Tether (USDT) Price Hits $1.00


Tweet Tether (CURRENCY:USDT) traded down 0.4% against the U.S. dollar during the 24-hour period ending at 12:00 PM E.T. on February 19th. Tether has a total market capitalization of $2.22 billion and $2.56 billion worth of Tether was traded on exchanges in the last day. Over the last seven days, Tether has traded down 0.3%…

Tether (CURRENCY:USDT) traded down 0.4% against the U.S. dollar during the 24-hour period ending at 12:00 PM E.T.

on February 19th.

Tether has a total market capitalization of $2.22 billion and $2.

56 billion worth of Tether was traded on exchanges in the last day. Over the last seven days, Tether has traded down 0.3% against the U.S. dollar. One Tether token can currently be bought for approximately $1.00 or 0.00009056 BTC on major exchanges including Exmo, Tidex, Upbit and Coinbene.

Here’s how related cryptocurrencies have performed over the last day: Get Tether alerts: Ripple (XRP) traded up 0.3% against the dollar and now trades at $1.14 or 0.00010352 BTC. NEO (NEO) traded 5.

1% higher against the dollar and now trades at $135.90 or 0.01231170 BTC.

Stellar (XLM) traded 1.2% lower against the dollar and now trades at $0.45 or 0.00004102 BTC. IOTA (MIOTA) traded 1.1% higher against the dollar and now trades at $2.

09 or 0.00018972 BTC.

TRON (TRX) traded up 1% against the dollar and now trades at $0.0511 or 0. 463 BTC. VeChain (VEN) traded 14.8% higher against the dollar and now trades at $6.37 or 0.00057696 BTC. Binance Coin (BNB) traded 1.

6% higher against the dollar and now trades at $11.08 or 0.00100413 BTC. Populous (PPT) traded 2.8% lower against the dollar and now trades at $27.16 or 0.00246081 BTC. RChain (RHOC) traded up 5.

5% against the dollar and now trades at $2.29 or 0.00020742 BTC. Status (SNT) traded 1.

3% higher against the dollar and now trades at $0.22 or 0.00002006 BTC.
Tether Profile Tether was first traded on June 10th, 2014.

Tether’s total supply is 2,280,109,970 tokens and its circulating supply is 2,217,140,814 tokens. Tether’s official website is tether.to . Tether’s official Twitter account is @Tether_to .

According to CryptoCompare, “USDT is a cryptocurrency asset issued on the Bitcoin blockchain via the Omni Layer Protocol. Each USDT unit is backed by a U.S Dollar held in the reserves of the Tether Limited and can be redeemed through the Tether Platform. USDT can be transferred, stored, spent, just like bitcoins or any other cryptocurrency. USDT and other Tether currencies were created to facilitate the transfer of national currencies, to provide users with a stable alternative to Bitcoin and to provide an alternative for exchange and wallet audits which are currently unreliable.

USDT provides an alternative to Proof of Solvency methods by introducing a Proof of Reserves Process. In the Tether Proof of Reserves system, the amount of USDT in circulations can be easily checked on the Bitcoin blockchain via the tools provided at Omnichest.info, while the corresponding total amount of USD held reserves is proved by publishing the bank balance and undergoing periodic audits by professionals. “
Tether Token Trading
Tether can be purchased on these cryptocurrency exchanges: ZB.COM, HitBTC, Liqui, Binance, Coinbene, Bitfinex, Bittrex, Cryptopia, Tidex, Kraken, Kucoin, Bibox, Gate.io, EXX, Coinut, OKEx, Poloniex, Huobi, Upbit and Exmo. It is not presently possible to purchase Tether directly using US dollars.

Investors seeking to trade Tether must first purchase Ethereum or Bitcoin using an exchange that deals in US dollars such as Coinbase, Gemini or GDAX. Investors can then use their newly-acquired Ethereum or Bitcoin to purchase Tether using one of the aforementioned exchanges.
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