Coin Market Bull – WE ARE BACK!! Feb10 – Referral Code: PASSIVETRADING Or Use Link In Description | CoinMarketBag


took 50 000 customers with them and blasted me off the internet it has been stress 101 ladies and gentlemen stress 101.can’t tell you enough it’s been crazy let’s let these kids in here right now okay here we go here we go the kids are coming in their Kids are coming in and we’re…

took 50 000 customers with them and blasted me off the internet it has been stress 101 ladies and gentlemen stress 101.can’t tell you enough it’s been crazy let’s let these kids in here right now okay here we go here we go the kids are coming in their Kids are coming in and we’re not starting the meeting until all you guys that were bitching for every single day that called me every hour that wrote in my chat room isn’t ready yet is it ready yet I want to know how many people you invited to this call where’s all your Downlines where’s all your people take 10 minutes five minutes seven minutes and make sure you send them the zoom call text it to them from your phone send it to them now because until we get to 500 people I’m not starting so we’re only at 272 so get to work all these Networkers full of out here pushing all this pressure on me you guys ain’t working you’re just talking talking so much smack in my chat rooms talking so much smack in my WhatsApp Faith Sloan Queen Wiki The Crackhead the crackhead on Facebook Queen Wiki talking smack about our company what an idiot What a fool what an idiot that’s all I gotta say just one after another and I’m being nice I can say worse anyway what’s the point the point is we’re back we’re back online stronger than ever we’ve got it already it’s here and I don’t care what all the Meatheads Said I don’t care what all the crackheads thought I don’t care what any of these had to say about me and aunts and this and that because you know what’s gonna happen right now first of all all the competition is going to bite off their nails and cry to Mama Secondly I’m coming to get all their leaders right now all you leaders that watch all my videos I’m coming to get you because this is a better place for you all your customers are coming with me I already got 50 000 of them almost and we’re coming back we’re gonna have them all And then we’re gonna take all this money we’re going to take all this money and all these other platforms are screwing up on and all this other stuff we’re taking it all because we’re going to take the CMB Army to another level that’s right all these people been Waiting to come back to work so we’re gonna see what happens now we’re gonna see exactly what happens out of all these people that that he acted me for a week long I actually really wanted to go to work because now my shoe is going to be in everybody’s ass full blast you Thought you were bugging me now I’m gonna bug you now I’m going to be all over you now I’m gonna put all this pressure on all you people you’re gonna get emailed from the company every day we’re gonna push you like crazy let’s get to work let’s get to work let’s get To work who wants to work what was all this noise about who wants to really work we’ll find out really fast we’re gonna find out so fast who the talkers were who’s really down who really knows what’s going on who really cares who’s really a company kind of person yeah We’re gonna find out real fast we already found out I found out so much about the characters of these customers I found out so much about people like Queen Wiki like what a loser I found out so many things about so many things during this you know seven days I can’t Believe it like I can’t believe Humanity has dropped to the all-time low of lows it’s unreal I really can’t believe it but we’re back and that’s all I care about we’re back like I said we would be we’re back in business for all the ones that questioned me we’re back today just Like I promised and it’s Friday it’s been exactly a week and we’re back so all of you that have been supportive loving caring positive um you know pushing me with good things I love you thank you all so much for believing in me and all of you will be Rewarded as we do it more and more like this into the future we’re not stopping for anybody especially these haters my goodness I can’t believe it and all the people that question me and question my team and question CMB and guys like shohan that wrote on Facebook that we Were now with Traders domain and uh and the likes of uh ever uh what was that called Nova effects or something like that bro bro come on now I know you watch my videos come on now you know we’re better than that you know I’m coming back I told you I told everybody I said soon give me time soon we’re almost there just give me time soon and I don’t know if you believe me or not I don’t even care if you believe me because I know what I’m doing I know where I’m going and I know where I’m Taking this and I’m taking this gravy train to the Moon with or without you you know that already don’t you by now many of you have talked to me one-on-one many of you have you know I got death threats I got I got assaults I got voice Clips I got I got Mind Games I got everything this last week it’s in sale it was in state no and we’ll see we’ll just see right now what what everyone does when I give them back the bottle we’ll just see what happens when I give Them back what they were looking for so bad let’s see I’m really curious to see who actually is going to work who’s actually going to put their money where their mouth is I’m actually really really curious to see who these people really are because I’ve seen a side of Them that I don’t even like for a lot of them so we’ll see but the rest of my team the rest of people that love me the rest of people that know what’s up man we are going to crush you guys we are going to crush the competition we’re Coming to get all the leaders out there we’re coming to get all the workers out there we’re coming to get all the money out there this month next month this year this is the number one platform in the world I know it my leaders know it We know it and we’re about to come back and show everybody how it’s done like like we’re the fastest growing platform in the last six weeks nobody nobody knew we were coming and no one saw what was happening until we showed up in the game and I’ll tell you something I’m so proud Of you guys for working hard I’m so proud of you guys for bringing home the bacon I’m so proud of you guys for doing what you’ve done but the work isn’t over like it’s gonna get way more serious from here we are about to go crazy with This so get ready we have the number one platform and while we were down for a week I surveyed a bunch of my leaders I said what can we do better they said nothing I said how can we improve things they said just leave it the way it is I Said what can we change they said just leave it the way it is it’s awesome I said how can we make it better for you and your people no my people love it my people love it just turn it back on my people love it I said how can we uh you Know make this a better experience for the customer in the backup no don’t don’t change a thing don’t change the thing leave it the way it is so there you go there you go I surveyed I don’t know man maybe 35 40 of my leaders and those are the answers in a nutshell Everybody wants it to be just the way it is don’t change the thing and let’s get back to work so it’s gonna be exciting it is going to be exciting you guys can put some questions in the chat room as you always do we’re we’re live on Facebook because I want Queen Wiki and all these meatballs to see us and to uh and and to make sure that uh she knows we’re coming for her anybody that disrespected us we’re canceling your account we’re kicking you out we’re gonna throw your money right on your Face like that you know when you’re out of here anybody I’ve already got guys making lists right now their downlines that we’re talking smack and going on Facebook and doing all that sort of negative stuff Queen Wiki did every single person that did that’s getting a refund and booted out and we’re taking All their downline and it’s going under me or Andy or Sally or somebody else I’ll figure that out I’m actually gonna play some wherever the hell I want because I’m the boss so you’ll see how that works in a minute but that’s what’s gonna happen we’re kicking these people Out of here we don’t want this trash in our house I’m telling you I’ve had a hell of a week but I’m gonna get past all that and I’m gonna get into the good stuff I’m Gonna Keep It positive I’m Gonna Keep it thank you I just had an Event I’m sorry I’m a positive guy you guys see me on everything I do people love me from around the world I just cannot believe the abuse that was handed out in its last seven days it is absolutely insane to see this side of people unbelievable so let’s get into it Let’s go let’s go let’s go you guys ready for this boom here we are in the back office you see this who can see this has anyone see this Andy do you see this all right let me unmute you buddy let me get my co-host on here do you see this Buddy yeah yeah I see this how long you’ve been waiting for this oh about a week and how do you feel right now that you see it’s live right here on on online on Zoom you see it look at this it’s good it’s all here so we’ve got all our numbers they’re all In here we’ve got all our people they’re all in here we’ve got everything working I actually was in here and I tested a deposit and it worked perfect I tested a withdrawal and it worked perfect I tested actually everything right now and it worked perfect so everything is Coming through like a boss so we’re killing it and uh it’s working perfect um some of the things that you know were manually done you’ll see them in your rosters you know how we have those spreadsheet rosters right so you’ll you’ll see that as well um but we’re we’re good we’re ready to Get to work we’re ready to take deposits right now um we’re gonna unlock the door right now after the zoom call um you’re gonna see a little letter come out on the telegram from corporate and they’re going to just say thank you and they’re going to say Sorry and they’re gonna say we love you and all that other good stuff because they feel horrible those people have been you know stressed out and pulling their hair out for a week um it’s been a lot of pressure on everybody in the organization a lot of People did not expect to get blasted off the internet like that I don’t think anyone ever expects to get lost it off the internet like that you know and and then we’re shut down and all this other stuff but you know we’re back so I want Everyone to get a pen and a paper out and go old school with me because I got to give you some notes there’s some things you need to know before you log in here and there’s some things you have to do and for the leaders out there that Actually listen and care about their customers uh you’re gonna have to let everyone know this stuff all right so here we go tell me when you’re ready I’ll give you a couple minutes to go find a pen and a paper all right give you guys some short notes on what’s Going on here so first and foremost the um the uh the link has changed so we’ve changed the link now and we are okay with a com we’re not Co anymore we used to be which is way better anyway I is cooler it’s the real deal so Everyone’s got to go here to The Orange Box on their um on their dashboard and they’ve gotta you know grab their new link and they’ve got to go backward guys like Marcos has got to go to his YouTube channel and he’s got to get all that done um and get it all ready Let’s just see something here I just want to write a message because I just noticed that the um the Bull Run Flyers are missing here okay I’m going to write notes myself I might stop for a second because I got to keep up with a couple little things that I didn’t notice before anyway so the first thing is this the link has changed everybody so you got to tell your downlines you got to tell the world that we are now all right so the main website is the same it is a coinmarketbull DOT Co dot UK and then There’s a login uh link off of there and it will come to the back office and it will come to the proper one anyway so if they just go to that main old website that we’ve always had up which I’m renovating by the way I’ll tell you guys More in a second but we’re going to be going you can go to the original website click uh you know log in and it will come to website so if people are