Counterparty (XCP) Achieves Market Cap of $58.51 Million


Counterparty (CURRENCY:XCP) traded up 2.2% against the dollar during the 1-day period ending at 20:00 PM E.T. on March 1st. One Counterparty coin can now be purchased for $22.36 or 0.00202563 BTC on popular cryptocurrency exchanges including Tux Exchange, Counterparty DEX, Bittrex and Zaif. Counterparty has a market capitalization of $58.51 million and approximately $472,862.00…

Cryptocurrencies and decentralized technologies a


Cryptocurrencies and decentralized technologies are booming. The numbers speak for themselves u2014 market capitalizations have gone through the roof, transaction volume has skyrocketed, and adoption from individuals, corporations, and governments has reached a global scale. n n Thanks to blockchain technology, we are moving toward a trustless economy, with no need of third parties to…

What Is Ethereum Classic? – Invest in Blockchain


What Is Ethereum Classic? written by Colin Adams February 3, 2018 Ethereum Classic (ETC) is not a new cryptocurrency. Rather, it is one that resulted from the split of an existing cryptocurrency, Ethereum. Just like Ethereum, ETC is a secure, censor-proof, reliable, public, trustless, and decentralized platform for running applications and smart contracts. Ethereum Classic…

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