Best Zilliqa Wallet to Keep Your ZIL Coins


ZIL holders and investors should have a good Zilliqa Wallet to use in order to keep their coins safe.This is very important, not only for Zilliqa holders but also for investors in other digital assets.ZIL is one of the most popular virtual currencies in the world.This is why there are different wallets to use.Some Zilliqa…

9 Best Tron (TRX) Wallets 2021


Searching for the best Tron Wallets 2021 is not an easy task.TRON (TRX) has been one of the most outspoken follow ups in the industry since it joined the crypto market in 2017.This currency used the backing of this community and its unique technological characteristics to make it one of the world’s top 10 coins…

TRON (TRX) One Day Volume Tops $585.78 Million


TRON (CURRENCY:TRX) traded down 0.1% against the dollar during the 24-hour period ending at 12:00 PM Eastern on July 11th.During the last week, TRON has traded 8.8% lower against the dollar.TRON has a market capitalization of $4.45 billion and approximately $585.78 million worth of TRON was traded on exchanges in the last day.One TRON coin…

GXChain Reaches Market Cap of $29.82 Million (GXC)


GXChain (CURRENCY:GXC) traded 7.2% lower against the US dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 19:00 PM ET on July 8th.One GXChain coin can now be purchased for $0.43 or 0.00001299 BTC on major exchanges.GXChain has a total market capitalization of $29.82 million and $3.88 million worth of GXChain was traded on exchanges in…

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