Dash Podcast 206 With Aaluxx: Dash Activation On The Maya Protocol | CoinMarketBag


Dash – DASH Dash Podcast 206 with Aaluxx: Dash Activation on the Maya Protocol Foreign Foreign Foreign Happy Friday uh sorry for the slight delay it was um we were avoiding gardeners they were gardeners were sent from the centralized exchanges to shut everything down yeah this is Gary it was totally Gary yeah yeah…

Dash – DASH Dash Podcast 206 with Aaluxx: Dash Activation on the Maya Protocol Foreign Foreign Foreign Happy Friday uh sorry for the slight delay it was um we were avoiding gardeners they were gardeners were sent from the centralized exchanges to shut everything down yeah this is Gary it was totally Gary yeah yeah I saw uh yeah happy Friday um we’re gonna get officially launched In just a couple just like another minute or so um as more people trickle in uh but yeah it’s been a it’s been a crazy crazy week and I think um three letters in everyone’s mind is always the w-e-n and um I don’t know if I could take credit Fully take credit for turning that into a meme in but it’s it you definitely made it a a meme uh at least on the Maya Discord so I’m not sure if to thank you or blame you yeah the problem is at some point uh there will be a launch and then people Won’t have purpose in their lives anymore there won’t be the next thing until it’s like but then it just becomes less of a dash thing and more of just uh the next feature like when streaming swaps when when Savers yeah when thorfi when whatever or the lending thing or all the other stuff And then back to win Moon win Lambo all the usual things but yeah it’s been quite interesting I was helping with some press releases um earlier today too so we’re definitely getting ready for just everything to go um I was uh checking on some of the volume statistics and yeah I think uh Had a few like half a million dollar volume days on Maya so far which is pretty nice well there should be daily and then should be just a fraction of what we have daily but we’ll get there still early days yeah yeah that’s for sure it is kind of a um Maybe we should say that for the let me just see make sure enough people are watching yeah there’s a few all right let’s roll the intro real quick which everyone else can see you can’t see sorry but roll the intro and then we’ll get going All right so hey everyone officially uh welcome to dash broadcast yeah happy Friday everyone I’m joined by the one and only Alex of the Maya protocol how’s it going or I should have said that right in the middle of a sip should have timed that better but yeah so how’s your week been Oh great uh a loaded week I would say with a lot of surprises as always uh but all good and uh just uh proud of what we’re doing so uh on to the next week still not over though it’s rarely a free weekend here at Maya yeah of course it’s a it Work never stops obviously oh so just remind you guys leave comments in the live chat also my Discord and I will um I’ll put them up on the screen answer them all the other stuff uh so first off let’s start out with this whole thing um Really quick to get that the the meme out of the way um most a lot of people will be asking when and is there a is there currently an idea of when the next version of Maya’s expected to launch which will have the dash integration well Um right now what we’re working on uh we’re fairly close uh but we have a pipeline right so it’s not only doing the future for the future for that and the query notes was ready uh but then you you need tests uh um that do something called smoke test Which essentially simulates Dash and then we have the regression test with those does that a bit uh more hardcore and then we have stage tests and that’s where we are now and something we found out on the stage test is that chain locks are more chaotic than they are in Uh when you have a dash testing environment because stagenet has a benefit of testing Maya with real Dash and real Bitcoin and release and real world so um we uh essentially went quickly back to the drawing board on a few things regarding how chain logs are handled uh working in Collaboration with a dash incubator a great team by the way uh super professional and I’m very proud to work with them uh about the folks there and us together we essentially came up uh with a small algorithm on how to cope with the chain locks uh for those of you Not familiar uh with Dash essentially that’s just kind of like a POS on a bow so you have kind of miners doing proof of work and then Master nodes locking uh the one of the one of the chains uh with with consensus so it kind Of is more similar to Tender mint than I initially thought so when you have a cosmos based chain like Maya like third chain like Cosmos gujira um essentially you have your note set and they’re doing a regular consensus on blocks and it’s kind of a round robin on How the block proposer is chosen now in on Dash is very similar which is the block proposing is done through mining so proof of work like Bitcoin uh but then a set of 400 masternodes is chosen randomly uh to have 67 consensus like that I mean on unlocking a block so Uh the benefit of blocking a block uh as to as opposed to just keep on mining the longest chain is that uh you essentially give provide certainty that that payment is now set in stone uh and you know you’re not going to have this chain reorganization down the line so you have Kind of your mining going and then locking blocks behind it all the time with 67 consensus of masternodes so quite interesting and is that the problem arises when uh there is a block that is not chain locked in time and how to how to handle that uh because right Now essentially what we were saying is no it’s going to be chain a lot uh but then it when it was it on time uh essentially what Dash does is move on forward with Mining and then eventually a chain lock will happen in a vlog and that will automatically chain lock all The blocks behind it uh but what we need to essentially be doing is is that part of kind of being on the lookout for the next chain lock block then follow or trace it back uh to where we are and scan each block ahead in in kind of in Other chronologically to not process well we obviously don’t want to do is order find a transaction or double spend by mistake or stuff like that uh so uh we need to we need to kind of handle that in a in a more specific way but we we got it now um We are now essentially going back to that pipeline so fixing unit tests in light of these changes of the chain lock fixing stage right now we’re fixing smoke tests and then we go again in stage test again um and uh with regards to liquidity notes we’re also just fixing a few of The structures so that there’s more continuity uh but yeah as soon as it’s the next thing uh so it’s like right around the corner it’s literally the next thing to come so very exciting we’ll just ship when it’s ready uh we cannot jump the gun but yeah it means Testing was successful by the way yeah uh it’s best to it’s better to see Catch these things before that this means stationette was very valuable uh since uh Covenant directly in minute would have been more more chaotic so uh test is good yeah that’s a it’s one thing that’s been Pretty interesting and maybe this is a good opportunity to kind of like mention a few things that make Dash unique uh is Dash started as basically a well first a Litecoin Ford than a Bitcoin Fork that then had a incentivized node structure to called bastards to do some a few Special things and other than that on the surface it might seem that that’s kind of still the case today but a lot of things have changed over the years including like for example chain locks for extra security and the way the instant send locks have performed for instant transactions has also been Radically changed many many times over including back in the old days when I was using it in 2016 or something you had to check a manual little box for instance end and it would do a 10x fee which is still very low but it was still Like it would cost like 10 times as much and then if uh if you had to make change like you had like a one dash chunk you spent half of it and other half month back that other one would be locked for like a few blocks and you couldn’t so You couldn’t instance in two times in a row it would be a little clunky and then since then of course instant send is now every transaction it’s free like no extra fee and now you can the each hop gets locked up to like something like 24 hops without a confirmation so I could Send it to you you could send it to someone else like 24 times in the space of like two minutes and it’s just it’s all locked and secure and every single step of the way and then of course you get confirmations uh but something you mentioned about like the the tenderman Consensus kind of thing it is kind of funny because uh Dash has been working on this thing called Evolution this platform and as part of that um there’s this um the uh data side chain is Big built that’s based that was based on tendermint consensus it’s actually called tender Dash because of that Because it’s of the similarities although supposedly again this is maybe beyond my pay grade but it uh it’s evolved quite a bit to where it’s now not quite exactly the same but there are a lot of those same like Cosmos type type roots and another thing when chain Locks was introduced in like 2019 2020 I believe the the Quorum selection method right the or the the signatures the threshold signatures that were used for