Kurt Answers Viewer’s Questions About Ordinals In BTC And BSV + Bitcoin Conference 2023 | CoinMarketBag


Bitcoin – BTC Bitcoin SV – BSV Kurt Answers Viewer’s Questions about Ordinals in BTC and BSV + Bitcoin Conference 2023 Foreign Hello ladies and gentlemen uh welcome to the coin geek weekly live stream I am your host Mr Kurt Walker Jr broadcasting live from the pit at the South Florida Bitcoin Citadel uh…

Bitcoin – BTC Bitcoin SV – BSV Kurt Answers Viewer’s Questions about Ordinals in BTC and BSV + Bitcoin Conference 2023 Foreign Hello ladies and gentlemen uh welcome to the coin geek weekly live stream I am your host Mr Kurt Walker Jr broadcasting live from the pit at the South Florida Bitcoin Citadel uh we got Brandon Ward at the control board rocking and rolling uh he’s uh looking a Little sleepy did a little uh looking a little uh like he’s got some hockey on the brain so uh go Panthers I must say as an official uh Floridian now uh I don’t watch a lot of any sports but as a fresh Floridian all my neighbors so okay Funny story to start this out I have my neighbor say hey how about them Panthers huh now to me I’m I’m immediately like do we have a do we have a problem with large cats like what are we talking about right and then um shoot what team what team do they beat Uh I think it was I think it was the Maple Leafs this is like a month ago and so he says something like well yeah they’re killing they’re killing the maple or they killed the Maple Leaves last night and I’m like I’m so completely have no idea they’re talking About hockey and I’m like are there maple trees down here I’ve definitely seen some oak trees but why would the Panthers be harming the maple trees and he’s like he’s like hockey and I was like so I mean it was like it was the the biggest bimbo moment I have had in a Very long time so uh my neighbors realized that not only do I not watch the sports ball I also do not watch the uh the sports Puck so do my sports fans I love you it’s great I’m happy you’re happy but not my thing so uh But but I’m excited I mean why not I’ll be a Panthers fan so anyways Segway if you’re watching first of all thank you if you could like subscribe hit the alert Bell it helps the the algorithms on the YouTubes and the and the other social medias let them know That you care about my show and if you care about my show it will show my show to more people who might also care about my show so this is this is the way we win slowly so again like subscribe hit the alert Bell and again if you’re Watching live share it across social media right now so put it on Twitter put it on Facebook put it on Twitch is Twitch still down twitch might still be down so uh but if you could put it on your social let them know we are doing a live episode today As I normally do but we are also doing an ask me anything we had guests that wanted to come on the show but it’s my last show not leaving I’m not retiring I’m not quitting I’m not dying but it’s my last show before the London blockchain conference londonblockchain.net If you want to come see us live we will be live at the QE Center starting on March 31st and going until June the second I’m going to be on stage every day of the conference talking about all kinds of things blockchain related so please come out tickets are mostly free Uh unless your Bitcoin magazine and then they’re extra free and you get to be my VIP guest because I love you guys so uh I’m willing to talk a little bit smack about uh my my interactions with Bitcoin magazine in a few minutes I will get to That uh the cluster that was Bitcoin 2023 uh you you couldn’t have believed it could possibly get any worse than than Bitcoin 2022 brought to you by cash app but holy cow they pulled it off what a show everybody uh so we will get there Uh the QE2 Center thank you Alex Moon uh even when you’re not here you’re you’re here anyways so uh we we had a really interesting time down in Miami you may see I’m a little more tan spent a bit more time in the Sun but queue up your questions Brandon Ward is Going to be the the the check valve for whether your questions get published here on the bottom of the screen for me to answer I can talk about anything uh we can keep a Bitcoin related but really I will talk about anything I promise you that so uh please put the questions in The troll box if you can get them past Mr Ward well then we’re we’re all living big everybody so before I start with my anecdote about Bitcoin 2023 we’re going to play an ad for London blockchain just in case you haven’t seen it yet and if if you have Well uh I guess I’m sorry but please share also uh if you’re anywhere on the planet you should come to London it’s really easy to get to London if you’re anywhere on planet Earth you’re outside of the uh the atmosphere or possibly outside of the Galaxy uh it’s gonna be a Little bit of a struggle but if you can’t figure out how to get to London um I don’t know what to tell you so uh Mr Ward let’s queue up the ad let’s give it a play we’ll be right back in about 30 seconds Thank you All right welcome back so I’m I will start with my anecdote please queue up your questions I will get through all the questions but holy crap was Bitcoin 2023 in Miami an absolute wrecked ass nightmare uh so the night before I went to the shitcoin conference which is objectively better Than the Bitcoin conference and and in every way okay so uh coin people are are are selling drugs freely and openly everybody’s by the by the you know Midway through the night everybody’s drunk and high uh it’s it’s it’s a riot it is an absolute spectacle It’s a little bit more like uh going to a a street like Street Festival in Toronto or something there was an interesting level of Canadian participation also a lot of a lot of people that are oh hey yeah you’re uh you’re from uh I know you I know you From the coin Geeks right and um so that was interesting but uh okay so shitcoin was great uh I debated Kyle Kemper uh for anybody that doesn’t know who Kyle Kemper is he is actually um he’s Justin Trudeau’s half-brother that’s right the prime minister of Canada maybe that’s why there were a lot Of Canadians there uh but Kyle Kyle rolls in hot uh he left Canada a number of years ago over the covid stuff doesn’t doesn’t appreciate his brother’s policies the Prime Minister imagine imagine your brother becomes the president or the prime minister of a country and so you Leave the country this this is their relationship but uh so Kyle um was on stage with me we debated Big Block versus small block Bitcoin it’s hosted by Erica Gemma who’s an old colleague uh and a friend and um we had a really good time so we talked we were Slated for about 30 minutes um the crowd was clearly uh a little bit ticked about my my advocacy for Big Blocks uh to the point where they were uh unsure like they were unsure if I was kidding but after the 30 minutes uh they actually demanded that we stay on stage Because they were having so much fun like the audience uh and we were taking audience questions we were going back and forth and um it was a lot of fun so so we literally talked about how all this