SingularDTV Price Hits $0.12 on Major Exchanges (SNGLS)


Tweet SingularDTV (CURRENCY:SNGLS) traded down 11.9% against the dollar during the 24 hour period ending at 15:00 PM E.T. on February 26th. One SingularDTV token can now be bought for about $0.12 or 0.00001165 BTC on cryptocurrency exchanges including Livecoin, CryptoDerivatives, EtherDelta and Braziliex. SingularDTV has a total market capitalization of $71.29 million and approximately…

How blockchain, the technology behind bitcoin, could change your life


Digital evangelists believe that the blockchain could revolutionize everything from legal contracts to the way we use the internet. The trouble is, most people still don’t really know what the blockchain actually is, aside from being associated with the hyped — and volatile — digital currency bitcoin. Given the current cryptocurrency market, that has made…

TokenGo launces ICO! – TokenGo Platform_EN – Medium


A Fair Rewarding, Powered Blockchain Based, Business Tokenization Platform Feb 27 TokenGo launces ICO! Greetings to you, Friends! TokenGo launches ICO! We went on and on for a long time to this day, for this exciting event. Only a few hours remain, Until the launch of the TokenGo ICO platform. First of all, I want…

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