this or some of the earliest ever BLS signature scheme signatures ever used in crypto and because of that they were they didn’t have a lot of like Standardized ways of doing that and so when they finally got fixed when they finally got brought up to be standard because now BLS signatures are used a whole lot more uh something in the way the serialization was changed is what caused that crazy chain haul a few few Weeks ago so it’s like being way too early in this kind of thing it’s kind of uh ended up being a thing but anyway just some some interesting context about like sort of technologically dashes diverged significantly from the way it used to be and I guess there’s a lot of Similarities to you know Cosmos Cosmos based kind of systems such as Maya so I just think it’s kind of interesting news yeah Cosmos doesn’t it’s not really a threshold signature scheme might unfortune do use signature scheme so in that regard it’s kind of a little bit of Bitcoin a little bit of tender mint Cosmos and a little bit of third chain but Fortune did come after a fortune was enabled thanks to research and threshold signature schemes so um yeah it’s very recent as well that’s why uh approaching started to be developed also in 2019 Which is when the llqms uh came up on dash so it’s all happening concurrently and it’s amazing how these technological advancements just sprout Innovations all over the world in different ecosystems for different uses in your case to kind of be able to settle your your proof of work uh chains To avoid so many reorgs and and make 51 attacks more difficult and in the case of torching on how to secure vaults uh on On Target chains so uh it’s it’s it’s quite interesting yeah so who knows what will be developed next you know that’s that’s the exciting part yeah absolutely There’s so many things that are you know um coming up and uh Dash just released uh and this is where I haven’t had enough time to study it to be able to break it down into really like user friendly terms but that’s just released this thing called grovedb which is a Decentralized database kind of thing that’s going to be used in evolution that essentially makes well from what my understanding is significantly a significant improvement over a whole lot of different things and um anyway just like yet more things that I have to like wrap my head around and Get everything but now we started this thing out super technical kind of or at least from my side in a uh in an attempt to solve the the very simple question of when um maybe we can move back to the question of what and so for those who just have been Living in a hole and haven’t been paying attention at all um let’s go into just what is Maya and so uh put up the the website on the screen your go-to cross chain solution so would you mind giving a very quick breakdown of what is the Maya protocol And how did it come where’d it come from sure so uh yeah we we all don’t love crypto I don’t hope though I’m not I think I might sound might have cut out for a little bit it’s a little connection problems but it’s all right so um Is this better with the connection I think so yeah yeah so uh yeah the crypto we all know and love is here to provide us with a peer-to-peer self-custody immutable solution for transferring funds um for moving money around right and when it was originally developed Like I don’t even think it was meant to be like the solution it was a proof of concept and uh it it was so groundbreaking it took over the whole world as we’re kind of seeing slowly but surely happen the problem arises when people start diverging in ideas on how to use this Technology for different use cases so we start seeing a Divergence of use cases there’s people who want to make it for payments so block times are reduced uh fees are attempted to be made smaller we look for short settlement and sacrifice some other things for that right and for Instance we have Dash some others go to uh um composibility and how to actually work and make smart contracts happen and kind of allow for a great uh many applications so you have ethereum then some others say look we just want a very simple blockchain that does very simple Consensus just to make specific blockchains for something like very surgical so you have Cosmos and you start having all of these Divergence of things and and the thing is crypto is kind of each each blockchain it’s not aware of other blockchains for it it just itself exists and itself just Worries about its own immutability and its own uses but it doesn’t really care about the rest of the world it doesn’t know it does not aware of it and thus although transactions within the blockchain are protected transactions across blockchains are not and it might seem even mind-blowing that Until 2021 so for 13 years of crypto there wasn’t really an option to move between blockchains you know the centralized fashion without trusting a centralized party a central exchange which we’ve seen are grossly irresponsible and not transparent and very much not in the philosophy of crypto so how can we do better and That’s where Thor chain came in in 2021 with a multi-k multi-chain chaos net and uh essentially enabled Bitcoin to ease transactions without trusting third parties uh with with a trust minimized way how we like to call it because you have a set of 120 over collateralized nodes essentially operating everything Transparently with proof of reserves every three days so it’s uh it’s groundbreaking stuff and truly ahead of its time yeah it’s so what Maya comes here to do you the Swap come before that so yes so but that and that was a a closed ecosystem and so all those cool Defy stuff just you know for context uh it was all like ethereum and ethereum tokens and then so you’d like buying a smart chain and buying smart chain tokens and all these like isolated things and then there’s like a lot of people get got into crypto through Bitcoin or use Bitcoin for other purposes and then other cryptos of course and they still even though there’s all this D5 world over here though with all this promise for most people it probably wasn’t that useful right because they couldn’t get from like what they need to like Bitcoin to other coin to the eth World right and so that that’s kind of what makes it different is that is that correct uh took the amm automatic Market maker concept for pools and took it to another level but again it was just limited to ethereum and the question is how can we Do better how can we actually go and store some value on bitcoin interact with a smart contract on ethereum and then go and pay my coffee with Dash all without having to go to binance and kyc myself in coinbase and risk getting Frozen my phone’s Frozen on FDX uh etc Etc right so how can we do better uh Thor chain came in with that and it’s essentially a solution to allow cross-chain exchange but with self-custody so you I have my Bitcoin on my wallet and I just send it I receive eth to my wallet no questions asked and That’s kind of the next level and what Maya comes here to do is essentially acknowledge the importance and greatness of our thoughtshin developed and say hey first off we need reliability and tendency so we don’t if Bitcoin is interaction is so important you cannot just rely on one network like Fortune we Need to have redundancy um because it’s critical infrastructure but on the second also uh increment the bandwidth of assets we can have right you can essentially just add one asset at a time and it’s a high stakes thing and we essentially have two teams instead of one right so third chain Right now is working on bringing binance smart chain into third chain we’re working on getting Dash into Maya and the nice thing is my unfortune interact because one of the networks that Maya integrated to do cross chain swapping is third chain so we can swap Dash to roon On Maya and then you can go Rune to whatever else is supported on 4chain uh so it’s kind of working like a like a bigger Network made of two little networks that are now kind of independent Sovereign and they each can have issues they each can innovate and Experiment they each have a slight difference in in asset support uh but they’re also both together are stronger so that’s interesting thing about how web 3 becomes more resilient over time and more and more reliable over time in contrast to web 2 systems where the more time they they are in the market Essentially the more corrupt they become uh web3 has kind of the opposite effect of the more time something exists the the broader it becomes and the and the more people within it it kind of accepts and and the more reliable reliable it because it’s uh it’s something Fascinating about just the game three of of of of these kind of Paradigm shifts in how institutions work yeah and of course um obviously the just having a slightly different model is kind of a it’s good to have a sort of a you know a contrast To kind of show things it kind of reminds me of like the early days when Litecoin is created where Litecoin is very not not very different from Bitcoin at all but had a couple parameters different um including for example the the block time and one thing I’ve noticed is The block time of most cryptocurrencies that came after Litecoin whether it’s Monero whether it was Dash which was originally forked from Litecoin but then later rebased to bitcoin whether it’s Z cash a lot of these ones stuck with a two and a half minute block time to Begin with and uh it might be the same maybe if there’s future Thor chain Forks