
Casper Network – CSPR Hedera – HBAR Quant – QNT Stellar – XLM XDC Network – XDC XRP – XRP PREPARING FOR MARCH #ISO20022 – #QNT #XRP #XLM #XDC #LCX #HBAR #CSPR + #JASMY Foreign hello and good evening everybody Max here with crypto talk now glad to be here with you tonight is going…

Casper Network – CSPR Hedera – HBAR Quant – QNT Stellar – XLM XDC Network – XDC XRP – XRP PREPARING FOR MARCH #ISO20022 – #QNT #XRP #XLM #XDC #LCX #HBAR #CSPR + #JASMY Foreign hello and good evening everybody Max here with crypto talk now glad to be here with you tonight is going to be an absolutely awesome show to say the least I’m not even kidding I have some breaking news in regards to Quant uh some things I saw in regards to xlm yes Stellar lumens you’re not going to want to miss this we are going to address some key things in regards to Alliance block when it comes to the V2 thank you for being here welcome to Friday night you made it through your work week and let’s face it kick back relax Be at ease let’s talk about what’s going on with the crypto market and so on this particular segment ISO 222 preparing for March how do we do that how do we recognize what’s going on well we have an outline for you tonight but before we kick it into that let’s go Ahead and welcome a few of our wonderful community members starting off with who let’s see who’s first it is Mr J crypto welcome hey everyone want to recommend y’all to look into insta dap very beneficial for everyone is a big sleeper everyone needs this to prosper sharing the info okay insta dap Very interesting let me add it to my particular research list which is just growing daily and that’s okay um there’s some ones I need to still look into have not forgotten about it but uh let’s see where I’m at on a so crypto research where is that particular one here we go I still need to do film crib which is the Netflix killer Arc block which is ABT Morpheus Network Vector space egld brl and this new one that you’re mentioning I’m just going to double check real quick and that is uh insta dap okay let me write that down it’s the depth All right well thank you for that um good to see you Mr J crypto always good to see you man really appreciate you hope you’re you’re having a a great night and hopefully you guys don’t have to work on the weekend right um I know that we’re approaching for Instance some key holidays coming up soon um Valentine’s Day which happens to be on a Taco Tuesday oh that sounds good all right and then of course there’s President’s Day um Mr Tim Shays in the house says hey good to see you Tim thank you for so Much for being here uh crypto talk now’s Larry says let’s get this party started yes thank you very much I will state this before you kick in the uh more into the comments um I want you guys to do me a favor um I’m going to go ahead and drop into the Comments real quick um under my Maximus crypto here’s the link on YouTube if you wouldn’t mind just you know if you’re having me on social media you have you know crypto friends and so on send that out and then that way who knows we can have more and More people come into here and so we’re still always trying to grow a community and by all means before we kick it more into a few more comments I want to show you guys this um and you know you may think this is corny but it doesn’t cost anything Um and basically speaking is this right here smash the like button yes it’s free and it helps us get the algorithm triggered so that’s all we really ask do you do um but yeah thank you for being here let’s see who’s next in the comments um And it’s basically Mr J crypto no BS flip your money in insta dap I have classes on my channel take advantage of this guys all right um we’ll appreciate that and guys you can check out some of those particular videos you can go to Mr Dash uh J dot crypto All in one word and you can take a look into it um I want to State this for Larry he States uh you know we’re going to advise our audience that nothing in this show like you mentioned is considered Financial advice you must do your own research before making any investment Decisions now if you guys are wondering you know why am I missing this and so on you got to keep in mind crypto talk now is not just uh YouTube um and Twitter and twitch we are actually on for instance uh a few other platforms out there I believe I Heart Radio there’s some other ones um so we’re we’re out you know multitasking to quite a few other stations and platforms so for people who just listen to like a radio format they don’t see these things so that’s why we’re mentioning it and we want to welcome everyone else that’s tuned in to Us from some of these new platforms we like to welcome you and we’re really glad that you’re listening or watching or what are you doing with our particular program thanks for being here uh zamir Khan States uh hi well thank you for being here um always like to look at your car uh Coochie boys in the house thanks for being here coochie boy good to see you as well Welcome to our CTN family members I’m just welcoming a few more people while we’re about six minutes into the show perini is in the house thanks for being here Brittany happy Friday uh Boomer Effing sooner is here what up home skillets double fist bump booya Shaka right there um yep right back at you my friend thank you for being here GS is in the house it says hello is it GS you’re looking for Larry Lionel Richie all right let’s get further down see who else we Happen to have we have Mr crypto mcdizzle for chisel my nizzle for show is in the house always good to see the cornwells um let’s see Sheba is busting off we’ll take a brief moment to recognize what’s going on with that real quick um so Shiba Shiba Inu where are you is uh Larry will say yeah it is kind of busting off let’s go ahead and share that real quick while we have it on the minds everybody um I know that this is you know preparing for March but you know what uh I hold a lot of a lot of you guys Hold a lot of let’s talk about ship for a moment so here it is and um before we kick into more into some of these particular ones uh the overall crypto market cap is up to 1.08 trillion um here’s what’s going on on the top 100 You have for instance gotta give a shout out to Tara Luna classic right you know some of you guys State Max you don’t mention Terry Luna classic anymore that doesn’t mean I don’t believe in it I still have about forty four hundred dollars invested into it Um I’m rooting for it just just as much as the next guy so Carolina Classics of 16.5 Sheba Shiba Inu where are you well I’ll tell you where you are you’re 15 up according to Larry Howie expresses it and so on let’s take a look at some of These other ones even Terror 2.0 is up six and a half percent or some people like 2.0 and get it get out of here uh hedera’s H bar up five percent um interesting to see this um if you got in the pancake swap remember when I mentioned in a while Back you’re doing all right not too shabby right now remember this was well below four bucks so this is about 375 380 when I was mentioning that we should take more look into that so you’re doing fine if you got into that Casper one I Need to add to my ISO list four percent up and of course there’s some of these other ones like polygon part of the qfs and so on uh but thanks for pointing some of that out um to Mike Cornwell crypto talk now silent reporter all right Brian dowie Says up guys good I’ll see you Brian in the house glad to have you here my friend um all right can we all do that at once it’s better like guys it’s mental let hello is it menelect you’re looking for Lionel Richie yes welcome mental act um And let’s see here what up kuchu boy it’s funny every time I see somebody say that I think it’s it’s uh my girlfriend uh channeling uh something she says to me anyway um soccer Gino says hello from Canada I never seen a soccer Gino maybe I have Maybe I have it but if you get a custom avatar I’ll be able to identify you that much more quicker so where’d the case be if you’ve been here before or you’re new tonight I like to go ahead and welcome you we have a very welcoming audience if You’re new to crypto season veteran where the case be we have very very welcoming audience any questions comments you have feel free to drop them guys let’s give soccer Gino 11 maybe because the first 10 were taken bad joke um that warm CT and welcome all right River Runner says Hey guys welcome back glad to have you here um xrp trouble I heard really huh well we got some great xrp news you’re not going to want to miss that um we’ll get more into that later into the show um xrp going down fast well if it does Maybe buy more X or P I’m not telling you what I’m you’re gonna do or what to do that might be what I do um salamanders in the house let’s see I did I skip over I mean do that oh here we go hello from xdc Lancet salamander my bad Good to see you salamander um Mr inspect I love it when people say he’s Mr in space we got uh 43 wonderful beautiful people here tonight you know how I know that you’re uh you’re beautiful because you’re here with us tonight according to Larry but on a Serious note thank you for being here um let’s see well yeah we’ll definitely say about to see what’s going on with that uh sup Brian yep Larry everybody all right you like talk who doesn’t like tacos I mean really I know I used to know this girl uh who didn’t Like pizza for whatever reason but yeah teaches them um all right crystal mcdizzle for shizzle my nizzle for show I wouldn’t care if xrp went to a penny I just get more that’s a good point but man if it crashed a penny that also makes me wonder what’s going on with the overall Crypto market right uh that would be like multiple Black Swan events or something um crypto mcdizzle says he probably even get Larry uh just because yeah it’s funny you guys mentioned that oh I need to make an announcement speaking of Larry all right let’s check it out for a Second all right this is not Larry talk now but I have an appointment announcements to make yes thank you for tuning in to crypto doctor now I need to get something anyway thank you for tuning in to crypto talk now breaking news crypto talk now’s very own Larry Has successfully purchased no it’s not what you’re thinking of xrp but it’s the next best thing he has purchased one full Quant and he’s actually purchased some more xlm he’s looking to get kucoin account here soon within the next few days back to the real news all right Um yeah so yay Larry Quant thank you very much unbelievable right oh yeah Max that’s not the news we’re looking for bro we’re looking for xrp I know I know I’m with you I’m with you uh you glad you bought more link Classic on Wednesday um I’m actually surprised to see you say State that I thought you were like out you’re like yeah yeah literally a little while you’ve been funny well it’s okay guys I mean you know um people you know I mean like maybe recognize opportunities and so on uh salamander Larry bring Caroline to your show Yeah y’all think that’s all right so if you guys are wondering like whatever happened the whole thing about the game showing thing I spent a lot of time last night working on the game show and I’ll State this you’re not going to want to miss this one particular area in the Game show where if the person whether it’s Daniel Gayton or whoever lands on this particular Square oh sweet Caroline will bust out something you will never forget all right uh let’s get further down um haha that’s my secret superpower foot it and bye all right fair enough dedication to flood Meister soon Uh and that could be anything I mean on stream yard doesn’t come across um Luna is going up and yes and ustc has also be going up let’s take a moment to look at ustc for just a brief moment um let’s see where we’re at with that Yep we’ll highlight that one real quick and um here is what’s going on with that 42 it was up more higher than that earlier today I saw as high as 65 so I mean again it’s just based on averages um they keep this up to be back in the Top 100 currently 108 confirm market cap is 374 a million dollars um but yeah look at the volume insane volume is it because of the wormhole possibly right Mike might want to drop some info in regards to that if he has it no pressure uh 1059 basically 1060 up I mean that’s really really something else um let me see let’s see this one guy he States I read I read some of this stuff what people post once in a while this guy from tokonami States yesterday ustc how do you make people understand the sheer