RADIX HONEST REVIEW 2023. Still The Crypto Giant? | CoinMarketBag


Radix – XRD RADIX HONEST REVIEW 2023.Still the crypto giant? Foreign Ty Radix is next Generation parallel sharding smart contract platform aiming to be the next standard in the centralized Finance Radix is still the world record holder in publicly demonstrated transactions per second with their old consensus protocol called Tempo and this video is…

Radix – XRD RADIX HONEST REVIEW 2023.Still the crypto giant? Foreign Ty Radix is next Generation parallel sharding smart contract platform aiming to be the next standard in the centralized Finance Radix is still the world record holder in publicly demonstrated transactions per second with their old consensus protocol called Tempo and this video is from the auditioned test now if you look at the Transaction speeds we’re currently and consistently running at over a million transactions per second this is an absolute first in the crypto World an absolutely brilliant relics is a work in progress and is expected to be completed within the next few years and in my review we are going to talk about Everything important about this ambitious project looking at the team’s page on Radix website the core team hasn’t changed the last year spearheading the project is Pierce Richard a CEO with some experience in the industry he was the Helm of nifty for nearly five years and now he has Stepped up to take on this major undertaking leading Radix the crypto experience whether you’re a user a developer or an entrepreneur is he seems to have improved his communication expression with the community a lot over the past year I am so excited to start using the Radix Wallet I’m even more excited to start exploring the new Radix ecosystem from that wallet all of that starts when the next version of the Radix mainnet ships the mainnet release is going to be called Babylon five videos are humorous straightforward and attractive to wide range of viewers join us today you’re still early But not for long Dan the founder of Radix with truly extensive experience from tech industry is appealing more sporadically on videos these months attending only technical amas well we’re just going to kick ass just UPS Ops I mean when Babylon lands it’s game over right that’s like That space however is perfect for him to demonstrate his technologically Galactic brain so what happens if Russia is say 50 of the net right right um well then both of your petitions they can’t do anything now that’s that’s called the strong safety guarantee because while nothing is happening Nothing can be undone either yes everything just stops and so in the worst case you’d have to have hard forks for both of them right Sophie Duncan the chief operations officer has been notably upset from radix’s videos from a resume we can see her background as a manager and a consultant from a Multiple companies such as startup Boot Camp or cup Gemini consulting or even Phillips Russell Harvey relics Chief technology officer have teamed up with Matthew Hein who is a chief product officer to create a series of videos the best way to to understand it is to try to program Uniswap right in other places right and just see how it feels do you feel like you’re really pushing around native tokens is that your feeling I guarantee you when you come to the end you’ve done it in script I go yep that was the one that was a native token Russell’s Extensive knowledge of Technology provides the perfect backdrop for the discussions as he’s been a CTO at H3 labs and even CEO of calendar research last but not least Adam Simmons with a chief strategy officer who seems to have mainly marketing experience from the level up media limited radix’s theme is One of the strongest in crypto despite the Hefty workload on their CEO however there could be more internationalization to match my expectations and now let’s dive into their main white paper I reviewed the Radix D5 white paper the last year not only in the review but Also in Standalone video so I don’t see the need to go through it again this time so instead I’ve prepared for you a quick presentation about Radix sharding if you are going to Shard then Chardonnay deterministic wearing short massively let’s take it all from the beginning and let’s start talking about Uncharted Ledgers that are obviously for instance the Bitcoin or the previous version of ethereum and the shattered Ledger is The Ledger where each note carries an entire blockchain uh it’s also called a single shot ledgers and it’s obviously not sustainable once popular that was the ethereum’s problem that’s why ethereum 2.0 has been created And that’s why sharding has been introduced to crypto but most of the projects however they Shard from top to down or it also called vertical sharding so that’s the simple way to explain that is that the network is broken down into few sub networks where the over all the Nodes are then split into nodes that serve that subnetwork or the other sub networks that is a scaling it solves some problems but it introduces new problems for instance um each sub network is obviously less secure because less notes are in it also different charts can’t natively talk to One another that’s also why coordination or communication layer has been introduced to some of these projects because such a layer tries at least tries to solve the communication problem however Radix has taken radically different approach foreign the other way around from bottom up or differently called also horizontal Shutting so The Ledger consists of an imaginable it’s actually quintillions shards in our case two to power 256 shards which is something like close to the number of atoms in the universe or something and you know you’re going to need rules to decide what Shard does This go it’s not a matter of you’re not at this point you’re not even thinking about the question of well which Shard does the developer choose to deploy to it’s like no no it will be automatically sharded right and you just have to come up with the rules of how you assign Shards so it’s a different design Philosophy from the start each smart contract or each component because smart contracts in relics are called components each component has one Shard also we can differentiate like a node with battery Hardware can serve more shards and a Raspberry Pi can serve Less shards also else that can be dynamically adjusted the special thing here is that the consensus mechanism looks only for Relevant shards that’s why the transactions can be Atomic so they either happen all at once or they don’t happen at all so no more pending