stuff going on in the BTC uh realm this this ordinals related stuff uh it’s Literally data on chain tokens on chain colored coins and how it’s an indicator that the big blockers were right um so you get the typical like what about nodes what about you know all this other stuff so I’m answering the basic questions from the audience people that Want to you know say hey the oil doesn’t decentralization matter and blah blah blah all of that will be published at some point uh the conference was nice enough to film it all uh and it was a lot of fun but it was like seriously uproarious I also got to meet uh vit Jitleka who’s the president of liberland uh the newest country in Europe uh so that was a lot of fun uh who else was there I talked to some Wall Street Journal uh reporters about a couple things uh and then a just a bunch of really interesting uh sort of crypto Industry people a lot of people that are bullish on the tech and um really just uh a fun group of people like it was a genuinely fun time at shitcoin uh this was a stark contrast uh to going to bitcoin 2023 the next day uh so I went With a few of the my my colleagues uh Zach wieners one who you would know uh who who had a good time we’re dropping one sad ordinals on people uh at the show and it was it was a lot of fun so I get to bitcoin 2023 thinking okay this is like my My third year in a row but I’ve been to a couple others too I’ve probably been to five Bitcoin conferences now since like 2015 I’ve probably been to five of them yeah yeah I went to uh I went to 17.I went to 1920 20 no uh 17 20 22 about 23.so Maybe that’s maybe that’s four maybe I’ve only done four so anyways um so I get there I got my cameraman as as I do my microphone I do my man on the street interviews as I’ve done in the past and uh but this year which normally like A sea of people it is like you’re going to any major Rock concert or uh you know whatever you’re going to Country Thunder or something like there is crowds of people like the parking is destroyed the streets are all blocked there’s people uh you know guiding traffic everywhere There’s a massive line and checkpoint and all this stuff out the door uh that’s what that’s what Bitcoin conferences looked like every year that I’ve gone this year we get into the parking lot directly across the street from the venue it was the same venue as last year Uh it’s the uh Miami Beach Convention Center and parkings half full like okay this is convenient I’m only on the second floor no big deal well I guess we’ll just walk down walk across the street no real foot traffic to speak of we go inside nobody really inside this massive return I mean The Rotunda area has got to be a hundred thousand square feet um there may maybe was 200 people in this hundred thousand square feet so it feels like uh a mall on a Tuesday at 11 A.M kind of thing like you could fit a lot of people here but there’s not a lot Of people here and so we get through security and I’m like all right I guess I’m just gonna start asking people questions stuff I do like hey what do you you know what when did you get into Bitcoin what do you think of Bitcoin what is your uh you know What’s what’s your opinion on uh something that people always like underestimate or something people don’t understand what’s something that surprised you about Bitcoin when you learned it uh then I started asking a few questions about like block size and organelles and hey you know it’s been a Wild year this 2023.uh you know some blocks have had 12 coins in them what do you think of ordinals on chain every single person that I talk to uh was either in the mining industry in some regard or they were just fans they were like d gen Bitcoin kind of people And everybody universally was super into the idea they’re like hey this is awesome it’s good for my business been good for my portfolio it’s been it’s been good for like everything in the world is is I don’t know what it is I don’t know what’s going on out there Like my home might be collapsing my portfolio looks like my I’m never gonna get Social Security the Dollar’s collapsing I’ve bought the most expensive dozen eggs of my life that kind of thing and then ordinals like some some of these people like if you bought already 60 days ago Even if you spent 50 bucks on already tokens you’re a millionaire today okay and so the real business people the miners the you know people that are actually doing this work they’re they’re making a ton of money on fees okay so uh everybody’s excited about it everybody Who I talk to is excited about it as I’m interviewing people and I interviewed not a ton of people but you know a couple dozen people pass me by have a have a little chit chat right um some there for maybe an hour hour and a Half doing a little bit of b-roll a little bit high this is Kurt wilker Jr live at 2023 you know doing the whole thing like I got their Bitcoin signed I’m doing a little bit they had a coffin full of fake fiat currency like they do Every year uh actually last year it was a dumpster that was the same thing so it’s like hey is fiat currency going away in the next six months 12 months 24 you know like so I’m just sort of shooting like my my Exposition shots the Way that I I normally do and then we we get this uh so I start pumping into people so I bump into uh Chris Rice who’s an old uh crypto podcast or old buddy of mine uh I bump into uh Randy Schwartz and his buddy Ryan who are uh Long time bitcoiners up in the New York New Jersey area uh but they’re like bsv Ally guys um another five or six random people uh Kyle Kemper was there again so I bumped in and was talking to him uh so I’m I’m starting to accumulate Like a small crowd it’s not a big crowd it’s maybe 10 or 12 people okay but but the rest of this area is dead there’s nothing else going on and then there’s like 20 probably 20 or 30 people that are at the actual entrance like the checkpoint for getting into the paid Portion of the conference who are just sitting there like if you have a QR code they’ll actually give you a wristband and a badge that kind of thing but nobody’s really going there because it’s not busy and I have this crowd around me and we’re all kind of talking We’re Milling around now I had been denied a press pass ahead of time like I applied for one I didn’t get a response back I reached out hey can I get a can I get a press pass I’d really like to cover the show like I have for the last Several years in a row keep kind of not getting a response out of Bitcoin magazine I’m like I wonder like is this is this is it a personal thing is it political is it because I’m a coin geek is it you know it could be a lot of Reasons why Bitcoin magazine uh may not get back to me with a press pass but whatever um so I get there and I’m I’m gonna walk over to the Press desk after after we finish getting a bunch of interviews with people this is this is where the drama starts Okay and there was some drama so I I walk over to the Press area uh after like the first hour and a half or two hours of me just getting like my Exposition shots and talking to a few people in the in the Rotunda and the