
The human body’s most remarkable and resilient parts are its bones, which are an awe-inspiring subject to explore.A fully developed human skeleton is composed of 206 bones and over 200 joints, accounting for around 20 percent of an adult’s body weight.Bones have various functions, including essential roles like protecting and supporting the body, producing blood…

The human body’s most remarkable and resilient parts are its bones, which are an awe-inspiring subject to explore.A fully developed human skeleton is composed of 206 bones and over 200 joints, accounting for around 20 percent of an adult’s body weight.Bones have various functions, including essential roles like protecting and supporting the body, producing blood cells and regulating hormones.

One of the most important components of bones is their mineral content.Bones are primarily composed of calcium, which provides their strength and durability.

Apart from calcium, bones also contain other minerals such as phosphorus, which helps regulate calcium levels and assist in the formation of bone tissue.

From birth, our bones undergo constant regeneration throughout our entire lives.In fact, almost 100 percent of our skeleton is replaced within the first year of our lives, while as adults, our bones are rejuvenated by about 10 percent each year.This process is known as bone remodeling.It includes breaking down old or damaged bone tissue by cells known as osteoclasts, followed by the formation of new bone tissue by cells called osteoblasts.

Bone remodeling maintains the structural integrity of the skeleton, as well as contributing to the body’s mineral balance.

Photo taken from the Internet / 照片翻攝自網路

However, bones can be vulnerable to damage.Factors such as age, poor nutrition and lack of exercise can disrupt the balance of bone remodeling, leading to bone loss and an increased risk of fractures.To ensure that our bones remain strong, we should adopt a balanced diet and consume foods containing vitamin D and calcium, like dairy products and green vegetables.Regular exercise and medical attention when required are also good ways to keep our bones healthy for years to come.

人體最令人驚嘆且具有恢復力的部位無疑是骨頭,它是一個令人敬畏的主題,值得去探究。一個發育完全的人體骨骼由206塊骨頭和超過 200個關節組成,約占成年人體重的20%。骨頭具有多種功能,包括保護和支撐身體、產生血細胞和調節荷爾蒙等重要角色。





unsung adj.


resilient adj.有恢復力的;有彈性的

hormone n.


calcium n.鈣

durability n.


phosphorus n.磷

remodel vt.重新塑造

osteoclast n.蝕骨細胞

osteoblast n.成骨細胞

fracture n.



1.awe n.驚嘆;敬畏 / awe-inspiring adj.令人敬畏的;令人驚嘆的

The magnificent view of the Grand Canyon filled me with awe.



skeleton n.骨骼;框架

The museum displays a variety of dinosaur skeletons that are millions of years old.


3.component n.組成部分;零件/ compose v.組成;創作 / be composed of 由……組成

A healthy diet is a key component in maintaining overall health.


4.mineral adj.有礦物質的;(含)礦物的

The soil’s mineral content significantly influences the health and growth of plants.


5.formation n.形成;結構

The formation of clouds in the sky indicates a change in the weather.


6.undergo v.經歷;承受(三態:undergo-underwent-undergone)

Amy had to undergo several months of physical therapy to fully recover after the surgery.


7.integrity n.完整;正直

The system automatically checks for data integrity errors and alerts users to take corrective action.


8.disrupt vt.擾亂;顛覆

The heavy rain disrupted traffic in the city and caused many accidents.



ensure vt.確保;保證

We must ensure that our products meet the high standards of quality expected by our customers.我們必須確保我們的產品符合客戶期望的高品質標準。





免費收聽當月《空中美語》雜誌課文朗讀及解析 !



A: More and more department stores are opening soon.

In Taipei’s east district, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi’s Diamond Towers are to launch a trial run tomorrow.B: And in New Taipei’s Xindian District, Yes! Life Yulon City shopping mall featuring Asia’s largest Eslite Bookstore will also start a trial operation next week.A: There are so many department stores.B: Yeah, in Taipei’s Xinyi District alone, there are Shin Kong’s A4, A8, A9 and A11, Breeze Xinyi, Songgao, Nanshan, Far Eastern Xinyi, Eslite Xinyi, Uni-Ustyle, Belavita, ATT and Taipei 101.

A: Well, let’s go window shopping then! A: 又有更多的百貨公司要開幕啦,台北市東區的新光三越「雙子星鑽石塔」,明天起將展開試營運。 B:

對話 Dialogue 清清:你還記得在1999年9月21號發生的那場大地震嗎? Qīngqing: Nǐ hái jìdé zài 1999 nián 9 yuè 21 hào fāshēng de nà chǎng dà dìzhèn ma? 華華:我想對大部分經歷過那場地震的台灣人來說,都很難忘吧! Huáhua: Wǒ xiǎng duì dàbùfèn jīnglìguò nà chǎng dìzhèn de Táiwān rén láishuō, dōu hěn nánwàng ba! 清清:你那時候正在做什麼? Qīngqing: Nǐ nà shíhòu zhèngzài zuò shénme? 華華:我在睡覺,但感覺到一陣天搖地動,就被嚇醒了。你呢? Huáhua: Wǒ zài shuìjiào, dàn gǎnjué dào yí zhèntiānyáodìdòng, jiù bèi xiàxǐngle.

