Bitcoin Legal Tender In U.S. States, Kevin Rose Wallet Gets Hacked, & Crypto Co’s At The WEF/Davos! | CoinMarketBag


Bitcoin – BTC Oasis Network – ROSE Bitcoin Legal Tender in U.S.States, Kevin Rose Wallet Gets Hacked, & Crypto Co’s at the WEF/Davos! Thank you hey everybody I’m Gary Palmer Jr you’re you together we are minting coins talking about a lot of things happening in the world we’re talking about Bitcoin cryptocurrency becoming legal…

Bitcoin – BTC Oasis Network – ROSE Bitcoin Legal Tender in U.S.States, Kevin Rose Wallet Gets Hacked, & Crypto Co’s at the WEF/Davos! Thank you hey everybody I’m Gary Palmer Jr you’re you together we are minting coins talking about a lot of things happening in the world we’re talking about Bitcoin cryptocurrency becoming legal tender in different states of the United States which state is it your state you know There’s like a 1 in 50 chance it’s your state or maybe you’re in a better state where cryptocurrency is already really awesome because the laws are changing the world is changing uh but what’s not changing is that people are still getting scammed and we’re gonna be talking about security uh the Kevin Rose Uh his wallet getting hacked losing a million dollars in nfts and then some uh I believe and so just you know basic tips that people gotta know things we have to do better in terms of code the industry and development and if you’re gonna stick around we might be talking about crypto companies In the world economic Forum going to Davos and uh you know and just how the movers and the Shakers were getting involved into cryptocurrency they are looking at the economy they are looking at the money supply they’re looking at the companies uh in the future where we Have web one we have web two we have web 3 and the technology writing is not only on the wall it’s in the digital Ledger it’s in the smart contract it’s being mined in every single Transaction what that message is and that message is open blockchain technology cryptocurrency and we’re going to be Talking about that on a lot more I’m not alone to talk about it we have Rachel we have one eight four what’s up Rachel how are you my name yeah who who are you who am I and uh yeah and tell tell us about you oh yeah everyone so curious um I’m Rachel I’m do things on Twitter and I now I’m the head I guess head of growth and content at Magna tokens I was actually finding coins tokens here we are which is a um smart contracts airdrops streaming basically everything you could ever want to do with tokens and then like the card Of web3 with token cap tables it’s been I’ve seen the before like now it looks great I’m very excited so it should be fun but yeah so just great to be here and been in crypto since 2013 and just this is my lifestyle thank you it is a lifestyle congratulations you Said ahead of content right yeah I love it content is King and growth also but like it’s now synonymous it’s now synonymous it’s the same thing almost at this point yeah yeah content growth I mean content is what reaches people and uh and uh yeah I mean content is marketing especially where our Attention is is King and uh speaking of people that have my attention 1a4 Hey hey good to be here nice to meet you Rachel ransacks yeah uh what am I uh hi everybody I’m 184 and I do web 3.that’s it love it perfect straight to the points of seeing to get it down people can find you on Twitter there you go He uh he he forgot his intro he’s like oh yeah yeah there’s an intro I never plan my I never plan interest out I know that’s terrible at it but I feel like authenticity wins here so I’m like it’s fine authenticity absolutely wins but it’s it’s still good to be able to Like you know you got to like get your 30 second elevator pitch down the sizzle reel you’re like yeah your verbal Sizzle reel how do you explain yourself the best and like if literally like it says a real would do yeah 30 second elevator pitch you know networking you gotta have those Networking skills you know yeah it’s like my my name is Gary palmerjunior.eath and I teach people about web for free and web3 domains so they can get onboarded into the future with their identity and uh their ability to have Sovereign Sovereign presence on in web3 Yeah I kind of I kind of I kind of messed up the end there but you know something along those lines I win that’s a good one also hosting the show You probably have the most regular actual like show I think of anyone on web3 Twitter I think so like honestly that isn’t the most Regular Show that is not a spaces I I think it’s pretty good yeah I actually don’t know a lot of people in in web3 Twitter that really have web Three shows outside of web3 Twitter yeah Julio dot uh um I guess he he has a he has a and I think he relaunched it and uh Bashir shout out to Bashir um also you know has has his show um yeah I think they’re doing it Semi-regularly I mean we we pulled back after the new year but we were also dealing with you know like personal trauma that we talked about kind of a little bit before the show um which is like semi-public on on Twitter but um but you know yeah we’re still very Very regularly you know showing up to the ens update show uh Monday through Friday 11 A.M on Twitter and then the minting coin show whiskey Wednesday I don’t know if you guys got your last whiskey it is not risky I’m trying my best I got you okay well Cheers Cheers regardless and Um and yeah you know and also doing the show a little bit earlier it’s nice we’re thinking Wednesdays and and Thursdays doing a show a little bit earlier eight o’clock and that might work better for some of us it might work better for you know some of our viewers and whatever you Know what I mean it’s like it doesn’t even matter because this is just about you know having a conversation and connecting and you know having like a a weekly public Mastermind if you will I love that yeah he’s a mastermind what’s that I love being in this you might like being like In her in the same sentence as the word Mastermind it’s always fun yeah well I mean this group of people I mean I I mean I I I I would I would start something with you guys just because I know that you guys would be able to start Something you know and and uh push back and uh and think things through I know you guys are good good thinkers in the world see this is why I don’t get 30 second elevator pitch because the first 10 did that so you want to do something if I Spoke for an extra 20 seconds that deal would be off the table this is perfect that’s actually just a good strategy just like getting more by saying less things I’m not good at I mean it’s been better I clerked on it more and also like I think that’s almost A Twitter like skill too it’s just gravity life skill brevity I’m not one of those people wish I was yeah one sentence at a time yeah question is how is it run on sentence yeah you gotta it depends if you have that pause note people need to practice On putting a pause note yeah I know that’s I was reading something like I’ve people have been going more on LinkedIn now in the web 3 world just because everyone’s out looking for jobs but it’s been like actually very interesting and it’s kind of like an onboarding people Kind of vibe for it I think for most of us like for me it’s definitely like like I put it anesthes and I picked robot picture like over six months ago maybe longer because I’m just like that is the ultimate thing I’m not turning back I Will not go back to web 2 do not drag me there thank you or at least be in 2.5 and be doing something like that but yeah it’s really been popping there was some guy had this whole article a little right basically their equivalent of thread about wherever there’s a comma See if you can use a period instead I’m like okay yeah that kind of works most the time I’d say or either without or you rewrite what you were trying to say Obviously you were trying to say too much I’ve been like I really love it’s like It’s not translated to my actual writing today but it’s actually well I was working on when you’re retooling a bio you’re going into a new company and you’re kind of like okay like how do I I put this like specifically like LinkedIn is its own style like for company bio Versus Twitter versus anything else but I like how we put out the Twitter one so I was like okay how do I make this work for LinkedIn because obviously that’s just making it work for the most forms of content that you possibly can with the least amount of you can make One big thing into a bunch of others but I’m terrible at that I’m somebody that I will just go and just like rewrite all of it from like the ground up and be like do I like it in this format do I not I don’t know But there I go like that I digress yeah well uh it’s it’s a working practice right it’s there’s a lot of things that people want to remember and that we want to hold on to and it’s hard to always remember everything but what is easy to remember are certain Basic principles right principles like waking up and being grateful waking up and making your bed waking up uh and connecting with people that you know that you like that you trust and uh maybe sometimes it’s not waking up with but you know things that you do before you go to bed And uh one of those things is hang out with cool web free people and that’s why we do this show that’s why we really appreciate everyone that’s watching so if you’re watching please like this video please subscribe comment it because it really helps you know I really appreciate the engagement really Appreciate connecting with you and yeah if you’re feeling uh extra interested feel that free to check us out at feel free to become a member uh and your support at you get access to our members only videos uh where we may be talking about you Know more explicit material in terms of what’s happening in the world in terms of web3 at a a macro and a micro level but uh you’re also supporting what we’re doing at creating content getting content out there in the world onboarding people in the web 3 and Web3 domains and and we really appreciate that I really appreciate that uh you know 184 Rachel in terms of content creation I know they appreciate that because there’s a lot of people that we gotta on board there’s a lot of information that we have to share There’s a lot of stories that we need to tell because there’s a lot of growth that’s going to be coming into web 3 a little bit into 2023 and then a lot in the 2024 or 20 25 2026 and the 2030-2032.right and so it’s going to be a journey I’m super excited to be on this journey I’ve been here for a while I heard about crypto first time I heard about crypto you know geez 2013 2014.2013 yeah 20 years I was like wait is that right here 2013 2014.