street And then uh as I’m walking to the Press desk and again with my sort of mini Entourage of like totally unorganized Entourage by the way like people that just were like hey it’s Curtin kind of uh we’re hanging out um and this guy is coming up and clearly Coming to like cut me off as I’m walking to the Press desk so he’s in you know the regalia he’s got the Zipit coin magazine black outfit because he is in charge of the desks and uh he he’s comes and cuts me off and basically says hey Kurt what like what what are you doing here this is already like here we go and um I turn and look at him and was like what’s up like can I like what how can I help you you know I don’t remember exactly what I said but he’s he Says something like what like what why are you here can I can I help you with something like he looks very visibly triggered by my presence okay and so um so I just said well uh well who are you first of all he’s I’m I’m I think he Said Michael I can’t remember it was Mike or Michael but he looked more like a Michael than a mic if you know what I mean and he says um he says well I’m I’m Michael the the head of uh the head of uh I think he Said media really it was either PR or media relations for Bitcoin magazine I was like oh great you’re the guy to talk to uh I have requested a press pass a couple of times here and I would really appreciate it if uh if I get a press Pass he’s like well Kurt okay here’s here’s where we’re gonna go with this right now okay so I’m getting the like okay I’m talking to the hall monitor here and um so he says Kurt you know a coin geek as as an altcoin publication would be really Insulting if I gave a press pass uh to you it would be insulting to our our real Media Partners the the Bitcoin media would feel undermined and in some way if if this altcoiner was just here with uh uh with a press pass you you have to understand where I’m coming from I was like I so I literally laugh I’m I was like I I tell I I try to give them the benefit of the doubt I was like you’re kidding right this is a joke no I’m afraid this is serious you you have to understand where he says again You have to understand where we’re coming from and I was like well I get what you’re saying right now but I’m I’m shocked you’re serious so uh he he kind of he’s like well you know that’s the the decision is final so I was like okay like who’s whose Decision is this really is there somebody else you can talk to he’s like it’s it’s me I was like okay so I take a step in I’m like some some Mike this is this is your call and he’s like yeah this is my call you can buy a Ticket feel free to go purchase a ticket and come in as uh as an attendee I was like I was like well that that would be convenient for you you know it’s something snarky back and and said I’ll tell you what man uh if if you if you’re Not interested in having me as a guest then I’m not interested in giving you my money so I reached out my hand I shook his hand and said hey man like have a like have a good conference good luck right and so I walk out and and all like There’s a little bit of background like I get some people uh there was a a lady I was with who I had met uh the night before who was like oh you’ve got to be kidding me like she was an older Israeli woman so she’s she’s like beside herself The oh my goodness the the censorship the the what you know what is this what is happening right now like why why would uh you know we had a good relationship we had a good talk and and she’s she’s saying like why why wouldn’t you let Kurt him he seems he seems so Nice you know and uh Randy and Ryan who are both very sort of New Jersey like hat and jacket and just kind of oh hey oh why why are we doing well we’re not gonna let him in you know this is very uh yeah so super just a scene just a Scene and a half we’re going on over there and so I shook Michael’s hand was like Hey man like good luck took off on my way out like so I turned around uh this rotunda is pretty big so I’m going from the the Press past desk out the front door walking toward the Front door and would you know how to cross paths with Jameson lot so uh Jameson who has been um a little unpleasant to me in the past I I must say uh super super like mean slash tough guy Vibes is how he is on the internet right so I’m walking by uh Jameson’s probably five eight real big beard on him and and and slender like he looks like he’s keto so like not a lot of Mass to him definitely not fat but also not skinny fat like just skinny skinny guy big beard five foot eight in a pinch he Could use one of my Hawaiian shirts as a sleeping bag like this is the size of the man right so he he crosses paths he he takes a very quick like eye contact glance at me I give him the like you know hey Jameson like like just say Like hello with my face I didn’t even actually say anything he like darts the eyes away goes long like we would have not exactly brushed shoulders but we would have walked within three feet of each other if we stayed on our paths he goes he goes super wide he’s doing the Like 10 or 12 feet out out the other direction I was like oh I I literally just said come on man nothing wouldn’t look at me and whatever so I’m like okay I am the most triggering man at Bitcoin Miami apparently uh at least until Eric wall and Udi wordheimer took the stage The next day but holy crap like was it just everyone just dripping like beta like uh like Karen energy like you’re on my grass don’t you see the sign like it’s just that kind of like like who are you people like there was a time there was a time when bitcoiners a Were super intellectually honest and interested in a fight like interested in in an intellectual battle to like I will discuss anything with anybody we are so confident in who we are as Bitcoin that I will I it doesn’t matter who you are I’ll debate Peter Schiff or you know Whoever bring him in and it has turned into the like sir you’ve officially invaded our our safe space and I just don’t even like if if I could revoke your press pass any harder I would and it just was like so it’s just mind-boggling to me so I walk out of the Place like shot a um shot and said hey well I just got thrown out of Bitcoin Miami uh good you know good luck to them basically and uh holy cow like it really really was just uh I just bewildering and and like so that was it we just we just Shot it said good luck uh you know wrapped it up I helped my cameraman put the stuff back in the in the truck and we took off so uh went home early got got to see the wife and kids a little bit and um it was funny so on the on the Way back uh we had a contingent at the ordinals conference which was another neighborhood in Miami and it was the exact opposite energy the the feedback I was getting from that was like all energy like excitement people are making money people are building things people like people literally also again Laughing at the like monumentally colossal cringe that is the official Bitcoin conference which again just a year ago just a year ago this place was huge big energy big big big energy big names big crowds Big Stuff big announcements this