on blockchain currency


By launching Fidelity Digital Funds under an 18-year seasoned exec, the Boston giant is signalling no let-up by putting something scarcer than capital into the crypto-pot — its seasoned talent Brooke’s Note: Think of Coldplay’s song “Yellow” and subsitute the word “Zero” and you’d have a way to intone the song of big RIA custodians.Low…

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