Radix $xrd Babylon Release Update ! Here Is What We Know | CoinMarketBag


Radix – XRD Radix $xrd Babylon Release Update ! here is what we know …..Okay welcome back to another episode of Jay speak today we’re going to be taking a look at this Radix uh sort of Babylon mainnet delay okay this is kind of an interesting deal all right so there’s a couple of…

Radix – XRD Radix $xrd Babylon Release Update ! here is what we know …..Okay welcome back to another episode of Jay speak today we’re going to be taking a look at this Radix uh sort of Babylon mainnet delay okay this is kind of an interesting deal all right so there’s a couple of things I’ll show you on screen real quick First of all we’ve done about four videos on Radix I plan to do more and sort of uh talking about how to buy it sort of talking about uh how to stake radics on the desktop wallet sort of talking about some of the differences between I think uh cardano And what Radix has done right also I have some new thoughts too but I won’t share them in this video on how Radix can you know be leveraged by projects building on Cortana actually but we gotta wait because and this video uh this one right here the 15 minute Video I talk a lot about how we wanted to wait for mainnet we wanted to wait to see the mobile wallet before we get all excited right and I purchased a little bit of Radix but I am waiting for the mainnap because I want to see these features I want to Actually use them I want to see them I want to see that they exist and I want to play around with them but you know doesn’t mean that we can’t play around with it a little bit um sponsored by Logan no I’m just joking I would I would probably say no if he Sponsored me I did get this drink though it’s a prime have you tried one of these uh this is I don’t know I don’t really they’re not really that great it’s got like some chemicals in it but I just figured I’d try one just for the Heck of it so if you see me drinking it don’t judge don’t judge me don’t judge me Radix Community guys this is an important video because I’ve been talking about Radix I just did a video on personas for Radix I like a lot of the features that They’ve innovated on to make crypto go more mainstream Babylon upgrade announcement Radix publishing acting on the recommendation of RDX Works has decided to postpone the Babylon upgrade okay the rescheduled date for Babylon Network upgrade is September 27 2023.The Babylon Network upgrade is the most important thing for me because It’s going to be basically like when smart contracts hit Radix in a way that you know you’re gonna see projects launch things right and it’s gonna kind of show us just how real the ability for Radix to take over will actually be how real the ability scriptos ease will Will allow projects to really develop some things quickly uh and just how real the Radix blockchain rad5 2022 videos which is a great video you should watch it so I’ll go to this article here Babylon release update June 28th one of the five core values of RDX Works Says do the right thing not the easy thing guys I’ve seen a lot of delays all right there’s been times where you know you think that you’re gonna get something and then boom it’s like doesn’t come out for six months okay cardano Cardona has suffered uh pretty minimally from this I Think there was a couple of things early that they had to re rework in 2018 and that did cause some controversy but I’m glad that they did it I’m glad they took time because look where cardano’s at now it’s top 10 blockchain then there was the vassal hard Fork which got pushed You know a few times so we do see these delays happen and you know it’s you don’t want to mess around with this stuff you don’t want just want to put it out there because we’ve seen the opposite things get prematurely released they’re not ready they don’t get the effect people want or They get hacked comes up a lot whenever there’s a dilemma between taking an approach that will be serviceable or one that is more labor intensive but unequivocally Superior confident as always which I like I like the confidence because their ideas back it up and again you know the substance that They have is their node was audited by hacken their Cerberus consensus uh protocol was peer-reviewed so especially as on an immutable public Ledger you live with your design choices forever so it’s critical to get them raid then there’s a mid-2020 tweet by the founder of ethereum that has been often referenced during The Long March towards the Babylon Main Event vitalik happens to be in the news a lot right now actually for other reasons but we’ll talk about those in this video my biggest regret today are not launching eth1 in July 2015 instead of 2014.they are about all the Deficiencies in each one that we now have to spend years painfully fixing hex tree r l rlp gas costs no accountant abstraction doing better now will indeed pay off for decades during RC test net excuse me during RC net testing we have been reviewing developer feedback the application examples produced by the Community and the scripto code created by the RDX sports team scriptos tldr is more secure than solidity right I like that as a as a guy that you know does a lot of content I heard Donald Jesus Haskell which is