they might um do the lp bonded node kind of thing like Maya in the future they might be like yeah you know the first assignment was maybe too conservative um but one thing I thought is interesting so There was a a couple days recently where trading volume on Maya was like over like 500 000 USD in a single day which obviously by giant exchange terms is like nothing but in terms of very new decentralized exchange terms might be pretty good uh but right now is at like At the very moment is there any difference in the assets you could trade over Baya or Thor chain or is it so far the exact same assets except Maya has fewer yeah Maya has fewer uh so right now most of our volume is actually just Arbitrage uh testers and enthusiasts right now He’s both uh cheaper to trade on Thor chain and has more options so it’s actually really impressive we have we can make half a million dollar volume days uh and it’s one of the reasons why I’m so excited and I need a rush to bring Dash to to Market uh so believe me Anytime spent not launching Dash is because we have to because I I really want to push it through the door because with Dash it will be the first time that Maya has its own asset that there’s nowhere else to trade it in like it will Be now Maya will be the only way to go Dash Bitcoin Dash eth Rune Rune anything that is trans minimized an instant so uh that’s kind of so that’s huge for me and I think it’s huge for the dash community so uh it’s gonna be great in my view uh What we what we will see in results perhaps not the first week of having Dash but after liquidity goes a bit deeper and some bash applications start putting my other natively and people catch on that uh the best way to get my eyes on sorry that is on Maya it will Get quite interesting and and I had the problem by the way and you you helped me out which is I wanted to we we needed to do stage testing yeah last week and I couldn’t find anywhere to get Dash in Mexico like not even centralized it’s not there so the Lord knows I’ve Been bothering the pizza people for years about this my very first one my first job when I started work living all on crypto in 2015 was writing for cointelegraph it was like December of 2015.and my very first article I wrote for them was about pizza and so I I know Those guys for eight years I’ve been harassing them for like six of the of those eight years and they won’t do it so I did my part yeah so you can’t get around Mexico you have to recommend me uh like a Thailand centralized service that uh I ended up Not using because one of our mods had some Dash around and sent it to me but oh my God and now with my eyes just dude can you get Bitcoin yeah okay just go take it and trade it for dash that’s it no no no hassle that makes things so simple I Think and it’s kind of underrated how simple that would be and the thing is at the end of the day dash is one of those few uh chains that are actually focusing on being useful for payments uh uh the only other kind of chain I could think Of that was so laser focused on that uh with the exception to perhaps things like lightning Network and Altus that kind of seek to do that for their ones uh would be Terra and we all know how that went uh but they were focusing a lot learn how to make seamless uh UST Payments for for like coffee so uh and that’s that’s always analogy I say like you go and buy coffee with us uh with that you could why not so yeah that’s that’s kind of the interesting thing and that’s what the guy noticed I saw someone complaining on Twitter the other day about Um the high fees about about trying to use um tether on Tron now tether on Tron has become very four people in the developed world like Western Europe and the US it’s very strange to people like that who don’t understand real people and real problems but tether on Tron has become very Popular in a lot of the developing world because people want to use something like dollars it’s not like you know boulevards or something that’s terrible something that everyone understands and is relatively stable even though the dollar is stable but stable in this direction but also just something that is cheap And fast to use but the problem is first of all this person because it’s a smart contract operations going to cost more than just a regular transaction because it’s a special token thing but also he ran out of um Tron to sell he didn’t understand the gas Mechanism or whatever and so he had money but he couldn’t send it because he didn’t have enough money to send the money but he did have enough money just the wrong kind of money the and it’s just like oh like those situations would be a lot better to have something that’s like You know native and fast and a little bit more purpose not just what works today but will also like work tomorrow yeah yeah I know that we still have a long way to go and I think uh that’s that’s also part of the reason why I’m so bullish on Fortune Maya like More ideas more Innovation is going to keep coming and more diversions more different designs more engineering feeds uh and the more that happens just the more change there will will be that my unfortune will need to connect so uh it just makes me believe we’ve seen I constantly added versions of designs Instead of a consolidation so that’s what makes me think that what we’re building is so necessary because uh the more or we diverge if we just rely more and more on centralized parties we will become more and more brittle and more at the more at the whims and wants of Centralized parties uh decision makers just you know raising the one and saying you’re in you’re out and uh that’s what we’ve seen as well uh recently in the US happened and it’s it’s a shame um but again and and I I always go back to this book it’s called why Nations fail Uh great book about inclusive economical and political institutions and I don’t mean inclusive in the identity part I mean inclusive I’ve seen anybody can participate openly and there’s no kind of stops and and kind of permissions uh eventually regimes that closer doors off to inclusive institutional inclusive institutions fail and that’s what will Happen to the US if it remains in that path whereas is a part places where inclusive institutions Thrive and are allowed to be uh uh you know to enter and and Thrive those are the ones that succeed in the long term so that’s what we’re going to see perhaps with uh Um El Salvador Portugal uh uh Singapore Switzerland uh where where they’re opening their hands uh and opening their their economy studies those are going to succeed and Thrive so uh we just need to you know hold on tight and eventually those that succeed are the ones that Also breed and kind of and reproduce that model in other places so like regimes will eventually be uh substituted by by crypto friendly uh countries so uh but it will take decades so in the meantime we need options and my unfortune is that option yeah it definitely it kind of makes me think Because uh so much has been made of these kinds of regulatory moves it’s like oh well uh does this one work does that one work what country works for this or that and especially like what the SEC has done in the US has been it has sued us-based companies Alleging that they sell illegal Securities or whatever but it’s just they haven’t done anything to actually supposedly harm these sorts of um things right uh they haven’t done anything like that what they have done is I guess threaten the business um interest of the interest of some businesses that are You know that are there and so it’s kind of funny how like why would a decentralized network go down in price because the government says some company in this one jurisdiction is bad for supporting them it makes no sense from logical perspective until you start to think oh that’s because the access to All this is not decentralized and like for example um if you use like sideshift.ai is a it’s a good swap service right um it’s kind of like the old school competitor to something like Thor chain or Maya and they they don’t um they don’t work in the U.S but then you Turn on a VPN and then they work and it’s just like oh that’s nice so that kind of stuff is kind of good to have um so for this next thing here um would you mind I know there’s a lot of Dash people that are unfamiliar with the way uh Maya Works and might have some like concerns over centralization or things like that um would you mind just explaining the model real quick um yeah sorry can you still hear me or not your sound is off now oh no no there we go yes making trouble yeah Get off now I can finally hear you well that’s nice a question please sorry yeah so we people the in the the this is a question I guess for the dash Boomers the old the old school Dash people that don’t understand all this new technology What’s a DEX what’s an amm and so they might not be super trusting to use a system like that they might view I don’t they don’t understand how it works so how does Maya work and is it centralized what are the the risks that people can steal the money And hack it or something like that sure so um Maya is an L1 it’s a chain it has blocks like any other chain is completely transparent like any other chain you can go and there’s blocks explorers for it and everything uh but what makes it stand out is that it’s far reaching it’s Not it’s aware of other chains and it’s actually tracking other chains because nodes that run Mayas simultaneously run full nodes not validator notes but full nodes in other chains to be aware of their blocks