BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, LINK and BCH price prediction for 2021


BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, LINK and BCH price prediction for 2021 BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, LINK and BCH price prediction for 2021 0 Share This 2020 has been a really good year for the cryptocurrency market in general, as some cryptocurrencies have reached their all-time highs.As of January 1 with a total market capitalization of…

BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, LINK and BCH price prediction for 2021 BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, LINK and BCH price prediction for 2021 0 Share
This 2020 has been a really good year for the cryptocurrency market in general, as some cryptocurrencies have reached their all-time highs.As of January 1 with a total market capitalization of around $ 190 billion, the entire market has grown more than $ 560 billion in December.
Unsurprisingly, this increase has paralleled the performance of individual crypto assets, with bitcoin (BTC) increasing around 150% over the same time period, and with ethereum (ETH), XRP and Chainlink (LINK) increasing around the 330%, 190% and 590%, respectively.Assuming the above coins simply replicate this year’s performance in 2021, they will rise to around $ 45,900 (BTC), $ 2,400 (ETH), $ 1.6 (XRP), and $ 84 (LINK) by the end of next year.
But what do people within the industry believe are realistic price targets for six of the biggest cryptocurrencies: BTC, ETH, XRP, Litecoin (LTC), LINK, BCH, in 2021? To answer this question, He has spoken with a selection of analysts.If they are right, 2021 may end up being even better than 2020.Bitcoin price predictions for 2021
In November, bitcoin already started its series of all-time highs (ATHs) and almost everyone seems to think that the price of bitcoin will move even higher in 2021.And while it may seem almost unbelievable to anyone who bought bitcoin not long ago at $ 10,000 , quite a few people are aiming for a high of around $ 100,000.
“It is highly likely that bitcoin will hit $ 100,000 in 2021 based solely on corporate and institutional demand.

We are also seeing sustained demand for miner hosting, which generally indicates bullish trends in mining for months now, ”said Samson Mow, Chief Strategy Officer, Blockstream
Mow isn’t the only one promoting this benchmark.

Also pointing towards institutional and corporate demand, the analyst of Quantum Economics Lou Kerner believes that Bitcoin will increasingly consume gold’s share of the store of value market next year.
“I expect bitcoin at $ 100,000 in 2021 as demand continues to accelerate led by traditional investors, followed by public companies and even smaller governments will start using it as treasury,” he said, adding that at this price BTC would achieve 17% of the capitalization of the gold market, “what seems feasible”.
In fact, for Kerner, $ 100,000 is a more realistic target, and he even suspects that Bitcoin could rise even more than that in 2021.
According to him, if BTC repeats its jump of 100 times from the previous lows, given the December 2018 low of $ 3,200, “we would be above $ 300,000 in December 2021.”
But some analysts don’t stop at $ 300,000.Nexo Co-Founder and Managing Partner Antoni Trenchev believes the upper upper limit could be somewhere near $ 500,000, driven by Bitcoin’s growing status as a hedge against inflation and the arrival of Fintech giants such as PayPal Y Square .
“This combination of superstars, in our opinion, is a recipe for a strong price appreciation in 2021.Whether the next big resistance will be at $ 50,000 or $ 500,000 is anyone’s guess, but we strongly believe that risk / return is skewed to the rise”.
At the other end of the spectrum, some industry figures are being more conservative.

Tim Rainey, Chief Financial Officer of Greenidge Generation hybrid power plant and cryptocurrency mining , is one of these figures, and he told you that he is targeting an upper bound that would represent a 65% increase over the current situation for Bitcoin.
“Unlike the bubble of 2017, the latest rally in the price of bitcoin is driven by stronger fundamentals: institutions that save reserves in cryptocurrencies or integrate cryptocurrencies in their services.Therefore, we remain optimistic about the long-term outlook for bitcoin, and I think the price could easily reach the $ 25,000 to $ 30,000 range, ”he said.Ethereum price prediction for 2021
Ethereum is a more difficult cryptocurrency to analyze, with fewer analysts willing to take a chance with a definitive price prediction for 2021.That said, Lou Kerner hopes that a rise in the price of bitcoin will help boost ethereum as a whole.
“Ethereum is harder to predict.But given the 5-fold increase for bitcoin, assuming they hold the same relative value, I would predict $ 3,000 for ethereum in 2021, ”he said.
Nexo’s Antoni Trenchev does not provide a specific figure, but claims that Ethereum’s fundamentals will help drive the price of ETH.
“With the Beacon node now officially launched, the bridges between ETH 1.0 and ETH 2.0 have already started to emerge, suggesting that 2021 could be the year of ETH.