you know this sort of functional programming language that You know has far less I would say easy exploitable opportunities than a program language like solidity differences though uh with well I guess plutus please core is really the comp there but you guys know what I mean right like Haskell is like you know turned into plutus core right so kind of Have this this language that’s used on the blockchain and you have this language that’s used yeah uh outside of that right so when we talk about solidity and in Haskell we talk about uh two languages that were being chosen here and one of the things about solidity is so many people use it So so many people know how to hack it uh but essentially it’s easier to develop in than probably plutus so you have a lot more adoption with networks that use it there’s a lot more hacks so scripto is like very human readable you know you can see that in the Presentation that they did and it’s inherently supposed to be more secure so let’s let’s go into this here what stood out was the Gateway API was fit was failing to address the needs of many dap Developers interesting and that scriptos approach for setting up authentication was producing situations where even experienced devs Were making preventable mistakes Babylon is all about making smart contract developments safe and application Behavior easy to comprehend however even developers who knew exactly how the authentication system worked were sometimes emitting important permissions just by being a little hasty sounds like they need like a little bit Of a little bit of a grammarly there right it became clear that a redesign a gram a grammarly stage in the process you know like hey before the ships some things to point out it became clear that a redesign was necessary backing such a change in after Babylon went live would be considerably More difficult take the time now changes to the authentication configuration affect low level Network state which the Gateway has to comprehend and adapt to we realized we were marching towards a release where we’d be coding Gateway changes right up until the end with no time for Downstream consumers Including the wallet and dashboard as well as Community devs to build against a stable Target and then no time to adjust based on feedback the likely outcome of this would be services that rely on Gateway this is why like these um videos You’ll see like the round table of Radix They never uh cling on to a date they said Late July but they also say but that’s kind of a moving Target date potentially right and whenever you make a date and you have this ecos that even in a normal software company if you make a date for your public investors it’s like It puts a lot of pressure probably on your internal team on the people involved in getting that product ready for market and then in a decentralized ecosystem you got to think like well why put pressure on everybody and then also make it harder to make a change we know we need to make One we could just take a few extra months or an extra year right I’ll even say to be extra conservative ridiculous hyper conservative there to fix it uh okay so you want to be probably ready for the bull market though likely outcome of this would be services that rely on the Gateway Radix wallet new dashboard and ecosystem projects would experience stability issues creating bad user experiences even if the network itself was running smoothly interesting okay Babylon is the critical we don’t want that we want all these uh I guess projects that launch to experience very s like stable conditions for sure and uh I guess this all comes down to this Gateway API stuff so interesting Babylon is the critical springboard and foundation for everything that is to come and it deserves a great 1.0 experience for a 1.0 experience that everyone can enthusiastically recommend to their friends family and colleagues the delivery schedule needs to change The Babylon Network upgrade will now occur on or about September 27 2023.rcnet V2 including authentication redesign will be split into two parts the node Radix engine and scripto will be released on July 6.okay and up to the Gateway wallet and dashboard will be released few weeks after Public test migration of uh stokenet will use the rcnet V2 node and will occur the week of July 10th the RC net V3 will Mark a stable Gateway for developers to Target and will include additional endpoints requested by the community it will go live in August with no exact Date yet determined Additionally the the RDX Works development team will be setting up some live q a sessions Community developers in order to answer detailed questions about specific feature availability first session will be on July 11th at 1500 UTC updating the release time was a difficult decision it was certainly Tempting to push ahead with a work man like first release then revisit it with later patches but that would have started babbling off within the fear inferior Foundation it would be foregoing some short-term pain for long-term consequences it wouldn’t have been right given all that is ahead to achieve and Radix Playing for all the marbles okay a couple of things here the reason why I’m making this video because Babylon main Nets upgraded slated for July end of