Peercoin (PPC) Trading Up 19.7% This Week


Peercoin (PPC) Trading Up 19.7% This Week Posted by Anthony Miller | Feb 18th, 2018 Peercoin (CURRENCY:PPC) traded down 7.2% against the U.S. dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 17:00 PM E.T. on February 18th. One Peercoin coin can now be bought for about $4.13 or 0.00038714 BTC on cryptocurrency exchanges including YoBit,…

Why are Potential Forks not Accounted into the Bitcoin Futures Price | All cryptocurrency news


Why are Potential Forks not Accounted into the Bitcoin Futures Price January 24, 2018 Source: Holders of futures contracts will lose potential gains from Bitcoin forks that occurred after the contract was settled. New Bitcoin forks became a sensitive issue after CME launched Bitcoin future contracts. Their average price does not include new…

Steem (STEEM) Price Hits $4.30 on Exchanges


Steem (STEEM) Price Hits $4.30 on Exchanges Posted by Dante Gardener | Feb 18th, 2018 Steem (CURRENCY:STEEM) traded 5.8% lower against the U.S. dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 8:00 AM ET on January 26th. Steem has a market capitalization of $1.07 billion and approximately $20.77 million worth of Steem was traded on…

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