
Bitcoin – BTC Cardano – ADA CARDANO INFLOWS as BITCOIN OUTFLOWS | FUNDS CHOOSE Crypto | SEC Drops Crypto FINE Foreign Tron and sandbox draw interest away from Bitcoin as investors move into these cryptocurrencies this among many other topics we’re going to be discussing today including Bitcoin Mania fund managers are choosing crypto the…

Bitcoin – BTC Cardano – ADA CARDANO INFLOWS as BITCOIN OUTFLOWS | FUNDS CHOOSE Crypto | SEC Drops Crypto FINE Foreign Tron and sandbox draw interest away from Bitcoin as investors move into these cryptocurrencies this among many other topics we’re going to be discussing today including Bitcoin Mania fund managers are choosing crypto the SEC drops their penalty for the library protocol banks are locking out customers Celsius funds are on the Move in a block fi liquidation is underway we’re going to be discussing that but we’re going to start right here with legendary investor Paul Tudor Jones says Bitcoin is the only thing that humans cannot adjust the supply and I’m sticking with it meaning With Bitcoin I’m going to show you guys this video we also have some other videos to go over with everybody here today but before we go there uh as always this is the cryptovisor podcast I upload every single day on this channel to bring you the latest happening in the Financial world since 2018 going five years strong thanks to everybody for the support don’t forget to give the video a thumbs is up it lets me know you guys enjoyed the content to let YouTube know you enjoy the content and don’t forget to hit that subscribe button and turn on Notifications if you want to help support the channel by becoming a channel member click the join button down below to learn more about becoming a channel member for just 199 a month thank you so much to all of our supporters and all of the channel members who are rejoining every single Month now we’re going to start with this Paul Tudor Jones legendary investor he said bitcoin’s the only thing that humans can’t adjust the supply in I’m gonna always stick with it and this is what many investors are starting to say and starting to kind of uh voice that this monetary Supply especially with what we’re seeing going on with the debt ceiling with the debt clock in the United States continuing to go uh in the upward like parabolic moves to the upside uh since 2019 or 2018 we’ve already increased the national debt by over 50 percent from 19 Trillion to over 31 trillion dollars so I’m gonna show you this video of Paul Tudor Jones who’s a billionaire and a crypto investor and we’re going to discuss what he says in the CNBC segment so let’s uh give the video a thumbs up and let’s listen in Bitcoin it came on our air yep during the early part of the pandemic I think it was trading at eight nine thousand dollars a coin yeah and you said I’m in yep and I think you wrote it all the way up to 60 some odd thousand dollars yeah And we then wrote it back down to fifteen thousand dollars and we’re now sitting I think somewhere around twenty seven thousand dollars I’ve never sat on a horse that long just just so what’s the you’re still on the horse though now what’s interesting what he’s saying Is that you know he makes moves in the market right he’s an active investor like many of us are some of us are a little bit passive but if you guys are like looking at the price of crypto every single day you’re somewhat of an active investor right if the price hit a Certain Target whatever that number is for you you potentially would have sold your crypto some or all of it same thing with stocks as you guys know you know my investment thesis and strategy is when you are buying an asset whether it’s crypto a stock or whatever else to have A number in your head uh of this is when I’m going to make a decision what I’m going to do maybe you’re going to sell it maybe you’re going to buy more maybe you’re just going to hold it but always have numbers in your head because otherwise you’re just blind investing And then eventually what happens is you’re not following the cyclical moves in the market so you end up missing the top of the market you miss being in profit and in my view taking and pulling profit out of the market is very important part of investing right especially if you are thinking about Shorter term or medium term investments you know obviously if you’re thinking about like retirement it doesn’t matter as much uh but obviously like if you go 10x on an investment even if it is in a long-term account that 10x if you pull some of that profit out of there you can then reallocate When the market corrects and markets always correct so whenever you’re hearing somebody say that the stock market or crypto Market or housing market or car market will not come down it will never happen in your lifetime that’s what we hear all the time that’s when you know we are going to have a Drawdown in the valuation so let’s continue listening to what Paul Tudor Jones says I I from the beginning small allocation to to can’t adjust the supply end so I’m sticking with it I’m going to always stick with it as just a small diversification in my portfolio what do I think right now I I liked it last December I still think I I mean would you buy more right now would I buy more I I would probably I’m kind of I look it in gold and I think they’ve done so well recently because of The fact that we have had these great risk premiums I wonder I wonder I wonder whether they may not be boring in the future like so big Bitcoin has a real problem because the United States you have the entire regulatory apparatus against it so it’s just kind of Yesterday’s news and if now I’m going to pause right here for one second because essentially what he’s saying here is it’s a small sliver of his Diversified portfolio which I really say this to everybody and by the way nothing I say on this channel is financial advice I’m just here providing my thesis and opinions on the market to help others create their own investing strategy and build their own wealth and secure their own Financial Futures nothing I say is financial advice do your own research before you make investment choices you know when I’m talking about you know Diversification really what this means is yeah you may be more heavily weighted in Bitcoin than other cryptos or Bitcoin compared to other uh you know assets but at the end of the day you should have a diversified portfolio and what he’s saying is you know would he buy it now It sounded like more of a no and now he’s going into the regulatory front which we’re going to also be covering pretty extensively on this video because at the end of the day he’s a billionaire investor so just kind of putting money in