their transactions so essentially what Maya does is scan transactions from dash for instance That are coming to a Maya controlled quality address and these Maya wallet my controlled wallet address is uh with a threshold signature scheme of a party of nodes and it can be up to 20 nodes uh per wallet Maya can have up to 120 nodes so that means Maya can control Simultaneously six wallets per chain on dash for instance so uh you send uh um Dash to any of those uh wallets with instructions of which asset you want to which address so you say hey I want Bitcoin please send it to this address that’s in the memo the memo is Subtracted away usually by user interfaces so you’re not really building the memo yourself the user interface does that for you but essentially you say hey I have Dash I want Bitcoin and what Maya does is observe that transaction confirm that it’s arrived and do the internal logic In the L1 of Maya and say okay this guy sent us stash we’ve received it now they want Bitcoin send it from this address so we’ll go to one of the uh Bitcoin Maya control addresses I’ll send you a Bitcoin to where you told us to so that’s that’s what happens And this all happens like in a split second uh how the exchange rate is set is not with oracles or anything rather there’s actually two pulls going on at the same time pool um and these this is where the word amm comes automatic Market maker because in Order to avoid using oracles what Maya always assumes uh is that the cacao part and the dash part are worth the same uh so if they’re not in the market Arbitrage will make it be so because then there’s Arbitrage opportunities you’re either buying cheap an asset or Selling it for uh for more expensive price so I would just takes care of that so Arbitrage will equalize the prices in Maya to the market prices all all aboard and there’s no economic in the economic incentive is to make it be equal because else I have a reason to profit so um It’s Market driven instead of Oracle driven which is a single point of failure so uh all of these just to say that essentially swaps have a very short risk very small risk because it has a very short time Dimension I send my Dash I receive my Bitcoin I send my eth I Receive my roon I send my cacao I receive my kojira whatever so it’s this time Dimension is very short as opposed to for instance wrapping Solutions we’re wrapping uh essentially the time Dimension is enlarged to all the time that you hold the wrapped acid because during all of that time if I’m holding Wrapped Dash on eth under wrapping smart contract fails my Dash is now worth less worthless so whereas fortune and Maya you just use them for a speed instant if you’re a swapper so swappers have very little to worry about actually the ones that have more to worry about usually are Equity Providers the query providers are those who decide to add Dash and cacao so both of the economical side of the equation for the pool to work uh so uh these they do so because it will get a reward and uh still there’s many mechanisms to secure Those phones for LPS if you want to be NLP you you definitely need to inform yourself much more than for being just a Layman’s rapper and then you have an option if you’re an LP and you want to earn more and also contribute to the network security you can take your LP Position and bond it in Maya to become a node these nodes are over collateralized so uh the funds you’re adding will be more than the ones you will protect but your funds and the funds you protect are both used for swaps which makes Maya be very Capital efficiency it’s essentially like a Inverse liquid staking derivative typically a liquid is taking derivative I go I stick my tokens they’re locked now and I get a staking derivative that I can then pull or use C5 with whereas here you’re pulling the asset first and then you’re taking the the lp units and And it’s taking them to to run a node and that stake is essentially a collateral for protecting user funds well LP funds from others and you you just get more incentives for doing so so all of this happens permissionlessly all of this happens transparently so you can go Right now and see all the blocks on Maya you can go and see the vaults that Maya controls verify the fonts are there every few days there’s a churn and all those ones are moved proving that there’s access to the funds not only not only uh that the proof of research But proof of use liquidity proof of you know accessibility and uh yeah you it’s all very viable it’s all it’s all uh blockchain so um so who could control so I’m gonna be a with a kind of dumb sound in question but on purpose so who controls these vaults so let’s say There’s the the Maya pool I mean the dash pool in Maya and you send it in there it’s a it’s a wallet of some kind and people control access to it and I assume that there is there’s some like automated you know stuff at risk where At play where you know if this goes in then this money comes out there according to the rules there yeah but as far as like um is does any single party or group of parties have access to the funds like if there was let’s say there’s two-thirds Of nodes decided they could like they just want to get in and and move all that dash out to do something nefarious so like how how does that work so two-thirds good actually it actually requires two-thirds of the nodes controlling that wallet address to move funds the the thing is they’re Incentivized not to do so not because I’m gonna pay you if you behave but because I’m gonna penalize you if you if you do not so if the brother might have chain uh um sees that a node set of 20 is stealing from a vault Maya has access Not only to to that but to the rest of these nodes funds so my gun essentially reallocate the assets does not those notes used to have slash them for at least the amount that they stole so uh sure go ahead still it Maya even makes a profit off of nodes stealing even when Now the problem then is what if the whole Maya is is captured well the thing is when we reach a community Economic Security which we’re in the path of doing so later this year at that point in time there is an economical loss to to doing these uh because you have to have It’s usually 67 percent of of the funds of the network uh but half of that is in cacao uh so you stand to lose half of your Capital to then gain 33 percent of of the funds so you lose you end up at a Net loss and uh when the 75 or more of the lp units are owned by nodes so that’s that’s just the thing the the we have security assumptions that you can read on our white paper mm-hmm there’s a little freeze there for a second yeah but basically it’s a a game theory System that kind of keeps things um it keeps things from having issues where if people were they wanted to steal in order to just run the nodes they have to have a certain amount of uh of money posted to begin with and they could risk losing that or if you know The nodes decided to go nefarious they’ve already invested in a token which would now be created be rendered worthless um if they ended up doing this and so it’s kind of like a game theory um balance and that kind of makes the everything work if you think about it um To a certain extent uh mostly most like staked situations including dash for example have the same sort of a game theory type thing in play whereas for example um what is what is the incentives for let’s just say a masternode to behave honestly um their money right they’ve been sent They’ve invested a significant amount of money just to make sure the the network is running correctly and if obviously they they use that to start doing things like you know surveil people using mixing services or if they do things like compromise the security of the network things like that their investment kind Of goes away and so it’s kind of a very similar type of a system I’m sure that there’s always going to be some people who are already you know nervous because um uh there’s already some people will be nervous because they’re already sort of using trusting the security assumptions Of whatever uh whatever thing that they’re actually using um let me just turn this thing off real quick uh they already have the security assumptions that they’re trusting for the cryptocurrency they’re using and then they’re like okay well now I have to learn and Trust other security assumptions for an entirely other chain To swap it but uh it does seem like it the entire system works a little bit more um more smoothly um with that base kind of assumption well it seems like the um seems like the bitso folks no just kidding I’m not I’m not slandering someone got to Alex so He dropped out for a second we’ll see if we can get him back in but in the meantime um good thing that I did have a little bit of a so I’m gonna switch to um probably also meet this one but anyway there’s a on gitlab.com Maya chain slash docs slash One dash stop there’s a One-Stop shop for just kind of everything Maya right you got the the entire you know GitHub what is my all this kind of other stuff a whole lot of stuff there one thing that you should definitely pay attention to so I have personally found that the Maya Discord is one of the most uh I guess one of the most vibrantly run discords I’ve seen in like a in you know recent times um it’s it’s you know Alex is there like all the time Alex the patient I can’t because he’s always um extremely patient with you know Trolls and scammers and people like that who come and do whatever other nonsense but it it’s a