Hive Price Tops $0.24 on Major Exchanges (HIVE)


Hive Price Tops $0.24 on Major Exchanges (HIVE) Posted by ABMN Staff on Jun 23rd, 2021 Share on Stocktwits Hive (CURRENCY:HIVE) traded 23.3% higher against the US dollar during the 24-hour period ending at 8:00 AM ET on June 23rd.During the last seven days, Hive has traded down 32.5% against the US dollar.One Hive coin…

DDKoin Price Reaches $0.55 on Exchanges (DDK)


DDKoin Price Reaches $0.55 on Exchanges (DDK) DDKoin (CURRENCY:DDK) traded down 0.8% against the U.S.dollar during the 24-hour period ending at 8:00 AM Eastern on June 23rd.DDKoin has a total market capitalization of $944,743.11 and approximately $27,482.00 worth of DDKoin was traded on exchanges in the last 24 hours.During the last seven days, DDKoin has…

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