Ideas to Rescue the Dollar From Total Collapse – The Burning Platform


The Federal Reserve note replacement for the gold based dollar is finished, the only question is how soon.The US petro-dollar system has lived long past its’ shelf life as a desperate extension for the political class’ control.It is the major factor in the fall of our empire that began as a dream of Woody Wilsons’…

The Federal Reserve note replacement for the gold based dollar is finished, the only question is how soon.The US petro-dollar system has lived long past its’ shelf life as a desperate extension for the political class’ control.It is the major factor in the fall of our empire that began as a dream of Woody Wilsons’ regurgitation of Holier than Thou Puritanism.In the end, the business bureaucratic system is a slavish adherence to the Keynesian economic drivel.The lack of acknowledgment in the theory, regarding the commensurate demise of empires in the 20th century and the world monetary system is now obvious.

Information about their fall is ignored as unimportant it is not integral to the proper economic dogma.

The last century saw the fall of the Ottoman, German, Hapsburg and Russian (twice) empires as well as the castration of the British empire.Each had its’ strengths and weaknesses but none could evade the ultimate power of the gold coin as its’ most important foundation block.All ran out of money (gold) to finance food for their populations.There was also no food for the armies to keep the serfs in line, therefore the usual “off with his head” became the cry of the day.

The US financial control of the world developed during WW1 but also was created the roots of our demise which began under Wilson that was dictated by his banker family “friends”.The Federal Reserve System has created a level of worldwide corruption unknown in history.

Three recent examples of malfeasance are now public but the corruption has been in play since its’ inception and has been scrubbed from the history books.One example is the admission of at least two Federal Reserve board members having insider traded on their usual currency manipulation.

Example two is that federal employees trade on information concerning regulations they are about to issue.Example three is even the new crypto currency is just as corrupt.

The Fried kid bribed several political figures using untraceable crypto.Zero Hedge has interesting insight into the greatest robbery in history which is the theft of citizens gold and its’ devaluation by Frankie Roosevelt.These government connected individuals were never charged and there was no investigation into the depth of the criminal activity involved.If we add the Bidens, Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell and all their other little friends we see that quite an interesting and valuable scam on suffering taxpayers is continuing.The other most pertinent fact is that the entire history of the Fed has been at best one of total incompetence.

They even admit that they have been wrong frequently (always).As we have just seen, it is allowed most any action as it is a cash cow for the political and New York-London scammers.We need to remember that the empires mentioned above all had huge bureaucracies that were supported by the citizens and tried to drag every penny out of the populations for their own use, which is similar to today.

The actual independent gold based international system fell apart in about 1916.The usual trade routes were blocked during WW1, food was scarce and there was no more gold and desperate measures were necessary to avoid having to sue for a humiliating peace.In 1917 Woody moved on behalf of the New York banks and their British cousins.Credit had been extended to both sides, the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente as is historically usual by the banks in these situations.

That way they always win.When the war ended, economic devastation extended across Europe.The peace treaties created a tremendous opportunity for our banks thru reparations payments.These banks lent our fiat money to Germany who then used it to pay the reparation bills to Britain and France who paid their war debts to the US, with a nominal fee to Wall Street of course.

The US dollar has ruled the world ever since much to the chagrin of our betters in Britain.The usual European border wars extended total US domination of the world financial system.This situation has allowed total domestic political and financial corruption and the subjugation of our citizens to the status of puppets for the past 100 years.

The only winners are the politicos and their banking masters running the kickback scams.We have finally reached a point where the well is almost dry.Our citizens are financially and politically in chains and ruined.What can we do now? Two things that are totally abhorrent to our rulers would allow a new beginning without them and possibly salvation from total destitution.The first would be to create a tariff system that would make the US virtually independent from world political and financial influences.I can hear the screeching of the economists now! Screw ‘em! They are obviously not very bright or we would not be in this situation to begin with.(I never saw an economics student transfer to the physics department)! Isolating our home market thru tariffs should be our goal.

Some products would still need to be purchased overseas for a short period but the economy would quickly build the infrastructure needed for self sufficiency.We invented most of these products and sent the plans overseas to increase the profit margins and bonuses for the business bureaucrats.As the world economy stagnates, other countries will need our products and expertise to survive and will provide us extra capital.We will be in better shape alone rebuilding our own country.The Germans rebuilt twice in one lifetime with our assistance, we can do the same today.An example is Apple.

They currently use slave labor for assembly in China.There are tens of millions of Chinese that cannot afford an iPhone on slave wages.They cannot be customers for any product except food.If the phone was built in the US for US worker use at a normal wage, millions more people would be possible customers while creating millions of jobs.

It worked for Henry Ford, maybe it would again.The profit margins may drop for a couple of years but some profit is better than none if the world economy continues to implode.The Chinese are already knocking off our products and selling us inferior goods in return.We have little to lose and would become quite wealthy again.

The unmentioned part of the tariff dogma is that our import gates are open except for the Trump steel tariffs that Biden has allowed remain in effect.We face outside tariff walls.There has been a 25% Chinese tariff on our automobiles for decades.The Japanese were also quite protective of their home market with tariffs while rebuilding after the war.

They seem to have done quite well.Europe has a 10% auto tariff.Why should we not be enforcing tariffs? To read the articles about this Trump tariff situation would have you believe the world was coming to an end with their inception.

Actually it reduced our trade deficit and allowed the opening of a new steel mill and prices dropped.

HMMMM? The interconnectivity of our paid for politicians with the Fed and tariffs will be almost impossible to overcome.The only bright spot of hope will be the new BRIC gold currency that may be announced this month.This may force a new system to the fore.I am quite sure that I would not accept a Chinese backed currency and I suspect it is the same for many other people and countries.

Look at the list of tag along countries from South America and Africa.They have almost as bad a record of political graft and bankruptcy as we do.OUCH! A US gold based system would change the entire world but it will require us to stop interfering in other countries and we will have the ability to rebuild our own country from the ground up.No fiat currency has ever survived and it is time for a change.

Creating a US Dollar backed by gold and oil would again solidify our future instead of a dissolving Federal Reserve note.H! I can hear the econ clowns leaping from windows, good riddance! This would allow a solid foundation for our future.It would require politicians to be responsible with little inflation or national debts over our future.Criminal lobbies like the military and Pharma and education industrial complexes would lose their power over us which is an obvious plus.Perhaps the coming disruptions will allow us to restructure our fiat based government, we certainly need to throw it completely out.

Then our republic could survive.

Andrew Jackson was right!.

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