Opacity Introduction – Community Speaks – Altcoin Buzz


0 The Community Speaks segment is written by select members of cryptocurrency coin or token project communities who want to update the Altcoin Buzz Army about news surrounding the project they represent. The goal of the Community Speaks Segment is to bring these community members in to introduce the Altcoin Buzz Army to their opinions…

The Community Speaks segment is written by select members of cryptocurrency coin or token project communities who want to update the Altcoin Buzz Army about news surrounding the project they represent. The goal of the Community Speaks Segment is to bring these community members in to introduce the Altcoin Buzz Army to their opinions surrounding their respective projects and keep them updated on its progress. Any ideas or opinions expressed here do not necessarily align with those of the Altcoin Buzz core team. Opacity: Reforming Attitudes in the Long-Run Market
Volatility in crypto is one of the hard and fast tenants that all holders have come to accept in some way shape or form. After a tumultuous and steeply-sloped year for most, the optimism that was once the engine for perhaps a dangerous blind trust in small projects and ICOs is quickly morphing into a skepticism that arguably is not befitting of cryptocurrency investing. After all, if what you crave is safety, stability, and guarantee then we would all be holding 30-year treasury bonds rather than proud owners of non-existent internet money.

Which, incidentally, has incurred worse public connotations than owning five mortgages backed by sub-prime loans and eighteen shares of Lehman Brothers in the latter part of September 2008.

Moral of the story is, the people that still ardently trade crypto are few – but perhaps more intelligent, plugged in, and experientially wise than their pre-deflation “hype-invested” counterparts.
The thinning of the market is a mixed bag, on one hand you have more devoted investors which generally means a better pricing mechanism. On the other hand, folks tend to err on the side of trepidation, reticent to buy into the volatile and newer coins; at least with as much gusto as one tends to payout for say Stellar or XRP. This reaction is a classic hedging technique – anchor yourself in the big guys and take out small positions on the riskier stuff. But what makes this the safe option? We all know that often the “big guys” are the ones that exhibit the classic “insider trading” skew before a big update or fork… perhaps it would be prudent to be cognizant of the fact that there simply aren’t that many regulatory factors in crypto yet.

Market forces be what they may, unfettered, unabashed, unforgiving – people are going to do what it takes to build their businesses; quid pro quo and all that. Arguably, the whole thing is a wash – pros and cons to all sizes of potential buys, we’ve even seen hints of wavering in Tether over the years, and if that isn’t indicative of global acquiescence to market forces, then I don’t know what is.
So, analytics be damned, how is this knowledge applicable to the average investor? First, it never hurts to be a member of the cognoscenti – Warren Buffet and company have somewhat unequivocally proved the link between knowing and financial gains.

Second, and to that end, in the stock markets there has been a consolidation of power in the recent past.

The frequency of newly filed IPOs diminish in the face of powerful inquisitors who simply acquire and merge their way to a comfy oligarchical position in the DOW – low and behold, this is how a whale is born. (For the empirically inclined, over the course of one decade between ’99 and ’11, IPOs that made it to filling dropped by 84%. [1] And yes, these numbers are adjusted to exclude factors like the Great Recession). So, it befits the average investor to hold risker positions and not allow for market power to consolidate like it has historically. Coin Review: Opacity
This brings me to one of my favorite buys of the recent past – Opacity.

Opacity is in rare company in crypto, simply because of its transparency and communication with investors. In fact, it has to be transparent as it happens to be a fork of Oyster Protocol – a defunct project which only a few months back hit a wall when their anonymous founder (under the moniker “Bruno Block”), exploited the Oyster token contract in a fit of what appeared to be extreme paranoia pertaining to his view that all of crypto was a “Ponzi-scheme”. He stated in later tweets that he was going to pump-and-dump on his traitorous employees before they could dump on him and the crypto community as a whole.

Needless to say, Bruno is now under “legal scrutiny” – for lack of a better term. The development team, by contrast, remains and have since doubled down on security and communication with their backers in the revamped fork, Opacity.
Contradictory to popular opinion, I argue that because Oyster experienced this public faux pas rather than despite it is why you should invest. Oyster, now Opacity as of November 8 is one of, if not the only currency on the market with a mind toward measured growth – with all the trappings of a wiser more learned organization. The perception I hold is that Opacity went through the stress test to beat all stress tests and came through okay on the other side, leaving behind one of the more devoted and understanding development teams in all of crypto. In some ways it is microcosmic of the entire market – Opacity cut the fat, becoming a leaner, more effective product.
Currently Opacity is up 2.12% on the hour, with a total supply of 130M OPQ – the market cap and circulating supply are indefinite due to the neo-natal stage that this project is currently in.

Conversion values are as follows: 1: $.0197 – prices are low for Opacity, lower than they were during the Oyster epoch – you would be buying an improved product for less.
Also – let’s face it, the business world is no stranger to executive shenanigans. In just the last year we’ve seen a myriad of corporations push their CEO’s off the plank.

Uber, Papa Johns (“Johns” without the apostrophe is correct grammar, it’s the board’s way of telling Papa John Schnatter that his pizza throne has been usurped), Nissan, and a host of other less notable firms all went Henry the VIII on their respective Anne Boleyns. Usually, this means that the firms correct their issues and move on – usually with a more mindful board and stronger leader to boot.
We all want to see crypto live on and find its niche in the world, so some if not most of these projects need to outlive their founders if this dream is to be achieved. It’s not like Henry Ford is still designing motorcars from the grave, nor is Rowland Hussey Macy deciding what winter cardigans are in stock at the mall.

That is what makes Opacity a longevity buy, you would be investing in a tight team who host regular AMAs on reddit and Youtube, not to mention the obvious ROI implications that go along with buying such an undervalued coin. OPQ has the professional affect, which is far less than most coins can claim – even the titans.

[1] Ritter, Jay R. Initial Public Offerings: Updated Statistics, Cordell Univ., March 8, 2016
This article was brought to you by a member of our Community Speaks team.

The Community Speaks team is made up of members of different project communities who want to make their voice heard in the Altcoin Buzz community. If you are interested in becoming part of our Community Speaks team please contact @Garrett59 on telegram. TAGS.

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