year it was they’re attacking the chain these two This is this is an attack we’re under attack are we under attack it just was like unbelievable but the ordinals people like it truly I mean it was it was the people that saw the value of Bitcoin the way that I have for like the last five or six years now in Exile Right so from Exile I’m saying hey bitcoin’s capable of this and that and this and that it can do all these things like it can literally be the ownership of real assets on chain everybody and ah scam and now people know it people see it and you can’t put that Genie back in The bottle and holy crap are the Bitcoin magazine people and all the small block or Maxis trying like ever living hell to put it back in the bottle and I’ll tell you what it’s not going back it was a fantastic uh little piece of research journalism for me uh like maximum cope From the small blocker side and uh yeah they need their safe space to protect the ridiculous narrative it was in fact I think I said something about enjoy your safe space on the way out to to Michael so what’s up so that was my experience in Miami Everybody uh they have indeed lost their way Mr Ward uh so if you’re watching the show first of all thank you I have enjoyed recounting the melting of the snowflakes uh they picked a hell of a city to go be uh to go be snowflakes in But they they did it uh if you’re watching please with the questions the comments blessings persons grapes gripes Groves please put them in the troll box if you can get them past Mr Ward I will answer your questions about Bitcoin conference ordinals conference ordinal stuff once at ordinals protocol Here on bsv which I’m super excited about London blockchain we can we can talk about anything you want really anything you want so I’m going to take a little bit of a uh of a of a throat break here because I’ve been uh kind of hissing and shouting here a Little bit so I’m gonna I’m gonna drink my water and we’re gonna watch another ad for London blockchain conference I’ll be back in about 90 seconds The industry shifting ideas can start from individuals or people committed to solving Global and Industry issues this is your chance to network with experts and connect with a future collaborator at the London blockchain conference throughout history significant Innovations have resulted from successful collaborations in 1903 Brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright made It possible for us to achieve our dream of flying in 1977 Steve Jobs marketing Flair and Steve wozniak’s engineering magic helped jump start the personal computer revolution in 1990 Tim berners-lee worked with systems engineer Robert Kaio to pave the way for the World Wide Web the world would look very Different without the Innovations of these incredible collaborations come to the London blockchain conference where Visionaries like yourself convene and create value Partnerships that could lead to Future collaboration and the next world-changing solution [Applause] and we’re back welcome back everybody uh yeah let’s let’s bang out some of these questions Brandon rock and roll What we got were there any talks on ordinals at BTC Miami because it’s all anyone talks about on Twitter yes so I think there were maybe two two major highlights well there’s three major highlights so the things that have actually come out of the conference are uh Robert Kennedy Jr Uh announcing that he will be accepting Bitcoin BTC for his presidential campaign and he’s super hot because he’s uh super anti-covet vacs which has played really well to the the sensibilities of of those folks and um so that was a big announcement the second one was actually uh Michael Saylor of all people Talking about he feels the same way he feels the exact same way as I do about ordinals that hey the the opportunity to own real assets on chain yeah and I’m talking you know equity in real companies or or or you know real paper Commodities like these kind of Things uh if NASDAQ could move their business to the blockchain now he doesn’t realize BTC can’t handle that kind of volume but but he’s fundamentally right about the idea that ordinals really matter because of the opportunity to actually own real things on chain uh and he was talking about That on stage which again like when when Michael Saylor uh starts undermining your narrative you can you can feel all the guys who you know literally wanted to like smell his feet three months ago uh now those people are all like hyper cringe too uh and then the best one I Think by a pretty wide margin was when uh Udi werkheimer and uh Eric Wall were on stage in their wizard costumes saying the same thing like they are gooning on uh the freaking the dweeb in his mask uh what’s his face uh Shinobi who frankly kicked off my media career uh he brought Me a lot of um brought me out into the Limelight by by wanting to debate me uh so I debated him with Peter McCormick uh now gosh three maybe three and a half years ago uh me and Connor Murray uh debated Shinobi and Peter McCormick and he’s just a Just brutal time he still had his camouflage uasf hat he’s wearing his mask because he’s Mr privacy and uh basically just wow it’s just trash it’s just garbage and you know it’s gonna go away and blah blah blah super funny just the whole thing uh but no ordinals ordinals related Conversations and RFK Jr we’re the only notable things from the entire conference that I uh that I saw happen on stage of course there’s always good stuff happening if you go into the vendor Expo and you talk to the miners like people that actually have uh businesses in the space like those People are interesting to talk to but uh it was it was incredible it really was like all ordinals or nobody gave a crap so that was pretty funny next one please what’s the disconnect between the BTC ordinals Peeps and the ones at ordinals peeps uh so okay um it’s funny because ordinals is Is the most contentious thing in Bitcoin in a long time frankly I think there’s another civil war coming I think it’s a crystal clear that we are going to have another like 2016 to 17 era sort of ShakeOut Fallout you’re out of the tree house we’re all going to war everybody You know cyber cyber attack stuff I think it’s going to get really nasty and there’s gonna be a split I see no other way around it than for this to actually happen Um to that like bsv I mean we’ve been we’ve been talking about this now for four years or more I mean the the power of data on bitcoin the power of a sat that has extra underlying value because of the power of Bitcoin to tokenize and so we’ve all disagreed on these Protocols in bsv so we’ve had run and sensible and stars and and all these other things tokenized and um we’re actually going to be discussing this I’m gonna I’m gonna be hosting a panel about tokens by the way uh really looking forward to it and we’re going to Discuss it like hey what like why should or shouldn’t we coalesce under one do we need a different protocol for fungible tokens should we be should we have multiple uh multiple things or should we all coalesce under one and then build you know Stack Up and it