here as a hedge on Everything else that’s going on so if the the equity markets crash you still have Bitcoin if the rest of the crypto Market crashes you still have Bitcoin the financial system in the United States crashes or the hyperinflation occurs you still have Bitcoin and having that you remember if you have 100 Investments that you invest 100 in that’s a ten thousand dollar investment 100 times 100 that’s ten thousand so if you have ten thousand dollars that you’re investing in 100 companies at one hundred dollars each even if 80 percent or eight thousand dollars of that portfolio goes to zero you still have Two 20 other assets that if they go 10x or 5x or 20x you’re still making more than your initial investment and that’s why diversification is key because it can help offset some of the losses and still give you life-changing gains let’s continue listening in inflation’s truly Done a bit if it’s in fact if that story’s been played then you have to wonder we were buying gold and Bitcoin for the inflation Hedges that game may be over I would have I would in six months ago before AI before the possible productivity boost that we’ll get for it I would have said a completely different story with regard to inflationary future and with regard to all the inflation hedges so you guys hear it from Paul Tudor Jones I’m not saying that he’s correct on everything that he says but it is definitely uh interesting to hear a Billionaire’s perspective on the markets And understand like what he’s doing but remember when there is inflation inflation was occurring in 2021 we were getting the year-over-year numbers in 2022 but it really started to accelerate in 2021 and that is when we saw Equity markets crypto markets housing market home uh Market rental market and car market Every Market was going up I mean watches were selling for three quarters of a million dollars and uh nfts were selling for millions of dollars and they’re now worth ten thousand dollars or less so understanding how these cyclical moves occur towards the bottom of the market really it should be accumulation Mode and that’s what we a lot of us have been in since the FTX collapsed in the end of 2022 which I believe was the macro bottom for the crypto markets and so we’ve been accumulating since then in anticipation that we no more money printing is coming it’s just a matter of Whether it’s going to come soon or later whether it’s coming this year or not we have a presidential election occurring next year we have a lot of geopolitical events that are going on around the world that could also create hyperinflation moving away from the dollar and this is why Bitcoin is in my View a a hedge that should be in part of you know many people’s portfolios unfortunately a lot of people don’t realize this and don’t understand the full context well Michael Saylor I think explained it accurately right here on the Tucker Carlson show where he says the whole point of Bitcoin is to escape Inflation Vortex that has consumed all these previous Empires that’s according to Tucker to Carlson let’s listen in so you’ve made the most compelling case I’ve ever heard for the need for something like Bitcoin so you’re saying just to make sure that everyone’s follows the whole point of Bitcoin is to escape the inflation Vortex that has consumed all these previous Empires the point of Bitcoin is to fix the money and money is energy and energy is life and if I keep sucking the energy out of the economy I’m sucking the oxygen out of your system either under the best case you perform poorly under the worst Case I suffocate you to death or freeze you to death that’s the problem that’s why that’s why Empires collapse that’s why economies collapse and the problem is it’s not just a problem for an individual it’s not just a problem for a family it’s a problem for every institution it’s problem for every Company it’s a problem for every city every municipality every government every civilization so you’ve made them so you can hear from Michael Saylor directly and you know he is putting literally his money where his mouth is he personally owns I think over 20 000 Bitcoin his company owns over 100 I Think it’s 140 000 Bitcoin at this point so they are really putting their money where their mouth is and I do think that their their bet is going to pay off especially as we enter 2024 2025.this Bitcoin having cycle has it baked in that instead of inflating the monetary Supply of crypto or Bitcoin specifically we’re actually going to be deflating right or slowing the rate of inflation down which is opposite of what pretty much every fiat currency system around the world does right the the whole idea is this debt-based economy where you just print and print and print and print And print and print and print and it cannot stop guys once you understand this it should all make sense when you understand that just to keep the US economy going they have to exponentially print more than they printed the previous time in perpetuity so if let’s say uh during the Pandemic they printed you know between four and six trillion dollars now they will continue they will need to continue to print at least that same amount if not more just to keep the system where it is at the status quo and actually to do more right so we’re in this time Right now where it essentially you guys see it right a lot of politicians we just saw 90 year old senator who was uh returning to Congress literally I mean this person should be well over retired right 20 years past their retirement date and these are the people that you Know uh the the system has put in place to you know do everything from the you know a legislative standpoint when we think about the money right the money the reason we’re in this situation is because previous generations are parents generation their grandparents generation their their goal was just inflate Inflate inflate like the whole idea of a Ponzi the whole idea of a system that is a scam like think about FTX FTX would have kept growing larger and larger and larger and they were very large to begin with and again there was very little due diligence done there was very little Understanding of where the money was coming from what they were doing with customer funds why they didn’t have a bit license why they weren’t operating in the United States why their American founder was not living in the United States like there was a lot of questions Behind that and so what happened was it just continued for you know two three years and now billions of dollars of value it just wiped out gone completely forever and if this would have kept going imagine they partnered with Robin Hood and Robin Hood was keeping their Customers