scale of the work and money to Make the repay happen I get the fact the work can be can be and most probably will be done but this will take a long time to roll out yeah well same goes everyone wasn’t built in there but where does the money come from I think if anything this was explained By Mike corwell the Wormhole mechanism right at least that’s the way I interpret it all these people buy ustc thinking it’s going back to a dollar there’s nothing to say it’s going to be paid at a dollar wow makes a point all right let’s kick it back in the comments it’s just kind Of nice to get some other people’s perspective whether we agree with it or not right um but anyway let’s get further down uh Boomer F and sooner says I also like giving the twins classy in King’s crap they’ll be getting a lot of it lately I saw that I saw belize’s uh particular Video earlier this morning um where he kind of talks about the whole thing of Luna classic getting back um to some of these crazy price levels but um I don’t know I was kind of encouraged with what he said I mean a 50x right uh And roughly was it 16 months 18 months I can’t remember these specific time frame somewhere in that area it’s not too shabby not too shabby you know I mean yeah I’m not going to get to you know celebrate 15 million dollars in that time it could happen don’t get me wrong But based on the math of the well I was holding I was like okay that’d be about 142 000 I’m cool with that I’m more than cool with that all right um let’s get further down I don’t recommend other people’s content quite often but I will state this I will give Credit where credits I think Bliss did a good job on his Luna classic video this morning um he has a pretty nice breakdown um you can check it out he talks specifically about that and I think he’s being a little bit real with that you know he’s not just pulling figures out Of his Wazoo and I know he does a lot of um the uh the technical analysis like you know you could tell he knows what he’s doing even he’s been on our show a few times he broke some of that down but um I would recommend if you if you’re Really gung-ho about Luna classic you want to understand what the heck is going on check out his particular video he did a really good job with that today all right River Runner I heard Coyle is gone one billion xrp down the drain I don’t really know the significance oh Man more Doom and Gloom well uh uh interesting all right salamander Ahoy Tim Shea and let’s get further down how about baby Doge LOL um you know what I know we’re going to take a look into that but what’s gonna State coochie boy is baby Doge was also Part of the the game show Believe It or Not there’s a there’s a mean coin section uh category of course I had to throw that in there and I think I was just gonna do isos and qfs and all that no not really uh baby Doge let’s see what’s going on baby Doge Um up to 13 that’s not too shabby um interesting rank two two three okay well that’s all right let’s get further down uh we’re about 17 minutes into it we got some good problems obviously um you heard the Chinese spy balloon blew up a little bit ago I saw somebody post that on Twitter joking around about it had like Gary ginsler in the whole thing it’s just a joke Ryan good welcome to you good I’m good to welcome you it is good to welcome you thank you for being here and um nice to see a familiar face all right uh be Single don’t get married LOL yeah good point um zero point crypto what’s up when is this dip gonna happen this pump is boring uh well there will always be a little bit of retracement in anything but I can’t specifically tell you when it’s gonna happen I’d like To welcome you I like your avatar it looks pretty cool uh Rafael Santos hello guys going to work now be safe everyone you too man thanks for stopping by I want to welcome this guy right here who is uh chest beaten gorilla you know he beats on his chest like hong King feel The killer Beast thing go Bing in your head ding like the Wu-Tang Clan he’s gonna be the man from the Bay Area uh thank you for being here all right will Quant hit 1K this bull run yes I’m gonna go with a yes um and then some Uh because the way I look at it is when we get really really a lot more momentum um you get this utility run to kick in the real true Bull Run uh wash out one of the a lot of those particular ones blast off Um I think you know more than 1K is more than achievable I stated it before while I was been into the minority it’s so far I’ve been right um and that is this bull run thesis I think we’re at the very very start of this and I’m going to say it again I Feel as though we’re at an accumulation phase and if you look into any real solid chart based off of data from the past and so on you will see how huge the accumulation of phase can be because you know what to expect next and it’s going To be something else the way I look at it is we should see about 500 percent returns by the end of the year I know that’s pretty bold for me to state that just based on some of the data if you haven’t seen some of the particular videos I put out recording Section in regards to the bull runs thesis I put out five total ones and I based off of data numbers don’t have emotions shout out to Mike Cornwall soccer Gino Jasmine coins is doing well as well uh yes we will get into that as well as part of Our lineup um probably towards the end of the show um yeah you know congrats to Larry all right uh hold on what should I invest in xrp or Quant you have to make that decision for yourself not Financial advice um but why why just choose one um and if It’s because it’s Quant is so expensive and you know then how about this you don’t have to have ads you have to own a full Quant although I tell people the goal should be have an entry point look at it from the perspective of Bitcoin right most People are not going to be able to own a full Bitcoin but with Quant you can get to that point a lot easier than the likes of Bitcoin so you know Quant sitting at what like 140 something uh maybe you you know do 70 70 worth of Quant and then also Get some xrp but um you know preparing for this whole thing of March 2020 3 March 20th of 2023 something else we’ll get more into that here in a bit um we have a lot of great problems tonight lots of people here really appreciate it hey y’all Shiba Inu is up 115 right now yep that’s great so I thought I want to welcome you thank you for joining us here tonight solo really appreciate it man all right cash cats is in the house want to welcome you grizzly bear gray good evening and mass there you are welcome back uh we do have a Little bit of gbx news for you guys tonight believe it or not um watermelon crypto sugar high is here if I skipped anybody it was on purpose and let’s kick it in to a volts pumping right now that’s cool um let’s kick it into the news because We need to we’re about ready 21 minutes since the show so I do apologize for that um let’s go ahead and bring it to you it’s going to start off with ALB T because that’s news headlines it needs to be addressed um so let’s see where we’re at we’re in Regards to this here we are and here we go all right ALB t i put repost to this earlier this morning I retweeted it so if you lose track of this if you follow me on Twitter you follow me up at DPG Maximus right up here Um but yeah listen to this guys Alliance block has issued the following statement in response to an exploit of the decentralized lending protocol Bonk Dao all right let’s jump right into that here we go from the original Source from The Medium I’ve blown this up as much as I could for you guys can see a little bit uh easier um some of this I’ll mentioned verbatim and so on but uh here’s the official statement um and that is in regards to this exploit at around just in case you have not been a form right around 1830 CET on February 1st lending protocol bonked out protocol was exploited with the attacker gaining access to ALB T throws where Alliance blocks native token was used as collateral around 113 million eobt tokens were illegally accessed before the hacker attempted to sell these on various exchanges now I want to State this all right before we Jump in through all right we need to realize that they have came out with a statement where they have halted um this guy basically dumping those 113 million aov and we’ll get into that in a little bit but that’s one of the key takeaways I want you guys to understand Because once you have a broader perspective of what went down you will understand that this is not as Doom and Gloom as everybody thinks it is um if anything is I mean you have five to ten percent of the market cap of ALB T I think is it’s not as obviously it’s Not going to be as crazy as 113 million so I don’t want people to think that this guy got away with the hundred the full 113 million sold them all for the face value at the time or while it was depleting in value and so on and got Away with like you know a few billion dollars right that is not what happened uh and we’ll get into it so it says and soon as soon as the incident was reported Alliance block communicated an announcement conducted a preliminary investigation the cause of the exploit was found to be a bug in the Implementation of a price Oracle used for the ABT token I want to State this all right for all you guys who have done your research from regards to Quant what’s one of the things that really stands out for Quant yeah the whole thing of like you know not being an oracle right so That’s on a whole other story in itself don’t get me wrong but it’s something to be said about that all right so it said use for the ALB T token in the Bonk dial protocol as a third party protocol the Lions block had no input or control over the design interesting Implementation and execution of the bank now protocol and smart contract as confirmed by the bonked out in their statement so when I see this you know when I was stating before like you said to before on uh when I was talking to Mike Cornwell on the phone And you know I said I hope to God when he released this V2 it’s not a situation where um they just you know kind of quickly put out a V2 um you know like kind of like the Death Star right hey there’s there’s a vulnerability you know this this needs To this this you know the the Rebellion can you know blow up the entire Death Star because of this small vulnerability we have you know let’s just patch this up it needs to be more than a patch up right we’re not going to go jump from You know the previous ALB T the lake was now referred to as the Legacy token too um this new one and basically it be a situation where it’s literally the same thing and you’re just pulling or you’re just cutting ties with Bonk down like nobody wants that but let’s get more Into this so it must be emphasized that none of the alliance blocks smart contracts and platforms were breached in the incident and none of its other Solutions have been affected and a wise block response team was promptly assembled to minimize the effects the incident and mitigate the damage From the illegally obtained LBT tokens robust measures implemented have included the following advising the alliance block Community to cease trading LBT tokens pausing all activity on the alliance block Bridge excuse me to prevent accessing liquidity on other networks that’s one of the key things here as well withdrawing liquidity on exchanges and Polls and requesting exchanges to Halt trading let’s talk about that for just a brief moment so you know Mike brought up a very good a valid response to this and again we’re not done with this but here here’s some of the things he mentioned to me and that was All right so you know this whole thing with a snapshot right um basically speaking you have um you know they stated that um like I myself right I kept my aobt on two coin and I moved whatever I had from the trading account to the main account Because obviously I want to ensure I get my airdrop all right I didn’t buy any more able tea I didn’t sell any AO BT um actually before or after that thing happened right um but my point is I should be based on what they mentioned I’m assured I will Get my airdrop of the new you know whatever this is going to be called V2 whatever it’s going to be called right but what about the guy who I don’t know like like linwa he’s a trucker right or anybody else like that you’re driving down the road all right he doesn’t have Time to look at all these types of things and so on and but he has for instance buyers or sell orders right