Social Trading 5.6% Higher This Week (SCL)


Social Trading 5.6% Higher This Week (SCL) Posted by Dante Gardener | Jan 23rd, 2018 Social (CURRENCY:SCL) traded 0.5% lower against the US dollar during the one day period ending at 8:00 AM E.T. on January 23rd. One Social token can currently be purchased for about $0.62 or 0.00006043 BTC on major cryptocurrency exchanges including…

Xaurum (XAUR) Trading 24.7% Lower This Week


Tweet Xaurum (CURRENCY:XAUR) traded 7.2% lower against the US dollar during the 1-day period ending at 18:00 PM Eastern on January 22nd. During the last week, Xaurum has traded 24.7% lower against the US dollar. One Xaurum token can now be purchased for approximately $0.17 or 0.00001560 BTC on exchanges including HitBTC, Livecoin, Mercatox and…

2017: The Year Cryptocurrencies Went Mainstream | The Market Mogul


Unquestionably, 2017 has been the year of bitcoin. Whether the grandfather of cryptocurrencies’ rise was the product of the global population spotting a world-changing technology or sheer blind faith is a different matter. Bitcoin’s Monumental Rise For many, 2017 was the first time they heard about bitcoin, the once-mysterious cryptocurrency favoured by dark web marketplaces,…

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