
Things that I was putting out to the general public breaking down in extreme detail my psychological approach to these markets my fundamental aspect and the way that I view the markets fundamentally and then also my technical analysis approach and I want to really capitalize on the order that I have These in all…

Things that I was putting out to the general public breaking down in extreme detail my psychological approach to these markets my fundamental aspect and the way that I view the markets fundamentally and then also my technical analysis approach and I want to really capitalize on the order that I have These in all right this is the order in which I firmly believe that the market should be approached in the sense of um the import the most important aspect of your trading to the least uh most important aspect of your trading now the thing that I’ve realized the most after Being in these markets for almost eight years now is that people have this inverse they think that technical aspect of trading comes first and will make them the most successful then they think fundamentals and then they Place psychological analysis at the end I’m going to show you all again how I’m able To capitalize on Market movements in this space as accurate as we do here at Cypress utilizing these three Market approaches in order now I know that everybody here first off that’s watching is not an xrp day trader like myself so even if you’re not a day trader you can Still utilize this Market approach and all markets across the board whether you trade stocks you know Commodities um Forex crypto it doesn’t matter and then even if you’re a long-term hodler just understanding the market environment that we’re in and learning something about these markets and how They move will keep you in this game longer so even if you are not a day trader intraday Trader like myself here at Cypress where I buy xrp sell it for profit and then re-implement the capital into the market but then also at the same time I have a separate portfolio Where I day trade on a leveraged account you can still take something valuable away from this lesson that I’m going to give we have some of the cyprex students on this call as well so let’s jump in if you enjoy these video breakdowns smash that Thumbs Up Button if you learned Something valuable make sure that you’re subscribed to the platform so you don’t miss out on any of our future videos so first we’re going to go over psychological analysis but why am I even showing you all this uh potential breakdown right here okay so the reason being is because yesterday At a specific time increment in the market I tweeted this out to you guys now you guys can see when that tweet was at it was at 10 13 p.m so roughly about 13 minutes after 10.now the Cypress students know all about the time efficiency Paradigm we’re Not going to get into that but this was 13 minutes after a Time efficiency Paradigm and the reason why I tweeted this out has to do with what I was seeing in the market psychologically what I was seeing in the market fundamentally at the time and what I was Seeing in the market via the technical aspect of things at the at that time as well so you can see right here where I tweeted this out to you guys and how extremely important it is to make sure that you’re following people that know what they’re talking about in the market And time and time again I attempt to show you all that I know what it is I’m talking about in the form of fundamental psychology psychological and technical analysis okay so right after I tweeted this out to you guys letting you know again let’s go over this tweet in detail Specifically I said understand 95 of transactions are still due to speculative day trading which means eventually profit taking will occur capitalize on current market fluctuations because when institutional money comes into this space who knows what type of price action we will see this recent price pump is still just large position Day Traders and has barely anything to do with these digital assets and their underlying utility be prepared for profit taking events that cause downturns in this market it’s always good to have a heads up and a heads up never hurt anybody and again it’s got you know some decent engagement on Twitter and Specifically paying attention to the time that I tweeted this out to you all I now want to go into detail showing you all backing what it is that I’m saying and why I put information out on Twitter at specific times in the market okay just to show you guys that I put my Money where my mouth is at so first again just showing you guys where I tweeted that out yesterday prior to the start of London session right at a top we’re going to get into the technical aspect of things I’m going to show you all what I was seeing in the form of That but first psychology all right so what I was seeing is that yesterday on the 19th of July we were seeing massive retail fundamentals come out where again the majority of the retail heard does not understand the current market landscape that we operate in letting you Guys know again on Twitter who runs this market right now large Market participants that are day trading 95 of transactions are due to speculative day trading that means when we see price fluctuations we see you know bullish order flow in this market that breaks previous Market structure we create new Highs in the market regardless if they’re intraday highs or new all-time highs you have to expect that these people that are in control of the market right now are going to attempt to pool profit okay and so when that happens you need to be able to capitalize on that Why I’ve explained in previous video breakdowns that in this bear Market because we’re still currently in a bear Market at least until you know obviously of course we’ve confirmed that we’re out of the bear Market who knows maybe the bottom is in maybe it’s not whatever the Case may be I’m not going to debate on that but you can grow your xrp backs you don’t have to just sit on 10 000 xrp you can allocate a certain amount of xrp that you’re willing to day trade with maybe that’s only a thousand xrp and you Can take profits and then re-implement that money back into the market at least that’s what I do here at cyberx to grow my portfolio that’s how I’ve