is a It’s an interesting conversation but where we all agree the bsv people is that tokens on chain are fundamentally good the ownership of on-chain assets is a fundamentally good thing now jpegs are are largely what we’re seeing but I think it’s a really good proof of concept because what’s on the line other Than the jpeg we can learn the difficult lessons with uh you know pictures of punks and then we can we can reorganize the universe uh based on the lessons we’ve learned by uh screwing up some of that stuff so I think that’s a fundamentally good thing Um is there going to be compatibility I I think that there’s opportunity to have cross-chain compatibility in all kinds of ways that BTC and bsv ordinals can work together especially at a community standpoint um in fact we’ve seen it the BTC ordinals stuff has been dominated by People that cut their teeth in bsv the ordinals wallet is run by the people that ran twitch and rare candy ORD swap is run by the people that ran relay X we’ve seen unisat run by the people that ran uh sensile wallet and Central uh sensible protocol so these are people That fundamentally understood how to do tokens on bitcoin and then when BTC presented to like hey we’ve got a ton of liquidity and stuff over here who’s going to come grab it it was the bsv people that were capable of pivoting because they weren’t lazy entitled hodlers there were people that built Their asses off and and knew how to go take advantage of this new token economy and so there’s there’s a lesson there frankly uh you know not to not to sit on your ass and not to not to just feel like the world owes you wealth simply Because you front ran you know some other thing so uh big lessons there and a lot to learn uh I think I answered the question next one please what’s the difference between ordinals and other token standards on bsv why the ordinals excitement um so a few things so ordinals ordinals Is really simple first of all like that and that I think is really key uh if you look at sensible tokens sensible never really worked very well because of the way that it would change transactions together uh they actually were calling for a hard Fork upgrade to the network In order to make it better and in fact uh this is largely why things like Novo Bitcoin and radiant exist is both of them arguing that like hey we actually need these to be minor validated tokens uh but they require a a hard fork in order to make that happen and so they Kind of hacked their way into it and used an oracle system to try to simulate it and then it ultimately didn’t work very well uh because they designed it with a hard fork in mind which is like pretty unwise but um but it was a cool idea there was a Lot of cool things going on in the sensible token ecosystem uh but ultimately it made it that they don’t scale well and that that ended up being their undoing similarly run tokens is a JavaScript element that is an OP return so operator is like a big empty slate uh and a run Token is a bunch of of scripts put in there that processes but you need a secondary indexer that is doing that work so the the coin um or the token rather is the script uh it uses Bitcoins for for transacting for moving them but ultimately you need the Run indexer uh in order to make any sense of it otherwise it’s just gibberish so then stars came along uh and stars was this hey okay we’re we’re going to be all on chain we’re not going to need a secondary indexer um it’s it you know this is going to Solve all these problems you’re not gonna need to trust a secondary API you just need to trust Bitcoin it’s just as scalable as Bitcoin blah blah blah so I I don’t love Stars tokens and it’s really it’s for one reason the the reason is is that the scripts are very very large so Um towel for example had their node default uh settings were too small for scripts initially because stat scripts are so big that when you make a stage transaction uh they weren’t hitting the the major nodes on the network because the major nodes on the network just had their default policy settings and so Actually only gorillapole was mining Stars tokens for a little bit because we had just wider swim Lanes um is that good or bad I don’t know that it’s necessarily good or bad but it requires a lot more processing power in order to have them work which is itself maybe not the most scalable Idea like you really want your token protocol to be really lightweight if you want it to be as scalable as Bitcoin Bitcoin already requires a lot of signature validation uh so you need really powerful servers to do you know 50 million transactions a day really requires you to do 50 million signature Validations which is difficult to do inside of a 10-minute block time given the way the network is set up right now now if you set it up with greater efficiency well then that becomes easier to scale but staws is not particularly efficient in the script validation sense And so Stars uh has a little bit of a struggle there to get over um to get over that hump at least in my opinion now tokenized the way that they’ve gotten around that also stars does need an indexer uh there wasn’t supposed to be a stars indexer but then when it Finally was released like hey it needs an index or two so it was a little bit like so what what are we talking about uh the other interesting thing uh was tokenized so tokenized looked at that situation and says uh like we’ll just be the agent we will Do that indexing we’re not going to act like indexing is like a passe or secondary thing we will do that indexing at very high speed we’ll do your processing it will speed up the process of all those things because we’re just all agreeing like it must be done so why Not do it uh in a way that isn’t like quote unquote permissionless like we’re just going to agree to have the secondary layer uh I actually really like this design this is like the secondary ring on the mandala basically so you got your blockchain at the bottom You have your Bitcoin script uh one level up and then above that uh in interacting with the with the script you have your tokenized tokens and this is a pretty good system here’s what I like about ordinals uh conceptually an ordinal is just a Satoshi like that’s it there’s a little Bit of extra logic that tells you that it is a colored coin so think of it like a penny uh that you have uh put a little bit of artwork on a penny it’s still a penny it still has the numismatic value of the penny it so as the face value of The penny but it also has the extra added artifact value of whatever the art is okay so um with that again a little bit of extra script but the indexer is really lightweight um and and so they move at you know some infinitesimally less efficient than the Satoshi itself but really really Efficient relative to these other things so uh it is a really novel way uh to handle tokens now because it’s so simple and because it’s essentially just a SAT well then it allows you to apply some of these other Concepts that we’ve all become accustomed to these open social Protocols this is like Mac B B map uh all the stuff at like bitcoinschema.org you