Crypto Conference Facing Backlash After Holding “Networking Event” At Miami Strip Club


0 SHARES The organizer of one of North America’s most popular cryptocurrency conferences provoked a minor controversy in cryptoland when he booked a conference networking event (and de facto afterparty) at a massive Miami strip club, Bloomberg reports. The North American Bitcoin Conference wrapped up 10 hours of speeches by inviting 5,000 attendees to what…

Ethereum’s smart contracts are full of holes


Computer programs that run on blockchains are shaking up the financial system. But much of the hype around what are called smart contracts is just that. It’s a brand-new field. Technologists are just beginning to figure out how to design them so they can be relied on not to lose people’s money, and—as a new…

Buying Crypto Currencies in 2018


Buying Crypto Currencies in 2018 By 0 16 I have seen plenty of articles, blogs and news stories recently on cryptocurrency , cryptocurrency mining and the bitcoin fork. I even have a personal friend who has hopped on the cryptocurrency bandwagon, if you will, and realized many more investors may be considering cryptocurrency for their…

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