completely lost out there and they don’t know where they’re going they’re still Going to be able to find us because it’s all going to Interlink and they’re going to be able to get back into their back office the first thing after you realize that you have a new link is that you have to set up your Google 2fa everybody Has to do that over again the Google 2fa has to be redone immediately when you guys log in today like immediately when you go into your back office go and set that up immediately and listen to this you must delete the one in your phone first you must delete the one on your Phone first otherwise you’ll have contradicting 2fa numbers and that’ll screw you up so you better delete the first one first out of your Google app first and then add a fresh new 2fa second if you don’t know how to do that go watch a YouTube video it takes two Minutes to find it and then just watch how it’s done and then do this properly go slow take your time everybody slow down I know you’re going to be excited I know you’re going to be all panic mode you’re going to be all yeah yeah but you Just got to go slow and just take your time and you got to set up your 2fa immediately like right away all right so that’s number two 2fa number two and then when you re-log in after you log in it’ll do that your passwords are the Same your email address is the same your wallets are the same everything is the same as you left it you just have to add your 2fa again all right so you guys got that um you can change your wallets now let’s talk about wallets we’re asking everybody to change the usdt BRC wallet I know you’re gonna love this part to the usdt ERC wallet for withdrawals look at that people wished that we could do that right they said Jan can we ever just get erc20 for withdrawals and the answer today is yes you can so you can go and paste it right In that same spot for now so you can go in your back office on like delete your Tron TRX wallet your TRC wallet right out of the back office and then you can paste in your usdt PRC or ERC wallet and it starts with a 0x because it’s based On the ethereum network so that means you can go in there and change your wallet yourself and get that done so there you go you’re welcome I know a lot of you wanted to do that too so now you can and you can get your withdrawal today too you could actually take your Withdrawal and get that ordered as well and make that happen and then as far as the deposits you can deposit immediately in the back office I just tested it myself with my compound a i compounded my next amount that I left off from I think it was 89 Or whatever and I did it today like the boss I got the email from coinbase everything on the deposits is working perfectly so everybody that’s got customers waiting to deposit bring them in get them done um resign them up now if you come in and you look up someone like Tom he’s an Example guy and you don’t see him there today and that means that you have to um you know re-do Tom again so Tom has to be redone so that means Tom has to take your new link and Tom has to sign up under your new link and he’ll get his New link and then Tom will then be able to log in and then make a deposit and everything will be lickety-split so for whatever reason you look in your team structure and Tom’s not there that means that Tom has to redo his account he might be missing from the day before uh That we went down or the day before that with there’s a 48-hour window of laps as I said in some of the earlier videos so again this is the procedure so if you go and you look and Tom wants to make a deposit he was waiting that day and Everything fell apart uh when we came down all you got to do is get Tom to go on there and re-re uh resign up under your brand new link and then Tom is going to be good to go and everything’s going to be awesome okay give me one oh okay began your muted I know I’m muted it’s on purpose I’m coming back I had to do something because management is talking to me at the exact same time as we’re doing the zoom call and it’s it’s hectic right now you guys got to bear with me okay and I know you are Um so one of the things you have to understand is that uh management you know has been on this all day all night like they they haven’t slept I haven’t even shaved I haven’t worked out this has been a stressful week big time for me for everyone so you got to know that So we’re just I’m just trying to communicate with them at the exact same time she’s telling me some things so one of the things that I’ll get into in a second um is is uh the whole uh the whole new members thing so all the new members that come In starting today uh for 10 days till the 18th of February so till February 18th everybody is going to be making 15 commission we’re going to increase the commission for all new members that come in from today until February 18th February 18th write this down 15 commission for all the new members that You bring in between now and February 18th all right and that’s going to be set up and it’s already set up in the back office here anyway so as soon as you bring in your new members after we unlock everything for you and unlock the front door as I call it we’ll Be having you guys come and everyone’s making 15 Commission on all those new clients that you guys have waiting in the queue and I know Dora does a bunch of people do like that was probably one of the biggest pressures for a lot of people was it was mainly that they had Customers wanting to join and they couldn’t do it you know come on when are we going to come back on I got five people waiting I got 10 people want to join I got all this money sitting here so just let’s get it in let’s get it Done let’s get you 15 commission we’re taking care of you we’re giving you a little bit extra for all the drama that we’ve all been through this week and we want to take care of our members like there has never been a day in CMB history that we haven’t taken care of Our customers never been a day and so for those haters out there you are eating your words right now you are I just I can’t wait to see the face on those people people that that that second guessed me and talk that on Facebook and all that I can’t wait to See their face when they see this video too bad it won’t be there in their house or whatever but I just want to see their chin drop when they see me back here back online and the website and everybody’s back so everything is good you know um I had 365 directs I’m Missing two of them so there you go so a couple of the little numbers are off you guys have to figure that out like if you were keeping a spreadsheet of everything that’s going on on the website and you’re one of those accurate guys like maybe Andy that you probably know Everything about what was here and what’s missing um since this has happened I would tell you if you care to Good Housekeeping keep a spreadsheet keep a spreadsheet in your withdrawals keep a spreadsheet in your deposits make you know different tabs on the spreadsheet keep a spreadsheet listing Of all your members and all your team structure it’s a good idea it’s a good idea if it ever happens again you know and it won’t happen again let’s pray it never happens again but the way we’ve got everything built now and beefed up it won’t happen again but you know what It not even this website what if it’s something else I think keeping records of whatever you’re doing especially when you’re doing money is probably a great idea like I didn’t do it but maybe Andy didn’t do it but maybe someone out there did maybe Walter I don’t know some of These number crunching nerds probably kept a list of everybody everything how much and all that and that’s a good idea so any of you out there that have kept a close list of all your stuff and if you see any discrepancies whatsoever please send them in to support and make a Ticket and make it nice and articulated make a nice list and keep it organized and don’t jumble it up and just send a support ticket in and say what is happening and then they’re gonna fix it right now support is already poised like like cheetahs and lepers on standby to Make sure we help everybody my VI uh VIP support assistant is ready I know I gave the VIP to a couple leaders I’m going to give the VIP to a couple more leaders after this call I’m gonna give it to Andy and any other leaders that has a Large downline if you want my VIP support person let me know and I’m going to hand that off to you and then you can start pumping stuff through there and getting your people helped and handled and all that other good stuff all right um what else can I tell you so we’ve got 2fa done we got a new link uh you can do your deposits you got 15 on your deposits between now and February 18th uh you got to do some housekeeping you got to find out you know who’s there who’s missing if anything and let us know Um as far as people things like that um you can request a withdrawal today of course go ahead do that today uh but again let’s talk about withdrawals if you’re gonna do withdrawals you need to change your wallet address to usdt erc20 the ethereum version I know this was a Dream for many and today’s your day look at how many cool things are happening so just go in that same box that we’re using for the TRC one and drop that in there because you can change your wallet yourselves or if you’re like Andy and you just keep withdrawing Bitcoin then Just go ahead and do your which are all in Bitcoin nothing changes for you but it does change on the TRC ERC stuff all right so we’re going to move to the ERC just temporarily maybe for the next 10 days who knows they’ll let us know when We switch but I told them that we’re probably just going to end up having three wallets in the back office that you can choose from Bitcoin um the usdt TRC and then the usdt ERC all right so we’ll probably just have three wallets in the back office and We’ll just keep them all later in the future that way we don’t have to mess around too much okay and for some of you that don’t even want to take a withdrawal you don’t even have to you’re fine you’re good you can just let your money accumulate let the Bots get back To work by the way the Bots are back on as well all the servers are on the Bots are on actually uh yesterday so let me go look at something here right now let me look at mine to pause it uh list we’ll see something here so you can see Um the 10th is yesterday and this is when they were working on it and they even did some manuals on this sorry the 10th is uh today and on the seventh they were actually working on the site doing accounting I told you it’s been days of That stuff so the seventh is when they put all my manual deposits in from and you can see the word manual here from uh from The Lost Ones and you can also see the structure here because it goes 82 83 and then 88 84 it’s off so it should be 83 84 85 is missing 86 87 88 89 you know like that because I I always added one dollar a day according to Andy’s spreadsheet so it’s a little skewed here it’s a little funky monkey but it is what it is like I said before it is what It is it’s better than what it was right so again if you see something wrong in your back office and we are actually very concerned about the deposits because we can track them all they come in through coinbase and so if there’s a deposit that is not there or is missing Or was wrong I know I have a deposit missing I have 85 dollar one that’s actually not here so I’m going to end up sending my own support ticket in on that 85 one it’s missing and I and I went up every day by a dollar so I know it’s That I know it’s not there and so we’ll get that one back for me too but uh it’s not a problem the funds are there the records are there and they did their best and I’ll tell you what they did they used some manually stuff and then they also did some Auto scripting Because uh you know it people want to do everything on the computer they don’t want to do anything manually anymore so they ran Auto scripts to try to populate all this stuff and you know I know what Andy knows it’s going to be mostly good and there’s probably going to be a Little discrepancy and they did their best you know and I said that on that earlier video that I put out there we did our best you know and so we got everything out the website’s working we can take deposits you can take withdrawals we can do business Um you can do compounding you can all come back to that same awesome uh lifestyle and routine that you had with CMB you can make it your baby once again and you don’t have