or he just has like a you know a bot set up to do that and this guy spends a hundred thousand dollars or more and there’s Probably plenty of these types of people forty thousand hundred thousand and so on what about the guys who put in these particular orders are they Sol and if so that’s quite a few different people I mean I understand there’s people right now complaining about you know I got Lucky I think it was uh Daniel Gayton said something like you know you almost 30 bucks but what about the guys who have that particular issue and it’s not just kucoin right you guys go on uphold some of these other platforms and so on what about all that are they really Going to be Sol because I mean if anything yeah some people call this like a mini Black Swan event there’s going to be a lot of pissed off people and like I was telling Mike what if you have some guy who you know I I I’m not saying this is what Happened but it could be you had some guy for instance from you know he made a fortune with Tara Luna and then he lost everything and then ALB T he’s just like you know I really believe in alpt I’m going all out on aopt right and this happens I mean or how about this um some guy who for all you know might be part of like SEAL Team Six like his ex-navy seal or something he don’t think some of those guys are gonna be like you know what this is not me creating a flood I’m just being a realist You know what uh that Rasheed guy I might I might just take a trip over to uh Europe I’m just saying I’m not the craziest things have been done so I believe in albt’s project I think they got a good I think they they’re fully aware of all these scenarios but I wish There would just been a little bit more clarity about this situation so back to this topic and I’m just gonna State this as far as the financing and five minutes out I have to put some emphasis on us here’s the thing so Mike brought this up and it’s a very Good valid point all right the exchanges right so you have I know just hear me out this this is not the the tokenomic this is not the supply of aobt I’m just gonna throw out exams so let’s say you have a billion ALB T right well if you have these exchanges which They held all this on a particular wallet on that exchange and there’s just activity going on with those you know exchange walls right the point is this activity can happen all day long buy sells you name it right the main thing is the exchanges weren’t buying and selling Or moving is the main thing right from the exchange with for instance kucoin uphold some of these other ones to another one for the most part unless I’m mistaken by all means let me know that didn’t happen so if that didn’t happen what happens with the snapshot based off All that I don’t have answers for it Mike doesn’t have to answer for that but these are the things that need to be mentioned now he has put in and I’m not trying to you know misspeak for Mike this is why I gather from you Mike so if if I’m not all on 100 on the same page as you let me know or put in the comments but to my interpretation or what we mentioned on our conversation is you know going forward like how how does this what happens from here and it’s like Again it’s the whole thing with the snapshot so we’ll have to see there has nothing been clarified in that regard but anyway let’s get a little bit more into this I know I’m kind of going tangent um the solution being developed including minting a new aobt token this Is called the V2 and airdropping referred to as a token distribution going forward into a wallet addresses with Legacy which is the old ALB token so if like for instance if you log into kucoin I’m just throwing this example because I don’t have a home I see that my ALB T is there I have it in my main I’m not moving it from my main it’s just called the classic ALB um it has no value right but it’s just sitting there and I’m just waiting it out right so a snapshot of the Blockchain and exchange balances will be used to determine the recipients regardless if they have tokens stored in Hardware as soon as this should answer some of these questions because some of you guys mentioned to me well me and Larry right you know in the questions well what about me I have mine On you know Ledger um Ledger Nano or whatever right Cold Storage what about me here’s your answer okay regardless if they have tokens stored in Hardware software or exchange wallets and staking contracts the new token will replace the Legacy right which is basically the ABT token that we know And will not increase the token Supply so that also answers the question of as far as is there going to be um I guess new tokenomics is there going to be a whole new circulating Supply a whole new um amount of Max tokens um max Supply no so that answers that Question more information about the snapshot token distribution mechanism will be announced shortly and that’s the main thing it’s all in a particular Loop now here I’m going to jump down to this particular part because I mean you can read this yourself follow me on Twitter if you want to get the info So I said he added he has in um Mathis Dave Reese founder and CTO of Alliance block he added listen this guys this is crucial this is where I want people not to panic so much the actual damage in numbers involving aobt from the Bonk hack is closer to 1.6 Million than the amounts produced reported by the media thank God so if you’re wondering you know well this guy got away with what was a hundred and I don’t know what the heck it was 113 million ALB T tokens right which he did you got to keep in mind they halted this Before he was able to quote unquote cash out all of it right Perfect Analogy like I mentioned the other day this guy’s part of a master Heist literally like a Hollywood film think about a master huge Heist and when he goes to cash out it becomes the equivalent of of basically Robin and Convenience store right he got away with some right but not the Big Heist he was hoping for sauce restated the actual damage in numbers involving aobt From the Block hack is closer to 1.6 million than the amounts previously reported by the media if you do the math all right And you look at for instance the circulating Supply Tool Supply and all that based off of what what happened here this would basically be about roughly in the you know this would affect about five percent so that also said if we base things off of the snapshot right Because we have to that’s what they’re stating the damage that will be done the way I interpret it is this snapshot happens let’s reduce anywhere from five percent from uh I guess you could say from like liquidity market cap and so on right and then from there we Can even round it off you want to go higher than that because it fluctuates let’s say 10 I still think it’s not the Doom and Gloom that everybody thought was of oh my God this guy got away with like you know 60 uh 50 to 60 percent of All the liquidity right that is not the case being saying 10 is generous don’t believe me ask my Cornwall all right so with that said okay Max get get to the main gist of it I am so we get our air drops all right the way I interpret is this Base it off this 10 so whatever ALB T was at the time of the snapshot or before I should say the value of that we gotta go to that minus about roughly 10 percent then they come out with the V2 kind of like similar to The Terror 2.0 they release it Um as we know with chair 2.0 it was like 20 dollars tanked down to five dollars by the end of the day you know the products fluctuated between what two to five consistently AO BT I think it’s going to be a situation like this they release it it’s going to be Immediately about five to ten percent from that snapshot we get it and let’s just be real about it with all the fud right it becomes distress you should see this thing tank my attitude is but it if it takes to Penny I will load the truck up more Because I still believe in this how do I why is that look at freaking Gala look at some of these other projects look at a freaking Bitcoin in the past these things have happened I’m not trying to justify you guys I’m stating that I’m trying not to justify this at all but What I’m going to show you guys here in a bit is this right here I know I spent a long time talking about this but it needs to be mentioned and that is this you know me I try to I I’m not a futter okay I never have been but at the same Time I try to be real and I also try to give some people not just hope and it’s not hoping but let’s refer back to history of some other projects that went through a similar thing boom here you go ocean had a hard Fork due to a third party hack Ironically on kucoin in September 2020 listen to this guys this did not affect price Action Moving Forward nor previous charting history for the token Alliance block will do the same thing maybe right I’m not saying 100 Bach messed up but this situation will be salvaged for ALB T investors and let’s Take a look into this back in September 27 2020 ocean protocol initiated that particular hardware for all ocean token balances from the previous as you see right here a token contract reflected on this ocean token con if you want to dig deeper into it right all the information is there and a Little bit more in regards to this what can we see right there kind of like what I literally just mentioned so I mean my thing is again I cannot State this and reiterate this enough I know a lot of people are panicking and so on understand what you got into with aobt If you believe it’s a solid project with real solid Partnerships hence Quantum and so on we have been into this this long we just gotta wait and see what the heck is going to happen and then base things off of that but I will state this like I Mentioned also to Mike Cornwell that is if this thing keeps happening over and over and over then obviously you know it’s the same goes if you have um you can have the greatest utility in the world but if you lose the trust your ship is sunk I want to give this a second shot and we’ll see what happens from here now I did have other news headlines for you guys but I do have to kick it back in the comments because I know I want a wild tangent with that but it needs to Be reported it needs to be said you need to have an understanding of what the heck is going on with this whole ALB T thing all right um I saw a few more people came in thank you for being here smash that like button if you appreciate the content Um any if you’re not a fan of AO BT it’s okay um it’s fine we could be objectionable to anything we could agree to disagree all right Mr Lambos crypto talk what up ctm fam good to see you Mr Lambos let me take a drink just real quick so I don’t have a Good dryness all right she says my volt good good good good glad to hear it um let me go further down glad you guys trying to get the algorithm going we have 57 piece at one point that’s cool I didn’t realize I was you know doing my thing I really poo too Bad you can’t buy aobt right now yeah I mean it’s it’s liquidated I mean it’s basically gonna go to zero um I will state this and look I want to also State this just real quick while we’re on the subject there’s something to be said about old Contracts old tokens what am I talking about so for instance some people for instance have I gotta stop saying Francis so many times I do see that live check it out with them anyway I have BTT BitTorrent token as we speak on CMC you know some people Still have a few of the old ones whatever you know uh wallets have forgotten about it didn’t put on exchanges so they could be automatically migrated whatever the case be but it could still be traded all right as you guys know price fluctuates between various exchanges it could also uh fluctuate not Just on centralized exchanges but also decentralized exchanges um you can look at for instance you need swap V3 some of these other particular ones and so on you can decide that for yourself which one gives you the highest rate of return if you will on your old ALB T now I want to State this that is just me being speculative that’s me basing it on if we do get for whatever reason Doom and Gloom um I hope to God we don’t but for those people who were like you know I did 300 Into this I did a thousand dollars into this and I’m stuck with this you might just want to watch that like a hawk if you will um to see which particular other exchanges might be able to you know where you swap it and you try to salvage Something out but people do it people do it with uh BTT old uh I