Matchpool (GUP) Market Cap Reaches $26.10 Million


Tweet Matchpool (CURRENCY:GUP) traded up 4.7% against the US dollar during the one day period ending at 17:00 PM Eastern on February 12th. Over the last week, Matchpool has traded up 55.1% against the US dollar. One Matchpool token can now be bought for about $0.35 or 0.00003933 BTC on popular exchanges including Gatecoin, Livecoin,…

Matchpool (CURRENCY:GUP) traded up 4.7% against the US dollar during the one day period ending at 17:00 PM Eastern on February 12th. Over the last week, Matchpool has traded up 55.1% against the US dollar. One Matchpool token can now be bought for about $0.35 or 0.00003933 BTC on popular exchanges including Gatecoin, Livecoin, Liqui and HitBTC. Matchpool has a market capitalization of $26.

10 million and $3.91 million worth of Matchpool was traded on exchanges in the last 24 hours.

Here is how similar cryptocurrencies have performed over the last 24 hours: Get Matchpool alerts: Ripple (XRP) traded 3.3% higher against the dollar and now trades at $1.08 or 0.00012201 BTC. NEO (NEO) traded 5% higher against the dollar and now trades at $113.30 or 0.

01283690 BTC. Stellar (XLM) traded up 3.4% against the dollar and now trades at $0.40 or 0.

00004487 BTC. IOTA (MIOTA) traded 4.9% higher against the dollar and now trades at $1.86 or 0.

00021034 BTC. TRON (TRX) traded 5.2% higher against the dollar and now trades at $0.0460 or 0. 522 BTC. Tether (USDT) traded 0.3% lower against the dollar and now trades at $1.00 or 0.

00011328 BTC. VeChain (VEN) traded 2.3% higher against the dollar and now trades at $4.27 or 0.

00048369 BTC. U.CASH (UCASH) traded up 16.6% against the dollar and now trades at $0.19 or 0.00002178 BTC.

Populous (PPT) traded 23% higher against the dollar and now trades at $30.23 or 0.

00342542 BTC. Binance Coin (BNB) traded up 4.3% against the dollar and now trades at $9.28 or 0.

00105145 BTC.
About Matchpool Matchpool launched on April 2nd, 2017.

Matchpool’s total supply is 98,855,150 tokens and its circulating supply is 75,000,000 tokens. The official message board for Matchpool is . The Reddit community for Matchpool is /r/Matchpool and the currency’s Github account can be viewed here . Matchpool’s official website is matchpool.

co . Matchpool’s official Twitter account is @matchpool and its Facebook page is accessible here .
According to CryptoCompare, “Matchpool is a decentralized matchmaking protocol which uses group dynamics to help participants match with each other. Matchpool users are divided into two catagories – Joiners & Hosts.

Joiners who wish to enter a pool of their choice, will have to pay the pool’s requisite entry fee, while host will be the one who opens a custom Pool and gets dividends from its revenues. All payments in Matchpool will be held in an Ether based smart contract and will be processed using Matchpool’s network own token Guppies (GUP). Both the Host of the pool and its matchmakers are entitled to shares of the Pools subscription and monthly fees, paid with GUP.

Matchpool Token Trading
Matchpool can be bought or sold on these cryptocurrency exchanges: Gatecoin, HitBTC, Bittrex, Liqui, EtherDelta and Livecoin. It is not currently possible to purchase Matchpool directly using US dollars. Investors seeking to acquire Matchpool must first purchase Bitcoin or Ethereum using an exchange that deals in US dollars such as Coinbase, Changelly or GDAX. Investors can then use their newly-acquired Bitcoin or Ethereum to purchase Matchpool using one of the exchanges listed above.
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