great resource for just about everything on my I found it to be very a very positive and you know happy and useful Community um also in the uh the Thor chain community And let’s see if he’s back there we go Wi-Fi is being a that’s all right don’t worry I I kept um I kept uh did the the stalling for you but yeah basically as you were mentioning about the um the incentive structure of the security model I was kind of comparing It to you know stick systems including like the dash masternode system where people have to put up money and to run the network and if they if they start doing bad things they of course risk all their Capital so there’s incentives to keep that from happening So it kind of keeps helps keep actors be more honest now uh one other little um bit of question on that kind of front is um on the security front not not from like the game theory front but what about the security so for example what about the risks of Someone for example either either there being a bug in the code which causes someone to be able to say let’s just say I put in like 0.1 Bitcoin and then there’s a bug where I get depending on the the memo that I put in I just get All the dash in the pool back you know and it’s not like no one acted maliciously it just it was a bug and I you know that kind of thing happens um what do you think are the what do you think of the odds or of something like that happening or what Have you kind of done to mitigate stuff like that well that this is where we have the benefit of inheriting a very solid code base just like casually when they import a Bitcoin cash and then we based Bitcoin uh you essentially carried a lot of the security measures and and Redundancy and reliability of the code itself so uh Fortune is a battle hiring code uh for years out now uh has has had its its trouble in the past that’s made it make it more uh resilient in many ways so uh yeah for example there’s a solvency uh solvency tracker that is constantly Checking what Maya thinks it should have versus what the wallet actually has and all 120 notes are already always looking at both in comparing both numbers if there’s a difference of even one percent that assets uh pool will be halted for nodes to be able to determine what Happened and put up put in a fix for it so uh stuff like that there’s many more like if there’s a large transaction it will take longer the larger the transaction is compared to average volume so if you say all of a sudden 100 of the dashboard is being sent out to Somebody that transaction will not be signed right away it will actually delay in doing so but we will be able to see the outbound and say hey wait there’s a problem here probably halt signing and then take a look and and then continue so all this is happening by node consensus so um Yeah it’s there’s just many security measures but it’s definitely something sensitive because you’re managing assets of different people in different chains so it’s definitely High complexity system that must be closely operated by by both nodes and Dev teams so uh yeah I definitely remember because I was using um I used I was one of the early not the very earliest but I was a relatively early user of floor chain in like early 2021 and before mainnet being in the chaos net age and so um I remember um I didn’t I didn’t do very well on my Ethereum lping because ethereum was down for several months and right when like the price Surge and everything was happening and and yeah I remember I was there with you yeah I was there with you I was me through NLP as well so I I know firsthand suffered together and then I Also lp’d some UST which is you know that’s always fun uh but so me too yeah because we make the same mistakes together yeah so uh as far as all that so I’ve witnessed a lot of these kinds of exploits and problems in the past and none of them Were serious I guess super serious like they all got reimbursed by the Thor chain Treasury and since then I haven’t seen a major exploit like that in Thor chain it’s been a couple years uh or a year and a half or so I have noticed there have been quite a few like every Few months and I’ve noticed this on Maya 2 but Maya so knew that it’s almost like not worth noticing I’ve noticed some chain halts whereas more specifically on specific chains like specific trading is halted for this thing for the other thing for the other thing and then it Gets uh resumed that that will be normal yes because then people will complain sometimes we need to understand that we’re managing different chains right and these chains update just like that just that’s updated to 19 to 19.1 to 19.2 this brings changes right now 19.2 brought some breaking changes to how Wallets are managed so now we change that in the code so we you will definitely have to expect some downtime uh from for instance Shanghai update your beef uh the mempool issues uh Bitcoin had because of prc20 all of that changes things and and those changes unfortunately are not under the control Of floating or Maya we cannot say hey guys please don’t change these that way because it’s going to make me happy hot you know Bitcoin is just going to change and this happens not only to Fortune and Maya Central exchanges have to do these changes too they just uh have the luxury Of doing it less transparently uh so uh because of that uh or or have the option to do it manually also some some Central instantly resort to that so yeah it’s something to be expected it will be part of doing business in in a in a in a text Like Maya and thought chain and any other different design that seeks to integrate multiple chains uh or changes code develops code needs to be maintained and sometimes it can be done flawlessly uh like hey guys we know these changes coming up and and I don’t even notice But one out of every 10 times there will be a small issue one that small issue might then be probable without a whole thing but then one out of 10 of those will result in a lot yeah so it is normal that being said I have to um I guess bring up a concept that I’ve heard because um crypto has a blend the crypto world is there’s a lot of technical knowledge but there’s even more like I guess people stick to principles or things that they they say and there’s a lot of these little sound bites that People say on like Twitter to sound smart and sometimes they are sometimes usually they’re not uh one of the things is if the chain can be halted it’s centralized I’ve seen that being said you know or it’s not decentralized and so it might be like for example if like the Bitcoin chain keeps going right the dash chain keeps going all these things just kind of keep going um if there’s not a major exploit or problem there’s no way for anyone to stop the chain necessarily now and that’s what people people assume that’s because no one you know it’s just Decentralized man and so when they see something that where elements get turned off and now this is a little bit different for dash because over the years Dash has had these things called sporks which are things that they use to specifically turn on or off different functionality to make hard Fork upgrades Easier and so you know there’s been a few little like manually turned on kind of things that that again can be overridden um but it’s still like a little like a manual sort of a switch so I guess the dash Community is a little bit less Sensitive to like oh if it if it stops ever someone could stop the thing it’s not it’s not decentralized but so what is the mechanism for halting and unhelting chains and is there is that a a decentralized element to any of that sure first let’s clarify one thing one Thing is to help trading of a chain so we say hey if he’s you know on maintenance we will disallow eth trading on Maya and another thing is helping Maya that doesn’t happen blocks keep turning uh uh every every block and you can move your cacao move your Maya Tokens move your scenes what you can’t do simply is is trade if because there’s a maintenance issue happening so people saying hey you can hold the chain no we’re not helping Maya uh we’re just stopping the Vault from being able to send out transactions uh and this is Something just that help you submit to so an LP is submitting their assets to Maya and we that they’re they’re not only giving us their assets they’re hoping that we will be responsible with them as a network part of being responsible with them is avoiding them To be lost just because we don’t want to have any downtime because some dude on Twitter will say we’re centralized um now about that mechanism and how it works there’s actually a uh how it currently works and then how it will work so it currently Works essentially uh both admins and nodes can Set something called mimir and it’s been mirror transparent so first off important to mention all of these is very viable Unchained so I cannot say one thing and do another so admins which is essentially or team can send a transaction to change those values but notes by two-thirds consensus can Overwrite them so these it’s not decentralized it actually is because notes by consensus are deciding to keep mimir settings as they are it’s a it’s a consensus on chain verifiable its governance people need to understand melting is part of the governance process of torch and Maya but We need to be quick about it so we cannot wait for nodes to two-thirds uh uh vote to Halt that chain when there’s evidence that it can be exploited rather we rule and then nodes can overrule or they can also just rule by consensus when there’s