Kaspa: Do You Realize What You Are Holding? | CoinMarketBag


Their investment if you guys are new around here consider leaving a like on the video and also subscribing to the channel because we’re keeping it real for you and giving serious education and opinion on Casper so before we get in to the discussion let’s take a look at Price action As you can…

Their investment if you guys are new around here consider leaving a like on the video and also subscribing to the channel because we’re keeping it real for you and giving serious education and opinion on Casper so before we get in to the discussion let’s take a look at Price action As you can see Casper has literally just become a stable coin that’s like what I kind of describe it now we have just been consolidating back and forth within this two this two cent area I mean it’s like really just this is just consolidation this isn’t really anything Bad I mean you know we had these pumps these little run-ups because of the rumors of exchanges and then when the The Exchange came out came out obviously people just sold on the news and we keep having issues with bit get and uphold uh those are gonna come out to a point Hopefully I’m gonna be making a video dedicated just for bit get because I think there’s a really valuable lesson to be learned with the bica exchange but that will be in a further video and another date so let’s look at the cast.fyi over here we could see our Current supplies at the 18.3 uh we’re currently at 220 cast per reward in three hours it’s going to be reduced to the 220 so we’re slowly decreasing how many Casper is rewarded to each block mind we’re at 63 mine we still get that 1.14 P H’s we can look at Our top addresses here and you can see that the top 10 exchanges are are the top 10 addresses are just exchanges which is actually pretty crazy and also really good I mean it means that there’s really no one in the top ten that’s gonna really dump on us except for maybe These people right here which I have a feeling they could be another uh exchange or something like that and they just haven’t revealed their address yet but who knows I know there’s a lot of things in the background going on for Casper when it comes to exchanges but You can see that kucoin was added over here and they were actually at number nine when they first got added so they’ve just been increasing uh their Holdings with Casper so that’s really good I think kucoin should take over Mexi Mexi just has a ton of the supply Of Casper and like I saw that supposedly like two point something billion cash flows on exchanges and that’s just a huge huge issue but uh before I address that let’s get into what I wanted to talk about and that is just kind of reminding people that when you’re investing into Casper you’re literally Investing into an unfinished project Casper’s not even complete and many people are looking at the price movement and making the price movement be what Casper is and it’s like the price of Casper doesn’t really show what Casp was doing or what what is actually trying to achieve and solve it’s the Same thing with Bitcoin people do that with Bitcoin all the time it’s like they go crazy about the price but it’s like Bitcoin is still doing what it was set to do and and and it’s still becoming that store of value and Casper’s still doing what it’s said to do solving the Trilemma and just being that Digital Silver in the space being more of what Bitcoin was supposed to be and being that true electronic cash system and again you can look over here in the developments for Casper you could see here that there’s still tons of things That still need to get done we’re still in development for the upgrade consensus to follow the dagnik protocol dag Knight is like an evolution from you have the ghost out you have ghosts and then you have ghost dag and then we’re gonna have dag Knights so this is like Um gonna be a hard Fork so it’s gonna be later down the road this is Stone development just to make our Network faster faster and cheaper and just keep working we still got rust in the background testing um so you know we’re almost gonna eventually get to the completed stage Hopefully but again you see here that you know this is trying to achieve a hundred blocks per second in my previous video I did explain about the 35 000 transactions per second and I found out that that was actually 200 blocks per second that that was able to be done on So that’s actually pretty crazy we still got the mobile wallet that we’re waiting on mobile wallet I’ve been actually testing it myself it’s actually really really cool and I’m hoping that they do get this wallet out the expected time frame for the development of this wall Is roughly three to four months I don’t know exactly when they started this so I would say it’s probably going to be within the next month or two too because I’ve been using the wallet now for a whole month so it should be very near to be completed further increase blocks per Second and transactions per second this is still in development guys integrate Casper for use on Ledger I know this is a huge one for people and I know people are literally waiting to buy Casper just because there’s no Ledger they’re not even buying Casper and I I don’t think That’s a smart idea there are alternatives there’s the KDX wallet there’s the mobile wallet that you can get in beta there’s the web wallet which I highly do not recommend because the web wall that could lead into you clicking the wrong link and having all your Casper stolen from you but hey There’s the Tantrum wallet there’s tons of different options but if you’re waiting just for Ledger then you know just be patient