come to be in the top one percent of xrp holders it’s not because I consistently put cash into xrp no it’s because I take profit When profit taking potential comes into this market and then I re-implement that profit and that’s how over the past couple of years I’ve been able to scale my xrp portfolio you can either take that information or leave it sit on your current bag or attempt to be you know a Top three to one percent of xrp voters all right so what I was saying psychologically let’s just go over this I’m really going to blow your mind we have this guy right here egrag crypto but what I want you to pay attention to is the outrageous price prediction that He made xrp 7 Day 777 increase okay now I’m not saying that this couldn’t happen because at the end of the day I’m not here to debate that if it does so be it what I want you all to focus in on is the amount of Engagement this got again the retail herd Not understanding that when you see these types of fluctuations there are psyops in this market space that monitor Twitter they monitor YouTube they monitor and if you think that they don’t I’m telling you all right now they do look at this 247 000 views tweeted out okay also we have another individual crypto Boot same thing giving massive bullish price predictions forty dollars by September again I’m not debating if or if not this could happen who’s to say I’m not that person I’m just attempting to show you all how I used psychology to understand that most likely the market Was going to see some type of profit taken okay we also had this 300 000 views almost in the form of Engagement and this was tweeted out on July 19th so just yesterday okay so again trading against the retail herd mindset the retail herd thinks that these bullish Price action targets are going to come under fruition tomorrow and that is not a realistic perspective to have why because we know institutional investors are not here yet this is an article a fundamental straight from tradingview.com you can you can literally go and read and update yourself It says however even as open interest on xrp grows the cryptocurrency is rapidly losing trading volume right I capitalized on that information this decrease in volume could be due to Market participants reassessing their positions after the initial excitement surrounding the recent court decision favoring Ripple Labs xrp’s price rally May have been fueled by retail Traders but the decrease in volume suggests that institutional investors remain cautious I’m going to also show you all through fundamentals again how these large Market participants are still sitting in cast or still buying into the US dollar based off of fundamentals and things of that nature Institutional Investments are often seen as a critical Catalyst for sustained price rallies in the cryptocurrency market these large-scale investors can provide sustainability liquidity and contribute to overall Market stability as it stands xrp has yet to attract significant institutional interest I don’t agree with that I think that they Are interested but they’re still sitting on the sidelines they’re just not utilizing it for its underlying utility quite yet but they definitely know and are interested in it which may be a limiting factor in its capacity to enter into a true Bull Run so obviously of Course we won’t see a true Bull Run on xrp these massive price predictions that these individuals are predicting again manipulating the majority of the retail heard by not telling them that institutional money is not here yet and it won’t be here until they have regulatory clarity now they think that because xrp got Deemed a non-security that’s regulatory Clarity that is some regulatory Clarity but it is not Global regulatory Clarity it is not a Level Playing Field right a Level Playing Field means that the whole entire Global jurisdiction no matter where it is that you trade in the market In the world all operates on the same exact or at least a similar um regulatory landscape and that is yet to come into fruition multiple jurisdictions all over the world are at disagreements with each other some jurisdictions all over the planet rather it’s in the United States United Kingdom The EU Australia have yet to come into fruition have yet to be officially signed off on and institutions know that so they’re cautious why because right now crypto is the most riskiest asset class on this planet and bank and institutions are very risk aware that is The number one thing if you go talk to any bank if you go talk to any asset manager the number one thing that they focus on is risk management guaranteed so anyways while the price surge has been impressive the more substantial story lies in xrp Rising open interest Is this could potentially indicate that a broader more sustainable rally could be on Horizon right could be on the horizon that said Market participants should be mindful of decreasing trading volume in the lack of substantial institutional flows I of course was one of those individuals that was aware of This what does that mean profit taking after a recent bullish pump now who’s to say when that profit taking is going to end and when the market could turn around I’m not here to debate that I’m here to implement the things that I utilize in the market to build my xrp Bags over time to dominate in the space so that way when we truly do see 40 xrp I can retire okay if you if you let me put it to you this way if you need xrp to go higher than forty dollars personally in my opinion you don’t have Enough xrp you’re not capitalizing on the market opportunities that are presenting themselves for you to build your xrp bags okay and that’s just the fact that’s just a fact in my personal opinion okay so let’s move on let’s go to fundamentals so that’s how I was utilizing uh psychological analysis right trading Against the retail herd of the whole entire retail space right 200 and some odd thousand views on this tweet thinking that the Market’s going to go super higher uh and then we had almost 300 000 views on this tweet thinking that the Market’s going to go higher SO Trading against that herd mentality okay again I’m not here to debate that long term those price targets couldn’t come into fruition because obviously of course you all know my belong my long-term