money within FTX and then all that money went disappear also if this went through another cycle right now the Fiat monetary system that we’re in right now has been going on for 100 years essentially since the Federal Reserve you know was created and if we think About now right a lot of our parents and grandparents that are still around they’re on pensions they’re getting paid so you have all of these states and city and federal governments and companies that are paying out these these pensions in perpetuity until these people pass and paying and keeping their current Employees right so if you think about just you know uh garbage workers fire department ambulance police you know office workers in these cities and States not only does the state and city have to pay those people but they’re also paying into these Pension funds that are just going to keep paying in Perpetuity forever even after the people are long like long gone from the actual Workforce so where are they getting that money right there’s not enough taxes that are collected to actually pay for this if you think about like most taxes come from like everyday people because most of these corporations they write Most of their their stuff down and they end up owing zero in taxes so really most of the money is coming from like everyday working people and that’s not enough it’s not enough and that’s an example of where this monetary system is but this is done on a Much larger level where they’re just printing into Oblivion we have no money for homeless people in the United States but yet we have money to send overseas and what’s happening in other areas of the world show what could happen in the United States or any other country for that matter inflation and anguish Outrage Lebanese depositors continue to Riot against financial institutions in Lebanon amid their financial crisis significant demonstrations have erupted in Beirut targeting financial institutions outrage lebities depositors witnessing their savings vanish have resorted to Smashing Bank Windows setting fires and engaging in riots simultaneously leaders of Lebanon Central Bank face grave allegations of Fraud embezzlement and political corruption right I mean we’re the money that is printed and then inflated away right and then these bang like we’re having the situation in the United States it’s not to this level but there’s banks that are failing and if the U.S FDIC or the treasury or the Federal Reserve whoever’s printing the money for this did not make the customers hold and not make depositors whole we may have the same situation but they are making depositors whole and where how are they making deposit or so they don’t have the money for this and we’ve already had Three of the four largest bank failures in U.S history happened in the last 90 days from when I’m recording this video so people who are like oh well you know that’s Lebanon that’s not going to happen here like it is happening here right it is and they’re making customers Whole because they know if they don’t make customers whole and don’t give customers their deposits back this is what happens FTX customers didn’t get their money back uh Voyager customers didn’t get their money back Celsius didn’t get their money back three hours Capital didn’t get their Money back and so in February of 2023 of this year Lebanese depositors were incensed by the alleged theft of their life savings by the country’s Central Bank said Ablaze the very banks that held their fortunes bitcoin news highlighted the distressing situation revealing that Regional Banks had Frozen accounts leaving residents unable to Access their hard-earned funds as if it weren’t enough Lebanon was plagued with skyrocketing inflation further exacerbating the plight of its citizens so imagine you’ve been saving your whole life and now you go to the bank and that money that you want to take out number one isn’t there but number two is Devalued right there’s people who have been saving for years to put a down payment on a house or buy something or go on a vacation with their family and now all of those costs are significantly higher than they were pre-pandemic and so the money that they were saving Whether it was for a house down payment or whatever it’s not enough and now they have to save even more so it just becomes this Perpetual cycle of you’re not able to get out of the debt you’re not able to get into a a better situation this is why I say guys The number one thing that you guys can be doing is getting out of debt that should be the number one thing we should not be investing until we’re out of the debt that means we’re going to second job third job whatever like I’m watching some YouTube videos Um from different channels not not just one specific channel uh but you know where these people are in enormous amounts of debt and they’re like oh I’ll just pay the minimum off and it’s like wait the bank is charging you more interest than you’re paying down of the Debt so you’re going to end up even owing more so the number one goal should be to get out of debt right as as quickly as possible if you have to work two three jobs to get out of debt in the next six months do it because then you Can utilize all the extra money that your your saving by changing your mindset about spending into Investments that can grow and really change our life but you you will never ever ever be able to become wealthy if you are in bad debt credit card debt and other types of personal Loans like that obviously Mortgage Debt is okay car loan it depends like where your financial situation is but at the end of the day you know debt is designed to keep people enslaved in having to pay the bank back and the high interest rates that they’re charging on these credit cards It’s it’s it’s very very difficult to get out and that’s by Design and it really annoys me that people don’t realize this because they’re getting screwed right I want everybody to be successful everybody to be able to do whatever they want but you know from a financial standpoint go on vacation buy A home buy a new car buy some clothes but you have to be in the situation to do that and if you’re in a lot of credit card debt you need to get out of that because otherwise you’re literally working for nothing right where you may Be paying down you know 500 of that credit card debt but you’re in a hundred thousand dollars in debt so that’s really just your minimum payment and you’re getting charge interest thirty thousand dollars a year guys and I know most of you are probably not in you know Extreme credit card debt but I know that some of you guys are because you tell me in the comments and um you know if you’re in one hundred thousand