Nǐ ne? 清清:我還沒睡,正在用電腦寫作業。我想趕快往外跑,但搖得站都站不住,真是太可怕了! Qīngqing: Wǒ háiméi shuì, zhèngzài yòng diànnǎo xiě zuòyè.Wǒ xiǎng gǎnkuài wǎngwài pǎo, dàn yáo de zhàn dōu zhànbúzhù, zhēnshì tài kěpàle! 華華:希望以後不會再有嚴重的天災,大家都平安。 Huáhua: Xīwàng yǐhòu bbúhuì zài yǒu yánzhòng de tiānzāi, dàjiā dōu píng’ān.翻譯 Translation Qingqing: Do you still remember the huge earthquake that occurred on Sept.21,

交通規則是每個人日常生活不可避免的一部分,不明所以的上路出門將承擔人身安全風險或錢包遭殃的代價。交通情境更是TOEIC常考的內容之一。透過這次的交通新制上路,我們從規則、罰款和駕照三大部分來學TOEIC常考字吧! 交通規則說法 交通規則英文一共有三種說法,分別是traffic laws、traffic regulations、traffic rules。 1.laws是法律,所以traffic laws指的就是和交通相關的法律條文。2.

regulation則是來自於regulate(規範),因為交通有各式各樣的行為都是受到規範的,所以可以用traffic regulations來表示交通規則。但其實regulation最常見的用法還是一些相關部門或企業的principles or regulations governing conducts(希望大家遵守的行為方式)。3.

而英文字rules,和交通相關的詞就是traffic rules,這個字也較常搭配比賽使用,例如contest rules或game rules。 The newly amended air pollution law has aroused wide controversy.(新修訂的空污法激起了廣泛的爭議。) Many financial leaders around the globe are calling for stricter regulations for crypto currencies.(全球許多的金融領袖正呼籲對加密貨幣進行更嚴格的規範。) Tabletop games with complex rules are not for beginners.(具有複雜規則的桌遊不適合新手。) 守規則與違規 守規則有兩個主要的英文說法是follow與obey,follow來自於跟從,obey的原意是服從,所以當我們跟從或服從特定的規定,自然就是遵守規則。而違規也有最基本的三種英文說法,分別是break、violate和offend。 這三個英文單字,最口語的說法是break(打破),但要特別注意break the rule(打破常規)也可以是正面意思。而違規較正式的說法是violate,它來自於拉丁文的violatus,與violence(暴力)是同一個語源。若你想把這個單字背起來,你可以把violate想像成是使用暴力時侵犯到某些規則。另外,動詞offend(冒犯)可以用來表達違規,但在使用時通常要轉化成為名詞,例如traffic offender。 Sometimes it pays off to break the rules.(有時打破常規是會值得的。) The new business idea may violate international law.(這個新的商業想法可能會違反國際法。) Habitual traffic offenders should receive more severe punishments.(交通慣犯應該接受更為嚴厲的處罰。) 處罰英文怎麼說? 被抓到違規後當然要接受處罰啦,由於交通處罰大多是用罰款來處理,所以最常用的字就是fine。Fine當成形容詞的意思是「好的」,如It’s a fine day,但當成動詞或是名詞時的意思則是「罰款」。 The company is facing a huge fine for violating several trade regulations.(該公司因為違反數條貿易規範而面臨巨額罰款。) 除了fine之外,處罰也可以penalty來表示。Penalty這個字相信最近會被許多人討論,因為世足賽上的「罰12碼球」就稱為Penalty kick,也就是PK(一對一挑戰)的由來。除了足球,在日常生活中遇到任何的違規被罰,只要是「付出代價」性質的都可以用penalty來表示。 The train company will hike the penalty on

Bye, Lightning cable.

Hello, USB-C.Apple is ditching its in-house iPhone charging plug and falling in line with the rest of the tech industry by adopting a more widely used connection standard.A big part of the reason is a European Union common charging rule that’s coming soon for the 27-nation bloc.Here’s a look at the USB-C plug and what it means for consumers: WHAT IS USB-C AND HOW CAN I TELL IT APART FROM OTHER PLUGS? The first part of the acronym stands for Universal Serial Bus, and it replaces earlier versions of the USB cables used on everything from printers and.

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