Will those who’ve made cryptocurrency profits pay their tax?


ATO likely on alert for cryptocurrency claims during tax time By Michael Croker Updated March 06, 2018 07:27:31 Map: Australia Depending on who’s talking, cryptocurrencies are either the next big thing or the currency of the underworld. But an increasing number of chartered accountants say their clients are interested in the tax ramifications of investing…

NeosCoin (NEOS) Price Reaches $4.66 on Exchanges


NeosCoin (NEOS) Price Reaches $4.66 on Exchanges Posted by Paula Ricardo | Mar 5th, 2018 NeosCoin (CURRENCY:NEOS) traded down 2.9% against the US dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 16:00 PM E.T. on February 18th. One NeosCoin coin can now be bought for approximately $4.66 or 0.00040080 BTC on exchanges including Poloniex, Bleutrade…

Xaurum Market Cap Tops $15.07 Million (XAUR)


Tweet Xaurum (CURRENCY:XAUR) traded 9.6% higher against the US dollar during the one day period ending at 9:00 AM E.T. on March 5th. In the last seven days, Xaurum has traded 7.2% higher against the US dollar. Xaurum has a market cap of $15.07 million and approximately $39,697.00 worth of Xaurum was traded on exchanges…

22-Year-Old Behind $5 Billion Crypto Is Just Getting Started


Dominik Schiener co-founded IOTA – gets VW and Bosch on board IOTA wants to become more international by adding Tokyo office (Machine translation provided by Google and reviewed by Bloomberg editors.) Dominik Schiener would have had 500,000 reasons to turn his back on cryptocurrencies. That is the amount of euros the young man from Berlin…

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