dollars in credit card debt let’s just do 50 000 to make it easier okay if you’re in fifty thousand dollars In credit card debt and they’re charging you 30 interest a year which is on the low end really that means you’re getting charged 15 grand per year in interest per year and it’s probably a little bit more than that because it’s compounding interest they’re charging you every Month for it but we’ll just go with 30 of the year so you’re getting fifteen thousand dollars if you divide that by 12 months uh by 12 months that’s twelve hundred and fifty dollars you’re getting charged per month in interest so if you’re paying anything less than twelve hundred fifty dollars You’re getting becoming more in the hole just by not getting out of the hole it’s like quicksand until you get out of the quicksand You’re Gonna Keep sinking and it doesn’t matter how much you’re pulling yourself up you’re just going to keep you thinking even more right so you have to Get out of credit card debt like I know a lot of people who are on credit card debt and a lot of credit card debt and and one of the people that I’m specifically talking about they ended up going and getting another job that got them the money that they needed to pay Down the debt and they were able to do it in one in one like contract that they signed to do that kind of work whatever it was they were able to to pay off their at least most of their debt and it was a big relief right but then they Have to be able to stay out of that debt and not get back into the credit card debt anyway I’m going in a huge tangent but you guys kind of get the point and talking about like kind of moving into this new world fold Bitcoin Rewards app announces an expansion into El Salvador Spearheading Latin American operations and by the way we still have that SEC news cardano is overtaking bitcoin news in just a few minutes so don’t forget to give the video a thumbs up and stick around to the end of this video while so you can hear about all of The stuff that’s going on in these markets so Bitcoin rewards company fold has announced expansion to El Salvador establishing a new office that will serve its base of operations in Latin America they’ve been known for introducing the world’s first Bitcoin rewards Visa debit card to the US market In 2020 the full CEO expressed enthusiasm about the move to El Salvador in a press release shared with Bitcoin magazine stating quote as a country that has embraced Bitcoin and has been a Pioneer in adopting new monetary technology we believe that El Salvador is the perfect place for full to expand Its presence in Latin America and obviously we also know that El Salvador just passed the law to essentially eliminate taxes for companies and businesses and individuals who are in this new Innovative and technological space according to folds press release their expansion will bring valuable solutions to Consumers and businesses in The region through its reward words program and embedded Bitcoin infrastructure the company stated it plans to announce a partnership with major Latin America well major Latin American players soon according to the release Bitcoins uh fold Bitcoin rewards infrastructure has processed over one billion dollars in volume highlighting its growing success and impact If you’re looking for a place to move maybe it’s El Salvador so moving on to block five they’re looking to liquidate lending business after unsuccessful sales attempt yikes so block five plants to liquidate its lending platform and distribute funds to creditors according to the bankruptcy filing the expected move follows an Unsuccessful effort to generate funds to repay creditors by selling the block 5 platform lawyers for the bankruptcy crypto lender wrote that the given the recent regulatory developments among other things there may be a lack of meaningful value to be generated from a sale of the company therefore finalizing And consummating a transaction for the blackfy platform would not result in an expedient and value maximizing transaction for the benefit of the debitors creditors debtors creditors accordingly the debtors are proceeding with self-liquidation transaction whereby the debitors will distribute their assets to creditors in accordance with the terms of the plan followed by a Wind down of their affairs so I don’t know exactly how much they’re going to be giving back to the customers but it’s going to be interesting to see kind of how this all plays out and again sometimes these bankruptcy proceedings can take many many many years and that’s Why I feel bad for customers who have their money in these platforms because they don’t have the liquid the liquidity they don’t have the coins they don’t have the cash and so they can’t keep reinvesting that money to kind of make up whatever they lost in the platform or Whatever they lost in non-recovery after the bankruptcy it’s it’s not just block five that we’re going to see this with it’s all of the major you know companies that went down over the last 12 to 18 months and this brings us to the SEC revising their 22 million dollar punishment against Library and now they’re seeking a one hundred and eleven thousand dollars instead so the ussec is revising the 22 million dollar settlement acknowledging it’s unlikely to be able to cough up the funds to be able to pay it in a May 12 filing the SEC sought an amendment to Its request for remedies in its successful case against the library um the the amount of claims Library gained from the sale of the tokens was 22 million dollars the SEC asked the court to impose a fine of 111 614 citing their lack of funds and near defunct Status they request also asked to stop library from conducting future unregistered offerings of crypto security assets they said the commission acknowledges libraries representation that is defunct ceasing operations and without the funds to pay a larger fine and recognize that a defendant’s ability to pay is a factor when imposing a civil Penalty now a library did respond to this whole situation saying a few comments on the SEC decision to drop its requests from 22 million in discouragement penalties from Library they said one were mildly relieved in the same way that one would be relieved that they’re only being choked by one Hand instead of two they said the sec’s decision to no longer seek discouragement against Library should be read as pure self-interest the SEC thought they would lose and wanted to avoid a bad precedent we’ve all seen no sign that the SEC is softening its hostility towards blockchain generally and they said three We are hopeful that the SEC decision to drop discouragement is a sign that they are ready to take their scalp and