to worry about anything anymore we’re back then we’ve got cloudflare on everything we’ve got Redundancy on everything we’re going to be doing daily backups of everything and so we’re not going to be back a couple days on a backup and I still don’t even know why that happened but you know heads are going to roll for that and they already rolled anyway so we got a New guy his name’s Michael um we’ve got a whole new web team that we’re going to hire actually and they are going to be doing a whole other website for us are all our front-end website I’m going to change that and then I’m going to change things Back here I’m going to end up adding the the dashboard wallet so we’re going to have a dashboard wallet here I’m going to add a telegram bot here I’m going to add a few features that I have uh you know up my sleeve and everything’s going To be really cool in the back office but we had to get the back office up first and then my list of upgrades is all coming second we’re going to add our merchandise store back here so you guys are going to have merchandise we’re going to add all the presentations let’s See if they’ve added them by now there they are we got Pakistani Malaysian Filipino polish uh Lucy was asking for Polish if Lucy if you’re watching tonight you got your polish one honey Ty Russian yeah we need to rush into all my Russian boys has been hanging out with All week asking me for this one Turkish man crypto in Turkey is is insane they are crypto Monsters uh Chinese Indonesian Portuguese and then we go to page two and three and now Bengali French Ukrainian Vietnamese German Japanese Italian Hindi we got the zoom backgrounds for everybody and we’ve Still got our Sizzle video on the last page hiding there and everything is new new new new yeah and this is the new presentation with all the great new stuff in there and we’re still not done like just just let me get my work done now I can rest a Little bit now I can sleep again now I can get some rest and all my customers are happy you know I got 40 000 customers almost here and uh and they’ve been they’ve been worried and I’m not I’m not I I know they’ve been worried and I know and so they’re they’re going To be happy now everyone’s going to be happy now they’re already happy now everyone’s happy now I’m happy now look at me I’m happy and so we’re back we’re full business and like I said that the competitors out there all the smack talkers were coming for you missiles are Ready they’re locked and loaded we’re taking your leaders we’re taking your customers and we’re taking all your money we’re bringing it all home uh my Army is coming for you we’re going to scour the internet we’re going to take over Facebook we’re going to take over social media and telegram we’ve got all Kinds of new telegram features coming to our website next and a bunch of other cool stuff so you guys will see some really really sexy upgrades the internal wallet thing uh some of you have already been using that you know what that’s all about we’re going to have that here too And uh you already been using the telegram bot you know about that and so there’s some things you guys are privy to because you hang out with me as your mentor and uh you’re going to get all that same sexy features that Lexus Mercedes-Benz goodness that you’re used To and more I’m not stopping with the technology now that everything’s protected I can invest you know I can invest in the website I can invest in my people I can invest in my structure I can invest in my tools I can invest in the whole entire organization and I’m Going to and I and I am I really am and so I am going to make this better and better and even though some of my leaders said don’t don’t touch it just leave it the way it is I I really love that they said that I love that they Said that but I’m still going to make a few really cool things happen back here so again merchandise store for sure telegram bot for sure uh back office wallet for sure where you can transfer funds to different members if you know their membership username uh we got a Lot of cool things coming for sure you guys are going to love this and we’re still gonna have our leadership uh stats box for sure like I’m not forgetting that for you guys we’re going to have our leadership bonus stats box for sure and then everyone will know where they Are in the leadership bonus and when they’re getting it and all that kind of stuff and kill all of that confusion that’s been going on for a while um what else can I say to you guys I think we could look at the deposit thing Again uh you can do a new deposit so we can just look at that quickly so again let’s just say 1050 which is our perfect amount to come in crypto hit deposit foreign and then there it is coinbase is working like a boss so let me say this Too for all the weirdos out there that kept on questioning me why we’re using coinbase coinbase saved our butts coinbase actually was the most organized spreadsheet database data that we got from all of this drama like these guys were the best thing ever because every single dollar is accounted for that came Into the company every single dollar I’ll repeat is accounted for that came in the company because we chose coinbase and and you’re welcome you’re welcome as Andy always says you’re welcome so now you know if we didn’t do it with coinbase and we did it like those other Owners do and taking in their phones and send it to their buddy the president over at the exchange it would have been Mayhem it would have been sauce and so because we chose high quality Blue Chip partners that really saved our bus in this whole scenario as well so that Was really good our servers are top-notch Ultra fast we’ve got the cloudflare protection on everything we got redundancy we got two extra servers behind the one major so we got three times the power and three times the backup and all that other Jazz all of the Bots are all running full blast Since yesterday so they’re all generating income so everyone’s making bacon again um during the time that we were down there was no bacon there was no servers like nothing was running we had no Bots you know so it’s okay they’re back um and that’s just how it’s gonna be you Know and everyone talked about that in my other video and you guys know what I was talking about so it’ll be okay it’s all starts again today you know and I guess everyone understands that and is happy with that and and really understands that that’s the way you got To get things done and we don’t really have a choice you know there’s some things in life you got a choice and you’re like oh you know we decided to do this and we decided to do that in this case we didn’t decide we got wiped off The internet so really at the end of the day there was no decision from us to do that I remember people read I mean why would he do that and not tell us first and I’m thinking man you don’t you don’t tell people you’re getting robbed you don’t even know you’re getting robbed Like how do you know that this is going to happen to you when you’re getting robbed you don’t know so you tell people after you got robbed so we tell people after we got wiped out what happened to us like what do you expect you know you can’t pre-warn anybody about this kind Of thing it’s craziness um one of the other good positive positive things is we’re going to extend the Bull Run for another 10 days so everybody can make their bonus ranks and get all that money in that they’re missing and chasing after and doing and that bonus is still coming like a boss You can see mine’s even off because I actually was at uh I was actually at ten thousand dollars already and it says 7 500 so they’re gonna fix all this they know what to do like it’s not a matter they don’t know what to do It’s just a matter of time and so I could have waited another day and another day and we could have had more stuff fixed and we could have done more little things but I said no way like let’s just get it open let’s get everybody working let’s get those deposits in Let’s get it all done and as soon as I did that um you know bam it’s it’s back to business you know and that’s what’s important right now uh you know I talked to Zahir just today and there’s a good chance that he just signed up actually Today on my link because I put my new link on Facebook today and uh it’s probably taken in customers because why wouldn’t it you know and so I’m pretty sure there’s a here right here in my direct referrals was from today and uh so that’s good news too so people are Signing up and coming in already on my link which is the point is the big Point um we still got you know what almost 34 000 members and that’s still pretty close to where I left off I still have very close to the directs where I left Off I think I was actually at 365 so I might be off by a couple um and we’ll figure that out like I said not a big deal you guys know who your people are everybody knows who their people are you guys will bring in the money you guys will take care of Business and we’ll just keep moving forward um and here’s the other thing like I really want all the leaders to step up and help everybody right now you know like help your people get organized and then get the flow of information organized and then let’s not bombard Support let’s not bombard Jan let’s not just assault me again with all your drama about what your twenty dollars like I said before you know it’s not about that I can’t help with your 20 anyway someone else has to and so you got to go through the proper channels Use the support ticket system you got to use the the finance email if the deposits are not showing up and then you’ve got to use different departments so let me explain one more time if it’s a deposit or withdrawal related item you want to use the CBC uh CMB Finance at Proton dot me email and that’s the email you want to use and you guys all know that email you want to use the finance email in order for any withdrawals or deposits that are not there anything else other than those things the deposits or withdrawals on that specific email everything else that may Not be right or you think this or that you can send in a support ticket but if you just start setting support tickets like crazy like you did before and they’re not really crucial I would really ask everyone just to focus on crucial right now and then you know in a In a week or so let’s send in the non-crucial support tickets please you know don’t bombard support with all your non-crucial questions save those questions for the zoom calls okay bring those uh questions to your leaders get your leaders figuring things out with you for you and and moving that stuff up The chain okay I’m here I’m available to answer questions I’m here every day you guys talk to me every single day in my private chat room on telegram everywhere WhatsApp Facebook Messenger Instagram uh LinkedIn you guys talk to me every single day and it’s not because the Website was down I’m still there every single day like nothing’s changed for me I’m still there so I’m gonna be there tomorrow I’m gonna be there the day after and I’m gonna be helping the customers uh for what the next 24 months at least kind of thing that’s my Contract so I’m gonna be here for 24 months helping everybody every day seven days a week be successful uh I’m mentoring a whole pile of you into Super success we got millionaires brewing in this house and we’re making millionaires here every day and we’re not even done Like we’re just my goodness we’re just scratching the surface of the beginning and so even uh on a positive spin of things since everyone says you know man I can’t believe how positive that guy is this was actually a positive experience I’ll tell you why I’ll tell you the Crazy thing here this was a positive experience because it happened early in the game I’m so happy it happened now in hindsight rather than later because six months a year down the road if this happened man it would have been way worse way more chaos us in a lot more Catastrophic so really we learned a lot right now uh the team learned a lot everybody learned so much on what to do for preventing this from happening for keeping housekeeping for daily backups and a whole bunch of other stuff that we learned that we’re never going to have These kind of mistakes again in the future and I think that’s so cool like you know at the end of the day everybody has to mistake make mistakes to learn I’m not saying the staff really made any mistakes they got hit with a missile but at the same time they learned from the