uh kind of ignored it did marketing Around it did some yeah social media did some SEO around it for some Silicon Valley startups but you know yeah 2016 2017 you know that that’s when I started really paying attention and everything was so early back in 2016 2017 and you know the the banks were still laughing and people were still Laughing and you know corporations were still everybody everywhere nobody was really taking Bitcoin seriously like it was extremely few and far between like yeah like some of the tech companies were doing patents and Fidelity was you know had had some really interesting things doing with like Bitcoin and Bitcoin mining and you Know there was a lot of like authentic growth but um it it there just wasn’t a lot there and just you know from 2016 and 2017 into you know 2019 and 2020 and here we are in 2023 practically going into 2024.we’re seeing this over and over again And what this is is essentially the fear of uh of dollar uh you know lost in dollar value and value going into Bitcoin because of the inflation of the dollar and hyper bitcoinization not only into Bitcoin but into uh cryptocurrencies right I don’t know if you guys know about hyper bitcoinization And just like basically all money being stuck to the Bitcoin but really I think it’s going to be cryptocurrencies right it’s gonna be a network it’s gonna be a percentage into Bitcoin a percentage into ethereum uh I think ethereum is gonna be the number one network of fact that hyper bitcoinization goes into Because a Bitcoin ethereum is a really strong layer one or Layer Two for Bitcoin and then Bitcoin might be strong in terms of a a gold and there are going to be other blockchains and other other currencies that you know value is sucked into foreign But this is coming out brand new just a couple hours ago today Arizona senator introduces bill to make Bitcoin legal tender in the state And uh yeah allowing and and what does this mean like obviously anybody in in Arizona can currently accept Bitcoin if they want to but what this does is that this uh allows State agencies to accept the Bitcoin as currency so yeah a long time ago Um it was crazy if you said this people would be like ah maybe that’s kind of crazy and now we have El Salvador doing it now we have Arizona proposing it and even with Arizona proposing it that there’s even you know cooler action happening in places like Texas New Hampshire Missouri Mississippi uh Wyoming all sorts of places because each of these states are individual units of government and each of these states you know they want to they want their states to succeed they want their states to to rise and and strength and power and so we’re seeing you know states Starting to recognize that they want they want cryptocurrency to be a really important part of where they’re living they you know Arizona doesn’t want to be left behind because of what Texas and New Hampshire and Missouri Mississippi Florida Wyoming are doing so what do you guys think do you guys Think this adds on to the seriousness or do you guys think this is just a fleeting news story serious enough as long as it like gets rid of Elizabeth Warren Fudd that’s about how I’m feeling about it I hope everybody’s having a great day I just popped in and found out I was just in time to talk about my home state so allow me to just give a little bit of Applause for the good people in the Senate of Arizona [Applause] to me this is a really big deal Um I get that like it’s a game of catch-up in a lot of ways to some of the more Progressive states have been taking a you know future forward stance but honest to God the fact that we now have legislation that is you know theoretically going to be brought to the Floor and voted on to take positive Bitcoin action is hugely beneficial for the states that have considered doing such right it it kind of gives them a green light in their own way and you’re right racially we need more anti-elizabeth Warren fund this does a lot of that for us so I’m Thrilled about it God I love an Arizona poll stuff like this I enjoy Arizona I went to University of Arizona freshman year college love it there Tucson the own thing I it’s interesting I feel like Arizona’s a red state but it’s more Progressive on the red States it just is it’s become much More purple over the last like five years and this is one of the one of the ways that I think it’s still holding true to its roots but is willing to be a little bit more Progressive in other blue ways so not to get too political Yeah I know I feel like also it was like us we’re highlighting here paying for death like this is a game changer for so many people that have been oppressed by the system it is like because there’s so many people who probably have a decent amount of Bitcoin they’re holding it They enter the long-term value or they have access to ways you get Bitcoin and just that would help it’s a lot easier I think to obtain money to make money from Bitcoin than it is to actually go through a bank and deal the other nonsense to pay down significant amounts Of debt or taxes it just seemed it just is easier and it’s more it gives me more opportunities to like play actually for equity in my audible right now um well yes welcome to the show Stephen miller.eath and uh people can find some more Steven miller.eath and welcome to the short show novax Yo I love this because uh we got to make we got some Arizona people in the house you got Stephen lives in Arizona um and uh I I guess we have some rival universities as well because I graduated from ASU and when I look at something like this like let’s just like asu’s Tech entrepreneurship program is super advanced in the country it’s like it’s like the leading place where the um academic you know world is focusing on studying entrepreneurship and so this kind of thing is really really interesting to see for Arizona just as a leader in the tech space growing Um as the kind of silicon desert or whatever you know it’s called it’s like there’s there’s stuff happening in Bitcoin I don’t really see it in the same way that um the previous take uh uh Red Sox as much with uh empowering people in uh more disadvantaged positions like I kind Of think that the the bias in um in this case will be towards people who’ve you know made some money you know they got a lot of Bitcoin and maybe this makes it a little easier for them to to just deal like to use as a currency as opposed to An investment all the time it sets up preferable maybe taxation um and that sort of a thing I would imagine but you know for for holding it and transacting it all the time maybe not every one of those purchases a candy bar and Bitcoin is going to be regarded As a you know as a as a 1099r or whatever but yeah so just some federal at a federal level they they have talked about that and a federal level they have talked that the uh anything any transaction under six hundred dollars you know could be free of the uh capital Gains tax so it could just be spent more freely and so uh kind of like this article points out that recent actions in Texas in States like Texas New Hampshire Missouri Mississippi um and you know Wyoming is like is probably the best state in in the whole Country when it comes to bitcoin uh you know and so the more this is happening even though there’s a slim chance of this happening in in Arizona the likelihood of such bills these are only going to increase across the entire United States and again specifically what this means it doesn’t you know People can already accept Bitcoin uh in in any in any state uh as an individual you you could accept Bitcoin what this does is that this allows people to pay their taxes the one thing that you can’t pay you know with Bitcoin is taxes and so once this Bill gets paid uh Passed you’ll be able to pay your state taxes with Bitcoin and you’ll be able to pay what do they say um let me read uh an acceptance bill is more abroad saying a state agency any of them may enter into an agreement with a cryptocurrency issuer you know like a third-party provider to Provide a method to accept cryptocurrency as a payment of method for many things such as fines civil penalties other penalties rents taxes fees charges revenues Financial Obligations special assessments however the hell they want their money whatever they’re going to call the thing that you’ve got to give Them money for you’re gonna be able to pay that in in Bitcoin according to the way this is written so one of the things that I guarantee you will bore you to tears if you’ve never known it about the State of Arizona is they they love to privatize this part of their legislation Um you know trying to bring in private uh kind of processors right to allow for outside parties to benefit off of getting that type of service back to the state is one of the things they love to do they’ve done it and enabled it for every single One of their utilities and as well as like the current tax system so if you’re paying your state taxes like they already trust an outside payment processor so I’m I’m less surprised by that piece but again just as I said on the on the front end of it I really hope That other states start taking notice of that that’s a really really great piece and I hope that more States consider bringing in privatized payment processors would be really cool that makes sense I’m trying to think like what states are more likely like New York’s I’m in New York their Policies are this is our [ __ ] sorry I’m saying a lot of policies just [ __ ] seeing this this one this is proof this is proof that you can get a good education at University of Arizona so at least I actually graduated from the new school great in New York I went to Art School In the end big Tech sixth grade school love for me I don’t do football sorry but like every time now I’m like now I’m just itching to go back now I’m like now after this conversation I’m like [ __ ] right I was like I’m like should I try To go to Canyon Ranch or like somewhere out just in the middle of nowhere like this is the time but I don’t know like I’m from Maryland and they’re gonna take forever to get onto this I was like trolling I like literally like just looking like I was bored and like over The weekend was just like looking up just like how the hell is no one I went to high school with into this because like I don’t know but yeah none of those [ __ ] I was like looking up wallets I was looking at VNS and I was like should I just squat should I just Squat and just be a dick like anyone who was terrible to me just squat on the name and like do that like is that the move just punishing people for not being into this earlier I don’t know but now I don’t know real ammunition for The rest of my life for the rest of my night so thank you I try I try but um yeah I don’t know States I could see I I could see yeah I think it’s interesting the choice what is why is Florida not done this Florida’s so obsessed with everything Crypto which I love that for them I I love Florida people sit on Florida all the time I love Florida honestly it’s just you get to live like most people in Florida no matter what kind of they’re living their best life a decent amount of time especially the people being really tacky or Ostentatious like they’re living their idea of their best life good for them like that’s why I feel like my mom lives in Florida and she has this like apartment and it like looks out onto like the intercoastal and it’s like all these people like just like a bunch of Girls on a yacht taking photos for Instagram and I’m like you know what good for them they’re probably having a great day like honestly like they’re having a good time whatever they’re doing they’re just living their life like this this is power of web three Like I think two years ago I would have judged the [ __ ] out I mean like is who do these [ __ ] think they are like now I’m like you know what good for you if you’re living your best life enjoy like I love Zen so send me more Zen web free Me like meditated I was able to do that I’ve been trying to do that for [ __ ] like over 20 something years something crazy in the past like couple months like that was great that’s good that’s good for you I I get a feeling like Gary is a Meditator I think um Ada and Gary talks about spirituality a few different times on here I feel like Gary has this deep well of power within him just like he has to come from some meditation maybe you’ll spill some of the beans with us Gary what’s your question Yeah man I I could get into I don’t think people are like really interested in getting into it most people want to make money they don’t want to like you know make self-improvement you know I don’t know it’s like yeah you know maybe some people want Both you know it’s like you know like it’s really interesting like the like 85 of all the money in Book Sales come from self and help Improvement folks folks and people keep on buying those books and you know it’s like is it is it helping or you know I I think you know The biggest the biggest problem with anything it doesn’t matter if it’s like meditation or if it’s self-improvement or if it’s personal Improvement or professional Improvement it’s all about having a practice and and you know everything comes with a caveat because you don’t want to have a practice for the sake of having a Practice because if you’re practicing something and having a routine just because you’re telling yourself and you have a routine then you get yourself into a position where you actually need to destroy your routine right and like start using Chaos Theory right like too much meditation through you need a little bit of Chaos Theory um and so when you have a routine you just you want to make sure you’re having a routine because you know what your purpose is of having that routine and people don’t a they don’t have a plan they don’t have an