How to secure your Crypto Wallet.


As someone starting to buy and sell cryptocurrencies, you may have a lot of questions about how safe your crypto assets might be.It is normal to worry just like I was.Usually, your crypto assets are stored in a digital wallet called Crypto wallet.Think about the way you keep and retrieve your fiat in your physical…

As someone starting to buy and sell cryptocurrencies, you may have a lot of questions about how safe your crypto assets might be.It is normal to worry just like I was.Usually, your crypto assets are stored in a digital wallet called Crypto wallet.Think about the way you keep and retrieve your fiat in your physical wallet, it’s similar.It is your responsibility to prevent hackers or online scammers from accessing your wallet.

While there exists many security features on the Yellow Card App, you still need to be careful.I will give you tips to secure your crypto wallet which is referred to as your Yellow Card wallet.

Use a unique and strong password .Early in the year, online released a list of commonly used passwords in Nigeria.

Most of these passwords include school, “emmanuel”, “blessing”,” computer”, Sunday, Samuel, nigeria , 12345, “heaven”, “godisgood”, “divine”.This shows a lot of people use common passwords without minding the implications These passwords are quite easy to get and a hacker who uses brute force might get access easily to your digital wallet.I strongly advise that you use a password that is at least 8 characters long, contains upper and lower case characters, include both numbers and alphabets and include special characters and symbols.

A unique password would look like this “ P8Ur[!mx9hK” (this is a sample I generated, do not use).While you may not want it too complicated ensure you have a phrase you can remember with the upper and lower characters along with numbers and symbols.Keep Your Password Secret: This should be no news in 2022 but it can’t be overemphasized.In recent times, hacking has become more common and measures to keep hackers out has to be improved.

One simple rule to this is to never share your passwords with anyone.Use a Two-factor Authentication: This is an extra measure of security to ensure the right person is logging in.

Two-factor authentication will ask that the user provides a passcode or OTP sent to the number associated with that device.On Yellow Card, you can set that up in the security.The App allows you to set up two-factor authentication with a passcode or via other authenticator apps like Google Authentication.Avoid using the same password across your accounts: It is quite easy to remember one password for all your accounts.Many are currently doing this.

However, as tempting and as easy as it may be, please do not use the same passwords for all your accounts.

Peradventure, one of your accounts is compromised, which may lead to the compromise of your wallet.According to Kaspersky, Creating story Passwords that you can associate with a picture makes them stronger.One trick to do this is creating passwords with sentences rather than words which can be easier to guess.Your Yellow Card wallet should get a password not used by any other account.

Same applies to many of your finance apps or online accounts.

Source: xkcd comics

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Use a Password Manager: In cases where you might not be able to memorize all your passwords because of the complexity of each one, use a password manager.A password manager ensures that you have all your passwords in one place.You could use Chrome, LastPass, Nordpass, Keeper, Norton, or any other password manager to help keep your passwords safe and secure.

Stay clear of phishing links: Hackers sometimes send spam mail with links to sites that could compromise your entire device.Don’t click on links you don’t recognise or open emails from fake addresses posing to be Yellow Card.

Yellow Card’s domain remains and support emails are often from [email protected] .Ensure that it is spelt correctly to avoid scammers.

Bonus: Ensure that you’re following the official page on social media platforms such as Facebook , Instagram , Twitter

Timothy Ukaegbu

The post How to secure your Crypto Wallet.appeared first on Vanguard News ..

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