Counterparty Hits Market Cap of $63.23 Million (XCP)


Tweet Counterparty (CURRENCY:XCP) traded 10.1% lower against the U.S. dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 11:00 AM ET on February 22nd. One Counterparty coin can currently be purchased for $24.16 or 0.00241534 BTC on popular cryptocurrency exchanges including Poloniex, Zaif, Counterparty DEX and Tux Exchange. During the last week, Counterparty has traded down…

Award winning AI scientist launches MATRIX AI Network to take smart contracts mainstream


Defining blockchain trends for investors, strategists and technologists — Jan 27 Award winning AI scientist launches MATRIX AI Network to take smart contracts mainstream A recent Quartz article ¹ took a look at digital innovations and the potential for extreme disruption where exciting, emerging concepts intersect. The premise is that such intersections will throw up powerful…

Steem (STEEM) Price Tops $3.85


Steem (CURRENCY:STEEM) traded down 11% against the dollar during the one day period ending at 16:00 PM ET on February 21st. Steem has a market cap of $961.11 million and $11.98 million worth of Steem was traded on exchanges in the last day. One Steem coin can currently be purchased for about $3.85 or 0.00036914…

Coincheck Hack Interview with NEM Foundation VP Jeff McDonald + Alex Tinsman from Inside NEM | Tech Talk


Coincheck Hack Interview with NEM Foundation VP Jeff McDonald + Alex Tinsman from Inside NEM root 2 hours ago 0 63 14 minutes read Share This is a special announcement about the theft of XEM coins from the Coincheck exchange on January 25th 2018 . I’m going to explain what the NEM team knows…

Peercoin (PPC) Price Tops $3.60


Tweet Peercoin (CURRENCY:PPC) traded down 5.6% against the US dollar during the 24 hour period ending at 19:00 PM ET on February 21st. Peercoin has a market cap of $88.66 million and approximately $813,131.00 worth of Peercoin was traded on exchanges in the last day. Over the last week, Peercoin has traded 1.2% lower against…

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