outline they don’t write their plan down on paper you need To actually take your plan and turn it from mental energy and you got to turn it into physical and you got to physically take something you’re thinking and if you’re not like an artist right like if you’re an artist you understand what I’m saying like that right but if you’re not an artist And you have a lot of ideas in your head you need to write the words on paper and have the routine of writing those words on the paper and you got to have the routine of like you know knowing what it is you want to Do what it is you got to do and doing it let it be meditation or or personal or professional and um that’s really really hard it’s really really hard for people to you know it to you know have a have a practice of of being grateful or or Having a practice of like making their bad like we were talking about earlier or having a practice of like showing up on time or making a practice of like saying thank you or making a practice of like thinking about you know um you know like whatever it is professionally or personally and you Know speaking of practices uh Ada has a lot of practices she’s she’s the goddess of practice wait wait what are we talking about we’re talking about the new channel that you guys are working on spinning off called minting Zen really looking forward pay for that so much oh My God they would love that transition plus conspiracy theories with that you should totally pivot just the conspiracy theories and some yeah if it’s gonna be that it’s gonna be minting mindsets Just seven years over here I’ll leave it’s fine myself for not going there like wow like my degree is trash like that is perfect it’s honestly okay Rachel Novak’s Montez he understands what’s your life too I mean even all the young kids there were smarter than me it Was it was it’s tragic you know and I still and I went remotely so I don’t even know all the forcome stuff and all the the school you know whatever Customs bacon so you not only graduated but you also survived at getting a degree from Hpvu oh I mean I’ve heard it called that only this one time so I don’t even have any like witty retorts or anything this is honestly just what I get on like my driver’s license it’s like on the back of it all of these different reports for every single University in The state like that’s just what I’ve memorized at this point so don’t mind me we were talking a little bit somebody had suggested that we do spirituality uh conversation and then Gary has nicely transitioned that into a possible conspiracy uh convo which I think could be fun but we do talk about reserving These for the after show maybe that’s a good protocol in general because uh we might get deep platform for going too deep into the big foot we all know Bigfoot’s real I’m sorry I couldn’t resist now that you went there yeah Gary and I are like a perfect land of like Spirituality and conspiracy it goes together like peanut butter jelly sandwich you need to know any like reality show mainstream media show like something like just I feel like like the rest of the world needs to be like red pills or orange pills they seem to get that what if that’s just 100 percent Yeah you’re trying to onboard people why has no one done this like why is EA entertainment not on this like this seems like a show they would have done back when they were still around 100 you know subcultures because I mean what’s crazy is this is still considered A subculture it totally is it’s for a long time like because this is a culture web3 is a culture buying cryptocurrency is a culture it just is like it’s always become in like if you’re gonna stay from like more of a I guess dance like what sociological perspective what are you Gonna say looking at groups and groupings of humans if this is a subculture it totally is it’s just interesting to think of like like punk goes a subculture like thinking of just like what this is around and they have lasted forever and they’re just an enduring thing they’re so built into like the Zeitgeist of I don’t know what I reckon like in fact I’m a master’s degree is popping that in there it feels like yeah I believe that it’s amazing how like you know certain subcultures kind of like last over I was recently doing a Peloton right I don’t have a pelican bike but I Use the Peloton app it’s awesome and there’s this one instructor that I love and the only reason that I love her is because she does all these like New Wave like the Cure the Susie in the band she’s run around like who doesn’t want to like you know work out your life [ __ ] Why are you you know pedaling and sweating profusely to like the best music of your life I mean it’s no-brainer it’s perfect so uh but I was thinking about it the other day it’s like there’s certain subcultures that really lasted through um I mean through you know Generations Generations there are subcultures that I think come and go but there’s certain ones that they speak to each different generation and they change slightly but I think that the main tenant of what that subculture was about survives yeah and and I mean I think that’s incredible That’s so true I put this tweet out today and I was like how many of you like like pulse check like how many people on here were former like scene kids emo Rave kids like that’s all Community it’s all culture it works perfectly it’s a lot it also flour just The kind of mindset yeah see yeah that’s exactly what it is like that festivals like I still am a rave kid yes and a lot of other things but I cannot wait till nft NYC when Rave kid Gary comes out to play oh my God Oh my God yes that would like be big pants I was floating an idea today of like making like candy like for it like um like you know like the bracelets for um for me Denver for like I think I’m working for and I was like I’ll make Them myself because I’m like I got practice I got a kit like I will just go to town and just make a [ __ ] ton of candy bracelet just for people like and give them out because I’m like that’s kind of like it speaks to people and especially if it’s a developer Conference I feel like a lot of like devs had like a a big like a lot of times like the stoner kids like and like the actual like really smart like basically future developers of the world they all hang out that’s all they’re saying that’s the music it overlaps from What I’ve witnessed like I mean maybe in a small sample size but also like from the largeness of Twitter and like you see everybody’s pictures like the amount of women who are incredible Community organizers who are really into Tumblr it’s an astounding pipeline or Pinterest also like it’s astounding like that Pipeline is just so strong in particular and I think it’s just a lot of like at this point like the type of personalities that gravitate to the space and become the Personalities in quotations of the space if you know what I mean with that like it is a very like Particular type of like mindset in general and how everything kind of goes with it like it’s just open-mindedness like smoking weed requires open-mindedness to go out of your way to get something and to go get weed to go find the rigor role of it I think people who grew up like Having to go to a dealer like you naturally like this [ __ ] felt natural all this [ __ ] felt natural if you’re used to kind of being a little scary but like you know you’re you want what you want and you’re gonna deal with it and you’re gonna also like plus it’s a lot Of communication you learn a lot about communicating you learn a lot of kind of just relating to all types of people because oftentimes you’re going to a friend of a friend’s dealer’s house you get in there you have to figure out and let’s read the room assess the situation Are you gonna sit on the couch with them that probably smells a little bit bigger facial your body language very carefully don’t give anything away right now [ __ ] like that felt exactly the same but like a little bit more like raw because you could just see all the [ __ ] in front of you All the while I’m sitting here saying to myself damn Rachel that Owings Mills experience is really telling sorry that’s a joke for the East Coasters who know Baltimore yeah I grew up in Bethesda and worse in the way of like just really sheltered people who just like they’re Like no one did drugs everyone’s picked there was a couple people who did Rave and go into like well they said what the hell is it called the 9 30 Club on the weekends it would be coming from like infected mushroom and like talking about It and I was just like ha I don’t get it but like every time I’ve tried to fit in and try to I’ve lost out on opportunities like 2013 didn’t buy Bitcoin because like what my parents asking questions stupid it was under a hundred dollars I was on in like June 2013.stupid kick myself all the time after that was like oh this thing seems like a fat it seems weird I don’t know I don’t want people to judge me for it blah blah like no in 2020 I got my kids I’m just buying buy and buying I’m like[ __ ] it [ __ ] them all what am I gonna do and then getting into nfts was the ultimate just like [ __ ] everybody I’m just gonna do me why the hell am I trying to act like someone I’m not for other people why am I living my life and Like should you should do this you should do that and then oh my God yeah oh oh man yeah there’s a lot of people uh from like because like I was I was a YouTuber in in 2017 and so I met a lot of other YouTubers and I met I met a lot of I met I met a lot of other people and um there’s a lot of people that got involved in in Bitcoin because they needed to either buy or sell an eighth of oregano oh my God and and their dealer of oregano Wanted to get paid in Bitcoin and so they had they had to like pay like two Bitcoin for or probably like at that point that that or whatever yeah at that point yeah they probably had to pay a couple Bitcoin for for an eighth of oregano And uh some of these like early dealers like then you know they’re basically the same thing happened with the ethereum kids and you know geez 2016 2017 like right right in there like 2015 because basically all the ethereum kids just turned like anyone who had a gaming computer You went to something like nice hash or you just mine directly with you you downloaded a mine directly when you weren’t using your computer you just had your computer doing mining with your video graphics card while you were in video graphics and some kids were like I’m not going to ruin my card for that and other kids were like ah I want a couple extra dollars you know and each of those each of those one dollars that those kids like they probably they were losing money by their parents electricity you know what I mean and Probably making like a you know a couple dollars a day which is like a few hundred dollars a month but every single one of those dollars is now one ethereum because each of those dollars was one ethereum because so those kids you got to think about the Mentality and you guys know it just feels like I bet everyone yeah like who’s in crypto we all know if you’ve been through a bull market you know what this feels like where one day you have a hundred dollars of a ethereum which is 100 ethereum and the next day you have 150 000 dollars and it’s and it feels like you have a hundred dollars and you’re spending pennies like they’re 100 bills because they are right you guys know what I mean right no poor people and so on here it has nothing you you when when what what prices you buy ethereum What you mean about the electricity bills the first time I bought ethereum I think it was like 2500 oh you’re late I was late like 2021 wait area okay my best to just buy whenever there’s a topic oh it’s annoying I can’t have bought and sold an entire Bitcoin In March 2020 but it was like I just did not I had been out of work for like months and I was just like I saw it I just impulse but it was on Robin Hood so again I’m not too upset because like it was a real Bitcoin anyways what I Panicked bought and sold I think I lost money a couple big five bucks or something like just because of the trading fee or something it like stayed pretty stagnant and I’m like kick myself constantly but the question is would I have had the discipline probably not But yeah being on Silk Road when that [ __ ] was like I was trying to figure out satoshi’s and like what the hell is this like what like what is this like point zero zero what oh you give a bit like that was the first time I think I had Actually encountered that concept even yeah I think it was like weed was like .005 Bitcoin or something like I saw somewhere something weird I don’t know and I think a big 4.5 actually yeah it would have been 0.5 at that point because I think it was like under a hundred dollars but I don’t know I think you can take 20 bucks I think I was trying to go to like Rite Aid and buy a 50 like Visa gift card then use that to like try to find Bitcoin and like to make like a mount gox like wallet because there was no resources Their store’s not [ __ ] no one on Twitter I I didn’t know about people on Twitter talking about this I mean we were talking about it I think on this show kind of like if you could go back like to what point you would go back and people often say like oh you Know when Bitcoin was like in descent but it’s really interesting because even now we look at it and we’re like there’s barely any infrastructure like for anybody to get onboarded that isn’t already here there’s so many steps and even if you like manage to get them through those Steps and kind of hand hold them there’s still so much out there of like possibility of kind of getting scammed or even like how do you research a project or how do you like find the project that’s viable versus like everything else or you know like how do You make these decisions it’s