no time pressure so uh Because of this we’re essentially like there’s no centralization here uh it’s just quick response time and then nodes can say hey you’re wrong we shouldn’t be halting if please go back online with two search consensus so uh it’s actually completely decentralized it is just unconventional and the people is people Love to make false equivalences so uh this is some similar to this thus every time I read these this is bad and we get that for instance with a dual token design Maya has my husk account was launched barely uh to LPS it’s also the governance token it was all given away And it’s all in the pools the way it’s simulating with no inflation great token and we separated that from the Maya token which is how the team gets incentivized which is a revenue sharing mechanism that has no governance rights and it’s not tradable so it’s not Actually taking the query but we got a lot of no dual tokens is bad it’s a money grab or you know fractures liquidity or or or or so many things because we try and make computational uh easier for our minds and you you start developing heuristics if these Then that instead of actually scratching further and it’s totally normal because we cannot just keep reasoning whether this table will work every time I see a table I just assume it’s a table and it will hold stuff right I don’t need to reason again but there are something Sometimes when just extra Regional is is warranted and you need to be on the lookout of challenging those assumptions and heuristics you can make because they don’t usually hold water uh once you actually scratch them so in this case yes we can halt chains no we cannot hold Maya and even when we hold chain it’s done with an open transparent governance oriented decentralized process yeah and that’s um that’s basically is very similar to the the spark system in dash where oh I didn’t hear what you said just now did your audio okay you’re just yelling at the dogs just Like all right but uh the it’s kind of the same thing with the spark system now I don’t know if now the way to override the spork system is obviously you could easily just change a couple lines of code and then the masternodes can Implement that And everything kind of you take away the sparking ability but I don’t think it has that elegant of a rapid consensus model where you could have the the Masters go click a button to override consensus and shut down the spork but also sporks have been a lot of Sparks have been phased Out as they become unnecessary over time as the technology improves but yeah generally speaking I think that’s a very good model what I think would be this is not like a recommendation just like a a top of the head kind of thing for bragging rights it would be nice for Nodes to be able to do a a the emergency key as it were to be able to to re-assign the emergency key like have like an actual intentional mechanism for that so let’s just say um they want to give it they will they they’re tired of the current team they Like that that Chad fellow who’s Big in the Thor chain community and they’re like you know what we want only Chad to have this thing and then the two-thirds consensus they just give him the key and then he can still hold it is it is it like an explicit Mechanism or would it have to be like well you changed some lines of the code in the next upgrade then yeah you will have to change the code but at the end of the day how tendering works is essentially two-thirds got sensors on on a code base and that can Be changed that can be changed on a win by by notes if they if they decide to do it uh it would require a code change yes it would but what torching is doing slowly is moving out of that adminir and making all of it just not me mirror and How that would work what my mirrors how we control these settings or the modules but how it will work essentially and there’s still finalizing the details he’s uh essentially yeah the details are still I still need to even myself understand them but essentially very few set of Notes can propose a change and have it happen but it will expire if not more notes start agreeing with those notes that way you essentially let’s say just three notes vote for it and it has a one hour expiration for once six notes are one then it’s two hours once two thirds Of nodes now it’s permanent that way uh we and and you also have the ability to even raise alarm but each node has up to three alarms per month uh so I can if I notice something’s wrong I can boom and raise an alarm and uh that would essentially override the System I just mentioned uh but that uh if it was a false alarm I can get slashed and then if it was true uh then I can get my emergency allowance back and I don’t get slashed something like that so it’s it’s still like being worked on because it needs to be Sensitive what I mean with sensitive is that a very small noise has to be able to be translated into a signal of doing something stopping passing LP it’s called signing change some value stuff like that but as it has to be sensitive in the short term but then consensus based on the on The larger time Dimension so it’s just we’re going to enact that now Maya has a benefit of being younger and younger protocols you have kind of more permission to to be in the process of handing out all of that Authority so we we still have no memir that can Overwrite us but we we will probably stay with the admin me for a year or two uh just like coaching did while we kind of expand the network decentralize it expand the user base uh since you do need kind of a clear path and a clear Direction at the Beginning stages of a project but yeah we’re in that path too and the learnings from floor chain will of course help us in how we manage that process moving forward yeah it’s kind of interesting also because um which by the way um Michael cluster hi Michael uh in the Live chat he mentions that Dash sporks are being phased out now I knew they were being many of them were being faced out in necessarily all of them were but um it’s kind of a very interesting um contrast because Bitcoin obviously is designed it’s kind Of like the OG one and then they had an early like a alert system in the beginning the very early days of Bitcoin that I believe got phased out got you know got taken out and then you know Satoshi kind of ran a lot of it and then When Satoshi disappeared then it just kind of like it’s just running that on magic I just just kind of going on and people love that sort of Mythos and to like today um there’s a lot of more much more advanced kinds of functionality that blockchains Need that it in a lot of cases warrants a lot much more responsive design a much more like you know it’s much more interactive it’s not just like well all the miners are mining at auto adjust and everything’s going just like sometimes you need these these individual actors to not just be like Machine and that’s it just like doing other things they need to like come on we need you guys attention to do things and um Dash is kind of uh it was kind of like one of the earlier ones that sort of demanded more attention because with the governance Process every month you have to actually vote on proposals I mean you don’t have to actually a lot of masternodes don’t it’s a small it’s a minority I wouldn’t say a small manner but a minority of those do vote on a particular cycle depending on whatever but it kind of Demands that Like you gotta like show up and do things otherwise you know things could be different and so yeah for some people who may be a little bit more um old school yeah that’s kind of the way it is um now another thing that Michael cluster asked um Was he just said um did you you talk about the test transaction on dash already I guess the debt the the test Maya transaction was there are we taught is that um is that in reference to the chain locks thing we mentioned earlier what do you mean um Because he’d have to explain it more but he but he said uh he says love the concept of Maya did you talk about the test transaction on dash already so I think he means like a test like a um a stagenet transaction on Maya and if he’s talking about the transaction maybe He means they’re um there was something that you know with testing as we mentioned earlier that showed that chain locks throws up some interesting kind of problem unforeseen problems maybe that’s what he’s talking about then you’d have to of course explain oh he said we saw it in the upper turn Well he so this individual also runs this thing called this website that tracks a whole lot of Dash statistics and I believe he has some like operator and kind of um thing to to watch for things like that and so basically you know he’s gonna be start To be like tracking all the Maya all the Maya stuff but anyway address but because of the chain lock stuff uh as soon as uh stages encountered these issues with some blocks not being chain locked it started providing somewhere like giving out some errors so we’ve been fixing that before We actually uh continue with Stage testing Dash so we’re we’re wrapping up right now for instance what we’re doing now we already fixed the problem but as we’re working now on smoke tests we need to make a dash test environment that seem that simulates the faulty chain Locks or the lag chain locks in other for the smokes to to make to be useful in simulating uh what’s happening so uh that’s what we’re working on right now uh as soon as we have those smoke tests essentially smoke test is Dash is changing and