Missile blowing up and and learned what they had to do to keep it together for the next time you know and that’s really cool and and my team regardless of what people thought about support or whatever they care that support was kicking in on manual accounting trying to help with That like everybody was trying to like all hands on deck trying to make sure this website got up as quick as possible and we were really shooting for yesterday we’re trying so hard for uh for yesterday and then we couldn’t do that uh in time and so we really really Apologize guys but you know we’re here today and I know you guys are happy and I know you guys love this and uh so you know I love you guys I think you guys are amazing I think you guys are some of the best people in the world our CMB Army is so powerful let me give you some stats we blew away the competition all the other Platforms in the history of 2022 we beat Everybody by 90 percent 90.and back to that clean Wiki crackhead that was all over us her shitty company there we already blew the doors Off all their numbers too they’re trying to slang this garbage to everybody this Ponzi coin token crop and we’re out here killing it like we’re killing it and they’re jealous that’s why that’s why they do that stuff on Facebook out of pure envy and jealousy so let them go Let them go get out of here because we’re taking all this money and we’re taking all their customers that are sick of their their crap and they’re coming to us all I’ve seen us be is a crazy powerful magnet CMB has been the most powerful platform form that ever hit Facebook LinkedIn uh WhatsApp and telegram ever like this thing is a Powerhouse magnet of magnitude and everybody’s coming to our company because of the results everybody’s really making money here and really good commissions and they get paid every day and they get to take two or three Withdrawals a day and they get all their money every day and they just love it and it works and it’s awesome and that’s the point and these other companies they don’t know what they’re doing they do not have it figured out and that’s the problem they’re all complex because They’re trying to snow you and they’re showing these trading results because they’re trying to get you and they got that CEO with the Italian shoes because he’s trying to scam you and all those other fools that fall for that stuff like Queen Wiki go and sell that stuff I Don’t even sell any of that you guys have been watching me there is never any CEO with Italian shoes named Clement in my company Cyril uh and that’s who’s uh Queen Lake he’s selling for Clement this guy in Italian shoes no socks and then she’s selling a token and all this bogus Stuff that has no intrinsic value I don’t sell casino chips here none of my family goes home and puts their kids through school with casino chips around here no one puts casino chips in their gas tank on their SUVs around here we’re paying everybody in U.S dollars around Here baby boys and girls and then the other thing is we don’t have any of that fake stuff to trick everybody there’s no Razzle Dazzle there’s no trading guy and all this uh you know trading results and all this other stuff there’s none of that because we’re not trying to Overcompensate we’re not trying to fool everybody by over overdoing it like that that’s what those guys are doing that’s what they’re up to man that’s what they’re up to they’re showing you all that sauce because they’re trying to trick you into believing if you don’t believe here I don’t care if you don’t Want to be with us I don’t care too if you don’t like what we’re doing and you don’t like the results we’re doing I don’t care if you don’t like the fact that there is no CEO in Italian shoes I don’t care I just don’t care you’re not Our customer you know what I’m saying you’re not our customers but but for the people that are our customer they love this they love everything we’re doing they love me they love us they love the business they love the software they love the website they love the back Office they love the brand they make a t-shirts they’re making hats they’re putting wraps on their cars they’re going all out and they’re coming to get all the people from all the other companies that don’t like that other stuff either this is refreshing finally a company with a networker on the inside Helping run the show that never happens in the history of networking this is so different this is so refreshing we’re the only ones on Facebook that has a global super champion networker on the inside of the company doing the what he does to make sure the people get what They get think about that look at that for a minute no wonder they’re all jealous come on now you know we’re pulling strings in here you know we’re pushing for you you know I was going crazy easy to get this on Zoom right now Thomas Minnesota did I give you guys Andy how much minutes notice that you have before the zoom call one [Laughter] what what minute that’s what I told them though I said as soon as as soon as I got my login and I’m ready to go we’re gonna do a zoom and you know what Annie Could tell you about me Jan is not a liar and I know I don’t have to see it for myself Eddie you want to say it for me please am I a liar no absolutely not and you know why because I love you buddy I love all of you guys I love all 35 000 40 000 my customers I got almost 35 000 with me and there’s more in the company so we’ll just say I love all 40 000 of us I love you guys and that’s why you know I do what I say I’m gonna do I Know you guys are dying dying to see this and make sure it’s good and we’re open again like I knew it and why do you think I I gave you one minutes notice you know like why you already know man because I care because I care about my People first it’s people first money second and clean waiting she’s all about money first and people next week and maybe later that’s what she does that ain’t us that ain’t our family we’re people first money second around here right and so we’re taking care of everybody first making sure everybody’s Got happiness happening making sure everybody gets their needs taken care of because we know that everybody’s at a different level but actually we love everybody we don’t disrespect we do not ever criticize size our family we love everybody in our family that loves us and we make sure that we take care of Them and then the money comes everybody knows they’re getting paid around here everybody knows they can take a withdrawal everybody knows commissions are coming and we cranked up the commissions other companies are given slim commissions out there two three percent five percent it’s all in the low Lows I know it is you know it is look around look around at all those cheap sauce all those guys everyone’s working for cheap not here 15 ladies and gentlemen 15 you’re welcome go get that money go get that gravy on your fries go bring it home for your families go bring It home for yourselves get motivated feel good about it I feel good about you I do this for you I wake up every day for every one of you and I’m just so happy that we’re back online and back to work and we’re pushing the number one Platform in the world again this is the number one platform in the world right now and everybody knows it like it’s like it’s so cool and wait till we finish up with some of these tweets wait till we get all this other stuff on here oh my goodness people are just gonna Love it it’s gonna be like Alexis it’s gonna be like Mercedes-Benz up in here people are getting like wow Jack this back office is the bomb this is so cool I can’t wait I’m gonna fix it up I’m gonna tune it up I’m gonna make it sexy Y’all I’m gonna make it so sexy you have no idea just watch just watch some of you already seen my other websites and stuff you guys already know what I’m up to so just watch just watch what I’m doing here renovation time renovation anyway I think we’re pretty Much covered it all everything’s done done you guys know I’ll go over recap we got a new website link we are write it down make sure we got a new referral link so if you’ve been doing social media YouTube and all that stuff go change your links go backwards on Your files Go backwards on your postings on Facebook go back where words in time and change all your links okay and once we ever get the dot Co back in our hands from the Pirates we will put that back online again and then any of that old like call forwarding we’ll forward To the new stuff so don’t worry that’s already in Progressive in Plants but the pirates still control that old website uh address so we got nothing to say and do with it you guys are now and it’s way better and way cooler and I’m from the Americas you guys know that and So we’re all about I don’t even know any other website address my whole life growing up I don’t know what what any other one is like I really don’t I only so that’s that’s been my whole life I’m baby I am baby right here I’m Silicon Valley I’ve Been the Google campus Facebook campus all that but I’m getting off topic so we are we have a referral link change and then you got to come in the back office and if you want usdt erc20 for your withdrawal you gotta change your wallet and do that first okay so make Sure you change your wallet from the TRC to the ER RC and do that right away and then take your withdrawal second obviously okay don’t make that mistake and then you got to do your Google 2fa right away make sure you do that and What do you got to do first you got to delete the old one in your roster in your phone and if you don’t know how to do that there’s a little edit pencil thing you press the edit pencil and it allows you to delete one of those little Rosters and don’t delete the wrong one from another one because then you’re going to be screwed up on that other website go slow go slow with 2fa that stuff is touchy touchy touchy touchy go slow and then set up your 2fa and then after you set up your new 2fa you’re Golden and that’s all you got to do so change your wallet if you want to to erc20 take a withdrawal make sure you change your uh your uh to add your 2fa get that done you can do Bitcoin in and out anyway it’s all good make sure you Can do your deposit so if you’re compounding come in and do your deposit right away get your compounding deposit done today right away get it done um and then download the the presentation that your downlines have been waiting for so you got Polish people now we got every language Under The Sun that everybody wanted and it’s all of the countries that actually worked with cryptocurrency we did all of the presentations to match them so Bloomberg did a study of all the number one cryptocurrencies in the world and all of our presentations match those countries now so we have the best of the Best of the best and uh yeah that’s that’s what we’ve been doing anyway right we’ve been doing the best the best anyway haven’t we so there you go ladies and gentlemen we’re back to work we love you so much um I don’t know what else to say except Thank you thank you for your patience for uh 98 of you uh 98 of you were amazing 98 of you were the best 98 of you deserve a hug and a kiss from me and all the staff for being so supportive and so loving and 98 of you are really What matters around here anyway so I can’t wait for you to get back to work give us some feedback tell us how happy you are in the next couple days uh take it easy on support I know you guys just love to hammer them with a rainy stuff Important stuff just like when we’re going on the airplane and they call those seats first like first class and all that focus on the most urgent first for support and wait a few days for the non-urgent stuff give them some time to process the most urgent stuff please listen to me please please Listen to me and do what I tell you okay take it easy on them and give them some time to process all right uh some nut bars requesting remote control on my screen who is this wow um okay let’s get into the let’s get into the uh let’s get into the uh the The chat here this should be exciting here we go let’s answer some questions now I love this part question tab it’s like looking in the cookie jar whatever you pull out those papers with the uh ancient uh like a fortune cookie yeah like a fortune Cookie and see oh look at this look look at this one Andy this guy’s a nutcase you know I love it I love it so much the fortune cookie I normally get is help on being held captive in a fortune cookie factory oh my God you know those things were Invented in San Francisco