like you know even or like what’s your game plan like are you going to buy and hold are you gonna buy over time are you gonna dollar because average uh you know are you just gonna d-gen like there’s so many different ways and I think in each And every of those their their success stories like in everywhere like hey I bought this one JPEG and like I made insane amount of money and then everybody else goes and then they go and buy like 100 jpegs and they all rock like it’s just you know because of the fomo because like Sometimes you just get lucky and I think that if you have been in a space any amount of time I talk about it all the time and if you don’t have those stories of how you wouldn’t make this tray or buy this thing or sell this thing too Early then you would have had millions of dollars then like you haven’t been long enough like literally like if you don’t have those stories and and it’s like you know Gary and I have like plenty of those stories I mean I look back and I’m like wow ethereum was like four dollars like But then it’s like when it went to the very top and then went down it went to like 100 bucks and I was like I don’t know what’s going on and it’s like if you just like if I would have just been like I’m just going to dollar cost average and bye Then it eventually like turned around so it’s like how many of those cycles does it take before you like all right I’m 100 on board like I get what so this time around I’m like I know what’s happening like everybody’s freaking out I’m not freaking out Are we at a bull trap there’s a lot of drama and like fun with that do we think the bitcoin’s gonna go down a little bit more and then pop back up that’s my thought is I don’t think it’s gonna go crazy good bottom to eight people are Saying eight I’m like I wish because then I would be finally like money’s coming and I’ll be like I’d be buying I would be buying full Bitcoins that is what I would do if it went down below if it goes below 10 ever again I’m just taking whatever the hell I’ve got and Just buying because I’m like okay but I don’t think I’ll go back down that however again I don’t see a point because like you look at it I mean you guys would know better than me and depends what you mean by I don’t know like you never know because I think There’s so many factors and what we don’t understand is that like many of us are just like tiny tiny fish like you are the amoeba in the big ocean of sharks like you’re in amoeba literally and with that kind of money especially think about yourself as a guppy because they’re gonna rip you Apart okay it’s better um somebody should make a t-shirt a little guppy That’s a little guppy but I think with that amount of money you can tweak the market so is it what we’re gonna see it’s actually there or is it to somebody’s benefit that it’s gonna hit certain points like I don’t think we’re ever gonna see three thousand dollar Bitcoin I don’t believe it how much three thousand that’s crazy three thousands Crazy Eight I think eight lowest ever again I don’t think I’m I’m I’m thinking 11.

so I think it is 11.I don’t think we’re gonna hit single digits but like I said I don’t Know anything and it could all happen but I think that where people are like where they look at it they’re like oh the minute they hit that then it’s gonna Skyrocket in a month and I honestly Garen I just had that conversation I don’t believe we’re gonna start seeing The next Bull Run until 2025.

take a drink of whiskey don’t hate me hang in for the ride not Financial advice but dollar cost average build your projects like this is the building time like whatever you can imagine build that [ __ ] seriously just build it build a community be in a community And you know when the time is right it’s all gonna go up but I think this whole like having the conversation around like is it going up is it going up is it going up it’s like not if not and it it doesn’t help anyone it just matters when It pops enough that the normies start to talk about it again that’s a week like that’s what we like yeah or big enough like high and then they start talking and no matter what like as long as it’s part of the conversation it’ll move back where we need it to go Like honestly dude I actually almost feel at first I was sad and actually I feel better about being 20 25 because I’m like okay this is good this is still means I have accumulation time assuming I can still get my [ __ ] together like that’s my anxiety right now is like Feeling like there’s a tiny little tiny mini nft program being like I can’t [ __ ] up this [ __ ] for the next two I need to really get my [ __ ] together buy good stuff and just hold it and just like trust that it’s gonna work for me the Thing is I don’t really I don’t see myself buying a house I don’t see myself having kids I don’t see myself doing any of that [ __ ] to like decently after you know what like that’s the first thing everyone needs to worry about is their cash All right you got to make sure your rent is being paid okay because if you’re if you don’t have the cash flow if your rent’s not being paid you’re gonna have to take whatever [ __ ] you got and you’re gonna have to sell it and you’re gonna sell it at the bottom Because that’s how life works okay and uh you gotta have your cat if you got your cash flow down then you could then you got to make a strategy and some people our strategy is just to buy and to hold just buying a hold because you know What what happened for me talking about my store and I think a little bit differently but I think things are going to start getting better as some as late as like you say like you know generally speaking like Q4 2024 um I don’t think we’re gonna have to wait till 2025.Um it’s basically the same it’s almost Q4 2024 is basically 20 20.yeah yeah well I mean as early as like q1 2020.but it sounds so much better um the bigger Point like not Financial advice you know what I mean like like obviously we’re not giving Financial advice on this channel But um I I definitely and you know we can go straight to the all-time if we go to the all-time highs that’s what matters like going high doesn’t mean you know like 50 higher or 100 from where we’re at going to like going higher means we have to we have to hit the All-time high again and until we hit the all-time high again we are [ __ ] not in a bull market okay yeah we ain’t there yet I don’t care if we go from like a thousand or fifty hundred dollar ethereum I don’t care if we go to three thousand dollar ethereum Until we hit 45 until we you know touch or breach 4 500 ethereum we’re not in a bull market so I think we’re absolutely gonna have another blow to the crypto Market uh and I I believe that’s going to happen in conjunction with the world economy faltering And the world economy faltering due to supply chain issues sometimes self-inflicted because of the whole ESG narrative which I’d love to get into into the after show and the wef and Douglas and stuff uh but we’re good we’re gonna get hit again and after we get hit again then we’re Going to basically bounce up we’re going to sideways action and then it’s going to be a slow and steady up up into like a new all-time high just like not Financial advice but you know I’m I’m I’m doing a thing you shouldn’t do which is looking at the past you know things And the past things is that we hit the covid dip where the Bitcoin was like hovering between like the five to ten thousand it it did a death dive down to 3K and then up to 30 uh sixty five hundred dollars right and so we’re gonna do Another death dive I personally of my charts I don’t show charts on this channel maybe I should but my charts go to like 11k ish am I fine uh maybe a little bit under 11k and um and and we’re talking Wix everybody we’re talking Wix right you got to understand like Like I like listen I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t trade okay because I tried trading and I realized that like you got to be able to catch falling knives or you got to be generally correct and in order to be generally correct you Got to be able to wait periods of time right because you gotta like unless you can catch the following knife which nobody can do and if you can do it then you were lucky and you can’t repeat that and you have a better chance of winning By time like time in the market just like holding the market you’ll be ever you’ll be every Trader if you just dollar cost average for 10 years in the Bitcoin in ethereum you’ll be every Trader in the world and you know when when like we’re talking about charts and we’re talking About all-time lows you know it’s going to be there for like an hour or six or less than six and and when it hits the all-time low it’s going to hit like 11k or or 10K or 10-5 or maybe a touch is nine five who the hell Knows and whatever it touches in terms of that bottom Wick you are not gonna know you’re gonna be like you’re gonna doubt yourself you’re it’s gonna go lower it’s going to touch 11 or it’s gonna touch eight it’s gonna touch 75 you know and you’re going to be wrong So hey yeah the lick the ladies liquor and leverage liquor ladies and Leverage I bought both of those EMS to give them both to run because he was like he was bringing that up so I gave them to him ladies liquor liver to Litecoin And that is that the what is the ens on it what is it ladies liquor leverage yeah it’s just ladies like her and leverage that that each one like really it’s throwing a Three L’s I think that fourth wasn’t so bad like I was explaining it to my husband this whole Concept of like sometimes I just buy [ __ ] because it’s fun and I want to have it I just mint it because I want to have it is it a lady a liquor or leverage it’s like it’s almost like a pro app it it’s like a little bit more type of like That’s what I do all the time like stupid [ __ ] like I just I love doing that it’s so much fun yeah you considered a PO app I consider it proof of regrets por the temptation to buy a Bitcoin is a chicken is the new Bitcoin the other day For point zero zero eight I just told myself as much as this guy is probably is sincerely struggling and more touring Syria and sincerely wanting to start a chicken farm for two thousand dollars and as much as I’m sure these photographs are authentic pictures that he’s taken of chickens and they are beautiful Uh I got it I I can’t make that investment right now you know I mean this is investment money this is money for something else this money is business for investment so I had I had to advise myself against buying the Bitcoin as new chicken or chicken this New Bitcoin even though it’s a beautiful chicken photography I’ve never heard of this it serves a good cause was I wrong was I being greedy in that I mean I don’t know I have to really self-reflect you know I talked to my kids I talk to My friends I tell them you want to have reoccurring sources of income to to create wealth and uh I’m I’m I’m now realizing you also want to have uh reoccurring sources of chicken eggs and um you know what what’s what’s uh you know 2023 is yeah I I want everyone to know You know like yeah the Market’s gonna crash I think the Market’s gonna crash because I don’t want to talk about price I just want to talk about building I just want to talk about building I don’t want I don’t want to talk about price But you know in terms of in terms of the price we do have grayscale in the digital currency group uh going head-to-head with the SEC they’re also going to head to head with Gemini and the winklevi and uh this SEC court hearing is postponed on March 8th so that means We’re gonna get through all of February and a week of March and yeah basically we got to see what happens with the SEC and grayscale we got to see because SEC does not like what grayscale’s been doing but even more than that we got to see what’s happening with grayscale and um And uh Genesis global and we have to see if that’s going to affect the gbtc we talked about this before in a show can you guys believe you guys remember what I said about the gbtc I don’t know if any who was here before but if you Want to know this is this is Mega Alpha so all the millions of people watching the show right now this is the alpha when the gbtc number this is my one metric if I wanted to know if the bull market was coming back this is the one metric if I could pick One metric it would be is the GB is the G uh BTC premium decreasing or going positive if this number goes from negative 41.5 to positive one that’ll be extremely bullish I mean at this rate if it goes to negative 20 that’s bullish No that’s that’s the alpha yeah I did not know about this this is cool yeah the first time it’s going remotely up then it’s either like a little dip today Eeny little dip what what is this like uh genesis’s Bitcoin Peg and they’ve gone and solvent so you’re Using as a metric for the General market Wellness no uh what this is what this I mean a little I mean not not exactly a little bit uh sort of what what this is is the price of Bitcoin if you were to purchase it a unit of gbtc So if you are a financial person and if you have uh Financial money and financial money is different than normal money right this isn’t really a financial show but uh Financial money is money that you have in the financial system that you can’t pull out and use as regular money You know what I mean and you got to keep it inside the financial system think about it like a 401k you know uh with with that sort of financial money you can’t take that money and buy things at your Farmers Market you can’t take that money and buy Bitcoin But what you can do is that you can take that Financial money and you can purchase gbtc which is a synthetic type of Bitcoin right and if you were to purchase one Bitcoin essentially using gbtc how much is one Bitcoin right now like can we save 17 000 17 17 3 000.

