SingularDTV Price Hits $0.0440 on Top Exchanges (SNGLS)


SingularDTV (CURRENCY:SNGLS) traded 0.7% higher against the US dollar during the one day period ending at 21:00 PM ET on April 10th.One SingularDTV coin can now be purchased for approximately $0.0440 or 0.73 BTC on popular exchanges.In the last seven days, SingularDTV has traded 44.7% higher against the US dollar.SingularDTV has a total market capitalization…

imageSingularDTV (CURRENCY:SNGLS) traded 0.7% higher against the US dollar during the one day period ending at 21:00 PM ET on April 10th.One SingularDTV coin can now be purchased for approximately $0.0440 or 0.73 BTC on popular exchanges.In the last seven days, SingularDTV has traded 44.7% higher against the US dollar.SingularDTV has a total market capitalization of $26.39 million and approximately $2.51 million worth of SingularDTV was traded on exchanges in the last 24 hours.
Here is how related cryptocurrencies have performed in the last 24 hours:
Get SingularDTV alerts: Chainlink (LINK) traded up 1.4% against the dollar and now trades at $31.90 or 0.00052953 BTC.THETA (THETA) traded 2.6% lower against the dollar and now trades at $12.29 or 0.00020400 BTC.

DREP (DREP) traded 21% lower against the dollar and now trades at $1.96 or 0.00003398 BTC.

DREP [old] (DREP) traded down 19.5% against the dollar and now trades at $1.96 or 0.00003399 Coin (CRO) traded 3.6% higher against the dollar and now trades at $0.22 or 0.361 BTC.Binance USD (BUSD) traded up 0% against the dollar and now trades at $1.00 or 0.00001663 BTC.FTX Token (FTT) traded down 1.8% against the dollar and now trades at $48.99 or 0.00081322 BTC.Aave (AAVE) traded 1.8% higher against the dollar and now trades at $366.33 or 0.00608160 BTC.Huobi Token (HT) traded 4.9% higher against the dollar and now trades at $19.15 or 0.00031798 BTC.

PancakeSwap (CAKE) traded down 7.1% against the dollar and now trades at $22.28 or 0.00036994 BTC.

SingularDTV Coin Profile
SingularDTV (SNGLS) is a coin.

It was first traded on October 2nd, 2016.SingularDTV’s total supply is 1,000,000,000 coins and its circulating supply is 600,000,000 coins.The Reddit community for SingularDTV is /r/SingularDTV and the currency’s Github account can be viewed here .The official website for SingularDTV is .SingularDTV’s official Twitter account is @SingularDTV and its Facebook page is accessible here .
According to CryptoCompare, “SingularDTV (S-DTV) is a decentralized and tokenized content creating and distributing platform that will create, acquire and distribute film and television content in an innovative way, generating revenue for its token holders in a completely transparent and decentralized manner.SNGLS are tokens built on Ethereum and represent a share in the SingularDTV platform, which is comprised of four key elements: ‘SINGULAR’ – a mini Sci-fi television series about decentralization and technological advancements in a futuristic setting, comprised of 3 episode seasons.The S-DTV DOCUMENTARY DIVISION – A Documentary Division that will focus on producing documentary films about blockchain technology.THE S-DTV RIGHTS MANAGEMENT PLATFORM – A digital rights, revenue and royalty management platform for all the content produced and acquired by SingularDTV.

THE S-DTV TRANSACTION VIDEO-ON-DEMAND (TVOD) PORTAL – A TVOD Portal to distribute SingularDTV content via GooglePlay, AppleTV iTunes, and Vimeo.SNGLS tokens will also generate dividends for its holders, depending on the revenue gathered by the SingularDTV platform.1 Billion SNGLS tokens will be issued, which will be distributed in the following way: 500M SNGLS will be distributed to investors in an initial coin offering period.Each token will cost the ETH equivalent of $0.015.

400M SNGLS will be kept in a vault, and the dividends generated by the tokens will be used to further develop the S-DTV ecosystem.100M SNGLS will be given to S-DTV’s core investors.

The Vault where 400M tokens are kept will be managed by the Workshop.The Workshop will not only spend and convert ETH to build new projects or to work on existing ones, but it will also collect cryptocurrency and fiat revenue to deposit back in the safe.

SingularDTV Coin Trading
It is usually not presently possible to purchase alternative cryptocurrencies such as SingularDTV directly using US dollars.Investors seeking to acquire SingularDTV should first purchase Bitcoin or Ethereum using an exchange that deals in US dollars such as Changelly, Coinbase or GDAX.Investors can then use their newly-acquired Bitcoin or Ethereum to purchase SingularDTV using one of the aforementioned exchanges.
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