have BTT you know V2 that’s just an example there’s all sorts of v1s or V2s this is not a case of like you know like a meme token you guys where you know literally Uh this wasn’t my grade through V2 um and it’s just liquidity is completely gone we’re stuck holding the bag or hit with a bunch of East gas fees and so on totally different situation so I’m gonna throw that out there um but yeah thank you for that comment Rudy Pooh um Dan Michael’s spy balloon could good or bad for the market oh man yeah well I had to get a little bit more into that I did see some funny pictures one like I mentioned that had Gary ginsler in it but thank you for being here Dan Michaels I haven’t seen you before cool Avatar and welcome guys let’s welcome uh Dan Michaels we have a very welcoming community and thank you for the questions all right I’ll see you actually up we have a little info in regards to lcx for you guys appreciate it Ryan says Bitcoin start pull run uh bull run from 10K to 68k Uh 0.6 to 7 months with zero utility why not Quant yeah mining from 150 to 10K in months with utility yep thank you for that ran um yep no problem glad to have you here correct me if you’re I that’s a great way of looking at it I don’t think You’re wrong on that at all even Boomer doesn’t think you’re wrong I mean it’s just you’re telling them like it is uh go Navy yes go Armed Forces all right salamander Goldman Sachs just give Bitcoin a seal of approval interesting I didn’t realize that uh salamander Thundercats or GI Joe Or He-Man Oh God that’s like asking me basically uh Quant xrp or xlm um I watched all of those um I even had you know what somewhere I’ll have to show you guys but when I was about 11 years old I actually took my He-Man Action figure and I drew him and it was one of the best artistic things I ever Drew um if I took a long time to look at something I could draw it I’m not saying like a great artist but that was one I kept I think my mom kept that one for me Um and I also always wanted Castle grayskool as a kid but yeah all those are great shows Voltron I mean if you watch Thundercats you had to watch full Tron anyway uh let’s see here remember Silver Hawks I don’t know if I ever watched that particular one maybe that one was maybe Back in the 70s a little before my time um all right Mr shagin’s in the house hey Tim Brian and cooch and everyone else here we’re all gonna make it guys hold quants yes hoddle your Quant um thank you for that shaggins I I totally agree uh soccer Chino hey he’s got a Custom avatar let’s check it out man cool you took my advice you take my financial advice but you took my advice right um it looks good man looks a good look no homo right all right um but yeah you’re looking pretty good man uh thanks for changing uh your avatar and let’s see Man I lost my place all right there we go let’s go further down um Mr Chicken says Max refuses to say my first name he calls me Mr shaggins it’s a it’s a crypto talk now policy um but once we get to uh after hours then um you know Things get a little bit different but um yeah I mean I could totally say I don’t have nothing against uh eggplants or produce cucumbers yellow squash things like that people got to do what people gotta do people might be on a low budget so they go with those particular things of Produce and buy more xrp if that’s the case people got to do what they gotta do all right forgot the teenage mutantness oh no I didn’t 80s 1980s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles trumps all other forms of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles let’s just get that straight you know Those were the classics those were the best with the Foot Clan Shredder the way he used to talk uh crane walking around and you know he’s that thing on a I don’t know I always wanted to get crane for some reason I was an action figure when I was a kid Um but it was never done right but anyway all right crypto God any low cap gem crypto Warriors um maybe uh stronghold um this one I want to look a little bit more into unless you want micro cap good to see you again crypto God we’re gonna Kick it more into uh the news here in a bit Star Wars a story why are you making me do this salamander why well obviously your answer is Star Trek because you have that um I can’t I can’t I I love both I love both although I would State this I wasn’t the Biggest fan of the prequels and I thought the sequel Trilogy was kind of like um yeah it was all right I I thought the force awakens was probably the best of you want to know something I still haven’t seen the last one um uh the rise of Skywalker I need to isn’t That horrible anyway because I was so disappointed with the Last Jedi anyway you’re not well then you’re you there’s your answer you’re a bigger fan of Star Trek I don’t know maybe all right uh keep it real homie yeah thank you for that Papa Mexico’s in the house could See a papa mix so hello guys um Mass state Star Trek because it went through many revamps and was successful in doing so good point yes we do have some g-backs info for you in here in a bit uh ALB T could hit two billion Market cap on Bull Run and ALB t one uh hit one billion that’s still a 50x from where it’s at now it’s a very good point plenty of E1 hand over to the community and gain meme status uh black was back most modern cartoons are awful I would totally agree with that Um I haven’t even bothered watching the new was it Velma or whatever it’s like what were they thinking all right um Ray and Max please promise US when Quant goes 10K it will shave the beard you don’t want to see me with a shaved beard it will accentuate my face and Look like a balloon um but as my friend would say my friend um you know we call him Stewie his name is Brad uh he always says this he’s like oh you need to give sketch your ass to the gym you know he’s always joking around about that but yeah I do um But yeah you don’t like the beard huh well I need to I need to I trimmed it the other day but I need to I need to diet again it’s starting to get all gray again I don’t like that um wow yeah all right big squash yes all right we’re almost Totally spawn even Cornwall hey hey hey just threw down some breakfast for dinner that sounds good and for the fam I’m watching them out enjoying 15 eggs yes literally cracking open currency and frying the currency might as well celebrate right all right 80s I think I still mostly staying in my Father’s pants so miss some of those gems wow oh you’re younger than me I thought we thought you were a lot older than me for some reason I’m sorry too yes that’s quite interesting all right yeah quite funny all right let’s get into some of our other particular coverage that we have For you tonight glad to have you here and if anything uh we do have some more news for you so let’s kick it into uh Quant right unbelievable Quant right well um let me see where we’re at in regards to some of that specifically here we go And shout out to Greg Lunt always doing it big and I’m gonna share it in a better way than that my bad hold on just a second uh why does it say Chrome tab ah there we go I got all right so yes shout out to Greg one guys this Is breaking news I’m not just saying because just because it says it here but listen this this is something if you’re wanting something to be bullish on Quant or for instance you’re like thinking about DCA I mean I can’t give you Financial advice but just hear me out on This this is really really something so if you’re just tuning in big big news in regards to Quant breaking after two plus years of work and deliberation secure asset transfer protocol which is satp is now an official working group with the ietf now who is the ietf well they are The internet engineering task force they make the internet work better all right with that said it’s a huge step for the role of API gateways in standardizing digital asset interoperability let’s just add another layer to everything else that Quant has when it comes to payment apis and all these Other particular things preparing for March but in reality with Quant is it really preparing for marsh are we really really preparing for June in this case I think it’s a combination of both let’s get more into this we’ll blow it up so you have this you must mentioned uh Earlier today the post I should say a new iatf says WG was has been formed in the applications in real time area for additional information please contact the area directors or the WG shares the secure asset transfer protocol it gives you an idea of how this is all going and If anything look at this here it is on data tracker from the ietf secure asset transfer protocol and you see how some of this is already being utilized you have that document shorter you have this literally being used implemented talking about some of that utility approved and active Yeah approved and active really really impressive to see this some people are really like already like oh yeah baby shout out to uh uh wani Frankie who watches her show on the record and the live really active in the community let us see it Frankie Um but you know this is this is pretty cool stuff because now we’re having a broader idea uh when it comes to just again more of these API gateways we understood what brought uh brought to the table for apis with the over Ledger and so on now When people were trying to flood it in the past like oh I if I don’t see anything then they don’t really got it you know what I call like um you know being how it said this is a funny analogy you know that you know Quant is blockchain agnostics so they’re like Being you know like uh over Leisure atheistic I’m gonna make a funny atheist people but you know what I mean it’s just like they just tunnel vision I if I don’t see it before my eyes it’s not there we have a little bit more in regards to that so for the longest time I was talking about and I gave an outline for months now especially if you guys been you know there’s quite a few guys who just joined us um in regards to coming from you know Quant recorded to the live and so on but I have been outlined for months that Quant connection to cbdc’s and specifically when it comes to the digital pound and what we’re doing here in the United States and when some people said no that’s not the case unless I see it in writing or see something solid this is all speculative oh oh I hope some of those people are Here tonight I hope you guys are here tonight because when you see some of this you’re gonna be like oh God I’m gonna have to come up with some elbt fun because I’m gonna have to leave Max alone with foot in the the Quan yeah exactly History is being made when it comes to the likes the Quant let’s get into it a little bit more ear iteration about this whole thing with ietf data tracker so Estates the goal of the secure asset transfer protocol working group will be to develop a standard protocol which Operates what between two peer gateways for the purpose of transferring digital assets between an originator and their origin Network to a beneficiary in a destination Network now listen to this the resulting protocol shall be agnostic with respect to the type of asset being transferred problem space and architecture to begin addressing these Challenges boom satp will employ the Gateway Paradigm as a means for digital assets to be moved from one network to another through a standardized asset transfer protocol implemented between peer gateways maybe saying that Quant doesn’t do anything in regards to helping out with payments please East Gateway represents one Digital asset Network and satp allows gateways to perform a voluntary transfer of digital assets from the origin Network to a destination Network in such a way that evidence of the transfer can be verified by a what third party audit in the case of disputes it’s a little bit more in regards to This so if you’re just tuning in please all I ask hit the smash smash that like button because I am going to give you the juicy stuff that you’ve been waiting for for a while a little bit more shout out to philosophical carrot what a name Satp is now baptized I don’t know if I want to use that particular expression because I don’t like blasphemy as an ietf working group but hear me out this is a good point right uh maybe bsv does this shout out to cool crack Crypt I don’t know if he’s Watching tonight and I know a lot of times he’s not here on Friday night does your favorite crypto project come with a free TCP IPS standardization data I know cool crab mentions bsv has tcpip so maybe that but