move on as the most used decentralized social app they believe Odyssey has a bright future so long as it’s not being harassed and abused by the US government And so coin gecko they posted this um this visual it says 15 most popular decentralized social media Platforms in 2023 Odyssey has a 5.3 million unique monthly active users from January to April then you have steemit with 3.1 million then gab with 1.25 million then Mastodon with 1.19 million then mirror with 1.1 Million and D live just under 1 million dollars and then obviously some of the others down here with significantly less so this has been an ongoing multi-year battle between library and the SEC obviously the SEC has been taking action against quite a few different crypto organizations and companies and protocols as well And I I don’t know what the answer is right as I continue to say I don’t think that they’re fully trying to ban crypto in the US although it is kind of interesting that Google Finance no longer lists gbtc on their platform no matches if you just type in grayscale it Only shows uh their ETFs that are registered with the SEC now this could just be because they’re not showing any OTC or over-the-counter markets because if you remember core scientific corzq or corz is an on the over-the-counter market and Google Finance does not list corz either anymore so this may just be A glitch in the system or maybe their uh delisting crypto products that the SEC doesn’t like I don’t know it’s probably more that it’s just a glitch in the system but you guys kind of get it right this has been ongoing the SEC is is being managed by Gary Gensler he may not Be in position forever he may not be in position for another year maybe uh at the next presidency we’ll see a new SEC commissioner I don’t know but things can change very rapidly and that’s why it’s important to understand like how this is all playing out right remember the SEC Says there to protect investors but as we just covered they didn’t protect investors from library token sales they didn’t protect investors from block fi and they also didn’t protect investors from Celsius and now we’re hearing that bankrupt crypto lender Celsius has transferred 75 million dollars of ethereum to the staking service called figment So that’s interesting stuff you can see the screenshots right here from the transactions so Celsius Stakes some 75 million dollars of ether last week via figment in institutional grade service blockchain data shows according to the data from Arkham intelligence Celsius transferred 40 928 ether to a crypto wallet spread through 14 transactions Between May 10 and may 12.the account is owned by figment who deposited the funds into staking contracts according to the ethereum uh blockchain Explorer the transfer represents one of the largest movements of funds in the crypto lender since it filed chapter 11 in July of 2022 Celsius is one of the crypto Firms that became insolvent after the explosion of Terra Luna and then the Meltdown obviously and as part of the restructuring process the bankruptcy court is holding an auction to sell the firm and its assets to interested investors including digital asset investment firm Nova wolf and private Equity Firm Apollo Global Management Depositing to a staking service allows Celsius to earn rewards on its digital Holdings during the restructuring efforts figment offers an average of 5.6 annualized returns according to their website so yeah we will see I I really don’t think that most of these companies are going to be purchased we saw block fi And even Celsius and Voyager Voyager was going to be purchased by binance and then binance pulled out of the deal so who is the SEC really protecting here because I don’t think that you or I feel very well protected anyway moving right along and into the cardano news cardano Tron sandbox draw interest as investors shy away from Bitcoin according to coin shares and by the way if you’re up to this point in the video don’t forget to give the video a thumbs up I upload every single day of the year since 2018 five years strong thanks to every single One of you giving the video a thumbs up all of you who hit subscribe and turn on notifications and uh hopefully it’s a five more years here on the cryptovisor podcast so digital asset investment products so a fourth consecutive week of outflows totaling 54 million dollars led by usual LED as usual by Bitcoin while eight altcoin assets saw inflows that suggests according to coin shares that investors are becoming more adventurous and the most notable inflows were to cardano to Tron into sandbox the binance was the only altcoin to see actual outflows and so Why do you think this is going on why do you think that that money is starting to move into some of these other assets like cardano like Tron like sandbox well I think a lot of it has to do with what we talk about on a regular basis with Our investment strategy and thesis number one cardano is and has been a top 10 cryptocurrency since essentially a launched in 2017 and there is a lot of development there’s a huge Community there’s a liquid staking protocol that uh you know people are earning rewards for the better part of the last three Years on and Tron I’m not really sure why there’s an inflow into Tron but we’ll also talk about sandbox because sandbox as you guys know is a metaverse platform and um you know it’s a billion dollar market cap and when I’m recording this video or just under a billion dollar market cap And sandbox and this whole metaverse I think is going to have a Resurgence I don’t know that it’s going to be as large of a Resurgence as we saw during the 2021 cycle but I definitely think that you know just because Facebook changed to metaverse and really put you Know tens of billions of dollars I think that this will continue to expand in you know probably use a lot of AI Integrations as well and this has the potential to move up to the significantly to the upside the all-time record high for sandbox was 8.36 which is about 16 times the current price of 50 cents approximately and so that that kind of number is huge especially if we do uh you know see a Resurgence in these metaverse platforms so for 50 cents is it worth the risk versus the reward and with cardano you know again a lot of the Same things cardano can Implement it’s a layer one it can Implement a lot of technology that are within the other blockchains like ethereum Solana Etc it’s just typically cardano takes a little bit more time to uh to release new products and to you know we don’t hear as much anymore about cardano Research and everything’s going to be peer reviewed for five years we hear more it’s just you know things take time and they