perspective on xrp is bullish however that is not the market that we are operating in right now we are Operating in a day trading environment so you knowing that should capitalize on the information if you’re not then again you’re not reaching your full potential in this market so fundamentals fundamentally we had this is this is forexfactory.com anybody can go access this this is for free okay yesterday I was looking at the Fundamentals that were set to come out on Thursday which is today July 20th at time of recording we had unemployment claims coming up okay so let me break down fundamentally what happened so again I tweeted this out to you all yesterday prior to the start of the London session because I knew that Fundamentals were coming out for the United States dollar and I also knew that if they came out in support of the US economy or in support of the US dollar that investors were then going to seek to take profit from riskier assets like crypto and Implement that Capital Into the dollar which is exactly what happened okay just to show you guys a chart comparison yesterday and again we’re going to go into the technical aspect of things but yesterday look at this when I tweeted this out to you all I noticed technical analysis I noticed That the market did not break on the dxy a preview previous bullish leg which we’ll get into in a second when we break down technicals and I also knew that fundamentals were going to come out surrounding the US dollar today on Thursday which we obviously of course Saw positively impact the price of the dxy okay which of course we saw outflows in the crypto market and inflows into the dxy so let me break that down for you real fast again anybody can go and check out these fundamentals so unemployment claims came out all right You can go you can click on this you can read the fundamentals mentally and psychologically let me break this down and just so you understand fundamentals so over the course of Wednesday and Thursday the US dollar experienced a temporary surge in strength despite mixed economic data and geopolitical concerns So some of the factors that drove temporary strength to the US dollar number one we had positive employment data the decline and weekly initial job loss claims to 228 000 from 237 000 indicated a healthier labor market leading to an increase in confidence in the U.S economy better than expected Weekly job loss claims data boosted investor sentiment attracting Capital flows into the US dollar as a safe haven asset that’s one of the main factors that we saw today as to why the dxy gained strength again the currency basket or the index for the DX for the US dollar that shows you the strength of the dollar and we saw outflows of more riskier assets like crypto okay and when you understand this information you can capitalize on this again ask yourself the question had you have put let’s just say a thousand dollars into xrp back at the beginning of yesterday’s Trading day that money would have been up a few percentages now again let’s say you don’t have enough money in the form of cash flow to put into xrp which you could have done as you could have pulled profit knowing this information that I’m breaking down for you today and Re-implemented that profit into xrp now to grow your xrp bags again this isn’t everybody’s Market approach but instead of using your hard-earned capital you can do this by taking profit understanding what current market environment we operate in which is a day trading environment okay we are not in a Long-term hodlers environment right now where institutions are here to pump your backs that is not what these institutions are here to do right now okay so with that being said moving on we also sell Rising U.S yields The Benchmark 10-year U.S treasury bond yield climbed above 3.8 percent and investors saw Higher returns and U.S assets thereby increasing the demand for the US dollar as well we also had a corrective bounce which I’ll go over in the form of technical analysis off the 15-month low that was just printed on the dxy okay and then last but not least all right you guys Need to understand that the temporary decline in crypto currency values obviously of course the strength of the US dollar creates downward pressure on risk on assets okay that’s one thing you need to understand then we also had geopolitical concerns but we’re having China and U.S tensions Um actually as a matter of fact I think that there was a fundamental article on um Forex Factory about it but the U.S preparation to curb Investments and AI chip exports to China we had that tension going on and that can amplify the risk off sentiment okay again Remember we talked about in previous leader breakdowns risk on risk off crypto is a risk on currency that means if investors are more inclined to take on risk they will then put their money in crypto assets because crypto is a riskier asset however this China U.S tension caused a risk off-market boom so With that being said investors became more risk-averse reducing their exposure to speculative of crypto assets and then that obviously of course contributed to further you know inflows into the US dollar as a safe haven all right so just keep those things in mind these are all things that I pay attention to On an intraday basis to make sure that I can grow my crypto portfolio so that way when these bullish price predictions really come into fruition I can experience life-changing wealth at a 10 xrp 20 xrp 40 xrp I don’t have to wait five more years for xrp to hit a hundred Dollars right like all these bullish move boys are projecting again I’m just showing and attempting to teach you all how here at Cypress we are winning hardcore okay now that’s not to say that xrp couldn’t start to rise in value now I’m just simply showing you all why this Temporary decline in xrp price happened and this temporary increase in the value of the dxy took place okay this is me hopefully just teaching you all Less in the form of what Market we operate in now which is an intraday Market environment okay so now that the fundamentals are out of The way so I showed you guys psychologically how I was trading against the retail herd by taking profit re-implementing that money into a low okay now I’m going to show you all how I’m re-implementing my Capital into