China and US Must Learn From One Another and Collaborate on CBDC


Today, the relationship between China and the United States is one of escalating competition.On Oct.23, 2019, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified before the U.S.House Financial Services Committee on Libra.Zuckerberg and members of Congress had much to disagree on.One consensus that did emerge, however, was concern regarding China’s digital currency project.Zuckerberg noted : “While we debate…

Decred Achieves Market Capitalization of $180.66 Million (DCR)


Decred Achieves Market Capitalization of $180.66 Million (DCR) Posted by Trina Covell on Jul 29th, 2020 Decred (CURRENCY:DCR) traded 2.1% higher against the U.S.dollar during the 1 day period ending at 12:00 PM Eastern on July 29th.During the last week, Decred has traded 2.6% lower against the U.S.dollar.Decred has a total market capitalization of $180.66…

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