want to make sure that everything works properly and compared to the other blockchains out here cardano has had significantly less issues than the likes of ethereum with all the hacks and Bridge exploits Solana with the downtime and so on and so forth right cardano has not had a lot of these issues so when we’re looking at preparing right now in the middle of 2023 for the next Bull Run potentially in 2024 into 2025 when we Look at all of the coins in the top 50 right or the top 20 to be a little bit more specific outside of um outside of like stable coins you can see ethereum has had a lot of volatility and it is pretty much the upside where cardano has been wavering and really Kind of holding extremely steady in this mid 30 Cent range right we went from about 25 cents to about 45 cents in since the FTX collapse we’ll we’ll just use that as the as The Benchmark time frame uh so we’ve been seeing a lot of sideways trading within cardano which is Typical during these bear markets so I think that there may be a lot of money going back into cardano restaking thinking about just earning passive rewards through staking in anticipation of the bull market and potentially more technology and Technology stack getting released on the cardano blockchain or Layer 2 the Hydra uh the Hydra heads that we’ve been talking about Hydra nodes that will help scale the cardano blockchain and throughput on the cardano blockchain by exponents so yeah there’s a lot to think about here but everything has been seeing outflows but cardano Tron and sandbox are seeing inflows Very interesting stuff and something that I think that we have to keep a very close eye on as we move forward and into the next uh into the next cycle of this Market and uh you know I know there’s a lot of people who still are very heavily Weighted in one crypto whether it’s Tron whether it’s cardano whether it’s ethereum I believe in Diversified basket of cryptos Diversified a basket of assets I don’t just have crypto I have stocks I don’t just have crypto stocks I have other sector stocks as well I’m very specific in terms of what I’m Investing in specific fields or industries that I believe do have a lot of growth potential cannabis feel blockchain field AI technology there’s definitely huge exponential growth in these areas and you know obviously maybe having some safe Investments I I look at my Investment Portfolio as it needs to Be aggressive I am researching the the financial ecosystem regularly we do these videos every single day for five years so we have a really good understanding of the market Cycles how the markets work when the markets are going to go up when the markets are going to go down we don’t know exactly When but again we’re trading and moving our money on a larger time Horizon right or I can hold the stock for five years if I need to I’m not scared to hold it I’m also not scared to sell it into a loss if I’m seeing that it’s just not Performing anywhere near where I want it to so there’s a lot of strategies that you can put forward but I think that looking at the data on where the money’s flowing is also really important and also looking at the historical data of the price charts where last bear Market Cardano didn’t really move anywhere so this may be a good crypto to dollar cost average into because there’s not going to be that much volatility and even if there is volatility during short periods of time it will offset as the the price kind of levels out over the medium term Over the next year or so anyway let me know your thoughts on that don’t forget to give the video a thumbs up and also hit subscribe I upload every single day for you guys Lido Finance passes passes a vote to activate withdrawals on ethereum version 2 upgrade so I covered This the other day that they were going to be having a governance vote and now the largest liquid staking protocol on ethereum called Lido Finance has upgraded and a critical change that will enable users to withdraw ether from that platform a move to version two on Lido was passed through the on-chain vote With community members deliberating over the proposal the governor’s vote saw a measly 156 oh sorry that’s a vote number I thought that was the number of votes I was like whoa this doesn’t seem right but anyway it initiated on May 12th and was ratified on the Aragon platform the Vote to approve the upgrade finalized and the upgrade comes hot on the heels of the Chappelle the hard Fork which enabled withdrawals leader required an extra month to facilitate withdrawals due to multiple security audits interesting um Lido’s version 2 pivotal feature enables liquid staking users to withdraw Lido on a one-to-one ratio the Development streamlines the process for individuals to enter and exit ethereum liquid staking now essentially Lido uses staked eth which is like a separate asset it’s like kind of almost like a wrapped asset and so staked e holders can initiate a withdrawal request after the requests are made in Oracle ascertain which Lido Operator needs to exit validator nodes to meet the request Lido operators will then request a validator exit submitted to a consensus node on the ethereum main net and once the specified validators have exited the validator node ecosystem staked holders can then claim their ethereum so the Lido Dow contributor said the Launch of Lido version 2 represents an architectural evolution in the Lido protocol ushering in both the ability for staked etholders to natively unstake their staked eth in protocol for eth and simple accessible And Timely withdrawals are a core part of a full-fledged staking product AKA liquid staking Lido said that they would help Process quicker individual withdrawals from a withdrawals Vault that holds ethereum with the Lido version 2 upgrade there’s about 270 000 ethereum or just under half of a billion dollars in the vault and that will be readily available to fully withdraw requests with this avoids lengthy process of exiting Validators so if you just need like one ether withdrawn you’ll be able to pull it from that pool instead of closing out an entire node and so obviously you know we’ve been seeing especially at the beginning of the chappella upgrade we saw a lot of ethereum getting unstaked That leveled out about one month or so which we’re basically at since the um the withdrawal mechanism went into place now we’re starting to see a leveling off I believe that there will probably always be ethereum trying to exit and in the exit queue to get out of the staking mechanism But I think that’s healthy right the the main point is looking at the data of the inflows versus outflows and currently the last I checked we’re seeing more inflows into the