this Market at a low I am buying on xrp here At 79 cents okay I implemented some Capital into the market just a couple of um minutes ago I’d say about 35 minutes ago and I’m going to break down why that is okay how here at Cypress we buy at Lowe’s even if it’s not the low we still Buy at Lowe’s where previous banking institutions bought from so now let’s get into the technical aspect of things we have on the right hand side we have the US dollar Index and on the left hand side we have xrp against the US dollar so let’s delete this let’s go up to the 10 Minute chart so that way both of these actually will go up to the 15 minute on xrp and then we’ll go to the 15 minute on the dxy so first what I was seeing in the dxy let’s expand this chart we know that every single trading day the market rolls over roughly around When New York session starts and Asia session begins that’s roughly here I believe it’s about 1400 maybe even 1500 my time here in California okay so you guys can see this Market Gap up on the dxy this is when the new daily Candlestick starts Asia session has its session and then we roll Over into London well what I noticed is an Institutional pattern on this daily rollover so here you guys can see Asia session we failed to attack previous Market session lows so this to me signaled bullish order flow again on the US dollar and then here we saw a liquidity grab Beneath Lowe’s which again is an institutionalized pattern the market maker is the only people with the amount of money to move and manipulate price like this this low right here you guys can see was liquidated the market makers dropped price to buy at a discount from where they were previously buying from And then they sent price higher creating a bullish Market continuation or higher highs and higher lows with that being said we then rolled over into the trading session where I tweeted that out to you guys so here you guys can see roughly at about 10 13 PM looking down At the bottom of my charts prior to this trading day’s London session was where I put that tweet out to you guys so roughly when price action was here so what I was seeing on the dxy was all of this previous day’s bullish price action New York sessions selling Their positions London and Asia session taking buys from where they bought from the previous day remember this is where the previous day Asia’s session was buying from well the next day’s Asia session they were simply just buying from the same exact areas where they bought from the previous day in the form Of discounts okay I also knew that those fundamentals were going to come out during the New York session trading session so think about it if there’s fundamentals coming out to potentially support the dxy and the bankers are buying look at this Asia session and London session got the opportunity to Buy before the fundamentals came out during New York session what does that mean that means that they already know what the fundamentals are going to be in support of the US dollar these banking institutions get fundamentals way before anybody else does promise you that and You can see that in price action you can tell this because they wouldn’t have been buying at a discount from where they bought from the previous day if this news wasn’t going to come out in support of the dxy okay so they were I noticed that this is bullish order flow Failure to break a previous low or creating a new swing low in the market this is now a higher low which to me signaled that the US dollar was going to continue to gain strength or at least I had a hunch okay again at that point in Time where I made this Market prediction telling you all that we could potentially see a decrease in crypto assets profit taking take place this is what the market looked like so you can see my technical analysis right at the same time that this was happening on the Dxy so the DX why was making bullish order flow failing to break previous institutional levels where the banks were buying the previous day creating higher lows in the market right you can go and you can look at what xrp was doing xrp was literally doing the complete opposite you guys can see here Let’s expand the xrp charts okay the xrp charts what were they doing they were setting up liquidity traps above highs Asia session rollover liquidated those highs and then we saw a market downturn which means a low in the market that breaks a previous Market structure low here’s all those previous Market Structure lows that were broken and then we had a failure swing high so this bullish rally during this Asia session failed to create a new market structure high this is now a lower high in the market so think about it okay the dxy was making higher lows and higher highs While at the same time xrp was making highs lower lows and lower highs in the market this is now temporary bearish order flow okay where I tweeted that out to you guys was right here again why because we had this bullish pump on xrp temporarily that failed to take out now For the second consecutive time a previous Market structure high this is now to me at least what I was seeing at the time of tweeting that out to you all another failure swing high at the same time the market structure on the dxy was printing bullish order flow I saw this As a green light to take profit to then re-implement my Capital now let me reverse your mindset that okay add an area of Interest where the bank and institutions were buying from the previous day so here at Cypress now let me show you guys why I put Capital into Xrp after taking profit at this High okay so if you go look at where the bank and institutions were buying from the past two previous sessions we have New York and New York are the sessions I’m going to specifically focus on because I’m a New York session Trader that’s Where I like to re-implement my Capital so here you can see during this New York session bank and institutions were buying roughly at around 75 cents let’s just round it off to that psychological level so that would be an area of Interest where if I decide to take profit I would decide to Re-implement that Capital because this is where the banking institutions were buying from before we know that here at cyberx again what it is that I teach the Cypress students is that banking institutions like to