ah what Bitcoin had only 23 000 today oh twenty three thousand okay whatever yeah that’s good that’s cool uh again you know I mean if it I would be interested in looking at it if if it was like 50 of the all-time high which was 69 000 420.Um so like real quick 69 420.that’s just hysterical that was actually the legit all-time high and then people were just like book it and just started dumping numbers so once we breached uh 35 000 then I’ll start then I’ll start to be like interested in everyone uh wrecking Themselves because unless it hits seventy thousand dollars it’s just gonna be a super fake but anyway if uh one Bitcoin right now is 23 000 if you wanted to buy essentially if you wanted to buy an equivalent of gbtc uh so I take the 23 000 multiply it by I Should say 42 percent oops uh 23 000 multiply that by the uh by the 42 um so that’s a that’s a nine thousand six hundred dollar premium minus the twenty three hundred okay thirteen thousand so so one Bitcoin of gbtc is 13 essentially thirteen thousand dollars Instead of paying 23 000 you can buy this Bitcoin for thirteen thousand dollars so why is this Bitcoin 42 cheaper is 42 cheaper because we’re in a bear Market and people with money are smart and they’re called smart money and they don’t want to buy Bitcoin And if they knew that Bitcoin was the Smart Buy then they would take all their financial money and purchase gbtc and purchase the same Bitcoin you and I get at essentially a 42 premium I don’t know I like to look into this more guys it’s really interesting my Assumption just on like cursory overview would be that um this gbtc which I know nothing about at all but from what you’ve said uh what I can see here it will like I would assume that if this can depeg from the price of Bitcoin it’s because um you know the financial money Um as you say which we’re talking about like um basically like retirement funds and other like pre-tax money generally or institutional Grant you know investment endowments and things so this money has been this Bitcoin has been invested you know by proxy right it’s not like necessarily this is the problem with This is procuring Bitcoin this way voicemail yeah the in the fiduciary centralized way through grayscale so their acquisition of Bitcoin their average price their dollar cost averaging uh is reflected in that gptc not the price of Bitcoin necessarily is kind of what how I’m reading that which means that you’re actually taking kind Of an external risk altogether and but at some point you’re just putting your confidence in in grayscale it almost looks like I mean just anyway that’s just kind of what I thought initially maybe I’m way off no I mean yeah yeah great grayscale has a financial product called gbtc Uh on the side tangent grayscale also has a financial product for ethereum ethereum classic it’s essentially the central ends Mana uh zen zen cash grayscale has several different Financial products but their first and most popular is G BTC and they have a certain amount of Bitcoin that they are Holding in a in a very you know essentially secure way and if you want to purchase a unit of of their total Supply it essentially costs one unit of their total Supply costs thirteen thousand and their total Supply is essentially supposed supposed to be worth one for one Bitcoin and because They can’t just like easily you know buy and sell Bitcoin because of like what they’re doing um there’s essentially uh you know more people have sold and they can’t they can’t Arbitrage to balance it out so it forces an Arbitrage that can’t be balanced and so smart money doesn’t want To fill that Arbitrage until they feel that bitcoin’s on its way up and so what my thesis is that smart money knows that Bitcoin might dip again because the whole world economy might dip again before people take their money and puts it they start putting it back into appreciating assets because basically Right now money is expensive because interest rates are high and interest rates might go higher it’s pretty sophisticated take dude I mean I I don’t disagree with you but like I wouldn’t have got there on my own that’s yeah nice yeah it’s a single metric the negative The it’s called the the premium or or the or the or the negative on the um the premium or the negative premium on the gbtc and yeah go go look it up I’m sure there’s all sorts of charts out there you could probably like find something like sure if you want But um there’s all sorts of charts where sometimes people like these these people with money that have this financial money I’ll call it they want to buy Bitcoin and instead of there being Bitcoin like say Bitcoins like you know twenty three thousand dollars if they want to buy a share of gbtc it Might cost thirty thousand even though for me and you it’s 23 000.

and they don’t they don’t give a AF because they whatever their premium is they know they believe it’s going to go higher and they can’t take their money and purchase raw Bitcoin they can only purchase this financial Type of Bitcoin because they can only purchase in the Bitcoin system so they purchase of synthetic this is boring no one wants to know about this so do you believe that the entire crypto Market is still intimately connected to bitcoin and if so do you think that there might be a time where That won’t be a case yeah so um I I think technically it’s called Hearts law uh because the first person I started talking about it was Richard Hart but um basically everything in crypto uh traditionally speaking is connected to bitcoin therefore when Bitcoin goes up a lot everything naturally goes up a lot Because it’s connected to bitcoin and um and when Bitcoin goes down everything goes down because everything’s connected to bitcoin and that used to be extremely a million percent true essentially and and now it’s like a little bit less true but it’s still very very true and the reason it’s less true and this Is kind of important because back in 20 you know but like before before 2017 2018 we had the like the the layer one Wars like is Bitcoin gonna win or is this yeah Bitcoin versus Bitcoin cash or Bitcoin versus ethereum right and and basically there’s this consensus that Bitcoin has won Bitcoin stuff and ethereum has won like everything else um people were seriously concerned with Bitcoin cash roll that I was I was like well and people yeah it was a big deal yeah understated how big of a deal it was and a lot of like smart people who I Love and respect were big blockers and uh you know feel you know are are you know weren’t happy with the end results of that situation but regardless like you know those were the the layer one Wars and basically after 2017 after 2018 um a little bit up and even until today You could say we have these Layer Two Wars and these Layer Two Wars have been like a really big deal and uh these these Layer Two wars were basically like you know like basically polygon is a layer two and optimism is a layer two and you know like decentralization wise optimism is a Better layer too hopefully than polygon because their polygon is like totally 100 centralized and is is not really just you know decentralized in terms of you know polygon has admin Keys you know Solana has admin keys and and all that [ __ ] but um what are we talking about because uh There’s other like protocol Wars um and so like right now we’re going through major major protocol Wars like so all you guys are ens people and all you guys know about ccip well there’s also this competing thing that’s brand new essentially as competing with ccip and what’s competing with ccip is cctp And cctp is the the circle there’s a company called Circle they’re a centralized company they’re us-based they’re very big circle is a company behind usdc which is a centralized stablecoin if they want to shut the coin in your in your wallet they could shut the coin in your wallet And prevent you from spending it and make it worthless and so circles created cctp which is sort of centralized and that’s in competition with ccip which is cross-chain interoperability protocol which is created by ens labs and chain link chain link and EMS Labs tomato and uh yeah so then you have the stable I think where I was getting was what I was trying to get to is that you have these stable coin Wars and so you have like dye you have tether you have uh usdc for a circle and you have more and more and more and more stable points right entering a scene And with with more stable coins entering a scene and more trading pairs against Bitcoin and more trading pairs against ethereum being traded against the stable coins you get more and more percentage of the crypto Market that’s trading against a stable coin instead of trading against Bitcoin And so you know like I don’t have the numbers in front of me there’s still a large percentage of the market that’s treading against Bitcoin so yeah if Bitcoin jumps up the whole Market will jump up and that’s a little bit less true now and it’ll be it’ll be less true as more And more trading pairs are put against stable coins it’ll be less volatile you know what I mean and Bitcoin will become more and more stable and ethereum will become more and more stable but it’s gonna it’s gonna take you know it’s probably going to take a couple Decades for for those to be like significantly more stable Go for it I was like okay damn well like that’s curves like it’s gonna it’s gonna be decreasing every time you know but think about bit like Bitcoins going in these four-year Cycles you know I’m just gonna be like an extremely small amount of Bitcoin being released And then there’s gonna be the total demand against that Bitcoin right and so um just to give you this other thing that uh binance put out can you guys see this yeah I mean we all knew this right there’s more millionaires in the world than there are Bitcoin okay They’re saying that there’s 62 million millionaires Believe that back when I used to talk about this in 2017 I used to tell people that there were 42 million or 43 million miners well thanks Bitcoin thank you Bitcoin for making more millionaires no no no no infant has made more million Aires not Bitcoin what year recently like 2017.since 2017.