States an interoperability solution provider that doesn’t embed Global protocol standardization isn’t truly Solving interoperability it is not not what does Quant booyashaka now look at this look at this here is some of the actual protocol being used look at this and it’s recent guys as of what today as we know today is the third of February 2023 look at the time stamps Speaks for itself now for some of you guys that don’t understand this you may think well what’s the significance we’ll get a little bit more into this the significance is for the longest time I talked about for instance the cbdc connection to Quant where you read through the con the connections talked About project Hamilton said here’s what’s going on Project Hamilton there is a guy in the comments that said well until I see it written I haven’t seen Jack Dooley squat well guess what here’s the icing on the cake here in just a brief moment before we kick it Back into the comments cbdc projects pop at 2023 crypto folks not thrilled but if we have invested in the right projects we don’t have to sit on the sidelines despite the market downturn in 2022 Central Bank digital currencies projects around the world did not hibernate albeit they moved along at a Slower Pace however a flurry a test near the end of 2022 think about what they say a 40 test at the end of 2022 project Hamilton Max did the outline the whole thing of Gilbert Verdian and the Quan team with for instance what the New York Federal Reserve did it outline The whole thing with MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology maxed it and outline flurry a test who did the Fleury test MIT Quant you name it digital pal foundation so on near the end of 22 2022 suggest cbdc initiatives are doubling down as lawmakers strive for more control over the digital asset segment And that is true thus pays to take a closer look at cbdc’s as their impossible impact on digital sector users but first let’s recap what are cbdc’s and why they’re trans we know this stuff but here is the icing on the cake for the guys that literally Came into the comments trying to flood Quan consistently you know who they are you recognize some of the names I ain’t gonna give them the light of day to get their names announced here but you know who they are and if they’re watching you know who you are Look where it look who is specifically mentioned right here you want your proof here’s some of your particular proof thus cbdc’s present seguing to the domain of digital assets without gearing up governmental control the attraction for uh central banks also became quite clear as the digital sector grew to 3 Trillion in 2021 and boy who is listed here Gilbert Verdian founder and CEO of Quant a london-based blockchain firm has a different Outlook seeing cbdc’s as a possibility rather than a threat outlined right there at the very top flurry of tests at the end of 2022 did the outline true the Quant Connection project Hamilton you name it and there’s just there’s just more and more in regards to this cbdc’s development on a row in 2023 according to the online cbdc tracker 119 countries are currently investigated investigating the subject which makes 38 more than an early 2022 is increased out of the 119 Countries to 11 have fully launched government-owned digital currencies a little bit more in regards to this before we kick it into comments crypto friendly Bahamas are in the lead followed by neighbor islands that you see here and so forth but one of the things I also want to point Out was the whole thing in regards to Quant and that is this right that is this what they’re doing with three key cbdcs Lac chain for Latin America on top of that what they’re doing with the digital pound and when everybody thought that nothing was going to happen for Quant when it came To the United States that particular connection so there’s the particular outline I thought was massive we have more particular news for you guys of course but we’re gonna the next segment will be xlm and it’s just that I just think this is huge for Quant because for all the people that wanted the Quote-unquote proof if you can’t draw the the connection there without having to outline right in front of I don’t know what to tell you I just don’t I mean I’ll just go bury my head in some sand or something I I don’t know all right let’s get more into the Comments thank you for being here if you haven’t hit the like please do so already uh we appreciate everyone who’s here tonight at crypto talk now here on this wonderful Friday night we’re about roughly one hour into the show and if anything if you have any questions Comments drop them we have a wonderful Community they’ll do their best to help you with anything if I don’t get right to your particular question all right Phoenix and dragon I’ve never seen you before I’d like to welcome you family is important XR Papa XL Mama xdc Children okay so we’re going with this uh algo Uncle Iota auntie and Q and qn Trump q and T Trump very cool I like that that is a that’s a magic formula right there well thank you for being here Phoenix and dragon and uh thank you for taking the time to Type that out too guys let’s welcome Phoenix and dragon our goal is that we hope that our platform our particular station program and so on will end up being a place that you would like to regularly come to and I’d like to give you a formal Welcome to our community Here at crypto talk now um we’ve been doing live shows every single day since last April at 9 00 PM Eastern 6 p.m Pacific so um if you’re still here in the comments guys let’s give them a welcome all right math States embrace the signs of wisdom Brother don’t be too vain either all right Mass you’re cool my friend yes um hey hey uh says April Corner cash cast Quant just the name makes me bullish and there’s that one guy who stated that his wife Giggles every time he says anyway uh Matt States Ajax is really Making moves today yep uh you got the Cartman thing you know laughing like there is going to demand we gotta say quiet to the man anyway uh Salamander Man maybe they should make an egg crypto coin or an egg yeah that’s where the money seems to be going to A’s yes and Then um when everybody grabs all the eggs we can show that how that’s like training the egg liquidity if if any of the eggs crack I don’t know that’s a bad analogy anyway um VA iot has been killing it too and let’s go further down Easter egg Eno I wouldn’t doubt if there was such a thing uh my kids are coloring rocks this this year oh yeah because the egg problem yeah it sucks man I mean you know like my daddy is just like is there any A’s and I’m like well I can get you some eggs I’m Like you know I’m cool with getting mix he’s like yeah I like to have some eggs I’m like well uh he’s like how much your eggs and I’m like well on sale they’re five dollars a night usually like that’s the sale I’m like yeah he’s like the health the eggs I can wait I’m like are you sure anyway um cash cats if Bitcoin is divisible by I think you’re going to say statistics what will Quant um be divisible by that’s a good question break down the um break down the circulating Supply and do compare and contrast I think I think Somebody here could figure it out I don’t know if I’m gonna do that on live stream uh you yay you know what there is the man of the hour Mr Michael Montclair good to see you man uh glad to have you here Michael I want to State this we have another Great musician that we’ve added to the community um can you guys remember who it is let’s see that this this is a trivia question it’s a trivia question can you drop in the comments who the new uh person that we featured his music um the other day was it yesterday or the Day before I can’t remember but anyway let’s see who remembers and if you win you’ll have one absolutely nothing according to Larry anyway so Quant is pretty badass yes it is that’s a pig but don’t fly straight all right I could do it better than that but anyway uh Mass States flokey seems To have woken up today plus 74 um nine percent huh Max collapse thank you very much appreciate speaking of Latin America’s second Chinese balloon is flying over it now yikes uh let’s see your KK’s now it’s good to have you KK um and let’s go further down I gotta say it You know I’m gonna say I’m Do It Like Larry pulse chain hex crypto P hex e hex blockchain nodes the one the only my guy tell Larry hi well I I think I just did when I send that pulse chain hex crypto P hacks e hacks blockchain as but glad To see some members from the community of hex still coming around crypto talk now uh we used to have a whole influx of you guys um before Summer started and so on but I’m really thankful that you’re still around my friend glad that you could stop by we do appreciate you all right Uh let’s see where we’re at uh I bought Floki on a fluke I think a lot of people did I didn’t buy any of that I’m not flooding your bag I just it’s not my thing uh don’t worry if the wife Giggles now she’s gone when you make that life-changing Investments oh Geez that’s horrible all right hey April you hear about the new store pop shelf opening up in oh sorry that’s your local thing I should just by the way I forgot you know when you guys have private conversations you should be free to do the AD Sign but it’s all good um Cph Max cph what’s cph uh uh I don’t mean I know that abbreviation but I forgot all right Larry and Caroline singapoka jeez okay brother my bad all right so let’s get into more of our news it’s xlm you’re gonna love what you see with this one So let’s go ahead and jump into that right now um I just gotta close out a few particular ones because I just don’t want to have any problems to say the least uh and actually I’m sorry it’s not excellent It’s actually XR xrp this is something else I was really really Impressed with this uh for xrp maybe you guys saw this earlier but it doesn’t discount it at all look at this for yourself I hit the wrong button I hit F12 instead of f11 um here it is xrp yeah forming the same bottom structure as it did in 2017.why Is that significant it’s significant because we saw for instance that was the last time if I’m not too mistaken that things just started really really taking off and of course uh all-time highs for xrp I believe is in the four dollar range don’t have the exact you know Figure with the you know the pennies but um yeah forming the same bottom structure as in 2017 before it exploded by a hundred thousand percent this is why I put so much focus on how many people understand that I know I’m in the minority but I’ve so far I’ve been right On this and that is we are at the very very very very very beginning of what I feel as though is leaning into the bull run now there’s a difference of course when it comes to the Bull Run and all-time highs you got to have a Start right so I feel as though again this is pounding it home a little bit more about the utility run that will lead into the bull run and what one stand you know ahead of the pack when it comes to this well obviously Quant xrp xlam Xdc some of these other ones right I asked the part of the isos but these are the top three in my book to get the thing going let’s blow this up a little bit let’s pay attention and you see this this is a representation of the past why do we Always mention the past well because you’ve got to have a broader understanding of what happened in history to prepare for what could be happening here soon right and it’s the thumbnail preparing for March ISO 222 what’s happening in March if you’re new well the iso 222 migration The Mandate March 20th is it by the rumors sell the news I don’t think that’s the case I think this is really a lot of stuff is literally it’s going to blow its top off you know I mean when we say you know people running out of time I mean I I You know it’s not Financial advice but you got to do what you got to do but I mean if you’re into crypto because you want that life-changing or some of you guys I know I wouldn’t State this but you know life changing um wealth this is don’t get me wrong it’s nothing Wrong with making you know taking one one thousand dollars and becoming 10x you know becomes 10K there’s nothing wrong with that we want to do that all day long but as far as the ones that are really really going to make us wealthy we’re like you know people got into Bitcoin at like for instance you know a dollar back in 2010 you know or um was it 2010 2013 was roughly 100 bucks right you look at for instance Quant I know this is xrp segment but I