Waves (WAVES) Price Tops $3.78 on Top Exchanges


Waves (WAVES) Price Tops $3.78 on Top Exchanges Posted by Paula Ricardo | Jun 12th, 2018 Waves (CURRENCY:WAVES) traded down 4% against the dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 23:00 PM E.T. on May 21st. One Waves coin can currently be purchased for about $3.78 or 0.00057598 BTC on cryptocurrency exchanges including LiteBit.eu,…

Waves (WAVES) Price Tops $3.78 on Top Exchanges Posted by Paula Ricardo | Jun 12th, 2018
Waves (CURRENCY:WAVES) traded down 4% against the dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 23:00 PM E.T. on May 21st. One Waves coin can currently be purchased for about $3.78 or 0.00057598 BTC on cryptocurrency exchanges including LiteBit.eu, Gate.

io, Coinbe and Liqui. Waves has a total market capitalization of $378.27 million and $25.33 million worth of Waves was traded on exchanges in the last day.

During the last week, Waves has traded 12.4% lower against the dollar.
Here’s how similar cryptocurrencies have performed during the last day: Get Waves alerts: Qtum (QTUM) traded down 10.1% against the dollar and now trades at $11.

03 or 0.00167917 BTC. Lisk (LSK) traded down 7.6% against the dollar and now trades at $6.

71 or 0.

00102107 BTC. Nxt (NXT) traded 7.6% lower against the dollar and now trades at $0.12 or 0.

00001812 BTC. Blocknet (BLOCK) traded down 14.3% against the dollar and now trades at $16.

71 or 0.00254449 BTC. Neblio (NEBL) traded down 11.2% against the dollar and now trades at $5.

07 or 0.00077261 BTC. BitBay (BAY) traded 5.

6% lower against the dollar and now trades at $0.

0274 or 0. 417 BTC. WhiteCoin (XWC) traded down 8.4% against the dollar and now trades at $0.

11 or 0.00001615 BTC.

BlackCoin (BLK) traded down 5.1% against the dollar and now trades at $0.16 or 0.00002444 BTC. Radium (RADS) traded down 4% against the dollar and now trades at $2.64 or 0.00040177 BTC.

DubaiCoin (DBIX) traded up 1.7% against the dollar and now trades at $4.04 or 0.00061531 BTC.
About Waves
Waves (CRYPTO:WAVES) is a LPoS coin that uses the Proof of Stake hashing algorithm. Its launch date was June 12th, 2016. Waves’ total supply is 100,000,000 coins.

The official message board for Waves is wavestalk.org . Waves’ official Twitter account is @wavesplatform and its Facebook page is accessible here . The official website for Waves is wavesplatform.

com . The Reddit community for Waves is /r/Wavesplatform and the currency’s Github account can be viewed here .
According to CryptoCompare, “Waves is the first production system being built on top of the Scorex framework Extensible solution: In order to fix the need for a mandatory hard fork when creating a new type of transaction on the NXT Platform (forcing network client software updates) WAVES offers plug-ins that are not included in the core software module, but are instead installed as an extension on top of it.

Buying and Selling Waves
Waves can be traded on these cryptocurrency exchanges: Indodax, YoBit, BCEX, HitBTC, Tidex, Exrates, Coinbe, Bittrex, Liqui, Cryptohub, COSS, Upbit, LiteBit.eu, Binance, Abucoins, Stocks.

Exchange, Exmo, Gate.

io, Cryptomate, Coinrail, Livecoin, OpenLedger DEX, Waves Decentralized Exchange, Kuna and Bitbns. It is usually not presently possible to purchase alternative cryptocurrencies such as Waves directly using U.S. dollars.

Investors seeking to trade Waves should first purchase Ethereum or Bitcoin using an exchange that deals in U.S. dollars such as Coinbase , Changelly or Gemini. Investors can then use their newly-acquired Ethereum or Bitcoin to purchase Waves using one of the exchanges listed above. Receive News & Ratings for Waves Daily – Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts’ ratings for Waves and related companies with MarketBeat.

com’s FREE daily email newsletter . «.

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