Like like some of those millionaires are billionaires because of Bitcoin but because dollars are being printed and dollars are being printed like eventually listen eventually like you’re gonna be eventually like not you but like like eventually like everyone like some some kid that doesn’t have enough Money to eat will be a millionaire and a millionaire a million dollars won’t be enough for them to buy buy food yeah right everyone’s Gonna Be A Millionaire that’s the thing right you guys understand like literally every dog and this planet will be a millionaire because a million dollars will be worthless yeah Like I’m I’m confused here though because the max Supply on bitcoin is 21 million it is it just the way that they’re saying it it’s strange yeah [ __ ] Europeans man um they’re saying they’re saying yeah they’re trying to say 21.they’re trying to say 21 000 million And 21 000 million is supposed to be like 21 million yeah yeah like when you say that when I say 62 000 millionaires what they what what their mean here is 62.62 million what what they mean to say here guys is that there’s currently 62 million millionaires globally and There’s going to be a Max supply of 21 million Bitcoin and I know they don’t I know they mess up with that yeah see this is an advertisement for like hey just consider using coinbase or kucoin like it’s fun yeah really I’m like a copywriter okay Okay but you can’t find it yes you can suggest for for every for every one Bitcoin there’s three wait is anyone on does anyone on this call want to admit to being a millionaire I’m not I will if my parents die but like I’m not okay I I Am not a millionaire out of you millionaire does anyone want to meet the queen okay so nobody wants to admit to being a millionaire some of us in this call might have one Bitcoin I assume I would assume that maybe maybe maybe you know someone who owns one Bitcoin and they’re not a millionaire true or false so is somebody have liquidated our Bitcoin for ens wait wait just true or false yeah that is a wow no it’s a better long-term playing absolutely it can be if you get the obviously got the right stop Uh but but true or false you know you might know someone right now who owns one Bitcoin I used to own one Bitcoin I’m sure you guys right but but you might know someone right now who owns one Bitcoin who’s not who’s not a millionaire Yes okay so for every so if if you we were to take 21 million Bitcoins and we were to divide them only amongst millionaires so none of us are millionaires if we take 21 million Bitcoins and divide them for for all the millionaires in the world there’s one Bitcoin for every three milliners And some some people own Bitcoin they’re not millionaires there’s there’s someone who’s not a millionaire and they own 10 Bitcoin no house no car no job they had some Bitcoin not shocked feels like coin there’s gonna be 30 millionaires that don’t have any Bitcoin uh with 10 Bitcoin and no house and no Job has a very nice Travel RV in it and they’ve just been oh they didn’t ever worry about paying for gas they’re good okay don’t worry about that person or or they live on a cruise ship yeah other than their mom’s placement and just don’t tell people that they Have it because that’s the smart way to go don’t let anyone know what you even have and that’s that’s my thing because I won the lottery I would do it as quietly as humanly possible if I got something that pops like really pops No One’s Gonna know about it I’m just gonna keep living my life letting money come in working it’s acting like everything’s the same until I don’t have to anymore sales Bob don’t lie um Guys somebody was mentioning about how oregano was such a great tool of Bitcoin adoption and I thought that was Hilarious and I was thinking uh just before this I was doing an interview with uh Queen Maxie and we are just stumbled on the topic of you know adoption and the necessity and brokerage we’re talking about ens brokerage and they need to kind of bring people corporations in buyers Brands to an Awareness of how to even custody their assets or why their EMS even useful to them maybe you’re like help prompt their imagination their marketing department about what they can potentially do with this asset and so in that conversation um and then and then coming you know to This conversation you know too where I was talking about how before the brands really feel like the impetus to to take the plunge uh and even spin something you know impressive on their domain like a few hundred thousand or half a million or more um they’re gonna need to see that There’s real like volume of people here and that there’s things that they can do with it that will actually like is serve their bottom line and I feel like the very like real economics of that are are not a winner for most uh Brands looking to enter the space they might even have A lot of them looked at it and said e not yet and I get that you know so I think we kind of need to be the Agents of like the mass adoption and in a way there’s this weird kind of like um price wall or like pressure of like you know stagnant Um stagnant stagnation because we’re afraid to like go to the brands because we’re like we’re gonna wait till they come to us we’re gonna wait till they come to us we don’t want to be poaching them and get in trouble and the brand you know what I’m saying so I feel like I’m just saying as a broker forget that you know I’m contacting the brands and I’m saying I’m a broker and I can help you get this asset and here’s why it’s valuable this it’s a valuable communication anyway just fun um you know I’m curious and this will be A good question for for um you know for Steven and the of the ens Shark Tank as you know as you are in your second season but I’m curious whether we are going to see a more of a transition from people just you know trying to sell domains to trying to sell Um ens domains that might have some kind of build on it you know even though it’s like basic to basically um it’s back to novox was saying it’s it’s much easier to show than it is to explain yeah I mean look I think that the narrative is starting to change for sure We were really fortunate yesterday to have Dylan midor on for like an hour or so um and for those that are not familiar um he is known as AKA Satoshi test account and Dylan was phenomenal like truly phenomenal during that hour we’re really breaking down what the value of Domains will be once you do build on them right it was encouraging because like realistically those domains have so much more potential once you do something with it right and I’ve had conversations with a handful of the other sharks about this but like even driving up something like subdomain Architecture and really building out you know what it could be used for even just like the smallest level does add a ton of value to it um so I think that over time the narrative is definitely shifting um especially more than last season right we were talking a lot about 184’s Favorite combination of words and that is sub-domain potential and again he’s taking it to heart I think you said to me and DMS you’re tattooing on your arm right yeah yeah it’s it’s oh it’s like um I mean that’s gonna be that’s gonna be a special piece fantastic I mean potential yep See that’s where novaks would put it but I I think 184 has got the right idea um the the idea of going Beyond right and creating something Beyond potential is the real value driver at the end of the day because if it doesn’t make sense To you right we had a great domain that was pitched yesterday the Sharks didn’t get it I got it clear this day and Dylan got it too and it was for live coverage oh that’s good yep once you build something out on it right because then then your end customer Actually can conceptualize the potential for it it’s beyond just interpretation so yeah I I think you’re spot on I think it’s it’s going to be one of those things that expands um really the valuation potential in the future that’s cool that’s a good one what’s your favorite what’s your favorite like Personally favorite one you’ve seen on um you know Shark Tank like personally like you just like it like you’d want it for yourself that’s a really tough one because he wants to sit out we’ve got a lot to sell because this is It’s My creative Outlet shoot me a DM we’d love to have you on um it’s every single Tuesday at 5 PM Eastern and I think that if I was to pick it would definitely not be the one that no Pax was just um you know chilling at me which was a therapist for Reasons that you can yeah the one that I don’t like is ens exist that’s fine nobody here owns it right I I don’t I don’t know I I just I I have it with the dollar sign in front of it yeah Gary let’s let’s chill 184’s domain for Two seconds here you really own hashtag the rapist for a second that’s why I’m not a fan of ens therapist therapist doesn’t pass the the TV channel yeah it reads horribly read through right damn I didn’t see it visually and now you’ve said that now I’m I got second thoughts somebody Pitched it on the show and one of the sharks or somebody in the on the panel pointed it out and everyone was like yeah no we’re gonna and I was the one that pointed out because there was um like we were it was one of those like joke and comedy spaces That really took Clubhouse by storm in the early days and somebody on clubhouse like legitimately had taken the name I think it was like I think it was Jill therapist like literally just that I decided to be the one to come it should have been a jazz therapist I Wanted to come up on stage and just roast her because that’s exactly what we were doing just messing around and ever since that Clubhouse session like I’ve never been able to read uh therapist the same way ever again yeah I see everybody knew that back in days because I’m old as [ __ ] uh back in they days like we all knew that you know what I mean that you had to be careful of words like that like a whole list of words and like the like therapists is like the the lowest hanging fruit yeah Really put that on with your domain like a list and like people would probably pay like what how much did you pay for that like the list if you’re like a biggie and S buyer like just to know the ones that would look like [ __ ] and you Could probably like make a nice little tool for yourself what would you pay for that I would say yeah for free yeah these are the words you have to use proper capitalization for yeah Fireball called uh certain conjugations uh trap words on the show yesterday I thought That was really clever the way he described that and everything I agree with his assessment too and I didn’t have the word for it so trap word is a great word this doesn’t fall in that category there’s a whole other thing it’s even worse it’s like uh what would You even What’s the upgrade I mean you’ve also heard of Heaven’s tools I would call this Hell’s Bells foreign landmine came on on the on the tank yesterday that was pretty good too I saw that come down premium and I picked up the ones that I shield and then that That one got the attention so that was another case in dude I could have had either one and the one that I picked up was way less well received so it was cool to see the social receptivity in the show to the domains because that establishes a whole nother right Benchmark for valuation I think you know I think that for for sort of each one of us like we we each have a different vision of what they could be and that’s why I think putting it together is so important I think you know going to a brand and Just being like hey I have the domain name of your brand and you need it because you need it because you don’t want to be left behind like yes that’s one sell strategy right we all know the salesman that just won Gold the [ __ ] away and you’re like dude really like it’s no But I think I think that the way way better strategy is you make a pitch deck you show them the potential you show them the research of what they’re like nothing sings better than what their competitors have done because they know money and they know their competitors are doing better they’re gonna lose Money that’s what every single brand out there knows and that’s that’s what fomo is to them is that their biggest competitor is gonna get ahead of them by Miles but then the most amazing opportunity I think that everybody overlooks like everybody overlooks is that they don’t Have anybody on