4 Best Cryptocurrency Trading Strategies


4 Best Cryptocurrency Trading Strategies Today – Best Cryptocurrency Trading Strategies Best Cryptocurrency Trading Strategies Bitcoin investment leads its way to become the best investment option after apple and amazon and it got promoted in the past few years, it’s the one who leads the nascent market.With the increasing value, there are plenty of cryptocurrencies…

How State Governments Can Fight the Federal Reserve


If you want to end unconstitutional, overreaching federal power—end the Fed.It’s the engine that drives the most powerful government in the history of the world . But Congress will never abolish the central bank.It can’t even come up with the will to audit the Fed. So what can we do? Even though state action can’t…

Social Engineering: A Plague on Crypto and Twitter, Unlikely to Stop


admin 2020-08-05 11:08 The teenager arrested for allegedly masterminding the recent Twitter hack comes from a community that’s been targeting crypto users for years.The group’s attacks have one big thing in common: They take advantage of human fallibility rather than code vulnerability.These so-called social engineering attacks are growing in sophistication, and while the Twitter case…

TikTok Banned in US: Crypto Week in Review


“The toughest challenge I’ve faced in my time in crypto is the perception of what it means to “be in crypto”.I don’t do technical analysis, I’m not a miner or developer & I don’t want to read every whitepaper. I look at the crypto community a… MORE “The toughest challenge I’ve faced in my time…

Marlin Releases Open-Source ‘Layer 0’ Transaction Relayer for Ethereum – CoinDesk


Blockchain startup Marlin has released its relay network framework OpenWeaver in an effort to speed up block propagation on the Ethereum network.Based in San Francisco, U.S.and Bangalore, India, Marlin’s open-source “Layer 0” OpenWeaver enables users to find and build blocks quicker on Ethereum than those only leaning on the traditional network’s structure, according to a…

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