by the way so they’re they’re actually yeah like an American invention America California is one of the most inventive creative places on planet Earth and I don’t know what’s in the water there or the air or the sushi California as a state of affairs is one Of the most creative uh places on planet Earth the stuff that comes out of that four walls of California is really really like people don’t even know you should see even the website made in California will blow your mind blow your mind when you see what was made there Like blow your mind and by the way you live in UK that is another Super Creative country as well the UK in general incredibly creative they’ve made everything from engines to oh like that’s just nothing but bespoke suits and certain kinds and electronics and designs and oh my God England has a is Another Super Creative country too like really really interesting and not just saying it creative because everyone’s creative I mean like the Filipinos are beautifully artistic and they’re very creative but the UK and and California actually produce what they’re creating you know they make products and they Mass produce this creativity it’s really Cool all right glad to hear you’re super excited thanks Dimitri blessings everyone haters will always hate you know it good afternoon Hallelujah yes uh and to all of you that prayed out there I asked you to say a prayer for us and me you know I had death threats you guys People sent me death threats people said they were going to call the Securities Commission on me people said they were going to send the police to my house like you should have read the messages that I got insane stuff hallelujah thank you and by the way you can call all Three about shits no one cares uh we back baby we back enough with the haters you know it looking forward to see this engine start feeling great me too we’re back I love it one of the things that makes CMB so successful is because we make binance Futures an incredibly Difficult thing to be good at simple uh we give all our members a chance to make money in finance Futures was incredibly hard to do and master and everybody loses money in finance Futures so the reason CMB took off like a rocket and we blew the doors off all the competition Is because we make something really really profitable and and coveted in crypto easy and autopilot and simple for everybody to join that’s why we’re so successful I I want to tell you like that is a major reason because we have an angle we have a serious angle and we Cover it perfectly and everybody wins and it’s that’s why we’re successful because if if we didn’t do binance futures for everybody on autopilot and make everybody this money they wouldn’t be here and they wouldn’t keep bringing more people would they and so that’s the secret to Our Success we take something That’s really hard to do in the cryptocurrency space for the average individual and then we automate it we use our software we go out there and we make it on autopilot for all of our customers so it’s easy for them and that’s why we’re successful If you look at other things in life that make it easy for us all of those things are successful as well think about it okay look at all those Delivery Systems now and the apps that deliver to your home anything that lets you live a lazy lifestyle an easy lifestyle gets really Successful really fast and that’s us too CMB is going to continue to grow like really really fast because I know that everybody wants this 98 of society wants the software that grows money and doesn’t know which one and who to trust and all of my Army of CMB happiness Players is going to be the the one that they trust and this is the software they love the most glad to see you so eager you know it you kept your word of course people won’t trust you um he said you didn’t keep your word of Course people won’t trust you if we did it of course if we did it you know it just focus on the positive I know I know you know what I’m not even going to make a YouTube of this video anyway this is an impromptu video this will stay on my Facebook wall because I want Queen Wiki and all those to see it but this video is not going on YouTube and and we’re not we’re not keeping this one so just so you guys know this you guys had one minute notice and so do I had to Change from a t-shirt to a dress shirt and I had to get logged in and do all this with you guys so this was just for you this is just for my people and so you had to hear me out and that’s how it is I’m sticking with you for life yes You are Anna and I know why you know why I’m bringing the best of the best of the best your lives like who is like just look around you right now in your personal lives and see who else is like Jan Gregory in your personal life right Now who who you got who do you have that’s trying to grow you and Mentor you and make you money like I am and bring the best software to your life just answer the question anytime doesn’t be now just think about that question and then tell me who is because I bet you Don’t even have an answer other than me all right I’m amazed that you got it up and running so quickly yeah you know what I think we could have been up faster but but you know what it’s a lot of accounting like I never actually realized how many records is in the back Here let me just show you something here let me show you something my income I want to show you this this this just give you an example of of the records just for me okay and then you got four well about 40 000 people like this okay so watch this look it’s Still loading right now I press the button and we’re going to take all the data and we’re going to serve it to the back back office website now too so I’m going to split the data off and oh no oh no that’s not good that’s okay we’re just running too slow It’ll come back it’ll come back give me a sec here I’ll just re-log in hang on give me two minutes let me re-log in you’re too big of a Kind John that’s what it is you’re making so much money I was going to show you how many records Are there there’s a lot like there’s a really lot and you know it goes on for pages and pages and pages of Records so you know it’s no secret why it took forever kind of thing um but what I’m going to do with the records is I’m going to hold them off The website and I’m going to hold them on another server and then I’m going to serve them to us when we ask for them like there’s going to be a rare rare never occasion when Annie’s going to want to know what’s on page 87 of his all-income statement like he’s never Going to want to know that so why do we have that in the back office anyway like we actually don’t need it so I’m going to serve that when he asks for that kind of thing but we don’t need it right now there’s no point um all right I know what they’re doing Right now what they’re doing is they’re opening up uh they’re opening up the login for everybody Ah that’s what she says okay yup just give them some time they’re they’re um they’re uploading right now and they’re opening up they’re uh okay just let me read some stuff here you guys hang tight um Oh there’s going to be a telegram number uh for support now so this is New Look at that see I’m trying to keep up too there’s going to be a telegram for some support now there’s going to be logos placed in the back office here they’re saying we’ve got 19 different languages total Apparently people can now be paid still in trc20 and BTC so that is working so you can leave it the way it is so now she’s telling me that I can put my wallet back in there after she told me that I should I should change it all right All right so let me take that back I guess we’re going to run with the trc20 now this is how fast up changes ladies and gentlemen you see I can’t even keep up myself it’s crazy right so let’s go uh let’s log back in and I will change my wallet I’ll do that after the call anyway but what I think um happened is we’ve got a lot of people logging in because we are open now so it is actually uh it is actually open so we’re probably overloading the server right now that’s exactly what’s going on I know that I can tell by the way it’s operating that always happens when you got a bum rush of people coming all in at once so it’s okay I knew that was going to happen I knew people wanted to see the back office and log in and see Their accounts and all that stuff so let them have fun I’ll wait a bit I don’t even have to log in but I am it’s all working I’ll log in for you guys um foreign suck craziness I can’t keep up with her bouncing around sometimes nuttiness they Tell me one thing and then they tell me another oh it drives me nuts drives me bonkers ladies and gentlemen this is why you know some of the stuff I said in videos and people said I said that I you know I’m actually just the you know the the the carrier pigeon Right so I’m trying in most cases I am and then some of the stuff obviously about us and everything else we’re doing but but like a lot of the things I’m taking Direction on I’m give that and they’re giving me this and then they’re changing it on me and then I you know Then I look like an idiot too you know kind of thing sometimes so it’s okay it’s not a big deal but man why tell me one thing and change it five minutes later I’ll never understand this you know I’ll never get that it’s just like a mother thing she tells you one Thing and then she changes it on you again you know like are you kidding me but apparently we can stick with the trc20 wallets we’re still going to add an erc20 wallet field in the back office though so that’s what she’s saying here so just wait until we add the erc20 Wallet field and then you can add your erc20 wallets to the back office which is what everyone wanted there’s a lot of people that really wanted that so we’re going to add that okay but for today just leave your wallets the way they are trc20 and your BTC you can go ahead and Do your withdrawals and everything is lickety-split and she said there’s going to be logos in the back office and there’s going to be a telegram number for support okay so you guys be able to get a live telegram support so now you know that’s cool stuff so Zoom background let’s see what else They got here there is no logo Sprite now so just looking right now you guys can see that just all presentations but that’s good we got some of the best languages in the world now we can really expand you know like we haven’t even had a chance to Expand yet like we haven’t even got into all these countries yet like we’re really going to do that now and I’m actually really excited like we’re Andy’s been keeping tabs on how fast we’re growing before I think that we are going to 5x on how we were growing Before now like I really do like I think we’re gonna go way faster than we ever have and uh it’s gonna get it’s gonna get funner and funner and funner ladies and gentlemen it’s going to get so much fun I’m excited um yeah I’m on that slow internet it’s taking a minute here But it’s coming so there’s your support tickets make sure you guys use that use that system okay um the message system it’s working everything’s working there too and you guys know that you can compose a message to another user with their user ID um I know that Andy’s is just Capital Andy so just say hello hello I’m on a Mexican keyboard um how are you hey and then I’ll send it to him Andy tell me how fast you get that message in your back office it should show up on the top there where your little uh little uh Chat is up by your right hand side by your name yeah don’t don’t turn it up just yet okay are you logged in yeah good good yeah everyone can log in I’ve gone down the menu to the Inbox and uh and it’s there the little badge so 10 seconds And so what you’re going to use that for I’ll tell you what’s handy is sending wallets or things over to yourself or uh you know stuff like that and eventually you’ll be sending money to other members from our e-wallets like you know so it’ll get cooler and cooler and funner And funner uh working with all this stuff in a minute here so it’s going to get exciting just wait I go to warn people John from what I’ve seen this last week I don’t know it’s going to take at least 10 seconds so they’re gonna have to be patient Of course I’m going to think 10 seconds you know don’t get upset I’m not I know 10 seconds I’m not sure anyone has patients any day in this last weekend whatever uh whatever uh I don’t know gauge or indication or patience goes on I would say that that is uh that was Really scary man that was