ClearPoll (POLL) Price Tops $0.97


Posted by Scott Davis on Mar 27th, 2018 // No Comments ClearPoll (CURRENCY:POLL) traded down 7.8% against the US dollar during the 24-hour period ending at 12:00 PM Eastern on March 27th. Over the last week, ClearPoll has traded up 3.1% against the US dollar. ClearPoll has a total market capitalization of $6.76 million and…

Posted by Scott Davis on Mar 27th, 2018 // No Comments
ClearPoll (CURRENCY:POLL) traded down 7.8% against the US dollar during the 24-hour period ending at 12:00 PM Eastern on March 27th. Over the last week, ClearPoll has traded up 3.1% against the US dollar. ClearPoll has a total market capitalization of $6.

76 million and approximately $86,162.

00 worth of ClearPoll was traded on exchanges in the last 24 hours. One ClearPoll token can currently be purchased for approximately $0.

97 or 0.00011949 BTC on major cryptocurrency exchanges including HitBTC, EtherDelta, Cryptopia and Kucoin.

Here’s how similar cryptocurrencies have performed over the last 24 hours: Get ClearPoll alerts: Ripple (XRP) traded up 0.4% against the dollar and now trades at $0.

60 or 0.00007413 BTC. Stellar (XLM) traded up 2.1% against the dollar and now trades at $0.

23 or 0.00002819 BTC. NEO (NEO) traded 3% higher against the dollar and now trades at $59.46 or 0.

00735297 BTC. IOTA (MIOTA) traded 2.2% higher against the dollar and now trades at $1.24 or 0.

00015286 BTC. TRON (TRX) traded 11.6% higher against the dollar and now trades at $0.0456 or 0.

563 BTC. Tether (USDT) traded up 0.3% against the dollar and now trades at $1.00 or 0.00012423 BTC. VeChain (VEN) traded 0% lower against the dollar and now trades at $3.09 or 0.

00038145 BTC. Binance Coin (BNB) traded up 3.5% against the dollar and now trades at $11.89 or 0.00146769 BTC.

Populous (PPT) traded 7.9% higher against the dollar and now trades at $15.60 or 0.00192908 BTC.

Walton (WTC) traded up 7.9% against the dollar and now trades at $22.77 or 0.00246724 BTC.

ClearPoll Token Profile ClearPoll’s launch date was October 20th, 2017. ClearPoll’s total supply is 8,999,992 tokens and its circulating supply is 6,999,991 tokens. ClearPoll’s official Twitter account is @voteclearpoll and its Facebook page is accessible here . The Reddit community for ClearPoll is /r/clearpoll .

The official website for ClearPoll is .
According to CryptoCompare, “ClearPoll aims to provide more accurate public opinion data.

This is done by allowing wider participation and by making polls easily accessible via the ClearPoll app. ClearPoll allows users to vote on topics, and then the topics with the most votes become active polls for everyone to vote on. Meaning that people are deciding what matters to them the most, and then people are voting on that issue. It is a transparent and accurate way of gauging public opinion. It is ClearPoll’s intention to use blockchain technology to record votes on polls. This means that once a vote has been cast on a poll, it is sent to the blockchain, and cannot be changed or removed. Final poll results are also stored on the blockchain, meaning poll result data is final and 100% publicly viewable by all ClearPoll users.

Nobody can hide or manipulate what the general public has to say. The number of tokens generated is subject to the funding received during the PreICO and ICO.

ClearPoll tokens are an ERC20 token. “
ClearPoll Token Trading
ClearPoll can be bought or sold on the following cryptocurrency exchanges: Cryptopia, EtherDelta, HitBTC and Kucoin. It is not presently possible to purchase ClearPoll directly using U.

S. dollars. Investors seeking to acquire ClearPoll must first purchase Ethereum or Bitcoin using an exchange that deals in U.S.

dollars such as Coinbase, Changelly or Gemini. Investors can then use their newly-acquired Ethereum or Bitcoin to purchase ClearPoll using one of the aforementioned exchanges. Receive News & Updates for ClearPoll Daily – Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and updates for ClearPoll and related cryptocurrencies with’s FREE CryptoBeat newsletter .


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