Maya is changing uh but we Run those mode tests to make sure that the base functionality of what they should be doing when they interact is is Remains the Same and and it’s inter it’s integral right it’s it’s like uh it’s like your DNA is mutating uh by the way I’ll study biotech so your DNA is Mutating but your you go ahead and lead to test whether it says what it should say and ignore you correct right um so uh that that’s kind of an alarm for us before we for instance launch next version and next version next version that hey there’s an issue here Attachment some update Maya made some object that broke the smoke test uh so let’s fix the smoke test so once we have that fixed uh we will now do these new version 105 and Stage test it again um and in doing so we will you will start seeing some Dash to cacao Transactions happen on stage net and once we see that good and looks good we would push all of that to main it so uh yeah we’re just going through the motions of of a pipeline of testing uh just to make sure it’s solid yeah that makes sense up so we’re talking about um Interfaces because just like the dash network is just like a network and you need actual explicit like wallets to actually make this stuff work um you do need interfaces to make this to make trades Etc on Maya so uh what interfaces are going to when when when happens which interfaces are going To be available for for people to trade with Dash on Maya so right now we have um Bitcoin ethereum usdp and usdc roon from floor chain and Cacao from Maya um and Rune through roon you can then go to uh Doge avox BNB Adam and stuff like that so uh Actually quite a large offering um anumaya we are looking to add also to jira I return and Ada later this year so slowly but surely the amount of routes you can take uh yeah and so which is which interfaces or front ends are going to be available at launch Uh so at least four wallets uh they’re already added Dash to four wallet as an asset and they’re very much engaged with us to to bring Dash as quickly as possible um we also have the rest of the interfaces Dorado swapper uh first wallet um and more many more coming uh that That should be lagging behind a few weeks and and iterating that as well so uh yeah it’s kind of like two parts one is to ship the future and then another one is to actually have it be available everywhere so you can see that as kind of like two different launches uh So yeah we first have to have Dash on maina then it’s a question of filling the pool the pool needs to be deep enabling trading then enabling other Futures and uh and then having user interfaces have that happen or or work flawlessly with the rest of the assets that’s a process everything So um when we’re talking about these kinds of front ends and options I was just showing by the way their wallet thing on the screen um we were talking about that kind of stuff uh one thing as you mentioned like roon as a tradable asset which is Not on Thor chain because it’s just you know one of the it’s the base Thor chain asset right um and so about for example swapping from Dash to roon and then roon to say Bitcoin cash and so those steps so first of all uh is this already an automated thing in Something like Thor wallet like is this going to be just like a one click like you do the drop down of assets and dash and drop down to bitcoin cash and you can just just swap that or is it uh or is that kind of a kind of future plan thing User interfaces could automate it with some centralization having their Wallet be the one receiving the room so that’s not desirable uh but very soon right now you have to do it with two signatures so you get the Rune and then you go and go and Shop Rune to bitcoin cash in the same user interface well there’s a feature called Data pass through and this future will be coming to both Fortune Maya what it allows you to do is to append memos to Memos so this way you would be able to uh swap uh for example what the user Interface would need to do for instance let’s say you’re doing uh Adam to dash so you send Adam uh to the roon wallet of Maya so they this all this is all done by the user interface so you don’t need to worry about it but the user interfaces when You when you say I want to receive uh I want to receive Dash to this one wallet what they do is send the atom to a fortune address with the memo addressed to the my address of roon with the data pass-through memo of the instructions to send that Rune to swap That Rune into a dash to the address of the user so it’s kind of two memos kind of nested into each other uh and uh yeah we’re working on that so that will allow it to be seamless and one signature and it’s very powerful and we’re highly set Device to do so because that means that for instance the truss wallet integration that they have with 4chain uh automatically can now outbound to dash then if they want to have Dash as an inbound asset then they will have to integrate Maya directly for the other way around for the other direction but That that essentially makes all of Maya’s assets outbound candidates for current Thor chain Integrations without them integrating Maya as which is called so yeah we’re working on that data pass through I’m not sure how many weeks you will take us for this it can be 10 it Can be 20 or it’s something we definitely want and will do yeah because that’ll definitely make things a lot simpler so in the meantime if you wanted to do a one-click thing you’d have to um you’d have to just have a a custodial interface I guess right or temporarily custodial Yeah temporary custodial very short uh but I’m not a fan so yeah I’m not going to promote more very much but it’s it’s also what the the ux of going Dash Rune and then doing the roon Bitcoin cash will be actually quite easy uh just a two-step process and it’s not Very long uh so yeah it’s just it’s part of the part of the part of the steps we need to be like we need to walk before we run right yeah now uh let’s get into some of the more interesting uh now we’re kind of getting into the the Technical bits of like how swaps happen where you literally just send a a transaction with a memo into a pool and just it gets interpreted by a system and there you go and again having an appended memo would be oh it sends it in here which sends it in there and then That one tells it this and then that’s where you get that’s where it gets a little bit more more complicated but that’s where the fun stuff happens but as far as so right now we’re just talking about swaps just trading and at some point you should be Able to do something some kind of interesting things beyond that so how easy is it to sort of put in to integrate automated swapping into let’s say certain and do certain like apps and services so for example uh let’s just say I am a merchant and I want to take crypto And there’s all kinds of assets supported by Maya but I don’t like the volatility because I don’t I need to be able to pay my employees at the end of the month I don’t want to take that risk and I also don’t want to use a centralized Fiat payment provider You know like a coinbase or something like that so how difficult would it be to program in like let’s say a point of sale system to every time it so like if I accept when the merge when the customer pays me as a merchant he sends me The transaction to an address but with a memo and the address is the is the the Maya let’s say Dash pool and the memo is swap for X stablecoin like usdc to this address how difficult is something like that to program in so then every single time this Merchant gets paid It just gets Auto converted to a stable coin I think it could be a job done by a user interface that the that generates essentially a QR of what the merchant wants to receive and where and then gives the option to the user to then say which asset to send And then it generates the memo and the payment to do it should be it will have to it it can totally be done on the user interface side uh because essentially you have all the info you need I know what asset the merchant wants and to Which address now I just want to know from which asset which the user inputs and censored out sensored out that’s it so um it could it could totally be done that the merchant has kind of the the QR code ready um on on their you know In their local or however you call it and then uh uh the user inputs the amount and the and and sends them the funds out yeah I can imagine something like that being um quite interesting for like an application of uh people trying to use like a truly like decentralized Financial system By just building the store Auto conversions another thing that kind of struck me so one thing I noticed so it seems like Thor wallet in particular is making some interesting strides Beyond just as a swapping interface I see them with like Fiat off-ramps with things Like that with uh some kind of a debit card that they’re talking about they’re like a bunch of interesting things that I really have to dive into deeper but one thing I noticed that I think is really interesting is they have um so no qic Fiat on-ramps for up to a Certain amount and that’s one of the biggest frictions of crypto is doing kyc so you could buy it and that kind of stuff looks really cool especially you know if you can say in the US buy like a thousand dollars a year without having to do full kyc that’s like great to get People started to to try that stuff out and it and the thing is on ramps are you know regulated and a lot of these regulated companies operate in