January 1st, Happy New Year Picks: KuCoin’s 3nd Pick!


Follow Following Jan 1 January 1st, Happy New Year Picks: KuCoin’s 3nd Pick! NEW ICO (Listed Below), KCS, DRGN, ADX (NEO link), ENJ(Wallet), NEO, PAY, ICX, XVG, STRAT, XEM, ARDR, IGNIS Future’s Price January 1st, Happy New Year Picks: KuCoin’s 3nd Pick! NEW ICO (Listed Below), KCS, DRGN, ADX (NEO link), ENJ(Wallet), NEO, PAY, ICX,…

Follow Following Jan 1 January 1st, Happy New Year Picks: KuCoin’s 3nd Pick! NEW ICO (Listed Below), KCS, DRGN, ADX (NEO link), ENJ(Wallet), NEO, PAY, ICX, XVG, STRAT, XEM, ARDR, IGNIS Future’s Price January 1st, Happy New Year Picks: KuCoin’s 3nd Pick! NEW ICO (Listed Below), KCS, DRGN, ADX (NEO link), ENJ(Wallet), NEO, PAY, ICX, XVG, STRAT, XEM, ARDR, IGNIS Future’s Price I appreciate all my loyal followers! For tips and strategy hours before being posted to the message boards follow on Reddit, Instagram: JaketheCryptoKing and Twitter: JbtheCryptoKing. And now on Discord: https://discord.gg/JfkWfUy (join the group to reach me directly and see posts early!). If the title is a foreign language to you read my Cryto-101 post and let’s go from there: https://redd.

it/7m48ne Remember in trading minutes matter, hours are eternities.

We are only on day 3 of the KuCoin picks and yesterday’s is already up 50–70% depending on when you got in.

DRGN is the brainchild of Disney, until the coin is traded on Binance and Bittrex I see it continuing to appreciate in value. However, that was yesterday’s pick! (Day 2 Pick: DRGN). 2 days ago the pick was KCS, also up 15%. As we all cumulatively trade more on KuCoin inherently the value of the underlying exchanges coin, the KCS, will appreciate.

More traders, more volume, more daily picks, make it clear the KuCoin exchange will only continue to get more popular (Day 1 Pick: KCS). Moon Shot Pick 3 on KuCoin: BNTY Referral link for KuCoin: https://www.

kucoin.com/#/?r=1cH1M Ahhh here we are on day 3 after a successful day 1 and 2. Although we haven’t “mooned” we have made some serious % returns. Even with other alts crashing and BTC going sideways.

I expect DRGN to truly moon when it hits new exchanges and once Disney starts advertising it. However, that was yesterday. Today the pick is BNTY! BNTY is a pretty amazing coin. They are digital Bounty Hunters (I’m serious) and it’s ingenious! They put out bounties associated with accomplishing tasks on the internet, specific tasks, locating hackers, think Dog the Bounty Hunter for the internet domain.

With a total market cap of $18million and KuCoin being the biggest exchange that trades it, BNTY has significant room for appreciation. They already have a bounty out for a recent hack and for an ICO to be launched months ago and to have a functioning platform this early is very impressive. I think BNTY can easily hit a market cap of $30million prior to hitting exchanges like Binance and Bittrex. Once it hits these bigger exchanges I would expect it to slowly approach a market cap of $100million (over the course of 4 months).

That will be a 600% return if BNTY reaches a market cap of $100million while you are holding it. This type of appreciation is standard for a “mature” ICO after the course of 4–6 months. BNTY seems to have a bright future creating “bounties” for a broad range of online tasks while also only being listed on extremely small exchanges. This provides us the opportunity to scoop up underpriced shares before BNTY hits large exchanges! December 29th, 72hrs ago the market cap was almost 100% higher than it is now.

BNTY can move 100% every few days. I’d get in now that it is 50% down from 3 days ago and is projected to hit other exchanges this month. Moon.

BNTY, DRGN and KCS are my favorites for KuCoin.

KCS as KuCoin becomes larger as an exchange, DRGN due to it being the brainchild of Disney, and BNTY because of its ingenious program. I am involved in all 3. Make sure to use my link! https://tokensale.

storiqa.com/?ref=6663944dff31989391d803ce- Crypterium — The team is unreal and they are presenting at the Dubai Blockchain Intl’ in January. The ICO is also ending very soon! The bonus period ends in 1 day so I highly recommend getting an ether or 2 involved in this. The Dubai Blockchain Intl’ will greatly increase the number of individuals interested in holding Crypterium, (I make $0 off my posts and extensive research if you do purchase the ICOs please use my referral link): https://tokensale.crypterium.io/ref=4a5381543424516aa2b4e3a6 So if you are a daily follower you know my current favorite Buy and Holds…Some of this information has been stated previously.

Lowest Risk, Favorite Play: STRAT (info below) IGNIS, the future value of the NXT airdropped token spiked to over $20 per coin yesterday.

Today it is hovering around $12 but at a price point of $10, each NXT holder will have made 300–400%. Let’s hope IGNIS maintains a strong future price moving forward. With the new ARDR network I see IGNIS being worth much more than expected, $17 may be a bit high, but $10 is still a 400% gain in very minimal time. ADX, is a favorite of mine for multiple reasons. They have yet to appreciate significantly following the second fork yesterday morning (while most alts have recovered 20+%).

They have a profitable platform already for coin holders. This is essential for every coin.

Without a platform for a functioning coin, the coin is just unique code using up electricity. ADX advertised space on EasyJet boarding passes successfully last month and now is selling over 1 million more advertising spaces. This is a profitable coin with a strong future already occurring. Did I mention they have news coming out this week, right after the 2nd fork. If I were to bet, I’d say a good amount of the BTC $$ will flow toward alts with upcoming news. ADX will have a port to NEO by the end of the month, also very important news. ADX wins because NEO wins, Asian markets enjoy trading even more than the U.S.

currently, their favorites will be flooded with their BTC funds ADX and NEO are big favorites of mine for the week(ICX too). ADX can be traded on Binance. NEO, has meetups in Dublin, Hamburg, Amsterdam, and London the first two weeks of January. The exposure immediately fo.

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