because these things obviously are not going to come overnight the white paper we really don’t have a dedicated white paper we have like a bunch of different white Papers combined into one to kind of make what Casper is and then we have this new one that was added outside angle with node improvements and it says currently there is no P2P communication for nodes that allow them to exchange normally prune data improvements to uh nodes will allow for Casper to have a more thorough block Explorer to revisit past transactions Beyond caspa’s pruning point so I’m pretty sure I’m still trying to learn about the nodes and all that kind of stuff but right now when you run a node on bitcoin you’re able to download like all of bitcoin’s history from the Genesis block which is like around 500 and something gigabytes and you could download all of that into your computer right now with Casper I’m pretty sure it can only visit you see right here on standard nodes can only be visited three days in the past so with this new Integration we’re going to be able to visit farther back which is important for keeping the history of the whole entire block dag history so and then the last one is the Smart contracts implementation I think this is the only one that’s still in planning uh yeah That’s the only one that’s still in the planning stage because smart contracts is literally last like it we don’t need smart contracts we’re already doing everything that Bitcoin was like supposed to do in the beginning we pretty much solved that basic area but we are just trying to even improve it Even more and become more secure more faster and just be more easily used in in the space so smart contracts is going to come at some point but guys it’s not here yet and I think looking at all this it just shows that there’s a huge future for Casper this is A long-term investment you’re not going to see a dollar tomorrow you’re not going to see a dollar probably by the end of this year I know it would be nice to be like Pepe and just be like yeah we’re gonna go to a billion tonight you Know but it just it’s not it doesn’t work like that things like this take time and honestly in my opinion I think it may come sooner than we think but I like to keep a long-term mindset so that I avoid those emotions coming in and causing me to think about my investment When really it’s like it’s an investment when you invest into something it’s something for a long term and because it’s long term it’s very important to understand where to hold your Casper I’m seeing too many people holding Casper on exchanges still and the other day on the Discord uh gay i o had a display issue where Casper wasn’t showing for users and people were coming to the Discord and they were freaking out that they couldn’t see their Casper and then it all ended up being that oh it’s just a display issue but I told I Told them in the Discord chat I said guys if you were this scared of a display issue imagine if your Casper was actually gone why are you trusting exchanges I don’t know if you guys remember FTX but FTX was in an exchange that completely just just felt like a Part on itself everyone lost their funds these exchanges have no insurance you lose your money on these exchanges they go bankrupt they ban your account you can’t do anything but try to complain to them we can’t help you it’s not on our end it’s a third party that’s why it’s So important to understand to hold your crypto offline have your own private Keys that’s why I’m gonna recommend Tandem Tandem wallet because this wallet Right Now is offering 15 off for Casper users if you guys use the code Caspa silver you guys get 15 off with my code I obviously do get a Kickback if you guys don’t want to give me a kickback of the commission from buying this you can literally use the code Casper and you’ll still get 15 off and this is going to last till May 15th so you could choose whichever promo code you want to use but I’m going to still Promote a better alternative to hold your Casper offline so if you guys use my code you get 15 off and it’ll be costing you 40 bucks just for two cards and I do have a full tutorial on how to use these cards so go ahead and check That out on my YouTube channel so I hope you guys enjoyed this little video uh just kind of reminding you guys of the mission that Casper is trying to do and that we are nowhere near completion stage so this is a long-term investment guys I’m gonna start a new model on the Channel remember don’t be average be different see you guys in the next one Consider Joining My Patreon to get access to the private Discord, Free Kaspa Giveaways & More! 👉 https://patreon.com/KaspaSilver?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link If you want a solid cold storage solution to hold your Kaspa or other crypto consider getting the Tangem Wallet and get a 15% discount when you use the code: KASPASILVER👇 https://tangem.com/pricing/?promocode=KASPASILVER Consider checking me out on medium where I do the same sort of rambles on here but in a reading style: https://medium.com/@kaspasilver Consider following me on Twitter👉 https://twitter.com/KaspaSilver Disclaimer: Remember I am not a financial adviosr and everything I say on here should not be taken as professional investing advice.Please always do your own research! I am just like you learning and taking a risk when investing and talking about kaspa.My youtube performace does not reflect my reliability of my information being accurate or perfect.I hope you enjoy and never invest what you are not willing to lose.Jesus Saves! God Bless.#kaspa #bitcoin #crypto source.

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