their team who can guide them so like you’re not just a broker you’re not just selling them stuff like the best opportunity that you have is to actually become part of their team and to be a consultant to actually help them to make something out of that like you Know that’s that’s where I always like think outside of the box maybe because I’m a marketer and I deal with um you know businesses all the time and and so it’s like this is kind of their mode of thinking that most of the time they don’t really give a [ __ ] unless Something isn’t working something is preventing them from making money or their competitors are getting ahead of them like you know it’s a really really like streamlined in many ways streamlined way of thinking You could approach uh a potential in buyer but actually pitch them a job for yourself right like we’ll talk yourself into a job being their kind of website 100 be like hey I’m a consultant web 3 is a new technology I would like to spend whatever 30 minutes with you I have you know and and an opportunity for you that I think might benefit your business you showed them a really simple pitch deck you like to throw them some statistics and say hey I have been in this space for a very long time this is What I have done and I can help you ha you know from the basic things of how to integrate it to actually how to bring that strategically into your brand so we should start a company called hyperwave marketing and we should do that so so I don’t I uh That’s how I approach Brands I never go to them be like I have six I have value like I mean maybe because I’m allergic to cells but I just think that if you can’t bring value with you then you’re just a troll sorry nobody nothing nothing against you But it’s like you have to bring value otherwise it’s like you don’t understand as the business owner the amount of emails I get every single day on every single platform like LinkedIn directly to my email calls they all trying to sell me [ __ ] and occasionally I get on a Call with someone and if I get on a call with them is because they can help me save money they can help me get ahead of their business and they usually have a really good proposition that involves some kind of partnership let’s um let’s say hypothetically I have A um uh I’m a CEO of a major car brand called Porsche and uh and I want to do I want to get into web three I want to get into nft run me through how you how you do that because you know I don’t want to Fall on my face and do something trashy shitty run with it well perhaps you could improve upon one that might have occurred in the last few days or theoretically have like some type of in touch strategy person that might understand the space that you’re entering or the never mind I’m sorry yeah So so I don’t know anything about cars so recent I did a presentation about to my uh to my business Network about websites and why you might need a website right very very basic sometimes you have to go really the more basic you can go the more people you’re gonna reach But I basically was like I am to my clientele with my camera mechanic is to me like my car is broken and I take it to the car mechanic and they’re like ah you know your ignition is broken I’m like great can you fix it like I don’t Need a 30 minute or an hour like this is how the ignition works because this is how it connects to your some internal Computing system like I mean I do not give an f I’m just like I want to drive my car you the expert can you fix it But if I’m giving a presentation about something that I don’t know anything about I would go and research the hell out of a car market first because I don’t know anything about it so for me to really understand to pitch them I would have to be like who like you know Who is their number work one competitor right like what is the history like at what point like are there number one are there number three were they ever number one did that ever change you have to kind of understand the dynamic of the competition not just from this point but Just like from the whole history Arc you know and then you can start pitching web three you know and I off the top of my head do not know of any car companies per se that have gotten into web 3 so you have to kind of build some bridges Excuse the shark in me but you have me chomping at the bit I have like I’ve I’ve run this over six ways to Sunday and it just drives me absolutely insane and yes that is another car pun for you I there are case studies out there of Car companies diving into web three you have Corvette that did it and failed miserably and why because they were completely out of touch they tried to sell yeah on the way for a Corvette and they just completely botched the landing on it why they weren’t in touch Porsche Had like I think it was two other case studies they could have utilized and they just didn’t it was oh my God had they just reached out to Stephen miller.eath we would not be in this situation but that is actually an amazing that like what you had said is actually Amazing because like I said like I don’t know enough of the history I have to go in and do all that research because the truth most likely is that the executives that I’m talking to they know about this because they’re very well versed especially on all the staff that their Competitors do want to fail at and so on and so forth so you have to be able to address it and I think that you can spin it to actually your benefit you can say okay there is a case study it failed miserably this is why I felt miserably And if there isn’t one like a car company that had succeeded you can pull another successful brand and you can build the bridge and say but this company had done it this way and those were the differences and this is why they succeeded and this is why you can Take this template and put it on top of the car company and if there hasn’t been a success story that is even better because guess what nobody likes anything more than being the first you know than having the glory of being like yes I am the first car company that got into web3 Space and I crushed my competition right and so I mean I think you can sell anything if you just connect to like what is their biggest pain Point are there like losing sales right now this is their marketing facts you know like like what has happened and they’re not Gonna tell you so you actually have to do that research yourself and be able to like answer the questions if you’re doing like if you know if you’re pitching but I think that BMW because uh you know in terms of talking about cars if you know because yeah you have Chevy With like they’re I think it was like a one of wine that nobody bought and then we have Porsche and Porsche is like brand new that’s this week yeah that’s another nft project BMW uh has been doing blockchain research for years and BMW is looking into Um you know and granted it’s like a private blockchain or um maybe not a public blockchain but they’re experimenting with you know there’s like an onboard computer into everybody’s car and basically leveraging blockchain technology so that when you have data that your car is collecting That if you off you know back in the test that I was researching back in 2018 uh with BMW you can choose to share your data with BMW am I sharing with remember that yeah now I remember that you’re gonna get essentially the BMW coin and Then the BMW coin that you’re gonna get receive in exchange for your driving data right you’re producing something and you’re you’re giving it you’re sharing it and by sharing it they’re paying you for what you’re sharing and then you can take this BMW coin in order to get tire rotation mechanical You know fixes to your car uh other repairs and benefits of being part of the the BMW Club with with your with your mechanic because you you bought the car from the dealership um and so there’s cases where there’s car companies that are researching this in serious ways and then there’s cases In the Porsche example where they’re they’re trying to do something but they’re obviously not Consulting they’re not heading to ask people I think that you can see very clearly see this is what happens in a rapidly growing Market it creates an opportunity for a lot of crooks And if you are very very good at knowing how to systematize that and sell to you know whatever brands or whoever might need these Services then you you know I mean salespeople are some of the most incredible people because they can sell you anything like If you’ve ever been in front of a great salesperson you walk away and you’re like I bought [ __ ] I absolutely did not need but in that moment they made me feel like it was the most important thing in the world and then it’s like I don’t even know why I bought it And but the problem is is that you know a lot of these companies that are like created sort of on the spot on the brink of opportunity right they don’t actually know what is best for these companies so they’re just capitalizing on an opportunity of the rapidly growing market and the truth is If you are a you know top executive at the company like you don’t have a lot of time screen like what you know to like do a deep dive on like what is going on and what are these companies and which company might be best like you’ll do Some research but you just you know you don’t have a hundred hours built in of and this is the problem that we have at web 3 right there isn’t the information is very scattered and it’s very difficult to go to like there isn’t one Place where I can I can go and say I want to learn about web3 right like real quick Rachel yeah I know you gotta bounce I’m sorry that we’re not gonna be able to hit you up in the live stream and talk about the world economic forum And dating a lot spicy things at some point I’m sure maybe I made it I mean that’s right I’ll make another Point are you Bitcoin just thumbs up or our um Bigfoot Bigfoot thumbs up or thumbs down since you’re not going to be in that yes I mean maybe it may play something out but it’s it’s real whatever this is we may not understand it it’s real I also believe in aliens I think that aliens is absolutely but stupid for humans to think that we’re alone Rachel I’m really sad because Um I’m gonna share in the after show I’m gonna share with everybody the story that I told my kid which which is not my story but it’s it’s it’s it’s a story from a well-known UFO expert oh and it’s a story it’s a UFO expert who is talking about stories Like real stories that I could cite in reference to Bigfoot uh Alien researcher referencing the big fight and I told them about this Bigfoot Theory and uh yeah he laughed he laughed is someone out early very good it’s very good it’s a very good uh Bitcoin it’s a Very good uh Bigfoot Theory you’re gonna hear about anything are y’all if we also alien who does someone own that someone must own it oh yeah so it’s stupid no they don’t who owns aliens on whatever big brain owns that smart I want to own that one that’s a big brain One all right bye y’all thank you for having me talk to you soon anyway Anna just uh just raffle that uh what you’re saying or just tie into what you’re saying uh talking about what a difficult time that everybody web2 web 3 people are happening with a number of of Web3 companies that are getting into the space and and these CEOs these ctOS at different levels not having you know the time to discern all of these legitimate web 2 companies that are coming into the space in what’s really difficult is is that it’s not just legitimate web legitimate web 2 and web 3 companies coming into the space it’s also scammers and illegitimate companies coming in and so while they’re while people are are receiving good information good deals good Alpha some of the good information some of the good deals some of the good Alpha is actually bad information bad deals and bad Alpha And they’re being fished they’re being scammed and it is making the discernment even more difficult to understand what is happening Kevin Rose uh Legend in his face yeah incredibly sad today incredibly sad and instead of talking about wonderful great things we’re talking about destruction and Devastation listen if I Own an auto like his Auto glyph is probably worth more than everything I own his One auto glyph is probably worth more than everything I own at current market rates um let alone you know everything that he actually lost which was pretty extensive that