familiar uh familiarize yourself with it and realize like oh okay so we can use ordinals tokens as SATs for authentication and and some of these other things so it becomes a really Powerful system because the token is not big and complex it’s actually very very simple which makes it more scalable which means your other things in the upper rings of the mandala can interact with it in a really simple and predictable manner uh and so that’s what we’re seeing as as really exciting from Uh from people in the space so I think that’s most of the token protocols I think it’s all the ones that kind of matter right now and uh and that’s where we’re at next question what’s more likely to happen ordinals Force core to stop block size limits or Do they leave for bsv so this is an interesting one I think I think there’s a couple of things the scariest one is that BTC splits into the small blocker chain and the ordinals chain and the ordinals chain if they switch that they raise the block size eliminate Script limits and a couple of things then all of a sudden they’re really diluting the Mind space and the good ideas that bsv has come up with and that is a possible outcome because there will be more Hardware more software more Minds more liquidity in that space and If that new chain has the bigger block size and script uh you know even even just partially turned back on like that becomes a ripe new ecosystem with a lot of liquidity that would really make it um make it rough for bsv to say hey you should come over here Now I don’t think that’s going to happen which is why I’m still bullish here what I think will happen is that the BTC people who have invested just an incredible amount of money into social engineering uh that Bitcoin is Bitcoin is Bitcoin and you know that it is Because BTC is the ticker I think that those people still have a lot of control over a lot of things now it’s they’ve definitely gotten a good kick in the shorts and they’ve been taken down a notch but I still think they’re the highest guys on the totem pole maybe That switches maybe that switches quickly like maybe already ends up being a you know top 10 coin on coin market cap and like the ordinals people are all billionaires now and then you know then that skill tips uh but I I don’t know if that’s gonna happen and it’s it’s really Hard to predict uh I mean who could have predicted that this is the predicament that we’d be in right but um yeah what I what I think happens is it just becomes a civil war again where it seems like the good guys are gonna win and then there’s just a back stab from Out of nowhere like you wouldn’t believe and nobody could have seen it coming and then I think a lot of these people end up saying okay like we really really tried here and this is so frustrating can we please go somewhere where we’re welcome and where their welcome is in The bsv community in the big blocker community and you know then they bring their projects they bring their liquidity uh the other thing is the persistent split this notion that there’s a persistent split I think there used to be this notion in fact I think of Maury Sashay Is famous for saying like we all get the dividends uh it is good for all investors when when the coins are split and it’s not we have seen for sure that uh when coins split they do not both grow but in different directions we have seen everything shrink there is less Money to go around in in the fork Wars so ultimately um I think it would be awesome to see the people come our way especially when you get into the position where there’s like there’s patents and there’s there’s all this stuff there’s all this IP Um in the bsv space that would then be violated by or chain over here if they decide to split separately so um it’s gonna play out I will keep you guys updated but but frankly we’re in uncharted waters in a big way and uh it’s pretty exciting times next question Please how are the guys at ordinals twitch doing any juicy details about the Miami agreement uh so Josh uh Josh Petty is the CEO of um ordinals wallet twatch and rare candy and all of that stuff over there uh he’s super excited um it’s very stoked about what happened uh Letting me know like it was him you know saying stuff to me about Miami agreement hey like all these all these people really want to take Bitcoin back uh so there’s there really is some uh serious revolutionary Vibes going on in the space um and and I think a lot of it was Kicked off by Miami Miami was a punctuation point in in the war on bitcoin and uh Josh is excited for it uh so it’s the rest of the team they’re making a bunch of money so they’re very excited they’re devs uh and they’re Executives over there are are getting a Payoff for the for the years of work that they’ve done so I’m super happy for them and they’re excited for the next phase they want to see it blow up they want to take over the world and they want to see Bitcoin take over the world I’m not going to go doxing anybody’s Grand ideas but there’s uh there’s there’s stuff going on so uh pay attention to the Miami agreement we could see some some seismic shifts next one any pre-london news to share like Tara node new startups EU regulation updates um I really wish I could talk about Terror mode because there’s a lot of Really cool stuff going on with the Terra node team um Tara node as a concept has been around now since 2018 maybe even a little earlier uh like right around the Bitcoin cash split era from BTC actually there was guys like um uh well actually Amore and guys like uh Johannes uh vermael and some of these other folks that were super into the tower note idea uh then the bsv bch split kind of stifled that then it was uh in the hands of shatters team for a while and I think um I think just a lot of things going on at End chain and ba and a lot of the reorganization a lot of the legal stuff I think kind of made it that like nobody was really able to focus super hard on on the goal uh and that’s a little bit like but this has been retooled and Recalibrated I I have to give a shout out to the uh to the leadership over Bitcoin Association for like taking a step back reassembling the right team and putting them on on path with Terra node because uh the stuff that I’ve seen now is uh is super exciting so I don’t Know if there’s going to be any mention of it at London specifically but um please know that uh we we are bullish on the terror note again um as for startups yeah there’s there’s absolutely going to be a number of announcements there’s a lot of stuff Going on with like uh stable coin stuff there’s new um uh they just saw a little bit of news coming out about Jimmy Winn who’s a name we haven’t heard a lot recently but uh there’s there’s some stuff uh going on in that space and And yeah I think we got uh we got some got some goodies coming up for you but I’m uh I’m gonna be hosting a token panel I’m gonna be hosting a panel on uh layer one versus Layer Two Solutions I’m going to be doing a Bitcoin 101 presentation which is something I’ve Been pushing for for years because I I think that uh there’s a lot more beginners than there are Advanced