July early like before you know this update here is going to probably affect price of the token so I figured it’d be the right Thing to do to make a video of letting people know hey we’re not we’re not really there yet mainnet isn’t right here there’s kind of this breakup in the stages of what’s Happening second reason I want to make this video because some of these some of these Things that are making this uh this update you know not so not so quickly happening I really don’t understand and I feel like there’s um there’s a lot of Dev uh there’s you know there’s a lot of there’s a lot of uh there’s a lot of developer lingo going On here that I need to get on call with someone from Radix and I know exactly who and I’m gonna I’m gonna ask him if he can talk to me and explain to me exactly what the heck is going on now I won’t promise that that will be Publicly released but I will promise that I’ll be doing my research to figure out all right what’s the substantial like easy way to explain what’s going on here okay uh I’ll also call along the Radix Community devs to watch this video or happen to to comment below you know Explain this to us in a simple way let us know because not everyone’s a developer now someone like myself you know just learned uh I through vs code how to deploy a little bit of HTML JavaScript CSS but this is you know a different level and I’m going to continue my developer Journey but I’m I’m just a beginner man I just started like a few weeks ago so you know it’s it’s interesting the uh the last thing I’ll say is I’m seeing that people from I guess the cardano community mostly are putting up a you know a theory here and I usually don’t even like to go into the drama stuff like it’s very rare for me to do that but there is a theory that the Radix ecosystem is trying to extract liquidity from the cardano ecosystem and they’re delaying and pushing back this mainnet thing so that way they have more time to Extract you know liquidity from the kurdon ecosystem I’ve seen a couple of like you know people that have large Twitter accounts I guess on cardano who I don’t really like feel opposed to a lot of their takes uh kind of tweak that and you know it’s tough for me to see That because I don’t feel like they’re representing what the article here is representing so I feel like it’s kind of lacking substance their claims that they’re making there was a bit of uh a price dump I guess before this was publicly announced so there was questions around okay was There like insiders dumping RDX and I’m fine with that because when the price dumped I bought a little bit more RDX like I’ll be honest or xrd why do I call it RDX dudes because of this xrd xrd for all the times that I said RDX please remember that I just mean xrd Uh so yeah about around .06 cents again which was nice because that’s like right around my kind of entry level I think my entry price was like 0.5 something so there’s 0.05 something not 50 cents guys okay I wasn’t buying at the top I didn’t even know about Radix until about four months ago so I’m just saying that because I really want uh I really wanted to present that I like am super stoked for I guess this early part of crypto because there are things like xrd that look very promising and being able to own some stake in that Network when you understand what it means to own stake in a network you kind of gain a little bit of appreciation for some of the uh like what is it like some of the you kind of gain an appreciation for this this evil investment Empire that That we see maybe it’s not evil but that’s questionable sometimes but you take a look at BlackRock right BlackRock owns a bit of everything you know and they’re able to buy up politicians and there’s a video that went out and you know I’m sure you guys saw that where There was a investor from BlackRock who are not an investor but he was a member of black he was like a employee of BlackRock he was on a date with a girl right of course dude I mean that is such a sneaky strategy too no one uh has talked about That I’ve seen but yeah someone sent this girl to go undercover pretend to date this guy from BlackRock which is kind of like low-key evil and of itself that that’s that spy like strategy but you know who knows if it’s evil man I’m not the judge Of what’s evil or good they might be the same sides of the same coin just depends how you look at it so you got this interesting thing though with BlackRock where they buy up everything and they own everything and I feel like in crypto there is a reason why people invest into It uh besides just making a lot of money and trying to dump it back into Fiat and there is another reason besides you know the potential of like because the anarchist view might be the anarchist types in crypto might say the dollar is going to be destroyed and they’ve been Saying that for for years and you know the dollar the reserve currency right now of the US dollar hasn’t really been destroyed right maybe it one day it will be but uh a lot of a lot of investors in crypto that aren’t just looking for a Quick you know VC style play where you just pump and dump something it’s like not even that’s not even fair to some VCS some VCS won’t do that at all they have a preferred share type of