jurisdictions where the banks don’t want to work with certain assets and that’s been a something that plagues dash for a Long time because a little dark coin privacy coin oh you know it’s an evil one we can’t use that so do you think it could be feasible for some sort of a Fiat on-ramp to program in a withdraw to dash option to where let’s just say you want to buy a Litecoin or something well maybe not Litecoin because it’s uh that would be on Thor chain and then we’re talking about the the the memos like you know the whole memo track of you know all that stuff but let’s just say Bitcoin someone buys Bitcoin and then for their Receiving address instead of just their own wallet the the on-ramp puts in um puts in the Maya pool with the memo to say swap for dash at this address is that something that you think could be feasible for like an off-ramp to do so they can sell you assets that they Don’t even sell you if you know what I mean I think it would be up to them to kind of support those types of actions uh obviously Maya and coaching we can do a lot of features to facilitate more use cases but a lot of this is just user interfaces with the ux And how and how they kind of put many things together in a hole so uh yeah many things can be done like I have Bitcoin and I buy nfts on each that can have that could already happen just people are people are just not aware of the power I thought Jeremiah have yet But they will catch on and it just will become part of the infrastructure tool set when when working with all of this stuff yeah that’s kind of the the magic kind of thing is when you don’t see when things just work and you don’t see all the crazy things happening behind the Scenes I saw something at one point um I can’t remember where exactly um but there was a mock-up of um an interface um there’s a mock-up interface that was showing a a dash wallet with the ability to send to like a Bitcoin address and so I just thought that was kind of interesting Um yeah who could do that you could definitely do that with user interface uh load uh uh definitely doable today uh so you know maybe you build it yeah all right so let’s start to bring this thing to a close pretty soon thanks everyone for for chatting um I know so great wolf had a question then I have a last question good he said hasn’t my community reached out to shapeshift on integrating Maya as another decks on the platform I know they’re currently using Thor at the moment yes we have nice well tell Eric we’ve reached out to everyone guys Now it’s just a matter of time uh things so we kind of have a list of a shopping list of what each of those uh people that will integrators want or need uh or the time frames they’ve given us and we have we follow up with with them weekly With the ones we have stuff pending or we just know that once we have Dash these guys will be in once we have kujira these guys will be in once we have uh Savers this guy will be in once we’ve been at three months with no Exploits these guys will be in so we have our list how we just go through the motions yeah go through everything and so finally um when when happens uh what can the dash Community do to make the integration a success like I know that there’s been a lot of like a discussion About like oh remember like Thor chain did a great job launching obviously and then there has been some criticism I don’t know how much of it’s warranted I haven’t really looked into the numbers of some of their chains that they’ve added have really failed to deliver like Oh let’s do Doge when those spikes were everywhere but then like not a lot of those people used it for example and then oh Luna well then of course Luna goes to you know what but so to make sure that doesn’t that’s not like oh yeah they added Dash but it didn’t Really do anything for them what can we do to make sure that’s not not the case that that the dash launch is as successful as possible there’s there’s essentially three things that are the most important use it LP it and request it um what do I mean uh If if you want this to succeed but then you end up using Dash in your centralized exchange of choice then you know what the hell number two is making the pull deeper will make it cheaper so uh the more people have uh pulls assets to the dash Cacao the better it would make the settlement cheaper and finally we need to have Dash be available so uh if you reach out to the wallets you typically use on dash the user interface is the front ends and you tell them to uh support it if you reach out To people you know on dash and and tell them to use it stuff like spread the word and request it as a future for the ways you use Dash daily because if it’s easier to use for you it would probably be easier to use for people that don’t Yet know about Maya and will make it more likely to bring in volume so uh yeah that’s kind of flash specific and then how you can support Maya well you can contribute you can spread the word you can uh LP funds of other things you can Run a note there’s many things you could do yeah you could send Dash into the dash pool with the memo to Alex as a gift thank you although that honestly like what would happen if someone just added a custom memo that just did not indicate a trade That just had some little note like it reforms it it’s refunded it refunds it but there’s well there’s a memo called donate so you can actually donate your fund your dash to the pool if you like and then who owns who owns the dash after that is it just like does that get Donated to all the people who already have their own funds in there or is it just separate or where how does that work there’s four ways to donate funds but that’s already very technical yeah and probably uh it probably people have funds to donate they should probably Just LP in instead right yeah yeah just still be it yeah that’s good enough yet and burn and burn your your Ledger of course yeah yeah don’t uh don’t mess around with too many custom memos on my I learned that one the hard way but um anyway uh everyone where could they Follow you and Maya and all the the best progress and things where can they where’s the best place for them to post when every few days uh well uh you can follow us more publicly in the Maya underscore protocol on Twitter uh for official comes and the Maya protocol.com website Um you can from there go and join us on our Discord as well Discord is by far the best resource it’s where we go in in more in-depth talks and more kind of detailed stuff and then and and comments and updates and where we most follow up With them you know latest and greatest um on Twitter we also have a Mondays with Maya every Monday um with me giving updates of what we’re doing how it’s going so definitely a good place to join if you would like to keep up with us and uh Yeah we have our dogs if you want to learn more about us docs.maya protocol.com uh you’ll find a lot of info there for you and uh yeah you’ll you’ll find wherever but in whichever of those you’ll probably find a crazy guy called Alex or you can just give him a Follow because I’m I’m very active on those socials as well myself commenting and sharing so uh you can go ahead and follow follow me Alex Smith yeah yeah thank you so much for for having us yeah no problem I’m sure we’ll do three by the way for those of you who Haven’t uh seen it yet you should link the very first time we talked for like six or eight months ago uh those are great calls so uh definitely yeah good good episode one this is episode two and upcoming episode three with Dash online will be quite interesting yeah Absolutely that’s gonna be a lot of fun well thanks for being on we’ll do a bunch of more Twitter spaces and everything else I’m sure over the course of the next few months just keep the good stuff going use my uh for people who want to start using Maya Now even though they don’t use Dash they would just go to like Thor wallet and just choose the my option when they’re doing a swap right yeah yeah they can go to full wallet Dorado first wallet swapper or Rango exchange right now and use Maya um and more coming every every few weeks Yeah absolutely Can’t Stop This Train all right great stuff guys um happy Friday don’t forget to subscribe on your way out and uh hit the like button all that stuff yeah I will see you guys next week or be in about a month for the next installment of the dash podcast but Either way um Twitter and Discord it’s always a great place to ask when so do that frequently all right guys have a good one bye-bye Foreign Aaluxx of the Maya Protocol comes on the Dash Podcast to talk about the impending Dash integration, answer some questions about how Maya works, and discuss some very interesting possibilities for instant cross-chain conversions.Timestamps: 0:00:00 Pre-show 0:05:42 Intro and “wen” 0:08:27 ChainLocks and Dash and Maya’s coincidental technical similarities 0:17:22 What is the Maya Protocol and why does it matter? 0:36:47 How does Maya work and what are the risks to fund loss? 1:13:22 Interfaces supporting Maya at Dash launch and data pass-through for cross-network swaps 1:20:00 Extra fun stuff that can happen with Maya swaps 1:28:08 What can the Dash community do to make the Maya integration a success? 1:31:38 Wrap-up and shill-o’clock Buy subscriber NFTs! https://descentr.net/nft/ Start living on crypto: https://descentr.net/crypto Crypto services directory: https://descentr.net/crypto-services Music from https://www.zapsplat.com source.

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