mean come on when we say we’re still early for people that are complaining about Xrp setting at 41 42 cents you’re still early yeah you didn’t do as well as the guy who came in at you know 29 30 32 cents remember it was around 32 cents for the longest time in a bear Market of 2022 the crypto winner but there’s still Time for you but don’t wait until March 20th especially Don’t Wait For What the SEC thing to end right all right let’s get further into some of this this one right here we’re going to show you guys this this is a particular video clip this is massive guys something else I saw this earlier and I said I gotta get this out to the CTN Community um let’s talk about this for a brief moment okay digital asset investor shout out to this particular one I think I’m falling yep 312 000 people follow this particular gut he puts out really good Snippets Retweets and so on he’s um for instance Falls xrp some of you guys like green green candle Fanatics not here tonight but shout out to you if you’re watching this on the recorded my friend glad to see you’re following him as well um I want to State this all right like It mentions right here there are two only two guys companies like it says in my lifetime that I am aware of that had a stated goal of creating a global Reserve currency think about this I want you to have this visualization let’s just take a moment to have this visualization As we know when it comes to the Federal Reserve Banks right for instance the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is a real popular one but there’s other ones like you know um I’ve been to I should say I’ve been across the street of the one in San Francisco there’s Other cities that have and so on right but what is one of the key things that stands out these federal reserve banks right um they whether you want to call my biggest one the Federal Reserves have what on hand a lot of gold Boolean like bars and bar Stacks of gold bullion right to keep that in reserve so listen this there are only two companies in my life under that I’m aware that have stated goal of creating a global Reserve currency think about that for just a moment Global Reserve currency now look at this I use paper all the time I have bills that I have to pay in PayPal like I pay for um DPG server rent my gaming group right and they accept Paypal right I’ve used PayPal since the early 2000s so well over 20 years so it says number one is Paypal their VCS altered the path number two is a ripple this is a once in a lifetime thing right xrp to quote the movie Jerry Maguire they had me at Global Reserve that’s a great analogy now this one is four minutes and 16 seconds a little bit Longer than what we normally put out but if you can draw your attention to either your headset your phone your television set whatever the case be if you need to turn it up whatever you got to do you need to hear the message that’s going to be Broadcasted to you okay let’s listen to this we’ll come back and foremost in 16 seconds and I promise after that we’ll get back in the comments but this particular segment you’re not going to want to miss here we go from China’s point of view they want to Get um they don’t like the us having this Reserve currency because it gives us you know a lot of Leverage over you know Iranian oil supply chains and all sorts of things like that um they’d like uh they don’t want the room be to become a reserve currency Because then you have to open your capital account and you have to do all sorts of things that they they really don’t want to do um you know I think the euro you could think of as it was in part a Chinese weapon against the dollar it didn’t the Last decade hasn’t quite worked out that way but that was you know China would have liked to see two Reserve currencies like like the Euro and uh you know even though I’m sort of a pro-crypto Pro Bitcoin Maximus person I I do wonder whether at this point Bitcoin is also uh should also be thought in part of as a Chinese uh Financial weapon against the US where it’s it is it threatens Fiat money but it especially threatens the uh the U.S uh dollar and um and China wants to do things to weaken it so it’s sort of China’s long Bitcoin and perhaps from a geopolitical perspective uh the U.S should be a little bit uh be asking some tougher questions about exactly how that works so back in the early days of PayPal and this is and this is going back to 1999 so it’s almost 20 years ago We actually our first t-shirt um said you know PayPal the new world currency and so there was this idea that we were going to create this new uh Global Currency uh many people don’t know this but the mission of PayPal was to create a Global Currency that was independent of Interference by uh these you know corrupt cartels of Banks and uh governments that were uh you know debasing their currencies and we uh we succeeded at building something very economically very powerful enabled many small businesses were super proud of it but we never achieved a mission Um then I don’t think it is a solid PayPal precisely for the reason that you brought for in the in the Venezuela case where PayPal is simply too centralized and too attached to um the uh the big financial institutions Visa Mastercard the ACH Network the Swift Network and it will do whatever it Needs to do to keep those institutions happy our rep doesn’t uh it doesn’t solve the problem and I think with the its current success in the current management they’re not going to go push the mission of the company forward that was a you know what we wanted 20 years Ago so somebody else has to do it not to mention that it was the wrong crypto Foundation but that’s a different story and so why um why didn’t you guys foresee this and build something that that would solve the problem well you know we tried um when we were building the company uh Initially uh Max life chin who’s he started working as thesis in in uh in in cryptography uh my co-founder at PayPal uh he researched xiaomian um a blind Anonymous digital currencies um and then you know we said that didn’t think that was going to quite work it Was too centralized and you know I wasn’t quite Anonymous then we I think we just never figured out quite the right algorithm and we were pressured by investors to cons to just get the product out get the product out get the product out that’s this is part of the Problem of of of of of of taking investment money prematurely you know I wonder what would have happened if Max has been able to sit around and brainstorm and you know work up you know work on the idea um and we all talk about the mission and Maybe we could have figured out an algorithm that was more like the modern crypto algorithms which I’m so grateful for Disrupted circus scales to a global scale or would there be a footage well so when xrp was created this actually was created before Ripple existed the Creator’s next Army decided to be 100 billion units because they saw it as a rather than having a smaller number with a very high price they saw It as something they wanted to be a eventually a global Reserve currency let’s pause that for just a brief moment before it ends all right so it says for instance at the very top of the screen draw your attention it says the new fee escalation code was introduced to Constantly monitor let me just double check I’m not muted apologize all right um was constantly was to constantly monitor Network load and adjust in near real time the cost of executing transactions which makes it more difficult to overload the network and further helps to ensure the long-term health and stability of RCL Stability however goes beyond improving performance and adding new features at Ripple we place heavy emphasis on writing code excuse me that is secure solid and robust this singular focus on code quality has helped the Ripple Network achieve availability and reliability well beyond industry standards with no outages No outages now here’s the thing yeah Larry if you listen to my friend who’s the one who mentioned this a while back that he didn’t like Solana why didn’t he like Solana because it has outages he wants a blockchain that works 24 7 right we all do with 2017 now well underway we Remain hard at work well that was in the past right again you got to go back to the past to have an idea where we’re currently at focused on adding exciting new features to the RCL and further improving the performance all right stability and quality of the rippled Think about Ripple open source code base here’s the main highlight most importantly we remain more committed than ever to the simple goal of making xrp the world’s Reserve digital currency they say this in the past we have to rep or we have to go back to have a broader sense of understanding of These particular statements I want to State this real quick I’m going to stop sharing that particular one so you have a particular outline this is talking about you know when we you know we mentioned in preparing for March preparing for what’s happening in the future we don’t want to be on the Sidelines of when all this happens right none of us do I don’t want to see you guys that happen to you I don’t want to happen to me my family you name it but this concept of for instance xrp xrp basically becoming the world’s you know Global goal you know like talk about Digital goal to a sense the world’s Global Reserve currency Reserve currency I’ve mentioned in past not that long ago this whole thing about in my humble opinion that Stellar’s xlm is going to be the quote-unquote global cryptocurrency for peer-to-peer payments you know like I want to send an aunt Overseas you know I do have aunts and uncles that live in the Philippines for instance I want to send them overseas payments but I actually want to do that in the form of what Stellar lumens that simply makes sense they might have the same type of banking Um you know bank account type structure as we have for instance here in the United States it might be a lot more different or you know for instance as we mentioned the whole thing with Nigeria right that’s a perfect example so when we hear these things about Ripple’s xrp And Stellar’s xlm is kind of like a pairing right no I’m not talking about like you know um uh Jasmine slash usdt P Perry and usdc pairing I’m literally talking about the reason why these two both go hand in hand so well together is because it Literally is just that if you look at the broader perspective of how our financial structure is set up currently speaking right where you have the New York Federal Reserve with you know stacking gold why do they do that right it’s just I mean we obviously know why they do that but Then you connect the dots with this whole thing with Ripple’s xrp right the the the reserve currency of the world now why is that well like we mentioned before when you look at the debt clock and you understand that the US dollar is now showing you know zero on that debt clock That’s scary stuff right I’m not rooting for any of that stuff to like really actually happen but if it does happen or when it happens and we talk about this great financial reset that’s going to happen then it makes sense like wow this is really something else this Global Reserve currency if it ends up being which would very well may end up doing just that being the likes of xrp through its particular technology eliminating the whole thing a quote-unquote nostrovostro we’ll get more into that as well maybe I’ll do a deep dive about that then you have a broader sense of Understanding of who are the bigger players that are involved with all this and I’m just looking out for the perspective of I have a firm understanding now the two main standout ones are ripples xrp for that reserved currency and the other one is for the peer-to-peer For all over the world I really think that Stellar’s xlm is going to be the cryptocurrency as well and then for the trade sector is xdc all the way those are consistently my top four I know I didn’t mention Quant but I do have to mention Quant right now because the way I look at it is when it comes to Quant calling what Gilbert Verdian was talking about you have a situation in which they are the ones who provide the utility the tools to get all this connected right people at the end of the day you know Even when you go use your Visa card payment right you’re not asking the bank well how is this done right you just know that it’s done Quant is the one to have that done you see the connections with the CDC so here at crypto talk now we love to