scary that was so scary people I don’t know if it was covid or what it did to people but it it messed them up out there it messed up people and I’m sad for them like they’ve lost their patience and everything and anything really wild you know really Wild bro but anyway let’s love everybody and let’s keep going let’s keep going um let me go over these questions here let’s get back to that can’t forget my chat room questions so they want to email me for the compounding spreadsheet again yes you can So you guys have been on this a while are the funds in a who’s this guy here let me go back to beginning I can’t really tell this is another weirdo question okay um let’s get back to these okay audio went down here mute did you get mute you know CMB is global hey new people for the Canadian residence yes it is okay also John just to clarify something you said earlier you said that we wouldn’t be paid for for the time the site was down look at that Sam’s giving out the wrong web address here why is she doing that Jesus their name I’ll check my records I was paid every single day I would paid my daily earnings while the website was done oh you were yeah awesome I mean I might have missed the odd one or two bits here and there but as far as I can see it’s all there Okay way to go numbers cruncher so Annie reports that he’s been paid even throughout the week his numbers look like everything is actually better than he thought it was and he’s happy so that’s what matters so another one of our top customers and leaders is happy you hear that everybody he’s happy he’s Got all his money there and he’s happy so so keep that in mind okay keep that in mind um let me uh let me do something really quick here too I’m going to stick with you guys but I just gotta get back in here I want to go see something Two minutes here Andy keep talking talk to them check some of those uh check some of those uh questions there in the chat room for a minute see what we can answer okay so everybody’s clear on the ERC uh the usdt erc20 so you’ll be able to put your At some point in the future you’ll be able to put your uh erc20 address in there but at the moment stick with the trc20 um so I’m just put I played with withdrawal requests and it’s done that’s right manage can’t wait to be a millionaire John that’s Anna Cnb’s going viral you know it uh Queen Wiki yeah I don’t want to get into that who won’t uh who cares about the talks about the projects exactly I want the good source out of the sea I’ll take it you’re getting the good source right now and I’m sorry let me just say Sorry to everybody I got all like you know I got all offended and I should be like the the woman put that we’re a scam right on Facebook with a banner and her name on it and and I know her like you know what I’m saying like why the hell Would she do that she knows me and she joined our company bro like that’s that’s ridiculous like ridiculous why would you even put down the company that you work for like that just still I’m sorry but that just blows my lid it blows my lid bro ski like it does anyway Keep going I’m coming back now okay well Kim’s just asked a question my people aren’t below me are they orphaned are they orphans if they’re lost yeah why they’re not there Kim no if it was if they’re not there we’re gonna place them underneath you so we just Need to know who they are and if they’re not signed up anymore because you see we lost some records so if people signed up uh like on Friday and Thursday we don’t have their sign up like they’re not in the system they don’t have we don’t have Their email we don’t have them in the system okay remember that they’re they’re like a ghost now they’re not there so people did sign up on Friday let me just give you an example everybody so you would have signed up on Friday okay and and then we went down on Saturday all right and so when you did that sign up on Friday let’s say his name was Tom so Tom signed up on Friday put in his email did all that sort of stuff and then made his deposit through our system we have Tom’s deposit okay But we don’t have Tom’s sign up info because it’s not there like we don’t have his Gmail or Yahoo or whatever the hell he used and we don’t have Tom at all so Tom has got to come back in and sign up under Andy again and then we’re going to match Tom’s Money that he deposited to his account so Tom has to sign up again under Andy one more time just duplicate that process remember what I’m saying tell him I said come in and sign up under Andy again and then we’re going to give Tom the money that he deposited on Friday because Tom will know that he deposited a hundred dollars on Friday under Andy right Sally will know that Melissa deposited a hundred dollars on Thursday under her so everybody knows who’s under them and who did their and what they deposit no one’s stupid like everyone knows what they did but the Problem is Melissa’s record won’t be there Tom’s record won’t be there of the person like their profile record their profile is non-existent all right and so that is an issue that we have to fix and so all that has to happen is you got to give them your new link Andy and Sally And whoever and then just have him resign up again and then send in a support and say okay Tom signed up on Friday here’s his new membership uh name username and he deposited 500 5 000 on Friday uh please find it and this is his wallet address that he sent it from Remember that everybody sends crypto from a wallet address and it’s all tracked in the blockchain yeah so nothing’s lost right the blockchain’s non-fungible yeah and so everything’s there so if Jan sends uh Andy just out she sent me Bitcoin today and he did he sent me Bitcoin point today my Broski Right here so Andy sent me Bitcoin today if for whatever reason that never landed we can go back and get Annie’s sending wallet can’t we can’t we Andy you got your sending wallet there so we’ll never lose that information yeah and so we know that we know that Tom sent the Money in to our coinbase system we know it’s there we know Tom’s wallet we know a lot of stuff we just don’t know that that wallet particularly matches to Tom because it’s on the blockchain so until Tom tells us hey I signed up I’m user now Tom Jones and this is the wallet That I sent my five thousand dollars in from can you please find it now we can find it and then we can add it to his account but Tom still has to add an account too because he won’t be there if he signed up on Thursday or Friday so He’s not going to be there so this is really important to understand and write down all right so anybody that is in your downline That was supposed to be there is not going to be there but their money is there their money is in the system we have their money and it’s Their money not you know like that like it’s their theirs and it’s going into their wallet but and in their back office but they just have to re-sign up uh and then let us know what their wallet was that they sent from and will be golden sauce we’ll find that money in Five minutes we know exactly what to do okay you guys understand now and do you understand absolutely okay good good so no problem there so that’s just the issue anybody sign up uh in those last couple days we just may not have you in our system that’s all it’s about okay And then um make sure you keep your walls the way they are everything’s okay um what else uh I think that’s really important just for the lost people like I I know I don’t have a couple referrers in here too so I gotta find out who that Was but I usually like I do uh the email uh grab from all my team structure so I always have everyone’s email so I’ll send out an email to everybody and then I’ll just find out and I’ll look back in my emails because it’s kind of an order Anyway and I’ll just look back and see who’s there and then right after those people in my team’s record who’s not there and it should be really easy for me to find uh what emails uh for a few missing people that I have and then I’ll Be able to email them directly and say hey uh can you sign up again please because you’re no longer in my back office we’ve just got to redo your sign up again so that’s all that’s going to happen we’re gonna have to re-sign up people that are missing and if they made A deposit no problem money is not lost money is there we just got to get them to resign up let us know the wallet address that they sent the money from very specific what wallet ad address they sent it from there’s only two kinds it’s the usdt one or the Bitcoin one They let us know and then we can find the money for them and put it in their account easy right you got that everyone got that easy so not a problem let’s get into the chats and let’s go see uh let’s finish these chat answers where are you here in the list Uh blah blah you can now do our domain instead of that okay good lots of people ask for questions patience is everything we appreciate you Jen thanks Tyree thank you Jan literally doing this right now awesome Jen are you still keeping your Saturday and Wednesday yes I am yes I am And I might even uh we’ll see yeah but 100 Wednesdays and Saturdays you know it thank you for the 15 is the 15 for the people you sign up in the next 10 days carry forward for the lifetime of their CMB no just for the next 10 days okay and it was populating Um trying to log in it’s fine much gratitude to Jan and all the team who had to deal with this glitch thank you guys thank you thank you uh Linda love you Sam said it’s working you bet we’ll post a new link please and thanks you’ve Got it thank you thank you Jen Thanks Jen let’s make some money yes you know it Anna uh Zoom user lots of love there thanks Jen CMB back office thanks for posting that Mia thank you Jan so much thank you Jen thank you so much it all Got figured out let me say this too it’s not me so you’re welcome everybody and I I I’m gonna stop for a second too it’s not me let’s thank the team let’s thank all the people in support let’s thank all the people at head office let’s Thank my manager let’s thank our new it manager Michael who was doing like five different flights and trying to co-manage this from afar on his laptop and his cell phone and I did Zoom calls with him at 6 00 am I stayed up till 6 a.m because it’s the only time This dude could talk to me like I had to stay up till 6 a.m every day because the only time this guy had to talk to me and give me an update was at like 6 a.m it was horrible it was horrible but I did It I did it for you guys but it’s thank you the team so everything you guys say to me I want to just I want to give that energy to the team let’s thank the team okay uh thank you Hallelujah you’re welcome you’re welcome you’re welcome you’re welcome Look at that extremely happy you know why you’re happy because it’s the best platform in the world of course you’re happy um where’s the latest version of the spreadsheet Annie you guys could email me you can send me a telegram at Jan speed you can email me at jan.wealthyoptions dot at gmail can Someone put that in the chat room Andy jan.wealthyoptions at gmail drop it in there and put a note to send uh send an email there you guys can get the spreadsheet thanks for bringing the awesome sauce back you got it you got to have a sauce for your fries guys you got To make this bacon uh thank you so much Jan shows us how to change don’t even change nothing Randa just keep it the way it is Jan the man I had a re-update you know what I’m gonna check my phone again because my manager might have told Me another change right let’s check my phone again man let’s see what she’s saying I know it’s okay that’s it no more changes yeah we’re good to go we’re good to grow we’re good to grow let’s get this worldwide family let’s get it uh compounding spreadsheets email me and He’s gonna drop my email in the chat right now have you got any promo scripts you bet we got the five million dollar script you don’t got a copy email me too I’ll get you the five million dollar script right now let’s get on it let’s send that trip to everybody you know Let’s get this money I can’t log in yes you can and try again let’s go let’s grow yes please we’re not changing the payment system Alexander lamb don’t do it do the walls need to be updated keep BTC just keep BTC don’t update anything man I’m so so sorry I had to mention That one uh can you please uh post a new Link in telegram which link would you like Preston uh Andy can you drop the uh the website link on here too please just drop it in there because you know what happens when