validator and liquid staking ecosystem that we’re seeing outflows outside of it and obviously this may change as we move closer to the Bull market when prices move higher in ethereum and some of the other coins you may also see some withdrawals from the staking mechanism but the main point is that I think that we’ve we’ve passed this hurdle now of the ethereum the staked ethereum getting withdrawn and so We’re past that hype cycle so now where does the price go right there’s nothing coming there’s nothing brand new or exciting within the ethereum ecosystem in the next like few months that is going to drive the price higher in my view besides the macro environment of Finance inflation geopolitical tensions moving Away from the dollar the debt ceiling like all of those definitely could play a role in where the price of ethereum goes in the medium term but other than that there’s no real Catalyst to push the price higher and that’s why I believe that we’re going to see lower Prices in 2023 for ethereum and I could be wrong on that but I I really don’t think that I’m going to be anyway let me uh move on to this next topic which is most Pro investors not invested in crypto but about half are consider entrance via etps or exchange Traded products those are like ETFs or products that hold Bitcoin so the study by track Insight with the help of fun Giants JPMorgan Asset Management in State Street surveyed 549 professional investors and fund selectors that allocate roughly 900 billion dollars across ETF strategies though around 75 percent said that they don’t have Exposure to the crypto sector 48 said they would consider investing in single token etps like grayscale Bitcoin trust bitwise Bitcoin trust um and roughly the same amount around 47 would potentially be interested in investing in etps offering exposure to more than one crypto asset according to the survey like gdlc grayscale digital Large Cap Fund um the D5 funds and all of that kind of stuff because it has indirect Expo it has direct exposure to crypto indirectly because you’re not buying the crypto directly you’re buying the trust and uh essentially trusting the trust that they have your crypto anyway investing directly in cryptos is less Attractive according to the findings as 37 reported interest there uh roughly 23 of professional investors say they would not consider investing in crypto and why do you think that is I don’t know the answer because obviously I’m not interviewing these people but I do would Imagine that a lot a big part of the reason that they don’t want to invest in crypto direct it’s because of all of the fun that we’ve been seeing all of the collapses of these of these centralized companies like FTX and Celsius Etc but um I don’t know I think this is changing Right if you would have if you would have asked these same investment advisors or investment Pickers or whatever you want to call them five years ago probably the numbers would be close to zero even investing in single or multi-crypto etps and so uh the global ETF product Specialist at State Street sent in a statement that the survey touches on what he called Mega trends that the company is observing from our perch as the largest global servicer of exchange traded funds they said we continue to hear anecdotal evidence that many professional investors consider small allocations to crypto as a Non-correlated asset class that makes sense in a portfolio considering the recent run-up in Bitcoin prices there seems to be a growing interest to invest in crypto via ETF structure and who’s holding back real crypto ETFs well the SEC of course so we know the investors want to get Into it we know that they are getting into it we know that there are funds out there that have a direct or indirect exposure to crypto like microstrategy grayscale products bitwise products Osprey products Etc but yet the SEC will still not approve an ETF that number one I believe is by Design number two we’re going to get some clarity hopefully with the SEC lawsuit uh that grayscale brought uh basically telling the SEC that they have to give them an answer on on ETF and why they can’t convert the gbtc trust into an ETF and so yeah I think that the SEC Knows that as long as they don’t approve these ETF products they’re going to limit the exposure that companies and funds and Pension funds Etc have in crypto related products which then again further stifles the crypto Innovation and crypto growth potential and so even though we have all of this Against crypto there is still building in the crypto ecosystem which I continue to talk about with you guys because at the end of the day all of this is noise until they ban crypto which I have not seen or believe that they’re going to do in the United States they’re going to make it harder to interact with and stuff like that but they’re not Banning it and there’s exponential infinite growth to the upside compared to Apple stock with two almost three trillion dollar valuation it’s like I asked on Twitter the other day like if You own Apple stock how high do you really believe that that Apple stock will go anyway Gemini the crypto exchange is continuing to build with Marshall beard their CSO which is I think Chief security officer but it may be customer service officer at Gemini anyway he said over the past few months We’ve been asking for feedback about our product suite and heard that users want more control of their portfolio the engineering product and design teams that gemiini have been building and delivering these new most requested features so here’s what’s new in Gemini and by the way if you want to sign up For Gemini use my link Down Below in the description of this video if you sign up and trade 100 in crypto utilizing my link you will get 10 or 15 dollars in free crypto and I’ll get 10 or 15 in free crypto as well so we both can win together so customizing their Mobile app they’re hiding dust if you guys don’t know dust is like if you have point zero zero zero zero zero zero one Bitcoin that’s considered dust it’s considered like you know very very minimal almost you can’t do anything with it because the transaction fee to Send that or sell it would actually be higher than what you would get for the the dust anyway anyway Candlestick mode toggle between Candlestick mode and traditional line graph mode and privacy mode hide crypto and Fiat balances from your home page placing limit orders within the mobile application mobile Limit orders are another powerful tool that help users trade crypto and build their portfolios on the go uh there’s referral bonuses and rewards distribution you can get up to 600 a year in referring friends and family I think they’re doing the 600 