Bitcoin people so I’m excited to do that and um yeah uh either way I I hope to see you there Mark it’s it’s uh it’s good to see you next one please What is actually the best business and value proposition for Bitcoin serving heart needs of clients either save money by doing things more efficient or doing stuff funnily new uh so I always say this I’ve distilled Bitcoin down into if you need reduced payment friction or increased data Integrity There’s an Opportunity for Bitcoin that’s it uh so what what do we get from that well valuable art on the blockchain is a really good example of that the market is telling us that it wants that I think another really Crystal Clear one is is the Serta hash project I think the Serta Hash project and full disclosure I have a little bit of equity in Serta hash because I think it’s such a good idea um but Serta hash is is doing um crashing data log data of your server to the blockchain every time something happens in in your network environment so that You know if your data gets exfiltrated somebody tries to scrub your logs you know immediately that your log has been attempted to be scrubbed and that is an invaluable piece of information to somebody in a security environment and so something like that where the Integrity of your data is is made so Much more secure by simple micro payments like that is such an incredible value proposition now you can also talk about all the other basic stuff like cash using Bitcoin as cash doing like the Roger thing like you know hey we can just it’s the best money In the whole world you can use it at the grocery store you can use it at the you know it’s like very um like that matters too but that’s not going to happen until liquidity makes its way into into Bitcoin bsv uh and then it’s tokenization like could we put Uh digital assets like digital dollars on a blockchain like yes but it needs to be a frictionless blockchain so um lots of those things now we have focused on scale first scale and integrity because everything else is irrelevant if it can’t scale um now everybody else focused on Liquidity so they got more money than us well it puts us in a weird predicament um but yeah those are the basics payment friction data Integrity let’s make it happen oh UPS man’s gonna walk in it’s gonna be a good time next one please hello sir I’m gonna sign for a package live on the air beautiful thank you thank you all right everybody next question please oh it’s the gorilla pool flyers for the London blockchain conference uh any thoughts on the bsv pump last week is BTC transactions were really expensive and finance halted withdrawals Hi actually I have no idea I kind of think that it had something to do with the uh bsv um BRC so okay that’s this tongue twister brc20 tokens are a fungible token protocol built on um built on ordinals protocol on BTC now somebody made 21 million brc20 tokens With the bsv ticker so that you can buy tokenized bsv on BTC and I think maybe that’s what was pumping because it did pump at the same time and then I think perhaps there were a lot of new people coming in that didn’t know what the heck They were looking at and saying hey this thing’s pumping where can I get some bsv maybe not being aware that one is uh one is just tell Kim ones this actual asset whatever else so that’s my theory I don’t actually know I I literally have no idea but Um but that’s my theory on it so that’s all I got but so actually now that I think about it bch also pumped at the same time which kind of undermines my own Theory so maybe people are out there saying hey do we need a scalable big block Bitcoin If that’s the case we all win where can you buy bsv nowadays so this is this is an increasingly difficult question given that bittrex was the place that uh we were all really enjoying and now they have said uh we’re going bankrupt and leaving the US entirely Um I think right now it is possible our only real option as Americans is Rock wallet uh I use Rock wallet myself I am not sponsored by them but I have I have attested to the fact that I am a fan uh I think Rock wallet is a nice product if You have issues and I have had issues their customer service is freaking awesome so uh so far best option I’ve seen having a good time with rock wallet uh the fees are reasonable given that they’re the only people in the space that uh make it happen but that’s where we’re at next one Do you have an estimate on how big the bsv community is compared to others um should be difficult I think it depends how you define Community like are we talking active people on Twitter or are we talking people that have Bitcoin just like their coin holders because that’s a lot of people um I don’t know so I guess we’d have to define the metric I would I would guess it’s a few thousand actual people that know what bsv is and know something about why it matters like that’s probably two to five thousand people globally as for um you know who’s like in the space Working on stuff like that’s probably 500 people so you know 300 of which work at unchain right um but but no there’s there’s I think it’s bigger than a lot of people assume but it’s going to be considerably smaller than um you know the ethereum community for Example who is you know they they probably have 2 000 active developers that are just doing stuff working on projects whatever then you get your like ethereum investors well that’s a lot more people and then if you get to like BTC it’s like well BTC is in like Paul Tudor Jones’s stuff or like the Harvard endowment and things so it’s a little bit like okay so are we talking investors Builders Advocates culture a little bit of a tough question next one please we’ve got six and a half minutes what’s your take on having ownership over our records on bitcoin instead of Registering them with the state or government corporations I I love this actually um in fact one of the things that we’ve been working on here at the Citadel our our team we have a couple of teams of people that are working here full-time they’re kind of independent bsv uh Businesses so like we work together but not necessarily in the same company uh is is discussing that like okay how do we do something like that how do we get attestations of identity and then once we’ve established identity at the Stations of of ownership and and all These other things like there’s a lot of um legal and philosophical principle that needs to be traversed and decided upon and then standardized in order for this to work uh but we are working on it it’s something that we think is really important and um yeah I I I’m personally I’m a huge Advocate for this I I would love to be able to uh get paid directly to my wallet I would love to be able to vote directly from my wallet I would love to have like direct democracy I would love it to be my library card I’d love it for For it to be my passport and for everything to be hashed uh and all of that and then I then would have the ability to revoke uh the existence of these things like if I wanted to not have my medical records on chain anymore you can spend the token kill the token So uh things like that