is heartbreaking you know he lost He lost like 25 like 25 squiggles um yeah Kevin Rose Moon Birds you know all sorts of cool stuff this was his wallet they got hit 1.6 million followers so sad I just want to give a shout out to not a sponsor feel free to sponsor us is a website that everyone should check out you should pop don’t connect your wallet right don’t don’t connect this but pop in each of your wallets into the address and go look are you connected to any old open seats you probably are yeah no Novak’s just Posted in our our little group chat here but etherscan has an alternative to it as well it’s really really effective um approval Checker someone [ __ ] yell at them because that is a shitty URL why Why Can’t This be like what is this one Why Can’t This Be revoke Why the F what happens if I type in revoke they suck because they didn’t reach out to Gary as a consultant shame on you sucks they should be just revoked who’s gonna remember this like if I tell you go to token approval checker you’re gonna [ __ ] that up you’re not Gonna remember that 100 this is what happens this is what happens we’re like developers built [ __ ] without having like you know designers and marketers on board they can actually like check what the actual user experience is you know and this has been true since like the beginning Who’s gonna be able to read this in Google they might as well call this the therapist ethers Canada therapist whiskey Wednesdays yeah so this is this what this entire story sucked in my opinion just because like everything hurts when you look at what Kevin Rose went through but What really pisses me off about it most is he surrounds himself with exceptionally smart people and not one of them brought up to him using something like join or like the three other Solutions out there that are actively built into your Chrome extensions they can tell you what The contract is theoretically doing and what is granting access to and what it looks like and can guide you from pitfalls again it’s not perfect yet but there are solutions out there that can mitigate your risk and for some reason these advisors to him never brought it up and That’s that to me is a damn shame but you have to continue to test yourself and remain skeptical of what it is that’s in front of you whether it’s just a metamask transaction what pops up when you click a link in Google right use a VPN for God’s sake so it can block all of the like crap domains but good Lord I mean like like even what um Emily loves crypto is building right now in the foolproof app is a phenomenal like Security Suite that’s coming to Market and if you haven’t heard of it you don’t understand What the concept is please please go check out their software and I’m not sponsored by them in any way nor am I sponsored by fire but both have phenomenal solutions that can protect you from losing a shitload of money even if your shitload of money is just a thousand dollars by Perspective right this dude lost over two million dollars today right if you’re if you’re by perspective looking at a shitload of money like man that’s a grand for me it’s still important care about your stuff like and continue to challenge what you know yeah and I’m you know I’m really you Know this is this is where like the building and Innovation comes and I think that there are the buying cycles and they’re like I call them the buying cycles and the building cycles and that’s like the really really beautiful thing is because I think We still have a long way to go before we can be in the place where it’s like okay it’s I don’t want to say easy because this is like my biggest thing is that you know the entire web3 is built on a tenant of decentralization which means like basically you are responsible for Your own ship and I think that it’s it’s like rows of our time and everybody is like I love decentralization but that actually means you have to understand we’re being so self-sovereign individual is and that is there’s nothing easy about it because you yourself have to take responsibility and to going back to Like the tenants that Bitcoin was built on and and the time that it was that it was like what was important during that time and and I always say go and read that white paper because it’s you know that’s what the the entire Community like this whole Revolution is based on But it’s like you have to take responsibility for your staff so what this means for us right now is that there’s a lot of Step and we have to use a lot of different apps even like you were saying right and like we’re always looking for the best ways to say okay like I mean I would always say like if you connect your wallet like you should in theory read the freaking contract do any of us do any of us do actually do it probably not but having the tools that can say okay in Translation in a nutshell this is what the contract does Super super helpful and I think that as we get more and more um as we get better at these tools the hackers are gonna get better like they’re not gonna stay the same right so so it’s like it’s always this kind of delicate dance and I think that if you Are fully decentralized then every step of your journey like you have to be responsible for your own stuff and so that Journey doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s going to be easy but you have to take those extra steps because there isn’t a person that you can call and be Like oh I like [ __ ] up and send the money to the wrong person you know like there isn’t that and so so this so so we get a lot from things being centralized but because we fought so hard for being centralized like I always say it’s like we have to Get out of the centralized mindset and actually say now I’m responsible for this stuff yes it’s gonna take more work you know but if I [ __ ] up it’s on me so did I do my due diligence like if I didn’t read that contract do I have the Best tools that can tell me what the hell is actually happening like every time I connect my wallet I’m like do I really want to do this and I connect my wallet to so few things literally like do so few things because I’m like it only takes one I know I know And every day I’m like you know that time that I connected like it like because like did I read that contract like I don’t know what the contract says right like do we ever read the the agree like every time when you update your Apple phone or computer do you actually Read the terms and agreement but but but now that we have chat GPT I can copy and paste the terms and agreement in the chat GPT and say hey chat GPT is there anything seriously [ __ ] up in this where I should uh not approve this this contract where does this look hunky dory I mean what is the very basic programming right like [ __ ] up meaning like I don’t know all I know is that chat you gotta kill it it passed a bar exam so it’s smarter than I am in terms of being like going to law school you Know it might be smarter than I am when it comes to ens names probably not really though all right book smart anyway I don’t know I don’t know all I know is that um Arizona wants to make Bitcoin legal tender Kevin Rose got got his wallet hacked no Matter how smart and how many smart people he had around him sorry Kev he still didn’t do like all the best practices and even though I I feel like I do [ __ ] like really really well uh I bet I’m not doing everything right I bet I’m not dude I know I’m not doing Everything right um I feel like you should organize and kick some hack her ass yeah what do they do that’s uh that that’s uh that’s that’s something else yeah yeah you gotta you gotta you gotta [ __ ] [ __ ] up um and yeah not sure where we’re going with that but There there’s there’s a lot in there that needs to be known and needs to be done and that I hope that we’re sticking together for but um yeah Kevin Kevin Rose is while looking hacked uh us not doing everything right at the very least if I if I could give Everybody a couple tips as far as all that goes uh stop using SMS use Google Authenticator or yubiki when you set up something like Google Authenticator the fair the very first day that you set up a Google authenticator it gives you a like a QR Code to scan so you can scan that into your phone and add it to your authenticator app if you look it also gives you like a okay 30 or 40 character key 24 with 32 whatever if you write down that 32 character Long Key and you’re and you’re like um You know Gmail authenticator or uh coinbase authenticator and you maybe store it where you store your your crypto keys or something to that effect if you do lose your phone in a salty ocean you can have backups of your authenticator natively without using any of their built-in tools true story Um coming from someone who’s dropped their phone in the ocean before um intentionally but it was worth it uh but deliberately for real deliberately yeah yeah we could talk about that in the afternoon but um it was it was a calculated risk it was a calculator risk Gary I drove Our new car on the beach here because we have like one of the only places we can drive on the beach here in California we have this amazing thing here in the central coast and uh we stopped and we got out and the kids were running around For a minute and then and we got back in the car and I said oh oh God where’s my phone and we had already driven off and I was like I mean it’s you know it’s probably out in the in the sand somewhere there’s no way I’ll find it There’s just no way and I was freaking out and packing and then I found it in the car fortunately it was like under my seat but um it occurred to me at that moment just the kind of I started going through like the possible non-recoverables and I was like this is Totally unacceptable right now yeah yeah so uh don’t use on one hand it’s kind of like yeah if you have all your crypto and coinbase then if you lose your your password coinbase can probably get that back to you one way or another and if you lose your uh private key There’s no one in this universe for the next who’s giving you your private key uh so you gotta you know so you gotta balance that level of security don’t use SMS have [ __ ] backed up um share your recovery plan with your with your wife or your kid or your Sister or parent or somebody you know because there’s a lot of people who die who who don’t share that information with with people uh yeah there’s a lot a lot of things in there to consider you know yeah we’re really really early and there’s a lot of Risk and because there’s a lot of risk there’s a lot of reward you know I I was I was really PR I’m really proud to have gone to uh Defcon recently and I can tell you my experience with Devcon in a very uh bear Market no hype sort of feeling Um the the developers are really not just serious the developers are very aware that the UI and ux in your Ledger and your treasurer of the whole like next next next I don’t know what any of this means it needs to get better they’re very very aware that the that the ux UI Around security and custo custodial ship and uh governance needs to get better they’re very very aware and it and it was very inspiring and I felt very proud to be there um but until we get there there’s a lot that you need to do you know but yeah so so bitcoin’s Becoming legal tender it’s gonna be really interesting to see how the dice Falls with ethereum I don’t see how ethereum can can not get through there’s too much riding on ethereum now uh and uh and and yeah I think we’re gonna have an after show I’m not sure Who’s gonna be able to show up for the after show maybe we could hang out for you know half hour 60 minutes 45 60 Minutes um but maybe we can talk about some some aliens maybe we could talk about some uh Zen um uh some Zen meditation stuff maybe we Can talk about the world economic Forum at David Davos with uh with unstoppable domains and other crypto companies I’ll share some Insider information um oh tell me we got WF creeping into funding and UD on us now all of a sudden I can’t handle it I’m gonna share I am Going to share wesub information and and um secondhand Insider information get more whiskey you’re gonna need it prepare yourself yeah I hope you like ghost stories boys and girls because you’re in one all right let’s do this thing called the after show Yeah in a private chat someone’s talking about uh easiest security to have multipl.

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