because anything over 600 they have to report to IRS as income dashboard you can seamlessly keep track of referrals I’m gonna have to check that out because I know some of you guys did sign up for Gemini uh I don’t think it shows me who it just says how many uh people signed up and probably what day and then the order Book view on mobile they have order book view allows traders to see the liquidity in the marketplace as an enhanced tool when using Candlestick chart view so Gemini is continuing to build and so is binance binance is banking on big merger and Acquisitions and Venture Capital Deals and this article is also um just so you guys know retweeted by CZ the world’s largest crypto exchange by volume binance is making big bets on M A this year paying particular attention to geographical gaps and customer base and so um they have a new Chief business Officer who joined binance about seven months ago after being at bird and Uber yada yada and so they went through this whole interview with him about what was going on and he says it says one of the questions they asked him was when you look at VC Venture Capital Investments And strategic mergers and Acquisitions what area is binance focusing on and most interested in he said our Venture Capital arm we call binance labs and the mission there is really the notion that a tide lifts all boats so the Investments that we do are basically across the board that’s why it’s Actually good for him to be in places like the conference because there are so many projects working on different things and they uh are very generically invested in almost everything so let me get a little bit more specific he says um of course they you know pay wall half The article which is unbelievably frustrating uh so he said so we invest in the growth stage they invest in early stage and seed and series a stages as well their preference and focus is on seed and series a going early stage because that’s where they think can they Can add the most value but all of this is just to zoom back to the broader thing that binance is focused on from the lab’s perspective Finance thinks that there’s just so much potential for growth for disruption for improvement in many aspects of how people go about Their lives and so that can be enabled by web3 and blockchain technology and so return on investment and return metrics are important for binance they’re on the side of the house the value of their portfolio is around nine billion dollars that’s well in excess of 10x return Again mostly in the early stage and some are in the later stage Investments so you can see like even though we’re in a bear Market even we though we have all of this distraction and fud from The Regulators the the innovators continue to innovate and they continue the investors continue To invest the builders continue to build the your people who are learning continue to learn the people who are dollar cost savaging continue to Dollar costs average or you could sit on the sideline and say no cryptovisor we’re going way lower in the price and it’s Like okay then you sit there and wait and you’re gonna keep waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting I was amazed at how many people reached out when Bitcoin was over fifty thousand dollars saying wow you’re so smart you’re so lucky I can’t believe that I didn’t listen back then and You think they bought at twenty thousand dollars or fifteen thousand dollars when Bitcoin went from fifty thousand down to Fifteen no they didn’t they said oh the the bitcoin’s going to zero it’s like wait at 50 000 you were wanting to buy Bitcoin but at fifteen thousand you’re Calling it a scam and saying it’s going to zero these people are not investors and unfortunately they’re not educating themselves and keeping an open mind to win investing is about winning there’s only one if you become an investor whether a passive investor long-term investor short-term investor you have one goal And that’s to win you have to make that happen by having a diversified portfolio by researching what you’re investing in by understanding the risks involved by being able to withstand volatility by only investing what you can afford to lose instead if you are losing you’re not worrying about it But there’s people who just want to become lucky and those people even if they are lucky if they win the lottery if they win 10 million dollars in the lottery if they pick a great investment and put all their money in on it right before it Starts to go up most of these people lose all their money most of them will lose it and as we saw even the smart people the crypto experts lost all of their money last year from block fi from Celsius from Voyager so this is where you have to understand Like you can make this money very rapidly but you can also lose it very rapidly so this is not just about growing your wealth it’s about protecting your wealth and making sure that some of your wealth is protected and not invested and the rest of it is invested in whatever your portfolio risk Category is my risk category in crypto for most people in the world it’s probably extreme I don’t think investing in Bitcoin is Extreme risk I think it’s actually significantly less risk than investing in the stock like apple a two and a half trillion dollars three times or four Times or five times the entire market cap of crypto and specifically Bitcoin so anyway I hope you guys enjoyed today’s video if you did don’t forget to give the video a thumbs up I upload every single day of the year to bring you the latest happening in the Financial World also hit that subscribe button that way you never miss a new video and I’ll see you guys tomorrow right here on the cryptovisor podcast invest responsibly do your own research and crypto one MACRO MARKET ANALYSIS VIDEOS EVERYDAY SINCE 2018.I don’t sell anything.I don’t have any programs for you to join.

I will not message you on any platform.I’m not shilling anything.I post videos with my analysis of the global crypto and finance markets.

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How to Benefit from Little-known Investment Strategies that the Pros Use

Cryptocurrencies are attracting investors seeking lucrative opportunities in the digital asset space.While many investors are familiar with popular investment strategies in traditional markets, such as buy-and-hold or dollar-cost averaging, the realm of cryptocurrencies offers a whole new set of strategies employed by seasoned professionals.Crypto pros use these little-known investment strategies to navigate the highly volatile…
How to Benefit from Little-known Investment Strategies that the Pros Use

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