transaction hello or metamask users Right unrelated transactions are also thanks to this processed in parallel and that’s why you can add more nodes and you can scale the whole network linearly let’s have a look at the tokenomics with the token next when researching the tokenomics I always check the coin gecos and coin market Caps numbers with the official numbers from the project because in some instances the numbers like a circulating Supply can be very wrong at koingiko or coin market cap however in radix’s case the coin gecko is correct and there indeed is around 10 billion Radix in circulation at the moment so the total Market cap of all Radix tokens in circulation today is somewhere below 1 billion dollars so the total market cap of all products tokens in the circulation today is below 1 billion dollars the main purpose of the token is to secure the network as the network is Dpos as well as to pay the transaction fees which are burned the release schedule is I think unique because additional xrd tokens are locked in stablecon reserves for the purpose the support in the future potential relics native stable coins and additional 12 billion Radix will be minted over the next 40 years as Incentives to stakers since none of the tokens is used by the team for development so my next question naturally was how is the development funded and the answer is simple the day race Capital even recently as this article on coindesk shows they Rose additional 10 million dollars through DWF labs and now Finally let’s have a look at the price action of the token itself this is the Radix tokens chart on weekly and it’s not my favorite chart at all it kind of looks like if I didn’t know Radix well enough it would it kind of looks like a Pump and dumb scheme let’s consider that this was indeed the bottom then we have just retested the first local top or the first swing point we might revisit this area one more time before the Babylon is actually released and if this was the bottom then another Profit take would be 22 to 28.5 cents however if we’re gonna go over then obviously the Radix is going to break the low as well I’m not going to try to guess how deep is it gonna go because Fibonacci would be the way to to Guess that or to do some calculation and Fibonacci is not my forte so um in that case obviously if we make a new low then the next profit tank is going to be the very same structure that we are at the moment so somewhere below 10 cents finally looking at the roadmap Radix is approaching its major Milestone called Babylon Babylon mainnet ships in Q2 2023 this is when the full stack for defy goes live this is when the web 3 ecosystem on Radix goes live when users assets and dapps can start really flowing into the Radix public network so if you have a defy or web3 idea today Is the time to get excited and the next in line is the chapter devoted to the massive community of Radix one of the saying says that the community brings value and Radix has always had one of the most active and engaging and passionate communities out there so let’s have a look today After reviewing Radix a year later the community seems to be less active than before my drafted review received fewer comments and had less people engaging with it compared to the previous one I suppose the better Market is really taking its tolls radix’s Discord is among the best I’ve seen with about Thousand people online telegram is equally large and active Reddit seems to be less active these months though with about only 15 people online Twitter has touching 200 000 followers from which maturity seems organic at least to me we believe the Global Financial system needs to be radically better that YouTube is now with 10 000 subscribers and is releasing fancy animated explaining videos such as this one Cerberus a novel to distributed Ledger technology that can scale linearly to billions of users and Achieve millions of transactions per second by using a parallel processing consensus algorithm Cerberus will finally put an end to Network congestion and spiraling transaction costs much needed in italics well done Radix radically different D5 radix’s new studio where they filmed their videos looks super cool hello everyone and welcome to another round table with Russell and Matthew also mind all that Alex’s team items such as t-shirts mugs Or even met you smart what you have the Radix team gradient on them just a small samples more detail of verdict’s strong community and clever marketing we are building a decentralized chess app we are implementing a chess engine on top of scripto and making it playable I’m Ready to get sweaty I mean I even talking right now I feel I feel anxious to get back out there in code you know throw me in coach put me in that’s how I feel just put me in coach RockStar at Foods marketing collaboration proved to be beneficial For Radix further promote their brand they even employ some members of the community as ambassadors Who hold promotional events and meetups in spite of the mentioned frustration the relics Community is still highly active and going strong last but not least Radix has 91 repositories on their GitHub pages and with saying that we are ready to conclude the review the token’s price performance has been Abnormally depressed over the past year even worse than most of the other layer ones this has understandably cause lots of frustration amongst the community members as compared to a year ago furthermore I am a bit concerned about the lack of internationalization with its core team this mating out to be one Of its weaknesses despite Radix being one of the most technically Advanced layer 1 networks on the planet Appropriate Hey guys, half year later, finally review.But I plan on coming back to reviewing on regular basis.I came back to reviewing #RADIX #crypto year later and I put all my research into 15 min honest review.Regardless of whether you are serious investor, or a geek interested in #blockchain tech, my review is a must watch for everybody.

Knowledge is power.This video is NOT sponsored by Radix, it’s purely independent “honest” review.*Legal Disclaimer* Nothing in my channel should be taken as investment advice.This is not a solicitation for the sale of securities nor is it a recommendation to pursue ownership of securities.All pieces of information expressed is banter for purposes of personal records and general entertainment purposes only.

Loss experienced from consumers of this content is bound solely to individuals and their respective internal decisions making.source.

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