buy at a discount from where they bought from beforehand so that would be one of the significant Psychological levels I would re-implement my profit same thing here moving on to this New York session we can see where the bank and institutions were buying at roughly at around let’s just round this off to 79 cents okay so 79 cents will be another area of Interest where I would be looking to Re-implement that Capital that I took and the form of profit taking when the bank and institutions were taking profit or whoever is in control of this market so again just to solidify I like to highlight from the Candlestick bodies down to the Wicks where banking institutions were buying from previous Sessions and extend those over to the right hand side same thing here during this Asia session highlighting from the Candlestick bodies to the wick getting a general area and extending that over to the right hand side so now you guys can see why I was implementing Capital into the market at These discounted price levels so just to revert back to this tweet somebody commented right down here I want to show you this comment it’s a long-term hold for most of these utilities I get what you’re saying about taking profits and knowing where it can go and not knowing where it could Retrace isn’t great for everyone all right so you can learn instead of instead of being ignorant okay and not expanding your knowledge you can learn an effective strategy so that way you can gain more value on your portfolio long term instead of putting your hard-earned cash Flow into this Market you can put your profits into this market and grow your xrp bags in the same exact way instead of risking your cash flow that is how I’ve been able to scale my portfolio over time it’s a very simplistic approach again this is not going into Extreme detail on how we approach the markets here at cipherx this has given you a general overview of psychology of fundamentals and of technical analysis on how I’ve been so efficient and effective and accurate in this market it’s not hard to do okay this took me About three and a half years to learn and now I’ve created a community that expedites that process and teaches you how to do this within a couple of months okay so hopefully you all enjoyed this video breakdown showing you guys again why I was taking profit because the dxy At the same time that xrp was showing a potential bearish move again creating failure swing highs in the market breaking previous Market structure higher lows okay the dxy was doing the complete opposite creating bullish order flow failing to break Market structure lows creating higher lows in the Market At the same time we saw fundamentals potentially on the verge of coming out I know that the market makers priced this information before fundamentals come out into the market okay why because they have access to information beforehand if you don’t think they do then I don’t Know what to tell you okay so this is how and this is why again just showing you all I put my money where my mouth is at why I was tweeting this out to you guys specifically at this time increment how I was able to analyze price action Before all of this depreciation on xrp came into fruition where I implemented some Capital back into the market after taking profits um and again just showing you all how I’ve been able to become a top one percent of the xrp holders in this market Space by not paying attention to What the retail herd is doing by paying attention to this current market Act activity right now we are in a day Traders environment fundamentals are literally telling you all that institutions are not here yet if you’ve watched any of the panel discussions or any of the previous video Breakdowns that I’ve created on the YouTube channel you should also know that institutions are not here yet yes they are interested yes we all know that they are most likely going to adopt this technology in the long term but right now we are in an uncertain regulatory Environment which does not pave a path for these institutions to buy these utility driven assets hold them or utilize them for their underlying utility that means that we are operating in a day trading environment and you should take it upon yourself to expand your knowledge and your Market approach So that way when utility really comes in you don’t freaking need xrp to go to ten thousand dollars to become financially free okay so uh last but not least I’ll just say this to you guys stop being manipulated by the retail herd please really understand the current market environment that we Operate in I’m not telling you guys to join our mentorship program it’s not for everybody it’s not definitely not for the faint-hearted if you’re a weak individual mentally I can’t say that our our community is is uh going to be supportive of you because at the end of The day you have to believe in yourself you have to believe in your ability to accumulate knowledge and then actually apply that information that you’re learning okay if you don’t have that belief in yourself work on that belief within yourself and then come join our community our community is here for Individuals that want to learn that want to grow that want a scale that actually want to become profitable in this market that actually want to learn where to implement Capital into the market and when to properly take profit instead of being individuals like this that say That they don’t know how to do it and then not taking any action be the type of individual that takes action that takes initiative that capitalizes on these current market movements by simply Understanding Psychology fundamentals and technicals and then putting those things all together to situate yourself On the right side of the market many blessings to you guys smash that Thumbs Up Button if you enjoyed subscribe we do appreciate the love and support anybody wants to join our community it’s always here for you guys it’s not going to be here forever eventually we’re going to Go ghosts I’m going to stop accepting individuals into the Cypress Community but for now that link is in the description down below I will see you all in the next video breakdown DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS MASSIVE OPPORTUNITY! 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