The long-awaited transformation will improve scalability and economics, enabling the expansion of the staking industry like we have never seen before, ”he said.
Moreover, popular crypto Youtuber Ivan Liljeqvist (AKA Ivan on Tech) has forecasted an ethereum price of $ 6,000 for December 2021, which places it among the most optimistic analysts when it comes to ETH.XRP price prediction for 2021
Those willing to talk to us about XRP have been quite bearish on its prospects in 2021, at least compared to other major currencies.
“With regulatory pressure seemingly wearing off and the potential for the Flare Networks Airdrop to play a central role in the DeFi ecosystem, 2021 could be a whole new game for XRP.That said, we are reasonably pessimistic about the XRP rally in 2021 unless Ripple decide to completely change the business model, tokenomics and use cases of XRP, ”said Antoni Trenchev.
Similarly, Nishant Sharma, founder of crypto mining public relations consultancy BlocksBridge , he also believes that XRP may have a relatively difficult year.
“Much of XRP’s price movement could depend on its legal status, which is still pending, as compliance remains one of Ripple’s top values.

Meanwhile, Facebook’s Libra, now renamed Diem It could potentially be challenging as it will facilitate cross-border transactions for traditional players and XRP will be able to compete only if it manages to convince regulators in the past, ”he said.
The Diem project is reportedly preparing to launch as a single currency backed by the dollar in early January.
With that said, on the almighty Crypto Twitter, certain anonymous players are much more bullish on XRP, for example, they predict $ 15 for May 2021 and as high as $ 100 for December 2021.Litecoin price predictions for 2021
As with XRP, Litecoin is likely to benefit from any general improvement in the crypto market, but few analysts believe it will outperform other currencies.
“We expect the coin to maintain momentum by adding opt-in privacy capabilities (the Mimblewimble project), while reaping the benefits of having put together a great team.

A partnership with a project with a strong community, like Cardano, for example, could also be a great price catalyst, as it will bring in an army of potential new investors, ”said Antoni Trenchev.
However, he added that “a 2021 price beyond pre-pandemic levels seems unlikely, as bears will hardly ever give up.”
In other words, he doesn’t estimate that LTC has a great chance of going back to triple numbers, or at least not a great chance of passing its ATH of $ 360.
Still, some analysts believe that Litecoin may return to triple figures in 2021.The trading platform He set $ 140 as his 2021 price target in a recent video, while noting that such a rally was not certain.Chainlink price predictions for 2021
As the introduction to this article indicates, Chainlink was the top performing cryptocurrency in 2021, starting the year at $ 1.76 and peaking at $ 19 in August (it is at $ 12.66 at time of writing).It is unlikely to coincide with this type of percentage increase next year, but analysts believe it will continue to rise.
“Chainlink is a great company, but it runs the risk of being overtaken by better technology.

I would predict Chainlink at $ 25 in 2021, ”said Lou Kerner.
Antoni Trenchev noted that LINK will be boosted by the fact that it is integrated with a growing number of platforms.
“Chainlink has now acquired a dominant leadership when it comes to industry integrations.If a large enough portion of these customers has an impact in 2021, so will Chainlink and, in turn, the LINK token, ”he said.
He added that strong price catalysts in the form of Chainlink’s share function could also catapult the price.
“The project is by far the most active recruiter in the space, which will sooner or later spur innovation, greater market adoption and continue to drive LINK’s price tag,” he said.
Some, again anonymous analysts, unsurprisingly, have gone further in their enthusiasm, pointing a target of 400 USD for LINK.Bitcoin Cash price predictions for 2021
Finally, Bitcoin Cash is up ‘only’ 29% so far this year, from around $ 205 on January 1 to more than $ 260 in December.
Hence, it is the worst performing of the six cryptocurrencies featured in this article.However, analysts say its fundamentals will support its price in 2021, despite the recent controversies surrounding its November hard fork.
“BCH has a number of aces up its sleeve: a well-educated community, loyal investors, retail distribution, and real-life use cases.We believe these benefits could change BCH from a loser to a medal winner in 2021 if only Bitcoin Cash goes live, ”said Antoni Trenchev.
Trenchev does not give a price target, however, Bitcoin Cash champion Roger Ver recently said that the cryptocurrency could double over the course of 2021, to exceed $ 500.Likewise, Nishant Sharma said that “as the cryptocurrencies are more widely adopted in 2021, the price of bitcoin cash can cross 500 USD and go up ”.
An increase similar to that of 2020 (29%) would imply a price of around USD 342.
However, everyone should know by now that past performance is not indicative of future results and markets can always surprise bulls and bears alike..

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