people come in later then The last drops they can’t look backward apparently in this chat it’s kind of like WhatsApp WhatsApp is horrible like that too you can’t look backwards um and we’ve got a new telegram support so that was new and I never knew that until I checked my notes with my manager So so yeah so write that down too on your list of updates and all the Nerds out there that always write down all my notes and you want to post that in the uh in the telegram chat later please do it because I love you when you do that Stuff take a take a note of all the stuff we talked about today in the meeting like a minutes of the meeting I love it when you guys do that and put that in the telegrams and put them in the WhatsApp groups okay all you guys do administrative types you guys are awesome Keep tabs on everything and I’ll go over it right before we close the call anyway Jan confirming that I should report my missing deposits and withdrawals to CMB Finance at proton dot me yes that is the email for financial you got it baby boy or baby girl who’s at Willis yeah baby Boy UK right here thanks Paul uh so finding that some user apps into my download that I know may deposit I presume that I can create their IDs again and then submit a ticket to finance and get the deposit connected yes yes that is right who’s this guy Walter yeah baby boy you know that is like the perfect answer bro so that’s what you do what Walter said if you’re not if you’re missing someone in your downline you get them to sign up again get their user ID and then send in that support ticket to the finance email and They will match the money to the user and they gotta include listen Walter they got to include the Bitcoin or the ustt wallet that they sent from like your customers sent money in that’s all we need is their wallet that they sent from okay and don’t F that up everybody If you give them a wallet that you make a mistake that you didn’t send from they won’t be able to find your money uh the money’s all there that’s the blockchain guys we are on the internet and this is crypto so there’s so many benefits to Crypto and this is one of them like we didn’t lose a dollar everyone’s gonna have their money perfect like it’s not a big deal little disorganized but not a big deal we’ll fix it and you guys knew this a few days back I explained this so everybody’s privy to how to Rally Together and just get everything cleaned up and tidied up and that’s why I love my CMB family you see because you guys care about this company you don’t mind that I launched a website today and it wasn’t quite perfect because we could have took more time we could have kept This thing offline but I just said no no no no no no you should see the message of my phone no way I said today I’m sick of this like we we got to get this thing going it’s been a week this is a week Today and we got to get it up all right we’re not changing the ERC for now we’re going to have his third wallet address wait for it wait for it thank you for being proud of me I’ll be honest I lost sleep over this stuff for a week it’s Been stress I didn’t even shave you know I I haven’t worked out I haven’t been eating my diet I’m just I’m not even whining I’m just telling realities it’s actually been hella hella tough on me and and the stuff that I’m off my Keel on is not the most it’s the actual Messages that were negative that I got that a lot of you heard about that was the worst thing I’ve ever seen so really really really negative really shocking Gentlemens and ladyless gentlemen start your engines you bet thank you Chad website works can’t log in yes you can Uh it says my mail is invalid so maybe your email’s wrong you know what I mean like obviously you got to change it you’re the joke um is your uh newly make telegram message said to give you an update we encountered a hitch while moving our trading bot from One exchange to another As a new exchange required additional information from us yes sorry and it said to give you enough okay whatever that is what does this mean so that means that our Bots were attached to the same servers as our website because this is all interconnected with the money and The gains and the profits so everything’s interconnected here everything’s on the same server and so when the server went down so did the Bots went down it’s that simple and now the server’s back up the Bots are back up it’s that simple so how the Bots are working they’re making bacon and they’re Bringing in the income and everybody’s happy there you go I’m on my site now okay is there any scripts available for CME marketing yes we’ve got the five million dollar script email me Andy has put the email here in the chat send it over please I need help to reset my pin I Already sent a thing to support and did any update my name is Austin Anthony we need your username Austin Anthony and you’ve got to send that in to the CMB Finance at proton dot me and they’ll be able to give you a new PIN but you’re Going to reset your pin in the back office anyway so you can send in a support for that thanks Orlando um thanks Anna thank you Chan we appreciate you for us we don’t have time for haters keep on rocking you know it’s your own Jan you’re so awesome thanks Glinda uh can you show us how to change we’re not doing that anymore Larissa or not just leave it out the wall is how they are this is why I love John the man man of his word I really am like I really am a man of my word like I’m not Messing around out here we are going to kill the competition they were their pants already I still think some competitor had everything to do with what happened to us this is my you know conspiracy theory paranoid mind thinking but I think the competitor of some type Some kind out there was so pissed off we were doing so damn good that they had to throw wrench in our plans and do what happened to us I really believe that I like why on Earth would anyone do that to us kind of thing so obviously I know Why jealous Envy right they just had to ruin it for us kind of thing and they didn’t ruin nothing but they tried they sure tried and we’re gonna kick their ass now I’ll tell you we’re going to take all the money all the leaders all the customers and they’re going to have Nothing left by the time we’re done with them uh Jan you’re the MVP thanks Don okay too many people trying to log in that’s all it’s about I’ve checked my earnings all matches are missing including and all that my matches are missing including my draw uh what do I Need to send support check my earnings and all my matches are missing including my withdrawal what what your withdrawal’s not going to be there Carl you’re going to have to redo your withdrawal and just do a new one right um so that’s what you do um look at this crazy guy write this Guy’s down hips pay for it who is this nut bar stop talking Bro the website doesn’t work this is one of those psychos this is one of those psychos Andy right here let’s blow him up yeah boot that guy out of here everybody can get in um everyone’s logged in it’s just Because everyone bum rushed the door man it’s like when the Walmart has a Black Friday what happens you got people pulling hair on other people oh my God oh my goodness I don’t even care this stuff I’m just gonna pass by now ah do we delete the old 2fa before logging it Yeah you need to delete the 2fa from your phone I’ll tell you this if the 2fa is actually still in your account but it shouldn’t be then then uh then all you got to do that is uh is um just give me one sec here because all you got to do is There is this meat sauce right here we’re gonna kick this guy out right there you see that guy God bye buddy he’s just writing this stuff fake on her thing that’s one of those fake guys guys he’s just writing the stuff that it doesn’t work just uh just so it Shows up on our chat and all that to discredit us you guys gotta understand it there’s scammers and and populated pieces of all in our chats all on our Telegram and he did you see that guy that completely uh uh faked me out in our telegram where did he come from oh My God I’m just trying to find him why we’re gonna boot him do you beat me to it bro I can’t believe the stuff I’ve seen lately hey I know you’re not shocked but I’m still kind of shocked you know what I’m saying I’m not shocked either but I’m kind of shocked The the Great Lengths people are going to discredit me as an individual discredit our company discredited unbelievable if they don’t want what we’re offering what are they doing here we do waste it we’re not wasting time going to somebody else’s Zoom meeting just to tell them You don’t like them well I mean get a life they’re getting paid Andy they’re getting paid they’re getting paid by the devil bro that’s what happens out there some idiots and these guys that come in our chat room and talk this it’s fake you’ve seen it every week you’ve Seen it every call there’s always somebody there’s some last chick named D last time since she’s coming to her office like I called the number and all this stuff like what was that all about I don’t even know who she is what number she calling you know like what a nut Case anyway let’s keep going um I surely said not to log in till the zoom was over I know that’s what I said so you guys had some time but nobody listens I know man I know nobody listens um you gotta delete the old 2fa let’s Focus on the job here you got to delete the o2fa in your phone and you got to put the new 2fa in there okay Leia just did a withdrawal and redeposit yeah wow all right girl that’s my girl I did a withdrawal and a redeposit today so I Got uh Early Access to this which obviously you knew I would and uh I got in there and I made my uh compounding deposit because I want handy my compounding coach to give me brownies later and brownie points so I can’t let him down he made the spreadsheet and all That stuff I actually feel guilty if I miss a compounding day like I feel he’s going to put a shoe in my butt and slap me across the face or something and say what the hell am I doing kind of thing so I feel like guilty if I don’t make my Compounding and I have not missed a day like I do this stuff I’m militant as you imagine I am a CMB Army uh uh you know general or whatever here I’m leading the leading the army so I am doing my compounding and of course I set my Withdrawal and did that and I I had to test it because my manager was waiting there and they’re all in the office even accounting because as soon as I do my withdrawal they see it come up in their system because they get a they get a request for withdrawal yeah and it comes To their system there and so they want to see me do a withdrawal so that they saw that it’s working and the request came in so they made me do a deposit they made me do a withdrawal everything was working and they said okay Jen you Happy I said I’m happy they said okay let’s let’s open it up I said right you know and then here we are we get our zoom and we opened up oh man I am so still I don’t even know how I’m gonna sleep tonight I’ve been staying up till 6 a.m anyways I’m gonna stay up all night again today I’m so jacked right now I’m amped up I got endorphins going through me I don’t drink alcohol ever never done drugs like that crackhead Queen Wiki I’ve never done anything like that and I right now this must feel what Drugs feel like because I am like I am high on happiness right now I’m so happy and you know why because you guys are happy everybody’s happy again we have the best platform making happiness happen oh I’ve been waiting a week for this a week for this I’m so happy Yes Austin Anthony you asked us like five times now yes he can get a pen reset do what you got to do email look at this nut case there you go that was that guy’s paid man that guy’s psycho you guys are getting uh you guys are getting assaulted by the thing Um you logged in are the withdrawals automated now yes Jan so happy to hear all the great news tonight no so the automated withdrawals are coming right away though okay that is the next major major I love that question let’s stop here the next major system upgrade super Sauce is going to be the automated withdrawals so once we get all the members fixed up all the housekeeping done over the next few days because that’s going to take us a few days to clean everything up once we get all that stuff done and everybody’s cool and Everybody’s good and you know it’s all good again then we’re going to implement the automatic withdrawal system and then we’re going to reboot the website and uh if there’s any