provide you guys the Education that you need to have a brother understanding of all this by all means check out a recorded section when you uh might go to do that you might just be a person that just wants to watch a live show and that’s fine too but that’s why we have all this we try To hit every single particular area um and bring it to you guys but guys I’m honest honestly looking at it from that perspective you know the the software the operating system the brainchild if you will quants the global Reserve currency of the world right Global is the world xrp Person to person XL and it just makes sense don’t you have to have a bank account think about that and there if you were leveraging and enabling the country of Nigeria and other third world countries by not diminishing the value of their native currency because it’s done with As We Know with xlm That is powerful utility and of course you know the whole thing with um xdc the trade sector right precious metals the whole thing we talked about yesterday with comtech and so on with gold those who have been consistently my top four for a reason and I know some of you guys maybe have It close to that being your top four um and don’t get me wrong I think h-bar is huge but it’s understanding what we hold to just hold the course we’re gonna get there I really really believe it and if anything you know I don’t know do our kids basically start Making statues of us in the future our great grandkids this is this is great granddaddy Boomer effing sooner this is great daddy great granddaddy uh Mike Cornwell why why are we celebrating them because these are the guys who had the balls part of the expression to research some of these things Man I’ll tell you man when I was a kid you know shout out to Biggie Smalls he’s got that song uh was on juicy always wonder why Christmas and missed us you know that resonates really hard with me it really really does because the way I Look at it is there are so many times where I didn’t get to enjoy any of that you know I mean and so for many years now I’ve been working that much harder to find my meal ticket to find something that’s gonna be generational wealth you know I have dreams you all Have dreams we all have crazy dreams at least we should but I’m not gonna be able to for instance my own personal dream to develop my own video game studio right not going to be able to do it on a teacher wage you know School teachers Don’t make much money maybe you know oh we’ll move out to the east coast well that’s not in the cars for me right now you know all right anyway let’s get more back into the comments um I appreciate every single one of you guys are here tonight And uh it’s been a great show so far we still have plenty of particular coverage for you you’re not going to want to miss a little bit more xrp uh news we have we have some xlm the xlm one I’ll State this is a key one of our news coverage tonight Um anyway Tim Shay says site cypherium Sean did cover that earlier I need to catch up and watch the whole thing um I know way behind on regards to comments good problems we have to say Lisa Larry says this is the dawning of the age of cipherium February 14 2023 you know what guys I know it seems like it was a joke in the past it’s not a joke our brother Larry could very well be right that’s right around the corner I’m not even kidding we already got the announcements from uh Powell and the fed and so on Um I I did say I thought it was going to be 25 basis points it was um I mean is it a joke anymore or do we start taking this actually a little bit more serious we have 65 wonderful people beautiful people here tonight as Larry would say thank you for being here Shapir shiberian dropping on Valentine’s Day I did see for instance I think awesome Austin thought that it was going to be dropping around that particular time uh shout out to him um he might have gotten that right so that’s cool um salamander says you got 11 days Larry yeah Cash cash you’re good Mass it has taken almost 20 years to get her oh geez uh wife talk now the other segment of crypto talk now um I know there might be some few new people here if you’re new thank you so much for connecting drop any comment question you have we Have a very welcoming community um setting up a coupon account tonight xrp on the right he wasn’t joking about that guys I will state that we did have a conversation on the phone about that he feels like his time is running out yes brother Larry get on board before That train leaves literally you have Billboards in London talking about right next to those trains so the train will leave the Asia cypherium that’s why I keep hearing cypherium is like uh ISO 222 compliant according to what Sean posted or something like that I need to learn more about this if Anything I will for sure watch that from beginning to end I want a broader uh perspective of it because by the way shout out to Sean crypto Smith guys are uh it’s a show I mean same time slot on Monday on Monday but it’s a new show we’re introducing Um and the name of that particular show is called utilities talk now it’s a back and forth conversation between Sean and I the cryptosmith and on top of that we will be engaged with the community as well but we will cover strictly utility-based tokens and coins for that Particular show that’s on Monday you’re not going to want to miss it and I’m looking really really forward to be able to provide it to you guys here at CTN for you guys um let’s go further down uh he bought another bag of xlm this morning very Very cool Gary Missy says what’s up guys thanks for being here Gary Missy um like the Avatar and um I kind of want to see you before but if I didn’t I’d like to welcome you and if anything welcome back uh guys let’s work with uh Gary Missy he states he sold his aov after the announcement I don’t trust exchanges dropping okay um if anything maybe I don’t know if you’re still gonna be okay I don’t I don’t I don’t know but um we did have a thing about the snapshot earlier Um there will be a uh I just reiterate this I’m so far ahead of myself when you read so much consistently like just tons of material sometimes you kind of lose track so we did have for instance a segment right at the beginning covering this Um star that you you know I ended up selling I don’t know if you’re completely Sol because I don’t have answers for that but I will state this much and that is um there will be a you know like a V2 we’re gonna get airdrop and so on Um but it’s mainly for people who um you know had a certain amount of ALB T um either on exchanges or even in cold wallets um before that snapshot we’ll have more info for you guys later when we get it uh Larry Baker piggy bank by xrp yes Kushi boy stays by BNB and use pancake swap Mr Lair that’s a good point anything about that Kushi boy is right that is a very valid point you could do that and if anything you can just load up your trust wallet and then use the um yeah uses a decentralized app you know The DAP of a pancake swap right that’s I don’t even know why I need to think of a shot Gucci boy man thank you brother appreciate it man uh Dai is psychotic says Gary Missy uh Mass haha I hope you wrote a book to help us All geez cash cats uh Dai was in the board to receive substantial payment if the buyback happened Corner Gary um all right thank you for that and die is legit Dai Glenn Allen stays Maximus what’s going on did you ever look into Bull Run life that Steve at Rocket crypto AKA ship analysis is the dev no I haven’t yet my friend I’m sorry for that it doesn’t mean I’m not going to do it uh just doesn’t mean I’m going to do it like immediately I’m literally looking at this list and I don’t want You to think I’m bsing you because I’m not I swear I’m not I have a list right here of crypto he says crypto research notes film crib equals Netflix killer Arc block ABT mnw which is um uh morphe’s Network I need to write cypherium here uh Vector space is another one eglb brl Is on the list and insta dap so don’t think that I don’t write this stuff down I definitely do you also got to keep in mind there’s other ones I’m committed to as well and that is I want to do theta I want to do near I want to do tezos Um so it’s just and then at the same time we have to keep up with all of the other ones we were doing well with which is obviously Quant we have hbar we have uh you know we still cover ALB T obviously I mean with all the flood Um but there’s some other ones jasme um what am I freaking xlm like every time we put out an xlm video it does well why because that’s a niche like people really want news on there’s not a lot of news but I I don’t want you to think listen Glenn I want to tell you this all right I’m gonna look right at the Conor hopefully you hear me I fully realize that there’s other content creators I’m not bashing any of these guys all right if anything they have bigger problems than me right because they might have a hundred Thousand subscribers where the case I understand there’s only so much time a day but when I tell you that I’m going to look into some of these particular ones I’m going to do that I might not do it like tomorrow or next week or anything but definitely we don’t do it And if I’m impressed upon it enough I’ll do a video but nonetheless I will get back to you on that either in the comments I’ll let you know how it went and I mean that I absolutely mean that but thank you for holding me a candle on That it’s totally fine and thanks for being back appreciate it all right wesra I’m super bullish on xrp after that well thanks hey guys there he is the man of our Wes I gave everybody a trivia question dating it take advantage of it maybe they did I said because Michael Montclair who is another fellow musician was in the comments and I said hey guys here’s a question for you who was the guy we featured a few days ago Let’s test them because we’re gonna have a you know game show maybe next week I don’t know I gotta I Want to get this more a little bit more polished but I have one great big section done so the way I look at it is the majority of this is done um but yeah we we basically you’re part of the trivia question my friend Um guys check out Wes space r a he has great music and he’s part of the ctm family so shout out to you Wes good to see you man Glad You Came Back um oh my goodness breaking news breaking news we got 70 wonderful people here today this is breaking news perfect time If you’re connected um read the screen just bought my first bag of xrp is Larry shout out to Larry yes I wish you could hear the Applause button my goodness Larry bought his first bag of xrp on kucoin yes finally Larry talk about this since October 31st I Don’t know if Brian dowey’s here tonight shout out to Brian dowey who held him accountable since Halloween yes Larry I if we too bad you know the peanut butter jelly time roll out thing but that’s okay um congratulations get the F out yep there’s Brian Dowry good to see that You’re still I’m glad that you were here to witness that uh Brian right on finally Larry hallelujah praise God oh your kids are going to thank you in the future all right not Financial advice right but let me come on let’s be real guys we know what we’re invested in all right I’m serious I just bought an X by xrp with my trust yes good awesome so you did pancake SWAT okay you didn’t do cool coin so kuchi boy hey man uh who’s the MVP of tonight if we have such a thing look coochie boy come on man everybody Thank you coochie boy that’s what I’m talking about Community involvement getting involved recognizing our fellow brother Larry he needed some help I’ll be honest I that one I spaced that one like I didn’t think that you’re right it was it was probably a piece of cake And how I know that’s because I actually have used trustworld in the past um I used it for uh ever grow which I wouldn’t exactly recommend that it’s more of a gamble but you know tisha’s on yep that’s awesome Larry freaking about time man um if you guys ever seen the movie uh Uh God what’s it called um Grindhouse I think it is which one is it death proof that scene with Kurt Russell he’s like that’s about damn time yeah I wish I could pull that up it’s about time all right bought xrp of 40 cents first Peg well you know I know you Wanted it to be 27 cents man that was not gonna happen yeah not even with a Black Swan event how do we know that guys did it go down to 27 cents with uh Terra Luna or um FTX no no right they can’t close to that but Never was quite at like 25 or 27 cents two black