um yeah big big fan and I think there’s a lot of opportunity there Market seems to have woken business up to the possibilities to optimize how do you see blockchain playing into what feels like a moment in time I think the biggest one is is check valves on Data you need to know what data your AI is accessing because if it accesses everything like let’s say your AI only gets access to like the the missile launch codes and 4chan okay so then all of a sudden you have like a 16 year old autistic Nazi militarist And then how like how do you put that back in the bottle right so I think that this is obviously a uh a facetious example but but it’s not out of the realm of possibility stupider things have happened and so if you have check valves on your Data and and the AI needs to make it payment in order to access certain data so that we know for a fact in a totally separate database hey this database that cannot be corrupted has a record of this AI has now accessed this information I think that’s a really important thing to Be able to to see that’s just one way so I think using keys for authorization and using uh Bitcoin as a way to gain or revoke access to data is going to be like just colossally crucially important in the near future here um and so there’s a lot of opportunity There especially with how much money there is in the AI space if you build an AI tool I mean you’re a fundraiser’s dream right now so uh don’t don’t be afraid to Tinker with it uh go raise some funds go build something that can only be built on bsv We’re Gonna Save the World three minutes left let’s go Brandon uh do we count many eat devs but not many really using it especially as electronic cash because I never can scale yeah I mean they’re literally just doing tokens defy and and exchange trading like that’s what’s happening on Eve period There’s some other good ideas there’s a lot of actually really good ideas on eth and people go there because like liquidity and community and then they realize like 18 months in I actually had an eighth guy come to our Meetup uh the bsv Meetup like a month ago and he had This exact thing he’s like hey we plan this drop on 420 and we’re gonna mint these these coins for this dispensary or you know some marijuana industry business on 420 but the cost of the mint was more than the value of the token they were going to give away so what Could have been profitable lost the money period and so he was that’s literally why he was at our Meetup it was a major ethereum development group not just a guy it was a it was a company that focuses on ethereum development saying hey my customer was pissed because this is the nonsense that Happens so it’s uh it is what it is so um Brandon let me know a little bit more about what you’re putting in the private chat so I I talk about our where can they learn more where is the where is the thing Etc uh so we got about two minutes left Everybody do we have another do we have another question is brc20 the end of erc20 I really think it could be so uh people don’t like erc20 people don’t actually like e nobody wanted to eat to exist it was literally the small blockers that created all of the stuff that brought us Away from Bitcoin as soon as Bitcoin tokens showed back up in BTC everyone’s like I’m out I’m going there this is where we’re going this is what we’re doing um I think this concept of fungible and non-fungible tokens on bitcoin with the biggest proof of work with the most uh You know windy effect and blah blah blah blah um that’s exciting it’s way more exciting than Ethan’s actually really poorly designed I don’t like eth hardly at all so um and a lot of people don’t and once you Tinker with it you realize like this thing is a very very complicated group Goldberg machine and BTC for all of its flaws is a lot easier to work with uh they’re gonna freak if they ever make their way over to bsv because everything about it is exponentially better than everything on on BTC as well so everybody as I wrap up we got like less Than a minute uh here so come to London blockchain uh become live in person we get this whole thing but also if you go to londonblockchain.net you can register for the virtual platform so we’re streaming everything every day there’s a there’s a virtual uh Expo floor so uh All the presenters you can go like check out their booths virtually uh do all that cool stuff and then you can watch the show live at londonblockchain.net um this is going to be my last show for like two weeks so I am flying to London we’re gonna do the whole thing I’m not Gonna do a show next Tuesday because frankly I’m going to need to be helping prep for the show give my voice a little break because I’m going to be talking for three days straight uh and then after I’m gonna be doing a little bit of extra traveling Um so when we’ll be doing a show the next week either so this is Kurt’s summer break that I’ve earned and then um and then I’ll be speaking at uh the what is it the B 2029 um I think it’s a metanet talk I don’t Know if it’s a meta net talk but we’re doing a talk over in Berlin at the uh the Berlin uh Hub over there so check out b2029 as well that’s gonna be happening September 9th through the 11th I believe uh so if you’re anywhere in Central Europe and you would like to uh To go do that um that’ll be a good thing but but London blocks in first go to londonblockchain.net I’m going to be on stage a bunch and then I’m going to be hosting cgtv so coin geek TV has done uh multiple conferences now I’m gonna be probably the primary host I don’t know Who else is going to be there it’s probably going to be uh Becky and Stephanie and Claire and some of these other uh folks who I’m really looking forward to seeing too uh but yeah so that’s it you’re watching the coin geek weekly live stream available across all Of the internet’s check the tubes for for the coin geek content I am your delightful but very bald host Mr Kurt Walker Jr if you could again like subscribe hit the alert Bell share the stuff across the internet if anybody can go find Michael from Bitcoin magazine And let him know that he got talked about on my show he’d probably really appreciate the attention so uh everybody uh remember don’t melt like a snowflake especially if you’re going to be in Miami and I’ll be seeing you in London I’m Kurt wilker Jr reminding you should We go to each other goodbye Foreign Ordinals are still the talk of the industry and Kurt Wuckert dives deep and answers the viewer’s questions LIVE on the CoinGeek Weekly Livestream Episode 20 Season 3 ► Hit #Subscribe & #HitTheBell so you don’t miss out on any new videos! – ► Our Links: Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/realcoingeek/ Twitter ► https://twitter.com/realcoingeek Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/coingeek_official/ LinkedIn ► https://www.linkedin.com/company/coingeek Telegram ► https://t.me/RealCoinGeekDiscussion Web ► https://coingeek.com source.

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Liquid staking platforms hold 46% of the staking market share on Ethereum

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