withdrawals we’re gonna have to cancel them obviously you guys understand that part at that day and then we’re gonna reboot the website and Put the automatic withdrawal system in and that’s going to be sexy sauce and then everything will come even faster than it did before some of you are shocked at how fast you would draws came out before you’re going to be shocked again this is going to be the most Automated withdrawal like a like that machine gun on my bicep we’re going to be just firing withdrawal bullets your way every day you guys would be so happy like trust me so so happy and that is the first major major upgrade and then all those other sexy tweaks like the telegram bot the Internal wallet uh to move amongst members and a bunch of other luxury items they’re all coming right away too right after that you guys watch it’s gonna be awesome um delete the old 2f8 correct I love this recap Molly you are awesome you you are administrator sauce you’ll eat the Old 2fa change the no don’t change the wallet delete that part and then make sure that you actually add the new 2fa to your phone okay uh when you’re in the back office and you do the 2fa there’s a little code there okay you’re you’re actually it’s good if you save that code There’s like a little digit and letter code there you should save that because you never have to ask support if your phone goes in the toilet and you get a new one if you kept that code because that code can light up your uh your Google 2fa again and a lot of people Don’t know that so there’s a little code there that’s with your Google 2fa QR code if you keep that code in a safe place write it down in your diary or whatever you can actually put Google 2fa back on your phone if your phone blitzes glitches gets stolen hits a toilet you Can actually get to f8 and even put it on a second phone so with that digit code you can have 2fa on two phones I’m a two phone guy I’m actually three phone guy because I got mt5 running on my my Android but but you I got three phones I Could put Google 2fa on three phones and with that code I could add uh the 2fa for coin Market bolt on the other two phones and that’s how cool that is so if you keep that code before you go ahead and smash that QR code with your phone Before you do that you get that code copy and paste it put it on your hard drive somewhere put in a notepad write it down in your diary this is tips for you listen to my tips everybody I tell you the best sauce then you can take That code you can light up other phones with it and all that other good stuff and you don’t need any help for support with that a little bit extra on that as well go ahead if if his uh husband looking after his account and his wife’s he had a wife Looking after her husband and her account they can set them up set up the 2fa on the same phone for two different accounts use that number don’t scan the QR code use that number and you can name the the um 2fa account whatever you like so you could say my account his account Whatever so you get the option to actually name the account that appears in the list instead of instead of some long email address or whatever yeah it’s kind of a weird website looking address when you scan the code I know kind of Auto populates some stuff there okay so That’s cool yeah use the digits instead of using the QR you get a cleaner more better experience is what Annie’s saying and you can still put that on two phones so his and hers husband and wife and that way if something happens to Annie and he’s on a yacht somewhere with the Boys drinking champagne smoking cigars and honeybuddy gotta do that compounding for him because he’s nowhere near the computer she can go over there and get hit his laptop use her2fa on her phone which is the same thing and then make that compounding happen for Andy great scenario and wifey does stuff like that For Andy she helps him out and that’s what a good wife does so all you wives that are listening help your husband make bake it foreign you know and I love her we’re still friends like that you know I love her like that but uh she actually was always About helping me make money she was really supportive about me making money and today she she’s never worked since she married me and she makes more money being an ex-wife than any women that have full-time jobs in the corporate world that’s a smart one right there I’ll tell You she found the right guy ah a woman but she gave me the best kid in the world so you know that’s that’s the trade-off and the payoff that’s what I say to all my guys when we drink beer and I cry on their shoulder I said she Gave me the best kid in the world and uh you know so I pay the bills I pay the bills ladies and gentlemen uh friends this chat is not for your support exactly I love it when the police come in thank you Sally uh thanks Hannah I Was just wondering if you still need the old one or order the new one um for login so you don’t need the old one on login it’s canceled but you will have to delete it from your phone and then do a new one okay look at this you see this Nut case I told you he was paid look bro look we can see where you are yeah completely this is how you know I’m gonna tell you guys something this is how you know someone paid this piece of to come in our chat room and do all this that’s Why he kept on writing the wet websites not working and all that because look at that this guy was paid this guy was paid I’ve already kicked him out why didn’t you kick him out what are you doing can’t you access participants I I yeah I can I’m just not following You on the on the chat okay see we’re looking at it I see why were you put at least in the chat what are you doing you know what you’re doing you’re looking in your back office aren’t you you little nerd you’re not even a job as a co-host you’re still Excited back in the back office you know what it’s an impromptu meeting I I don’t mind can take a day off today and he can enjoy his back office thank you very much I was listening you’re very distracting I’m I’m teasing you anyway but my Ed McMahon can take a day off Johnny Carson got this Johnny Carson got this handled let me do it I got this but you’re supposed to be policing this where’s the billy club buddy get it out smack these nerds in the head um oh like what he kept on like every time he said stuff like that everyone kept on Answering like thinking it’s real guys ladies and gentlemen I’m gonna tell you something right now stop answering the negative people in the telegram stop giving them energy let me do that I’m the warrior in the family I’m the chief of police around here I’m the boss let me do that job I Got this okay let me event let me deal with these nut bars let me deal with it you guys relax you guys just focus on bringing in the money enjoying the system enjoying each other enjoying what I built for you enjoying the chat rooms enjoying the camaraderie the community Just enjoy okay because the haters are going to keep coming and I got this all right I’ll take care of them right don’t worry I got this did my withdrawal ended upon it yeah yes you did Leia all right um what are they saying here website address yup just reading Jan’s password In his glasses Mike Agostino what’s he saying that what password [Laughter] to anything what’s the pirate say about the steering wheel in his pants are driving us okay sharing 2fa not working at type 2 code uh can you guys boot him we’ve already booted him we’ve really booted him okay That guy was a paid piece of when’s the merch store coming this week obviously that can’t be a focus with this you know this at hand you guys are smart so as soon as this gets all cleaned up and everybody’s done then the merch store will open up I figure for Like next week we’ll probably have it we’ll have it for next week and I wanted corporate to do the merch store but I don’t know if they want to do it so I might just do it I might just do my own merch store and then everyone can shop There and uh you know I’ll donate the money to charity or something like that uh perfect just leave the wallets alone I just you know that wouldn’t even be a bad idea Andy if we had a merch store and then all the proceeds that we take in from there get allocated spreadsheet And you can do that and keep secretary treasurer and then we can take a little 10 each for our time and then we can give the rest of it to charity that’d be really nice of us um we can do some Pro moves when we give Some stuff away the big blue though that too yeah we could get that money back in the community give some people empowerment yeah yeah I like that man I like that we should think of some cool stuff like that um it says I logged in my back office I Saw the period of upgrade earnings was not added why so this guy obviously didn’t get the memo uh so gold Matt the servers were off and the Bots were off so there was no earnings while we were off okay looks like you just submitted your registration in chat that guy’s fake Okay man look at this stuff wow I’ve made a withdrawal it’s all coming through how am I getting that back Mark you didn’t lose it uh you just got to make another withdrawal today all right just do another one man do another one so this guy Max has defended CMB all the Way on my channels as follows Annie can you copy these please if you take a second here because I can’t you copy this Max’s info here on the chat room and copy those channels for me and then put me on Whatsapp or fire that over to me I actually want to start joining as many channels as I can and get in there and help these people because some of these leaders are helpless these these people are walking on them what’s the email it’s just uh it’s there we’ll drop it again here before we leave Uh do not post your personal links I’ve also been paid all week of course you have now to help 1400 people in my downline Brian Rhodes why would Brian have 1400 people in his downline no I thought that was missing I almost my pants okay that’s good he just wants to help them Good job Ryan help them I thought he thought they were missing I’m like oh my God no that’s good that’s good all right I’m missing payments from the 31st and 2nd yeah we’ll help you out don’t worry Broski we got you back they’re not missing they’re just gonna be credited Andy you were paid I wasn’t paid on the 31st to the 6th nobody was um so yeah I missed read what I was looking up I didn’t get I didn’t get paid between the 31st and the 6th I know um my my e-wallet and balance are off yeah everybody’s our my total turnovers Off all the numbers are off we said that in an earlier video Kim and that’s how it is um logged in some of the stuff we can adjust which is no big deal and someone we just got to keep moving forward Kim so we’re just going to keep moving Forward and that’s that’s the deal some of it is it is what it is and some of it isn’t and we can fix it so it definitely deposits we’re going to get them all in there uh Missing members we’re going to get them all in there those are most Important but some of the numbers that are off from this or that we’re not going to be able to fix that so and uh and my it guy can do a little bit of tweaking on certain uh accounts depending on the severity so I won’t say nothing can be fixed because depending On the severity we will but again if someone’s missing 20 bucks and you know or whatever we’ll get you back we’ve given you extra commissions and all that other stuff and so don’t sweat it all right just keep working logged in set up 2fa my numbers are fine super happy good No payments from either but I am glad back it’s up it’s okay John okay good maybe she was a fake profile that had not refunded the accounts they had not funded the account Kim okay that’s fine we have to fund it the money’s there so we will Just leave the TRC address that’s right okay no biggie I do withdrawal on February uh the people that were answe.

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Bitcoin stems losses, outpaces Ethereum as staking anxiety mounts By Proactive Investors

Bitcoin stems losses, outpaces Ethereum as staking anxiety mounts BTC/EUR -0.91% Add to/Remove from a Portfolio Add to Watchlist Add Position Position added successfully to: Please name your holdings portfolio Type: BUY SELL Date: Amount: Price Point Value: Leverage: 1:1 1:10 1:25 1:50 1:100 1:200 1:400 1:500 1:1000 Commission: Create New Watchlist Create Create a…
Bitcoin stems losses, outpaces Ethereum as staking anxiety mounts By Proactive Investors

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