relationship and then they’ll stay in it until the company you know maybe gets Turned over to another buyer of that entity or group but there’s been a lot of crypto VC groups who are very like I would just say not they don’t have a proven track record they haven’t been around longer than five years they made a lot of money because everything was frothy and they Would just invest a lot in crypto and then dump it and make these massive returns that you couldn’t make in traditional markets during a bull market so we see that but then we see things like BlackRock and BlackRock just like they buy it uh they they like to own things But in crypto we have this other type of investor and I think I like to think like this this is why I like studying l once right it’s like if you own an L1 token and the tokenomics makes some degree of sense then there’s less risk because all the Things that end up building on that L1 you kind of have a little bit of uh like not control in the network but you have some influence and Power and I like the idea of being able to find these protocols before BlackRock comes in and buys them up and has these huge Ownership Stakes I like the idea of like owning some of the L1 of cardano and owning some of the L1 of xrd and uh I like the idea that because I don’t want to have these things just owned by people like BlackRock I think it’s good that other people own them So that approach is maybe a bit different and yeah it’s to build wealth for sure right but I would also argue it’s it’s a protection mechanism against like what can we do today well we can probably try to invest as smartly as we can to make sure that This ownership is as decentralized as possible and you know I find that a noble a noble thing like I do like it sounds crazy I know but even if even if Radix fails it’s like I want to own some because of how good some of their Concepts and ideas look on paper And they’re so Innovative and the way that they want to make this like a full stack experience so that way the you the user experience is going to be seamless the dev experience can be seamless the consensus is going to be seamless because it all fits together it’s packaged well We talked about this in a previous video they were inspired by how Elon Musk built these charging stations uh so that way he wouldn’t have to sacrifice trade-offs for the Tesla and he could really focus on the user experience and make a EV car uh which sometimes I’ll still call evm Because I get I I just though like maybe if maybe I’m like one percent like some version of dyslexic because I’ll just put an m in front of that EV sometimes because I’ve been crypto and I know that the theory of virtual machine but they’re EV cars right and I noticed I Said that my last video so people probably are like this guy is freaking like this guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about but I think uh what was great about making those charger stations across the country is you made a network that made it possible for somebody to have a Tesla And drive across the country where before if they just had this car that they had to charge and plug into their house it’s like it’s gonna be impossible to actually argue that that’s better than a gasoline car when you can drive across the country with a gasoline car But you can only go maybe two hours maybe the best few hours before you go to find someone’s house that you gotta ask them if you can use their charger in I mean it’s ridiculous so you know it’s interesting uh we’re all monitor this and again I’m going to Research more into this like these nuances that make this update delayed and I would say do your research but also if you haven’t watched the rad5 2022 video and you have no context on what their actual pitch is you got to do that you just gotta do that okay like Just promise me you’ll do that before you I guess say that Radix is just like a huge nothing Burger because it’s not there’s some things there that well you know I think at least this is just my opinion it’s like my Twitter bio is literally uh My Twitter bio is literally that I’m a self-proclaimed knower of nothing I know nothing and no one should listen to me but I talk about Solutions and trends so keep that keep that in mind right that’s who you’re listening to right now for Better or For Worse but I don’t think That they’re nothing I think they have enormous potential so I would encourage you to check out that rad5 2022 update and with that folks I’ll let you go and I hope you have a great rest of your day take care Not financial advice I am just a crypto enthusiast! In this video i am discussing the recent blog on Babylon being pushed back! make sure to follow on twitter where i retweet major announcements and tweets from the xrd community – https://twitter.com/JCRYPTO_YT blog – https://www.radixdlt.com/blog/babylon-release-update check out the radfi 2022 vid for a great overview on the radix ecosystems approach – https://www.youtube.com/live/5iSK3rTjPMw?feature=share check out other xrd vids here on my channel Radix vids – https://youtu.be/sHNT03O2GZMhttps://youtu.be/sLYUc5ywcMchttps://youtu.be/8-XJN_EaKU8https://youtu.be/Bx9AFZhwWCghttps://youtu.be/Tm8Pe_J5t-A source.

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