swanis events possibly I am not rooting for that I’m not rooting for that crypto Smith all right you know I missed some super chats I apologize guys I’m sorry uh happy Friday Max Legacy ctm Family yes absolutely guys Well State this give our brother cryptosmith a plug I will get to your Super Chat just a second here um Sal give me just a second my bad um I want to put a plug-in you guys need to follow him especially if you’re a fan of crypto talk now and that’s because he Is the co-host on Mondays of our new show which is called utility talk now I’m gonna pull up his particular Channel right now let me just type it real quick crypto Smith um please give him a follow let’s pull him up right now um here he is so he’s showing the crypto Smith I mean look at that I mean he’s forcing his crypto right you know does do you know anybody who can has this particular skill set of forging crypto I don’t know but anyway we click on it um he does cover xrp xlm of course he Covers some of these other ones like MMI we talked about cypherium right and how cypherium is building behind the scenes to be a top ISO 222.welcome to what preparing for March ISO 222 why would I recommend this particular gentleman well yes we’re friends with them it’s more to It than just that he actually speaks very very well when it comes to this go check out the video if you want to be introduced to cypherium I know I need to be right I need to do more my own research but if anything I’m going to watch the whole video probably later Tonight actually 10 and a half minutes go over there let me see if I haven’t hit the like yet all right I’m gonna like on my Maximus crypto boom go over there drop in some more comments in there guys seriously you know do it do it now go to freaking Crypto Smith you know and pump the like button do it oh I can’t go do it right now I got a tumor it’s not a tumor go over the cryptosmith you pump the like button into the description I’ll do it now I don’t know what cipherium is go it’s Not Uma go Pump It Up do it now all right thank you I know some people are like what the heck anyway let’s get back into the comments thank you so much salamander five dollar Super Chat um he States I hope xrp goes to 20 while Everyone is asleep in the USA for being a non-believers too late to buy 41 cents but guess what’s gonna happen the beautiful thing will happen from there and it’ll happen multiple times by the way thank you again for the five dollar Super Chat uh salamander and I’ll double check on the Other screen here in a bit if we got any more Super chats I want to State this the beautiful thing that’s going to happen is fomo now it’s not beautiful for those who fomo in but it’s beautiful for us who hold the acid set for the same reason for instance Bitcoin on when it went to 69k and so on that sense of foam was when things get huge fomo is good if you already have been in a particular asset but it’s never good when you’re on the sidelines right uh trying to get in because you you know Chasing something at the top of the mountain and then that roller coaster goes down sucks for those type of people but even people who got into Bitcoin at 69k um this technically speaking if they have held it um let’s say they did own a full Bitcoin I can’t imagine that but somebody who Did been holding this whole time uh goes up to 100 000 well there’s still profit there but come on let’s be honest guys you’re gonna put that much in you know to the likes of Bitcoin uh with all these altcoin utility driven tokens and the return on investments are way more Substantial compared to the likes of that but for those who could do both one more power to you all right let’s go further down yep sup to Sean thank you very much and again thank you again uh salamander for the five dollar Super Chat I am going to Check out the other screen uh just real quick to see if another Super Chat came in because I do apologize I mean I know super chats are supposed to get the priority um but we were you know I was really into doing my Spiel I guess you could say so um I hope you’re not mad uh so all right salamander Brian alley Sean breaking news Larry brought bought xrp yes yes absolutely it’s it’s it’s just it’s unbelievable I mean I kind of want to just kind of do a whole new thing about it just real quick for all the newcomers Are just coming in um let me think here um uh what we have for instance uh news theme let me see if I can pull up a theme I won’t get copyrighted um let me see I don’t know um maybe this other one real quick just real quick Oh yeah this is Juicy this is the hot juicy stuff all right let’s do it let’s do it right now I know we lost a few people but we’re almost two hours in the show um all right here goes If you’re down we have a lot of breaking news query of criminal talk now has officially bought xrp yes by going to Pancake Swap and swapping that sucker for some xrp this is breaking news and I’ll state it one more time we have breaking news for you Larry a crypto clock out has officially bought xrp if you’re tuning in this is no joke Larry has officially purchased xrp [Applause] All right that was a nice little whatever all right back to the real news and welcome people congrats crypto talk now thank you Holy Cow Patties Batman are you serious yeah it’s just it’s just unbelievable shiv has added a privacy function to the Token huh uh thank God Friday all Welcome block Tron thank you for being here this is huge for shib all right if you want to share that you definitely can thanks for that uh Kushi boy and thank you again for helping Larry with his xrp um but yeah let’s welcome bach bach uh Ryan 20 of xrp price means one trillion uh dollar market cap yeah people will laugh but here’s the thing doesn’t mean it won’t happen I think we see some crazy market caps for crypto in itself where people are just like holy cow man uh look look at this And of course what’s gonna happen more and more ways of mainstream fomo will start happening just because it has happened doesn’t mean it won’t and just like I’ve also mentioned in the past just because we never had a utility run doesn’t mean we want we will have a utility run I know You’re on board for that um let me see Krypto mcdizzle laugh at one tree market cap but xrp job is to transfer one 10 trillion a day across the network just to replace Swift let alone so many other editions yeah like Health Care on some of these other Things but that’s the key thing how do you put up real price on that um I think uh for you know versan of uh Black Swan capitalist I think if anything he’s probably come the closest to maybe you know come up with a figure but you know I think we’ll all be well way off of whatever predictions we had not on the low end um and this is of course is why so many of us are so excited about the likes of xrp um yeah I mean that’s my thing too I mean you know You know I think men elect if you’re still if you’re still here remember that comment you made about understanding market cap um it’s not just the whole thing of you know the math behind market cap don’t get me wrong we want to understand that course but for a few of these particular ones Out there Quant xrp xlm and so on you know we’re going to see things that no one has ever seen before in the history of crypto and I think for the average person who is new to crypto or people who you know they can’t look Beyond Bitcoin with for instance Um you know Bitcoins what the market cap of that was close to two trillion at one point uh what was the guys I can’t remember 1.6 something like that um they can’t see past that so they’re like well that’s the highest that was why the world would um xrp or some of These other ones you know they can’t do it they will do it uh let me go further down yeah it’s not trillions guys look what uh crypto Micah State quadrillions yes quadrillions look at them look at that particular number you know like a billion um is uh for instance one with nine zeros Um you know trillions is even more than that I I have to get all the figures quadrillions I mean quadrillions is insane yeah and uh will flow through the blockchain yes very very true statement and if anything how about this saving the central banks billions maybe even more at least Billions right think about the old system of Swift you have for instance 10 trillion dollars being transferred from you know I don’t know let’s throw an example uh Germany to Austria or something like that uh 10 trillion dollars to get hit with a 60 billion dollar fee That’s why he does central banks are not signing up left and right in the past to do just that that’s why it was like maybe those particular things only happen maybe once or twice a year look into yourself this is not me BS and you guys looking to for yourself they don’t Just try to do it like every single day because of the darn fees if anything you’re going to see a ton of money being transferred all over the place and if anything think about this we’re talking about all this Doom and Gloom that’s happening in regards to the world with The world economy right but as we know when we have the influx of a tremendous amount of money you know not just here in the United States but you know other countries as well though it influx the money you don’t have to be a rocket science to figure this out Whenever that happens it’s great for the economies of those particular countries it’s a big win for the world so this whole thing I mean you know we’re talking about market cap this is a win-win for the entire world I mean you know Ripple is huge all right uh let’s go further down Um that’s a conversation with you guys xrp will buy out PayPal we have probably um Mass States preach my guy telecoin also has some of the same utility factors as Quant for telecommunications and connecting the world yeah you know I even without looking more further into it just off the surface right In a 2022 bear Market crypto winner telcoin was a really good performer I remember consistently seeing that um PayPal is losing a lot of Revenue they need to be Innovative I mean think about how many different companies have jumped the gun to do something bold to be Innovative maybe PayPal finally gets Their act together if anything we’ve already seen an introduction of that when they started listing a few different cryptos you know on PayPal um that you can send and receive they even have if I’m not mistaken a crypto wallet um I mean it’s not a lot right it kind Of reminds me of like for instance Robin Hood uh back in 2021 when they only had like a few listed right um but that’s a great Point as well all right let’s go further down PayPal is trash according to Mike Cornwell trying to steal wealth for not aligning with Those in power I’m out of PayPal well you got to do what you got to do I hear you on that um all right salamander crypto mcdizzle for chisel the Disneyland trip is still on that sounds like fun I love Disneyland I need to go I’m gonna go Disney World but I want to go there in the winter time I don’t want to go there in the hot summer time you know look like I just got taken a a hot sticky shower because of the humidity all right Crystal Smith you are exactly where you were supposed to be educating Yourself on what’s coming well thank you for that that’s a true statement all right here’s some of the top ones xdc xrp Quant are going to be huge can’t say it like Trump me too all right salamander forgot xlm yeah well it’s okay and apparently a lot of people did right That’s why I don’t make a lot of news uh bad joke anyway uh we’re gonna get to some of that we still have still have quite a bit uh two almost two hours into all this we still have 50 wonderful beautiful people as Larry would say here Megan Richardson no Shield by Al BT plus anyone left better trade okay thank you for being here uh Megan Richardson we did have an announcement in regards to aopt as it was at the beginning of the show um if you’re just connecting if you want to find out about that you could Definitely like either rewind or when it shows over you jus.

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Bitcoin - BTC Max Keiser: “Munger Is A Cock Block For Bitcoin” A fun day to my entire crypto Brethren and sisters out there hopefully you’re stacking some stats during this correction in today’s show bitcoin price May retest twenty thousand dollars on uscpi amid the absence of a soft Landing I’ll be breaking down…
Max Keiser: “Munger Is A Cock Block For Bitcoin” | CoinMarketBag

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